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Character Building

New or Existing Stats

HP: HP is maximum for level 1, and increases by half of maximum for each level earned, plus Constitution. Thus a class with a maximum hit die of d8 would receive 8 HP at first level, and 4 HP per level thereafter.

MP: This is the number of Magic Pulses a character can generate. This is based on the rules for vitalizing spell points; a character becomes fatigued when they have expended half of their MP, and exhausted at a quarter of MP or less. By resting for one hour, an exhausted character becomes fatigued and regains MP up to 1/3 maximum; two hours will restore MP up to 2/3 maximum and remove the fatigued condition. A full eight hours of rest is needed to restore MP to maximum. Likewise, anything that causes the fatigued condition reduces MP to half, and exhausted reduces MP to one fourth maximum at most. Under this system, a level 0 cantrip uses a single MP, a level 1 spell uses 10 MP, a level 2 spell uses 30 MP, a level 3 spell uses 50 MP, etc., and spellcasters have an effective MP maximum based on the number of spells they can cast. However, even non-spellcasters receive +1 MP per ability bonus; someone with a 12 in all major attributes would have +6 MP, allowing them to briefly power a drawstone even without magical training.

New Derived Stats

Reaction: This is based on Dexterity bonus, feats, class advantages, etc, and is a positive or negative modifier to initiative. In a pistol duel, initiative controls who shoots first; those using ranged attacks act before those who have to move unless they deliberately hold their action (don't fire until you see the whites of their eyes…)

Reputation: This is the character's reputation among others - while this can vary for specific reasons (local townspeople might consider you a hero while the colonies consider you a traitor), this is usually summed up by a positive or negative modifier that is applied to people's reactions and skill rolls that rely on them.

Luck: This is a measure of the character's favor with the gods and their general karma. Note that this may be radically different than their reputation; someone can be thought of highly by the community yet have secret darkness, or be an enemy of the people yet firmly on the side of good as far as the gods are concerned.


This is a goal for the character to strive towards, one that defines their behavior and outlook on life. They receive small bonuses on actions related to this goal.


This is a difficulty one must frequently overcome - for example, some racial origins may cause problems for characters due to the views of society, while others might have an enemy or rival to worry about.

New Classes

Gunslinger: Those who have grit and use it to accomplish impressive deeds with firearms of any caliber, as well as modified archetypes (Mysterious Stranger for those who use Charisma instead of Wisdom, for example.)

Swashbuckler: A class for those who wish to be swashbuckling heroes – synergizes well with Gunslinger, and has similar class effects for close range.

New Races

Creating New Races: Otherwise known as 'how to build your own wanderkin or winged elves or anything else for that matter.'

Wanderkin: 10 RP

Humanoid / elf subtype

Small size (+1 AC, +1 atk, -1 maneuvers/CMD, +4 stealth.)

Base speed Normal

Flexible: +2 Dex, +2 Wis


Eternal Hope (+2 vs fear/despair, reroll 1 once per day)

Curiosity (+4 on Diplomacy, Knowledge History/local are class skills, gain +2 bonus on those skills if their class has them)

Darkvision 60 feet

Silver-Tongued (+2 on Diplomac and Bluff checks, and can shift by up to three aspects instead of two)

Dragonborn: 18 RP

Humanoid / reptilian type

Medium size

Normal speed

Flexible: +2 Str, +2 Con

Standard Languages

Fearless: +2 vs Fear effects

Hardy: +2 racial bonus against poison, spells, and spell like abilities.

Natural Armor: +1 AC

Improved Natural Armor: +1 AC

Stability: +4 to CMD when resisting bull rush or trip attempts

Bite: d3 bite attack

Relentless: +2 to bull rush/overrun an opponent standing on the ground

Darkvision 60 feet

Prehensile Tail: Cannot wield weapons but can retrieve objects as a swift action.

Breath Weapon: d6 damage of the target elemental type in a 15 foot cone once per day, Reflex save vs 10 + 1/2 level + Con mod to avoid.

Gatecrasher: +2 racial bonus on Strength checks to break objcts and combat maneuver checks to sunder.


Tiefling - 12 RP

Outsider (native)

Medium Size

Base speed normal

Flexible: +2 Cha, +2 Int

Fiendish Resistance: Cold resistance 5, electricity resistance 5, fire resistance 5.

Darkvision 60 feet

Skill Bonus: Bluff +2

Skill Bonus: Stealth +2

Winged Elves

Winged Elf - 9 RP

Humanoid - Elf subutype

Medium size

Flexible: +2 Dex, +2 Cha

Standard languages

Elven immunities: immune to sleep effects, +2 vs enchantment spells and effects

Gregarious: When members of this race succeed at Diplomacy, target receives -2 to resist user's Charisma skills for next 24 hours.

Elven Magic: +2 bonus on caster level to overcome spell resistance, +2 bonus on Spellcraft checks to identify magic items.

Gliding Wings: Members of this race take no damage from falling (as if subject to a constant non-magical feather fall spell). While in midair, members of this race can move up to 5 feet in any horizontal direction for every 1 foot they fall, at a speed of 60 feet per round. A member of a race with gliding wings cannot gain height with these wings alone; it merely coasts in other directions as it falls. If subjected to a strong wind or any other effect that causes a creature with gliding wings to rise, it can take advantage of the updraft to increase the distance it can glide.

Weapon Familiarity: Bows and Longswords.

Low-Light Vision: See twice as far in dim light.

rpg/crystal_frontier/characters.txt · Last modified: 2017/11/27 15:01 by wizardofaus_doku

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