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Daniel Durand

Class: Rogue/Swashbuckler

Level: 5

Hit Dice: d10


HP: 35

MP: 10

Strength 11

Dexterity 20

Constitution 12

Intelligence 13

Wisdom 13

Charisma 15

Reaction +5

Reputation +2

Luck +2


Weapon Focus: Daniel receives a +1 to attack with the rapier, and can earn other combat feats related to it.

Weapon Versatility: Daniel can change his grip as a free action to inflict slashing or bludgeoning damage with his rapier rather than the normal piercing damage.

Brilliant Planner: Daniel can maintain a brilliant plan fund of 250 gold, which he can choose to invoke for supplies or services that he could have acquired at a settlement he has spent at least 24 hours in. Once he has used this to come up with 250 gp or 20 lbs of supplies, he cannot use this ability until the brilliant plan fund is restored.

Quick Draw: See Swashbuckler bonus feat.

Class Abilities


BAB +5

Fort +1

Ref +4

Will +1

The swashbuckler’s class skills are Acrobatics (Dex), Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Escape Artist (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (local) (Int), Knowledge (nobility) (Int), Perception (Wis), Perform (Cha), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), Sense Motive (Wis), Sleight of Hand (Dex), and Swim (Str).

Panache: 2 points/day. More than just a lightly armored warrior, a swashbuckler is a daring combatant. She fights with panache: a fluctuating measure of a swashbuckler’s ability to perform amazing actions in combat. At the start of each day, a swashbuckler gains a number of panache points equal to her Charisma modifier (minimum 1). Her panache goes up or down throughout the day, but usually cannot go higher than her Charisma modifier (minimum 1), though feats and magic items can affect this maximum. A swashbuckler spends panache to accomplish deeds (see below), and regains panache in the following ways.

Critical Hit with a Light or One-Handed Piercing Melee Weapon: Each time the swashbuckler confirms a critical hit with a light or one-handed piercing melee weapon, she regains 1 panache point. Confirming a critical hit on a helpless or unaware creature or a creature that has fewer Hit Dice than half the swashbuckler’s character level doesn’t restore panache.

Killing Blow with a Light or One-Handed Piercing Melee Weapon: When the swashbuckler reduces a creature to 0 or fewer hit points with a light or one-handed piercing melee weapon attack while in combat, she regains 1 panache point. Destroying an unattended object, reducing a helpless or unaware creature to 0 or fewer hit points, or reducing a creature that has fewer Hit Dice than half the swashbuckler’s character level to 0 or fewer hit points doesn’t restore any panache.

Derring-Do (Ex): At 1st level, a swashbuckler can spend 1 panache point when she makes an Acrobatics, Climb, Escape Artist, Fly, Ride, or Swim check to roll 1d6 and add the result to the check. She can do this after she makes the check but before the result is revealed. If the result of the d6 roll is a natural 6, she rolls another 1d6 and adds it to the check. She can continue to do this as long as she rolls natural 6s, up to a number of times equal to her Dexterity modifier (minimum 1).

Dodging Panache (Ex): At 1st level, when an opponent attempts a melee attack against the swashbuckler, the swashbuckler can as an immediate action spend 1 panache point to move 5 feet; doing so grants the swashbuckler a dodge bonus to AC equal to her Charisma modifier (minimum 0) against the triggering attack. This movement doesn’t negate the attack, which is still resolved as if the swashbuckler had not moved from the original square. This movement is not a 5-foot step; it provokes attacks of opportunity from creatures other than the one who triggered this deed. The swashbuckler can only perform this deed while wearing light or no armor, and while carrying no heavier than a light load.

Opportune Parry and Riposte (Ex): At 1st level, when an opponent makes a melee attack against the swashbuckler, she can spend 1 panache point and expend a use of an attack of opportunity to attempt to parry that attack. The swashbuckler makes an attack roll as if she were making an attack of opportunity; for each size category the attacking creature is larger than the swashbuckler, the swashbuckler takes a –2 penalty on this roll. If her result is greater than the attacking creature’s result, the creature’s attack automatically misses. The swashbuckler must declare the use of this ability after the creature’s attack is announced, but before its attack roll is made. Upon performing a successful parry and if she has at least 1 panache point, the swashbuckler can as an immediate action make an attack against the creature whose attack she parried, provided that creature is within her reach. This deed’s cost cannot be reduced by any ability or effect that reduces the number of panache points a deed costs.

Kip-Up (Ex): At 3rd level, while the swashbuckler has at least 1 panache point, she can kip-up from prone as a move action without provoking an attack of opportunity. She can kip-up as a swift action instead by spending 1 panache point.

Menacing Swordplay (Ex): At 3rd level, while she has at least 1 panache point, when a swashbuckler hits an opponent with a light or one-handed piercing melee weapon, she can choose to use Intimidate to demoralize that opponent as a swift action instead of a standard action.

Precise Strike (Ex): At 3rd level, while she has at least 1 panache point, a swashbuckler gains the ability to strike precisely with a light or one-handed piercing melee weapon (though not natural weapon attacks), adding her swashbuckler level to the damage dealt. To use this deed, a swashbuckler cannot attack with a weapon in her other hand or use a shield other than a buckler. She can even use this ability with thrown light or one-handed piercing melee weapons, so long as the target is within 30 feet of her. Any creature that is immune to sneak attacks is immune to the additional damage granted by precise strike, and any item or ability that protects a creature from critical hits also protects a creature from the additional damage of a precise strike. This additional damage is precision damage, and isn’t multiplied on a critical hit. As a swift action, a swashbuckler can spend 1 panache point to double her precise strike’s damage bonus on the next attack. This benefit must be used before the end of her turn, or it is lost. This deed’s cost cannot be reduced by any ability or effect that reduces the amount of panache points a deed costs (such as the Signature Deed feat).

