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Asher "Ash" Blackstone

260 CP

2 CP unspent

(former Phoenix-D ASH-0610, Skytek, medium duty model)

Attributes: ST 10 [0]; DX 12 [40]; IQ 15 [100]; HT 12 [20].

Secondary Characteristics: Damage 1d-2/1d; BL 20 lbs.; HP 10 [0]; Will 15 [0]; Per 15 [0]; FP 12 [0]; Basic Speed 6.00 [0]; Basic Move 6 [0]. [160]


  • Healer 4 [40]
  • Higher Purpose (“Medic!”) [5]
  • Luck [15]
  • Combat Reflexes [15]
  • Contact Group (Effective Skill 21; Hospital; 9 or less, *1; Somewhat Reliable, *1) [20]
  • Empathy [15]
  • Fearlessness 3 [6]
  • Psychic Healing: Aura Reading lvl 2 [7] (Detect (Humans; Analysis Only, -50%; Analyzing, +100%; Immediate Preparation Required, 1 hour, -75%; Psychic Healing, -10%; Short-Range 1, -10%; Vision-Based, Reversed, -20%)
  • Psychic Healing: Cure lvl 1 [18] (Healing (Contact Agent, -30%; Psychic Healing, -10%)
  • Psychic Healing Talent 4 (Psychic Healing: -10%) [18]
  • Regeneration (1 HP/hr) (Psychic Healing, -10%) [23]
  • Regrowth (Psychic Healing, -10%) [9]
  • Resistant (Occasional [10]; Disease; +3, *1/3) (Psychic Healing, -10%) [3]
  • Resistant (Common [15]; Poison; +3, *1/3) (Psychic Healing, -10%) [4]

Earned Contacts

1 point towards GCWE-PD Contact - While the GCWE-PD isn't entirely thrilled that the Hellraisers aren't 'neutralized', they are thankful that you rescued their people and saved an officer in critical condition. (Contact: Law (Police) skill 12, available 9 or less, somewhat reliable.) Saved the life of Officer Lewis.

2 points towards Hellraiser Contact - The Hellraisers are basically getting a less strongly contested base area and their people back. A few of them are likely to hold grudges, but they'll shut up if Bael tells them to. (Contact: Streetwise skill 15, available 9 or less, somewhat reliable.)


  • Duty (Agency; Extremely Hazardous; 12 or less) [-15]
  • Sense of Duty (Team) [-5]
  • Cold-Blooded (You “stiffen up” below 65°) [-10]
  • Extra Sleep 2 [-4]
  • Flashbacks (Mild) [-5]
  • Klutz [-5]
  • Light Sleeper [-5]
  • Social Stigma: Valuable Property [-10]
  • Nightmares (12 or less, *1) [ -5 ]
  • Overconfidence (12 or less, *1) [-5]
  • Pacifism (Self-Defense Only) [-15]
  • Phobia (Being alone; 12 or less, *1) [ -15 ]
  • Post-Combat Shakes (12 or less, *1) [ -5 ]
  • Restricted Diet (Very Common: Organic Produce Only) [ -10 ]
  • Shyness (Mild) [-5]
  • Supernatural Feature (No Body Heat, -5) [-5]
  • Dependency: $250 per week or lose 1 HP per 6 hours [-40]
  • Weirdness Magnet [-15]


  • Focused Task [1]
  • Forgettable Face [1]
  • Pressure tolerant lungs [1]
  • Rule of 15 [1]
  • Sanitized Metabolism [1]



  • Alcohol Intolerance [-1]
  • Humble [-1]
  • Likes Organic produce [-1]
  • Trademark (Prayer) [-1]
  • Vow (Always try to heal the sick and unfortunate) [-1]

[182] Primary Skills:

  • Computer Operation/TL10 (E) IQ+0 [1]-15
  • Diagnosis/TL10 (H) 20 IQ+5 [8]-20†
  • Driving/TL10 (Automobile) 13 DX+1 [ 4 ]
  • Electronics Operation (Medical) 14 IQ-1 [1]
  • Guns/TL10 (Pistol) 14 DX+2 [ 4 ]
  • Naturalist (Earth) 15 IQ+0 [ 4 ]
  • Pharmacy/TL10 (Herbal) 17† IQ+2 [ 1 ]
  • Pharmacy/TL10 (Synthetic) 20† IQ+5 [ 8 ]
  • Psychic Healing: Aura Reading 15+4 IQ [4]
    • Xeno-Reading: 14 [Aura Reading-5] [0]
  • Psychic Healing: Cure 15+4 IQ [4]
    • Cure Affliction: 13 [Cure-6] [0]
    • Heal Limb: 13 [Cure-6] [0]
    • Restore Limb: 9 [Cure-10] [0]
    • Self-Healing: 14 [Cure-5] [0]
    • Xeno-Healing: 15 [Cure-4] [0]
  • Physician/TL10 20† IQ+5 [ 8 ]
  • Psychology 20† IQ+5 [ 8 ]
  • Stealth 15 DX+3 [12]
  • Surgery/TL10 20 IQ+5 [12]

* Multiplied for self-control number; see p. B120.

† Includes +4 for Healer.


First Aid Kit($50, 2 lb)

Crash kit ($200, 10 lbs)

Surgical Instruments ($300, 15 lbs., 5B/20 hr.)

