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Creatures of Note

Cao: This shaggy beast is similar to the cows of the Homelands, but is much more shaggy and generally massive. Caoboys and caogirls herd these massive creatures from their native territories to places where the railriders can transport the meat to the big cities of the eastern colonies.

Bonq: A massive flightless bird which is capable of carrying demihumans with ease and humans with difficulty, notoriously bad-tempered unless tamed while young. The orcs of the Savage Lands are known to be capable of taming adult bonqs via expressions of dominance such as headbutting.

Bar: What do you get when you take the owl out of an owlbear and replace it with much more bear? You get a bar, as the frontiersmen will tell you. The grisly bar is an intentional mangling of the 'grizzly bear' nomenclature, and is a murderous creature that craves alcohol as much as normal bears crave honey and other high-energy foods. As a result, this savage creature often runs afoul of any civilization with a poorly positioned tavern or brewery. Panda bars are known to exist in the Down Under as proof that anything the frontiers can do, the Down Under can do more cutely and crazily.

Ragon: It's unclear whether the person who first named the ragon was thinking of the great dragons of the east when they named these creatures, or was intending to capture the irrepressible rage they seem to carry into combat. They live in the mountainous regions of the Western Territories, and are bipedal lizards capable of slashing with front talons and biting with jaws filled with razor-sharp teeth. Some demihumans have been attempting to domesticate and ride them with mixed results.

rpg/crystal_frontier/creatures.txt · Last modified: 2017/11/21 17:28 by wizardofaus_doku

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