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PAA Places: Twilight Jubilee

Jubilee Island was once a beautiful amusement park… back in the fifties. After a bit of extensive spirit removal, the Boss has taken it over through his intermediary, Eadbhard McCrae McCathail, and is operating it as a private resort for an exclusive clientele. The rides and games are back in operation, but supposedly the only way onto the Island is by invitation through a private ferrying service, and the island seems to be Halloween-themed. Many of the original rides and exhibits have been rebuilt, refurbished, and restaffed.

Jubilee Island Map

The entire island is a Place of Power, as anyone capable of detecting such things will clearly be able to sense; any visitor to the park can access an additional 10 Essence per day just by being on park property; those associated with the current owner can access an additional 50 Essence per day while on the property, and whoever actually controls the property can tap the entire unspeakably vast sum at once if they have the right capabilities.


Twilight Jubilee has dormitory quarters for 24 full-time staff members that work specifically as carnival operators on-site, as well as a large office suite for Eadbhard McCrae McCathail to work from. In addition to repairing the docks and buildings, as well as fixing or replacing the various rides and amusements around the park, Eadbhard has made a few additions such as:

  • A visible power generator installed near the docks.
  • An 'emergency' power generator installed by the amusement tent, consisting of a giant wheel.
  • A steel-covered ramp leading to an underground hangar, which in turn opens to the sea. The ferry can thus directly dock here to bring large vehicles up instead of precariously docking at the passenger docks.
  • A series of thirteen columns rising out of the sea and encircling Twilight Jubilee to mark the 'No Wake' zone around the area.
  • A first aid station to handle minor injuries at the park.
  • A radio broadcast tower to call in emergency situations.
  • A safe holding area for lost children while their parents are called (or while the police are notified, for cases of child abandonment.)


Twilight Jubilee operates as a sort of safe haven for supernatural entities, both those in the Boss's (and Eadbhard's) employ, and those just visiting. As long as they mind their manners, they're welcome to visit, let their hair down, and enjoy a good time. What happens at the Jubilee stays at the Jubilee.

rpg/charloft/worlds/postatlantic/places/jubilee_island.txt · Last modified: 2017/06/17 02:41 by

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