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Fortune and Glories

Fortune and Glories is based in the campaign world of Deklar, in which the Glories are a professional adventuring guild that serves as the educational backbone and military support of the queendom of Arinthal, as defenses against threats that aren't worth sending the military after.

The Glories

Most major cities and towns have their own militia forces to handle problems that arise - whether those problems are an belligerent town drunk or a rampaging ogre - but turn to more experienced folk when things go -really- wrong, but the situation doesn't warrant mobilizing the National Army. These 'experienced folk' are known as 'The Glories'. These people devote themselves to the queendom's glory and protect it from any threats, and as such, they are generally respected. Those accepted into the Glories traditionally must be good at heart and devoted to maintaining order, but in point of practicality, the Glories accept those who are willing to fight for the monarchy and pay for training (and overlook the fact that they may well be operating on self-interest.)

It is worth noting that many of those who have attained high positions in the monarchy or its army have been Glories at one point in their career. Generally, Glories are sponsored by a mentor who verifies their good intent and provides their basic tutelage and induction into the order; it is not common for potential Glories to apply directly, but it does occur, especially amongst wealthy households who want to push their secondborn and later offspring into future Glory to give them something to do.

Team Glories

This team is currently based at the major trade city of Halverton, where they are given missions from their higher-ups until they are deemed fit to pick and choose what missions they take on.

Party Members

Active Glories that are in play are listed on the campaign page on DNDBeyond:

NPC Cohorts

  • Ilyana, ratfolk thief
  • Susan from Accounting, dwarven battlemaster, two-weapon style
  • Portia Azra, adult blue dragon (as human battlemaster, protection style)
  • Jeff, mimic (current size: Small)

Bases and Fortifications

  • Currently guarded by Rajir of the Twin Tusks, 18 orc warriors, total population roughly 40; Mountain Temple dwarves, population 20; Mountain Temple goblins, population 40; duergar, population 10; once and future king Durgeddhan, undead champion; Shockblade kobolds, population 20.

Common Knowledge

These are things any commoner would probably know about the world they live in, particularly the Empire of Astor, or about the town they live in.

  • The World of Deklar: The world the player characters live in.
  • The Pantheon of Deklar: The pantheon of the world of Deklar, including notes on which gods have most sway in which countries, as applicable.
  • The Monarchy of Arinthal: The country the player characters live in.
  • The Trade City of Halverton: A large city near the Imperial border that acts as a centerpoint of trade between the major and minor houses of Astor as well as the nobility of Arinthal. Practically all of the noble houses have a presence here.
  • The Small Town of Three Keys: A small town with a cramped inn that is unfamiliar with everyday magics, and as such is an irresistible target for student Glory pranks.
  • The Village of Marshwater: A village of forty people that was founded on the edge of a marsh, this place wasn't very prosperous at the best of times, let alone nowadays.
  • The Port City of Shoreside: A bustling small city roughly thirty miles southwest up the coast from Cragworn, in Arinthal territory. Suspected home of smuggling and illegal activity.
  • The Port City of Cragworn: A bustling small city roughly thirty miles northeast up the coast from Shoreside, in Astor territory.
  • The Mountain Town of Eagle's Peak: A quiet mountain town that borders the ocean, and now has cannon defensive capabilities used by those who wish to hide, the strangest place to find a seaside town rumored to be a hotbed of smuggling and pirate activity.
  • The Plains Town of Mansfield: A farming town that is doing its best to resist the influences of larger cities as well as the threats of orcish incursions and twig blight attacks.
  • The Houses of Astor: The 7 major and 42 minor merchant houses that amongst themselves run the neighboring empire of Astor, make decisions, and most importantly elect the Emperor.
  • The National Army of Arinthal: Responsible for battles overland, as well as land invasions of other territories.
  • The National Navy of Arinthal: Responsible for naval warfare, as well as controlling piracy and privateering.
  • The Imperial Army of Astor: Responsible for battles overland, as well as land invasions of other territories.
  • The Imperial Navy of Astor: Responsible for naval warfare, as well as controlling piracy and privateering.
  • The Glories: The official organization for training would-be heroes and adventurers and confronting monstrous threats to the realm.
  • The Guild: Not beholden to any specific house or noble, the Guild is a deniable asset of all of them, and the Empire, at various times. Occasionally acts as direct competition for the Glories, or as an excellent source of recruits or job placement program for graduates.
  • Unsorted Notes: The DM's public scribbles for reminding players of important names and similar later.
  • Drinking Notes: The DM's public scribbles for drinking and drunkenness.
  • Do It Yourself Crafting: The DM's public notes on crafting mundane and magical items, potions, poisons, and other fun stuff.
  • The Blood Bowl Arena League: Everything you needed to know about the Blood Bowl competitive process.