Swashbuckler Initiative (Ex): At 3rd level, while the swashbuckler has at least 1 panache point, she gains a +2 bonus on initiative checks. In addition, if she has the Quick Draw feat, her hands are free and unrestrained, and she has any single light or one-handed piercing melee weapon that isn’t hidden, she can draw that weapon as part of the initiative check.

Swashbuckler Finesse: A swashbuckler gains the benefits of the Weapon Finesse feat with light or one-handed piercing melee weapons, and she can use her Charisma score in place of Intelligence as a prerequisite for combat feats. This ability counts as having the Weapon Finesse feat for purposes of meeting feat prerequisites.

Charmed Life: 3/day, the swashbuckler gains a knack for getting out of trouble. Three times per day as an immediate action before attempting a saving throw, she can add her Charisma modifier to the result of the save. She must choose to do this before the roll is made. At 6th level and every 4 levels thereafter, the number of times she can do this per day increases by one (to a maximum of 7 times per day at 18th level).

Nimble +1: A swashbuckler gains a +1 dodge bonus to AC while wearing light or no armor. Anything that causes the swashbuckler to lose her Dexterity bonus to AC also causes her to lose this dodge bonus. This bonus increases by 1 for every 4 levels beyond 3rd (to a maximum of +5 at 19th level).

Bonus Combat Feat: Quick Draw. You can draw a weapon as a free action instead of as a move action. You can draw a hidden weapon (see the Sleight of Hand skill) as a move action.

Swashbuckler Weapon Training +1: At 5th level, a swashbuckler gains a +1 bonus on attack and damage rolls with one-handed or light piercing melee weapons. While wielding such a weapon, she gains the benefit of the Improved Critical feat. These attack and damage bonuses increase by 1 for every 4 levels beyond 5th level (to a maximum of +4 at 17th level).

Rogue (Smuggler Archetype)

The rogue’s class skills are Acrobatics (Dex), Appraise (Int), Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Disable Device (Dex), Disguise (Cha), Escape Artist (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (dungeoneering) (Int), Knowledge (local) (Int), Linguistics (Int), Perception (Wis), Perform (Cha), Profession (Wis), Sense Motive (Wis), Sleight of Hand (Dex), Stealth (Dex), Swim (Str), and Use Magic Device (Cha).

(BAB +3, Fort +1, Ref +4, Will +1)

Sneak Attack +3d6

Bribery +1: An experienced smuggler knows how to smooth over interactions with customs officials. At 3rd level, when dealing with officials working at a checkpoint, conducting an inspection, or performing another such activity, a smuggler can make a Diplomacy check opposed by the presiding official’s Sense Motive check to ensure her contraband makes it through. She gains a +1 bonus on this Diplomacy check. On a successful check, the smuggler pays a small bribe (5d4 gp) to guarantee her cargo remains undisturbed. This bonus rises to +2 when the smuggler reaches 6th level, +3 at 9th level, +4 at 12th level, +5 at 15th level, and +6 at 18th level.

Distraction: A smuggler uses patter and body language to deflect searchers from hidden items. At 2nd level, a smuggler may make a Bluff check opposed by a searcher’s Perception check when a searcher looks for items the smuggler has concealed. If the smuggler’s Bluff check succeeds, the searcher must make a second Perception check and take the lower of the two rolls.

Conceal Item: A smuggler adds 1/2 her level on Sleight of Hand checks (minimum +1). A smuggler can use Sleight of Hand to conceal a small item in a container or room, such as the false bottom of a chest or beneath floorboards. Anyone attempting to find an item concealed by a smuggler makes a Perception check opposed by the Sleight of Hand check made by the smuggler when she concealed the object.

Uncanny Dodge: Starting at 4th level, a rogue can react to danger before her senses would normally allow her to do so. She cannot be caught flat-footed, nor does she lose her Dex bonus to AC if the attacker is invisible. She still loses her Dexterity bonus to AC if immobilized. A rogue with this ability can still lose her Dexterity bonus to AC if an opponent successfully uses the feint action (see Combat) against her.

Rogue Talents (2)

Charmer: Roll two dice when using Diplomacy and take the better result.

Coax Information: A rogue with this talent can use Bluff or Diplomacy in place of Intimidate to force an opponent to act friendly toward her.


Acrobatics +Dex +8

Appraise +Int +8

Bluff +Cha +8

Climb +Str +8

Diplomacy +Cha +8

Disable Device +Dex +4

Escape Artist +Dex +8

Intimidate +Cha +4

Knowledge (Local) +Int+8

Knowledge (Nobility) +Int+4

Knowledge (History) +Int+4

Perception +Wis +8

Perform/oratory +Cha +4

Profession: Merchant +Wis +4

Ride +Dex +8

Sense Motive +Wis +8

Stealth +Dex+8

Sleight of Hand +Dex+8

Swim +Str +4

Use Magic Device +Cha +4



Boots of Comfort

Mana Pistol with 20 MP Crystal

Pouch of 20 bullets

Two spare MP 20 crystals

Spare clothing

Personal pocketwatch

A few changes of clothes and such, personal grooming and similar items, with most of the heavier 'you plan to be in a wagon or on an adventure for a long time' stuff in with the cargo.

250 gp Brilliant Plan fund for coming up with useful items when necessary

rpg/crystal_frontier/daniel.txt · Last modified: 2017/11/25 01:59 by wizardofaus_doku

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