Backpack (Holds 50 lbs of gear, $120, 1.5 lbs)

Bandage spray can (2)($30, 1 lb, 12 uses)

Diagnostic Smart Bandage Spray ($30, six applications, 0.6 lb)

Diagnostic sensors ($500, 0.5 lb., 2B/1,000 hr)

Biomonitor Bracelets (3) $150, 0.2 lb, A/100hr

Suitcase ESU $5,000, 12 lbs., D/50 (Emergency situation)

Medical Supplies: Drugs and other disposable supplies sufficient for 50 patient-days of Physician treatment. Gives a +1 (quality) bonus. Without this gear, the doctor operates as if at the TL6 level. $500, 5 lbs.

Medscanner: $1,000, 0.25 lbs., B/10 h

Neural Inhibitor $200, 0.1 lb., A/10 hr

Medium ETC pistol for $900 with Mini flashlight attached ($10), laser sight +1 acc, HUD link. 3d+3 pi, Acc 2, Range 150/1900, RoF 3, 30+1 shots. Bulk -2, Rcl 2.

Tiny targeting computer ($50 +$150 for +2 to skill, Comp 4)

Compact targeting scope (+2): This video sighting system provides infravision at TL9 or hyperspectral vision at TL10-12. It has telescopic optics for normal viewing in daylight, and interfaces with the weapon’s HUD sight. It provides a +2 bonus to aimed shots at TL9-10, +3 at TL11, or +4 at TL12. The scope can also be used as a passive sensor, providing Infravision or Hyperspectral Vision with Restricted Vision (Tunnel Vision). It has 4¥ magnification at TL9-10, 8¥ at TL11, or 16¥ at 12. The user must aim the weapon at the target he is observing. $1,000, 0.5 lbs., A/100 hr. LC4.

Armored shades, $100 (HUD upgrade $50, Medical program(free))

Heavy Flashlight: $20, 1 lb., 2B/24 h

Nanoweave Jacket ($450)

Nanoweave gloves ($30)

Nanoweave trousers ($280)

Nanoweave tactical vest (Trauma plates, $900)

Assault boots $150 (TL 10)

Light infantry helmet ($250)

Psionic mind shield (Headband, $1,000, b/100hr)

Brain scanner (Scanner net, 4 lb, $6,000)

Pocket medic $1,200, 2 lb, B10/hr (Emergency situation)

  • Aware $50 a dose (3);
  • Blocker $100 a dose (3)
  • Credline $24 a dose (keeping that away from the party) (2)
  • Deep-Sleep $5 a dose (for those bad nights) (10)
  • Genericillin $25 a dose (3)
  • Gravanol $70 a dose (3)
  • Hepaclean $30 a dose (3)
  • Hypercoagulin $25 a dose (3)
  • Hypoxyline $50 a dose (3)
  • Mnemosin $20 a dose (3)
  • Musk $10 a dose (10)
  • Neurovine $30 a dose (3)
  • Painaway $10 per 100 tabs (2)
  • Purge $20 per dose (3)
  • Quickheal $100 per dose (5)
  • Revive Capsules $5 per dose (10)
  • Sobriety Pill $2 a dose (10)
  • Superstim (hyno) $50 a dose (3)
  • Ursaline $25 a dose (3)
  • Vitamins $0.10 per dose (30)
  • Wideawake $20 a dose (3)
  • Adders $50 a dose (3; IQ, DX, Move)
  • Basic (keep away from party) $12 a dose (2)
  • Destruct nano $100 a dose (For when I find bad guy) (2)
  • Eraser $500 a dose (for bad guy) (2)
  • Nerve poison $5 a dose (5)
  • Radaway, $40 a dose (3)
  • Sandman: A dose - one tablespoon of liquid, one 500 mg tablet, or a one-spray aerosol can - costs $150 (1 of each)

Alcohol $5 (5)

Candy: A bag of “hard candy.“ $3

Night Vision Glasses (“Night Shades”): Night Vision 8 and 4x magnification. $250, 0.1 lb., A/10 hr. LC4. (Back up shades, in case flash light fails)

Gas Mask $250

Voice Modulator (A good doctor needs to be unknown) $350

Audio Recorder, Digital $100 (for recording, sessions)

Chemstrips $75, 5lb

Chempatch $150, 5 lb

Chemdetector (with radiation warning) $400, 1 lb

Holster undercover $125

UTILITY TOOL (TL9^): The utility tool is the advanced version of a multi-function pocket tool. It fits comfortably in the user’s palm. The device includes a monowire cutting blade (Ultra-Tech, p. 163) about 3” long, one or more tools to open and close common physical fasteners, and one or more tools for grasping and manipulating objects too small to be handled with fingers. The tool also has adapters for various physical data ports, and can help the user to connect two or more devices (computers or equipped with computer controls) physically; it can also serve in place of a missing or damaged transmitter for common wireless-connection types. Common utility tools cost $100 and have negligible weight at TL9^. LC is typically 6, although, in some settings, paranoid governments may give it LC3 due to the monowire edge on the cutting blade. Schools, hospitals, and ports may restrict or forbid the carrying of the tool, classifying it as a weapon due to the presence of a cutting blade on it. Used as a weapon, the monowire blade does sw+1d(10) cutting damage with Reach C, 1.

$1,950 pocket money

Improving Your Focus: study book on Meditation.

Detachable Baffle Suppressor, Pistol (Hearing -1)

Sonic screen

Nanoweave mask

Disguise Fabricator

A quick disguise for recon/the mission (in case cover is blown because I will stand out as a medic, combined with my already obtained, audio recording, voice modulator & soon to be suppressor. I think I would temporarily fit the quiet role)

Tangler grenades (64mm), 2

rpg/granite_city_limits/asher.txt · Last modified: 2024/10/06 20:22 by wizardofaus_doku

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