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The World of Kyrael

Motorcycle + Pokemon that can fly = awesome.

Professor E

The boss has a particularly bad sense of humor. His care packages include a very small assortment of local goods and services, including the following:

  • Backpack. This dark purple and black pack looks vaguely ominous. It also holds a surprising amount of gear.
  • Trainer's Card: This card gives you legal authorization to purchase Pokemon-related goods and services. It contains your picture, first name, and a unique series of 15 numbers.
  • Pocket Pidgey - A small pistol with a long barrel. Extremely high range for a pistol, 12 damage, holds 13 shots.
  • Pokeballs. Each party member is given five

empty Pokeballs, as well as one Pokeball that has

an appropriate 'mon in it. These mons are Young

(use 10% of Best Stats.)

– Revive Spray. Wakes up a fainted Pokemon. One

canister is good for three uses. Also restores a

fallen Pokemon to 25% of max HP.

– First Aid Spray. Heals a wounded Pokemon or

Trainer. One canister is good for five ten-second

sprays. Restores 10% of lost HP (if entire ten

seconds used).

– Candy Bar. Heals a wounded Pokemon or Trainer.

A full Candy Bar restores 25% of lost HP, and

takes one turn to consume.

– Water Bottle. Heals a wounded Pokemon or

Trainer. Each quarter of the Water Bottle takes

one turn to consume, and restores 5% of lost HP.

Scyther Max Start – Richard HP 344 34 Atk 350 35 Def 284 28 SpAtk 229 22 SpDef 284 28 Spd 339 33

— Vacuum Wave (Fighting, Special, power 40, acc

100%, priority +1, -1%HP) — Leer (Normal, Status, power –, acc 100%,

priority 0, -2%HP, Def-1) — Quick Attack (Normal, Physical, power 40, acc

100%, priority +1, -1%HP)

Delibird Max Start – ? HP Atk Def SpAtk SpDef Spd


Ekans Max Start – Spike HP 274 27 Atk 240 24 Def 205 20 SpAtk 196 19 SpDef 227 22 Spd 229 22

Wrap Leer

Geodude Max Start – Arthur HP 284 28 Atk 284 28 Def 328 32 SpAtk 174 17 SpDef 174 17 Spd 152 15

Ponyta Max Start – Fritz HP 304 30 Atk 295 29 Def 229 22 SpAtk 251 25 SpDef 251 25 Spd 306 30

Growl Tackle (pow 50, acc 100%, -2% HP)

Grimer Max Start – ? HP 364 36 Atk 284 28 Def 218 21 SpAtk 196 19 SpDef 218 21 Spd 163 16

Poison Gas Pound

Aron Max Start - ? HP 304 30 Atk 262 26 Def 328 32 SpAtk 196 19 SpDef 196 19 Spd 174 17

Tackle (pow 50, acc 100%, -2% HP)

Move PPs: (round up) 40 -2 PP 35 -3 PP 30 -4 PP 20 -6 PP 15 -8 PP 10 -10 PP 5 -15 PP

Critical Hit!: Occurs on a natural 10, or a success by 10 or more.

Track Wounds and Fatigue separately.

Sal also possesses the following items: – PowerCycle - A folding electric motorcycle

capable of very high speeds. There is a port on

the side where it can be recharged via electric

attacks. – Staravia Hand Cannon - A very large pistol that

has a hefty recoil (-2 to successive shots), and

inflicts very high damage (20 damage). 10 shots,

Sal has two spare clips.

Act I: Surviving the Tall Grasses

Random encounters –

Ratatta Swarm - 5 wild Ratatta (20%). These

Ratatta swarm around the party, sniffing and

growling, but will not directly attack unless the

PCs move to resist.

Operative Wristop

A wristop computer used by Operatives of the

Defenders of Tranquility. Aside from having the

standard functions of a watch, the Wristop also

serves as a personal PC and Pokemon storage

device, and can network with other systems through

a satellite connection. The global networking

doesn't work in areas of high magnetism, signal

traffic, or deep underground, though.

Pocket Pidgey

A small pistol built for range over damage, with a

low caliber and a long barrel. Holds 12 shots per

clip plus one in the chamber.

The Fearow Special

This deadly handgun is large and comes complete

with an attachment point for the barrel cover - a

sharp blade that can be used for a deadly slashing

attack. A weapon of intimidation used by brutes

and enforcers.

Starly Six-Shooter

This little revolver packs a powerful punch.