Uncommon Knowledge

These are things most commoners don't have time to learn, but that scholars or others in the know would readily be able to discuss.

  • The Demented Dragons (adventuring group): The players' party, as the name given to the Blood Arena Association of Deklar in their Journeyman Arena fight.
  • The Crown of Jewels (magic item): Eight legendary stones, each controlling a particular power, supposedly stronger when combined together. Combine all eight and you have the mastery of all of their powers with but a thought, and the ability to accomplish miracles… supposedly.
  • Professor D (NPC): Short for Demetrius Veldan, Professor D is an eclectic tiefling with an expert knowledge of natural and unnatural creatures, including plants, machines, and the like. He is willing to buy monster parts for a reasonable price, and is the ostensible 'teacher' of the group – in practice, he is their sponsor and makes sure their misdeeds aren't too interesting to the Glories. He knows about the Crown of Jewels and the party's quest to gather them.
  • Susan from Accounting (NPC): Susan is a dwarven battlemaster who fights with twin axes and a violent sense of determination. She seems to have a thing for Bil, if the rumors are accurate.
  • Ilyana (NPC): This ratfolk thief first met the party while trying to hide from monsters in the Swamp Temple. After some misunderstandings with the party, she has proven to be a significant asset when stealth is of greatest importance.
  • The Twin Tusks (orc tribe): A tribe of nomadic orcs and goblins led by Rajir, whom the party has encountered favorably in past dealings. Rajir seems to have an interest in Maeve and has led some of his orcs to assist in fighting the orcs at Swordhammer.
  • The Many Arrows (orc tribe): A rival tribe of orcs that has been operating in southern Arinthal, engaging in minor skirmishes with Glories or the National Army.
  • Alrax the Ravenous (ancient gold dragon): A legendarily monstrous golden dragon that had attempted to conquer the kingdom of Rosario through violent force, only to disappear approximately 1500 years ago. Currently sealed under a mountain, and extremely pissed off by this.
  • Rosario (former kingdom): A former kingdom which crumbled roughly 1200 years ago due to internal strife and the assassination of three members of the royal family.

Hidden Knowledge

These are things most people in general don't know, but the players or characters have learned about anyhow.

  • The Crown of Jewels (magic item): Each jewel is apparently meant to contain a dragon, but it is currently unclear whether this seal was inflicted for good or ill.
  • Rosario (former kingdom): A kingdom that existed at least fifteen hundred years ago and no less than four hundred fifty years ago, in the time Portia is from. Not referred to in most modern cartographical texts except in occasional footnotes.
  • Portia Azra (NPC): Supposedly a knight of the Rose (from the kingdom of Rosario). Is capable of transforming into an adult blue dragon, which may be her true form. Seems to prefer her human appearance, oddly.
  • Nyarlothan (black dragon): Former governess of Swordhammer who attempted to fool the party into slaying its current occupants minus the kobolds; couldn't resist attacking Portia and drew the wrath of the party in short order. Deceased.
  • Swordhammer (fortress): Swordhammer existed as a dwarven fortress built within a mountain over fifteen hundred years ago, intended to serve as a point of attack against armies as well as a maker of masterwork weapons and armor. Unclear when it fell, but it is currently in the possession of an allied group of dwarves, goblins, orcs, duergar, and kobolds. Investigation of the orc's trashpit revealed a society of kobolds below (identified as the Shockblades because of their new fondness for party member dragon Portia.)
  • Mountain Temple (former shrine): With the sealing of the Mountain Temple, the dwarves and goblins who lived here have moved on to wordhammer to work at further mining operations.
  • The Blue Falcon (pirate ship): A former Astorian warship with exceptional speed for its size, the Blue Falcon is currently braving the waters between Astor and the Northern Lands to trade in goods and perhaps cause some Imperial havoc.
  • The Better Than Nothing (pirate ship): A former passenger ship upgraded with better defenses and cannon, the Better Than Nothing is currently sailing northwest along the coast of Arinthal, conducting trade.
  • The Gulls of Eagle's Peak (spy ring): Secret agents of the Crown who occasionally have requests of the Glories.
  • Princess Mellicent (ranged-expert princess): The royal princess of Arinthal is missing! No, actually she's just snuck out to hang out with the party. And she's surprisingly adept at cannons and other ranged weapons…

Cultural Familiarity

These are cultures that the party as a group has dealt with successfully so far.

  • Twin Tusk orcs and goblins of Swordhammer
  • Shockblade kobolds under Swordhammer
  • Citizens of Arinthal
  • Citizens of Astor
  • Dwarves and goblins of Swordhammer
  • Eagle's Peak – Wererats
  • Eagle's Peak – the Guild
rpg/fortune_and_glories.txt · Last modified: 2022/07/02 16:37 by wizardofaus_doku

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