Staravia Hand Cannon

This is a large pistol that delivers a very

powerful blast, and fires from a clip of ten


Doduo-10 Shotgun

This double-barreled shotgun is used by

frontiersmen and some sport hunters, and has a

stylized Doduo carved into the handle near the

breech. It is generally considered sufficient to

deal with animals and unevolved Pokemon that might

threaten or be considered as prey items, and may

discourage larger wild Pokemon. A Dodrio model

with three barrels in a triangular pattern also

exists, although it is not commonly found or sold,

and is designed so that the three barrels fire


Skarmory-Feather Shortsword

A shortsword made from the wingfeather of a

Skarmory, lightweight yet incredibly strong.

Gyarados Beam Cannon

This powerful sidearm is custom-made with tracings

of powerful Gyarados flanking the barrel, mouths

open as if to release its infamous Hyper Beam. The

weapon has a charge-up delay, but inflicts massive

damage when fired.

Arbok-P90 Submachine Gun

Uncannily modeled after the FN-P90, the Arbok-P90

has a stylized Arbok with fangs ready to bite on

the handle, and fires a variety of high-powered

rounds in semi-automatic and automatic fire modes.

Commonly used by criminals and terrorists, and

often loaded with status-condition-inflicting

rounds for 'subduing' Pokemon more readily.

Standard loadout is the Arbok Fang, a round that

causes damage and poisoning.

The Defenders of Tranquility

Known by Operatives as the Organization, the

Defenders of Tranquility are a paramilitary

organization of trainers and scientists who work

to protect the peace. Membership is secret (or at

least not explicitly discussed) to most

non-members. Members of the Organization work to

keep the efforts of various malignant groups from

destroying civilization. They do not technically

have full law enforcement powers, but are

authorized to carry powerful Pokemon and weaponry

for the purpose of engaging hostile threats.

Aura Power

Aura Power is a peculiar sort of energy that binds

humans and Pokemon together. Supposedly there is a

Light Aura and a Dark Aura, although this is

somewhat subjective. Members of the Defenders of

Tranquility are said to learn about Aura Power as

part of the


This electric motorcycle is powered by a compact

engine with enough battery power for one long

burst of speed, or more utilitarian driving over a

large area. It is recharged through standard

electric outlets, though trainers often use their

Electric pokemon to recharge it on the fly. The

PowerCycle appears to be a capsule with handlebars

until triggered, where it expands into a full

motorcycle. Advanced models have an improved

suspension system to enable it to safely make long

jumps and survive falls from a moderate distance.

Pocket Glider

This is a small portable glider that springs out

of a compact capsule. While incapable of true

flight in most cases, it is an invaluable,

reusable conveyance for those who expect to spend

large amounts of time traveling from great


Emergency Parachute

These emergency devices are designed as a simple

belt that can be donned quickly (or even looped

through the arms) and triggered to release a

lightweight parachute to help slow one's descent.

While not as safe as a professionally designed

parachute, anyone who owns a flying Pokemon should

at least keep a few of these handy for


Storage Pack

This compact carrying device can carry and

organize a large quantity of supplies through its

digital conversion capabilities. While its

capacity is not quite unlimited, it is still

useful for travellers and adventurers; a storage

pack that weighs about twenty pounds can

comfortably store nearly twenty tons of supplies,

as long as each individual item can be converted

into capsule-friendly format.

Item Storage versus Item Replication

With the advent of capsule storage and digital

transmission, people have been experimenting with

the replication of items (or even Pokemon) by

copying the stored data.

Items stored in item capsules can be replicated

via an Item Replicator, a device that takes an

item into storage and then attempts to use its

storage pattern to create multiple copies.

However, these duplicated items tend to merely

look identical. At best, duplicated items tend to

be less effective or more prone to breakage; at

worst, they cease to exist at bad moments,

possibly damaging or destroying nearby objects or

people in the process. As such, Item Replicators

are seldom used legitimately outside of research

laboratories, and the items created are seldom

distributed outside of their laboratories.

Duplicated Pokemon

While the best way to 'duplicate' Pokemon is

through old-fashioned breeding, some Pokemon are

sufficiently rare that people search for other

options when trying to acquire multiples thereof.

One possible solution that people have researched

is Duplicated Pokemon - Pokemon whose Pokeballs

have been duplicated via an Item Replicator.

Pokemon duplicated in such a manner are also prone

to unusual disruptions; their personality usually

changes significantly (intelligence is lowered,

and mental problems rapidly develop), and their

natural capabilities are often reduced. They are

also prone to inevitable self-destruction, so it's

wise not to get too attached…

Pokemon Storage and Modification

Pokemon can be stored in a digital format through

a combined use of the Pokemon ball storage system

and the digital capsule storage system, which

makes them particularly prone to modification and

adjustment. The Porygon is one example of a

Pokemon specifically created through electronic

means, and theoretically, other versions may be

possible. Porygon's evolutionary abilities, in

turn, are the results of focused upgrades and

modifications to its programming code, so it would

stand to reason that a Pokemon that could be

digitized in pure format could likewise be


In practice, most research into Pokemon

modification is performed on a biological level,

with Porygon considered an interesting, but

non-replicable, side development. The Reality

Hackers are known to experiment with Pokemon

modification, particularly on Duplicated Pokemon.

These modifications are likely to cause or

accelerate instability issues, similar to

Duplication, but can occasionally perform

near-impossible tasks - giving Pokemon abilities

they might normally be incapable of learning, for

example, or changing their innate type.

Pokecannon Pokemon Rapid Delivery System

A high-speed man-portable launch cannon designed

to fire a Pokemon's storage ball at high velocity

while triggering it in flight, allowing it to

reach locations it otherwise would be unable to or

deliver attacks against enemies currently out of

normal combat reach.

Black Market Pokecannon

This unsavory weapon is a modified version of the

Pokecannon that releases a Pokemon from its ball

permanently upon firing. While there are a few

legitimate uses for this, most criminals use

devices such as these as 'fire and forget' weapons

of terror and destruction, releasing powerful

Pokemon to go wild on a region, without the

inhibitions normally associated with assignment to

a Pokeball.

The Reality Hackers

A guerilla group of computer-oriented criminals

that focuses on attempting to disrupt the major

systems of life in Kyrael. While they are most

comfortable with computers, they are researching

the powers of Aura in order to hack reality


The Reality Hackers use Duplicated Pokemon as

their weapons of choice for close combat – while

not as effective as the real deal, and prone to

disobedience and violence, they are useful as

'fire and forget' weaponry, particularly when

released at a target. As such, a team of Reality

Hackers on assignment usually carries a

black-market Pokecannon to release duplicates

trained with Explosion or other wide-area

destructive powers to cover their escape.

The emblem of the Reality Hackers is a Porygon-Z

emerging from a computer screen; many members of

the Reality Hackers have at least one type of

Porygon as a personal Pokemon, although this is

not necessarily required to be a member.

Most members of the Reality Hackers are at least

competent users of computer equipment and

electronic devices, and many have at least some

skill in repairing, rebuilding, or converting them

from their originally assigned purpose.

Thorns of Kyrael

This almost cult-like group is dedicated to

becoming living gods over the world of Kyrael, by

using the powers of the Dark Aura to

supernaturally compel and dominate Pokemon … and

people. Their methods are often brutal, and they

are not above murder, torture, and other violent

tactics to enforce their will on others.

As a result, the Thorns are almost always fairly

physically imposing, as well as commanding Pokemon

designed for maximum carnage. Geodude and its

evolutions are a popular favorite, as their

moveset (including Earthquake, Rollout, and

Explosion) is geared around area effects and

catastrophic damage. They also typically keep at

least one flying-type handy for quick escapes from

a dangerous situation (and because it makes an

excellent second type for multi-Pokemon battles.)

The Thorns of Kyrael are a set of twisted vines

wrapped around a symbol of the planet; many of the

Thorns have grass-types, but there is no specific

requirement, and even the suggestions above may be

ignored by a Thorn with a powerful team.

The Thorns routinely breed Spearows and Geodudes

for their members to use, but members are expected

to round out the rest of their team through

personally catching them to prove their dominance

over other Pokemon.


The Marauders are a splinter group of the Thorns

of Kyrael, led by a man named Dave Williams,

former member of the Organization and former lover

of Saladin. This group has developed the ability

to utilize the Dark Aura, and to corrupt and

control Pokemon, imbuing them with Shadow essence

and tainting their existence. They are extremely

brutal, and equally secretive, so little is known

about them. They do not wear specific uniforms or

identifying traces, but they do have some method

of communicating with other members.

According to Saladin, Dave's personal team

includes, at the least, a Scizor (with Metal Claw

and X-Scissor), a Skarmory (with Spikes and Steel

Wing), and a Golem (with Explosion and


The Pokemon Liberation Squad

This crazed militant group is focused on

liberating Pokemon from their 'oppressive masters'

at any cost. Unlike most groups, they refuse to

use Pokemon in most circumstances, relying on

conventional weaponry and force to get their goals

across. However, they are very devoted to their

cause, and see no problem with inflicting

potentially deadly force on anyone who might

'enslave' a Pokemon, be they everyday citizen,

small boy, elderly woman, or police or military

officials. No Trainer is safe from their wrath.

Pokemon Liberation Squad members do occasionally

make use of Captor Claws to capture Pokemon that

belong to other Trainers (with the express intent

of releasing them, immediately or at a more

convenient date). However, they will almost never

actively command Pokemon, or release them into

circumstances that would prove dangerous or

lethal, and typically will focus on protecting

Pokemon as a priority.

The Pokemon Liberation Front emblem is a Pokeball

being smashed with a hammer; while this is not

their only method of 'freeing' Pokemon, they often

leave smashed Pokeballs in the wake of their

latest activities.


The Pokemon Center

Pokemon Centers are advanced centers of technology

that can completely heal and revive a Pokemon that

has been injured, incapacitated, or defeated.

Advanced techniques can restore life to dead -

even fossilized - Pokemon, though this typically

takes much longer.

In order to utilize a Pokemon Center, you must

have a valid Pokemon Trainer's License. This

license includes a digital copy of your vital

statistics and information, and serves as a form

of identification in most major metropolitan

areas. Known members of criminal organizations are

usually barred from these locations, and from

using other services that are dependent on Pokemon

Center systems, including the Kyrael World



While most Pokemon only exist within computers

while still in stored format, Pokemon can be

released within a digital environment. Porygon is

the most well-known example, but practically any

species can be released in cyberspace by a digital

trainer or by a defensive program designed to

operate Pokemon.

Cyberspace in Kyrael

While difficult to access by most people, there is

a thriving cyberspace realm within Kyrael's

complex series of computer networks, particularly

among the Kyrael Skeleton, a series of systems

that provides basic services to Trainers across

Kyrael. These services include storage and digital

transmission of Pokemon through the Pokemon

Centers and Trainer Transceiver, allowing a

Trainer to relocate their freshly caught Pokemon

to a safe location.

PTA - Pokemon Trainer Assistant

The Pokemon Trainer Assistant is an electronic

device with satellite connectivity that enables a

trainer to stay in contact practically anywhere

they go. It has a number of functions and

operations that make it useful when travelling:


The PTA has a full Pokedex so that would-be

trainers can study known lore about Pokemon, and

compare it to field data. While almost no Pokemon

are truly unknown to Pokemon researchers, many are

hard to find in the wilds, and are only readily

available from breeding camps.


The Pokescope is a camera lens on the front of the

PTA that can be used to scan a Pokemon or other

target. The data it records can then be matched to

existing PTA records, including Pokedex entries,

criminal databases, etc., or stored for later use.

A powerful satellite uplink that allows a Trainer

to transmit their newly caught Pokemon to the

Kyrael Pokemon Storage Network. As a rule,

Trainers are only licensed to carry six Pokemon

with them at any given time, and must deposit

others at a Pokemon Storage Network Terminal.

Pokemon Law and Licensing

As Pokemon are common forms of weaponry in Kyrael,

ownership and distribution of Pokemon is generally


Most Pokemon Trainers have a Trainer's Card - a

license that gives them certain rights under the

Kyrael Pokemon Trainer's Convention. These rights


  • The right to keep up to six active Pokemon

(including eggs) on one's person.

  • The right to travel freely through any

non-restricted area of Kyrael.

  • The duty to accept challenges from other

Pokemon Trainers, as long as you have Pokemon that

are capable of fighting.

Kyrael Gym Badges

Pokemon tend to respect and obey Trainers of great

personal skill and capability. Traditionally,

Trainers seek to prove this ability by visiting

Gyms throughout Kyrael to prove their mastery over

the various types of Pokemon. Each Gym is themed

around one of the types - defeating a gym

typically proves your ability to defeat Pokemon of

the listed type.

Health-Based Penalties: 100% - no penalties, may qualify for certain

'Unmarred' bonuses

Shock Factor - Anytime struck for over 10% of LP

in a single blow, all offensive actions at -1 per

10% (max -4) for one Turn.

Blood Loss - Slash / stab wounds may inflict

Bleeding; -1 LP per turn. Attacks specifically

intended to inflict this ability are at -2 above

normal. Certain weapons may increase this.

50% or less: “Staggered”; -1 to actions, beginning

to show signs of significant injury.

25% or less: “Wounded”; -2 to actions,

significantly hurt.

0% or less: “Critical”; -4 to actions, risking

unconsciousness, -1 HP per turn and recheck if

they take full actions (both attack and defense,

or other full-turn actions).

-50% or less: Dying! Automatically lose a minimum

of 1 HP per five seconds until death ensues or

wounds are sufficiently treated.

KO Roll: 0 HP = normal KO resist roll. -1 per -10%


Death Roll: -50% HP = normal death resist roll. -1

per -25% HP after the first. Automatically lose a

minimum of 1 HP per five seconds until death

ensues or wounds are sufficiently treated.

Bleeding Aversion:

Through Regeneration - Any entity with a rapid

regeneration capability will automatically stop

one point of Bleeding after enough time has passed

to restore 1 HP, or within one minute (12 rounds).

Naturally - One point of Bleeding will naturally

fade after five minutes (60 rounds); this means

that someone who has been severely injured may

survive without bleeding to death, though a Drama

Point is likely involved.

Through Cauterization - Fire damage can cauterize

a wound; intentionally inflicting five points of

Fire damage on a wound (and achieving one success

on an Int + Doctor roll) can remove one Bleeding

level immediately. However, this is also extremely


Through Treatment - A good field medic can treat

wounds quickly and efficiently, assuming they have

time - field doctoring is essentially a full-round


Field Medicine:

Let's face it, no matter how diplomatic you may

be, there are times where combat happens.

Unfortunately, in most worlds, there are no

convenient ways to fix bloody horrific wounds, and

field medicine must ensue.

Bandaging: While most people don't exactly have

time for medical treatment in the middle of combat

when the bombs are falling, emergency field

bandaging is useful for getting the walking

wounded back into action, or at least extending

their time before death. Bandaging uses Int +

Doctor, and is used to stop Bleeding; it does not

restore LP by itself.

In order to stop one level of Bleeding, you must

roll a number of successes equal to the current

levels of Bleeding; for example, if you have three

levels of Bleeding, you need three successes to

remove one level. Rolling double the needed number

of successes removes two levels, triple removes

three levels, and so on.

Bandaging is a full-round action for the doctor;

the doctored can perform actions (as long as they

do not require significant movement, such as

firing a gun), but this gives the doctor a -2 or

worse to their bandaging roll at GM whim.

Doctoring: After one's dealt with issues like catastrophic

bleeding, the next step is to try to treat major

injuries - whether it's limbs that are broken,

Saladin's Current Team

Hulker - A green Machamp who uses Drain Punch,



28 HP +4 atkdmg Str 1 +3 armor vs atk End 1

round up HP = Life Points. Attack:

 Atk/5 = Phys Attack damage bonus.
 Atk/20 = Strength stat.


 Def/5 = Armor vs. physical attacks
 Def/20 = Endurance.


 SAtk/5 = Spec Attack damage bonus.
 SAtk/20 = Int stat.


 SDef/5 = Armor vs. special attacks
 SDef/20 = Willpower.


 Spd/20 = Dexterity, bonus to hit/dodge


 Lvl/5 = + to hit/dodge


Atk Power = Base Damage of attack.

Miss Chance:

Never Miss - +10 to hit
100% accuracy - normal to hit
-1 to hit per -10% accuracy or fraction

Attack Up: +1 to hit w/phys moves and +4 to phys damage Defense Up: +8 to armor vs phys moves SAttack Up: +1 to hit w/spec moves and +4 to spec damage SDefense Up: +8 to armor vs spec moves

Accuracy Up: +1 to hit with all moves Speed Up: +1 to dodge all moves, +1 to Dex for determining turn order

Sample Stats:

Blorp, the Magikarp Stats: Lvl 18 HP 45 Atk 25 Def 75 Sp Atk 30 Sp Def 40 Spd 120


+3 to hit/dodge attacks from level Dex 6 (+6 to hit/dodge) Str 1 +5 dmg to phys attack moves End 3 +15 Armor vs Phys Int 1 +6 to spec moves Wil 2 +8 Armor vs Spec

Ability: Swift Swim (double speed [Dexterity] when raining)


Splash – No useful effect.

Tackle - Type Normal, Power 35, accuracy 95% [inflict 35+5 dmg, -1 to hit]

Flail – Variable power based on HP –

User's Remaining HP Power 71% - 100% 20 36% - 70% 40 21% - 35% 80 11% - 20% 100 5% - 10% 150 1HP - 4% 200

Bounce – Type Flying, Power 85, Accuracy 85% [inflict 85+5 dmg, -2 to hit] [avoid most attacks for one turn, but certain aerial attacks are normal accuracy]

Status Conditions: X% chance of occurring: Hits on a (X/10) or lower on the roll also inflict the noted status effect if the attack is successful.

Mirage Pokemon

A special type of Pokemon generated from holographic data. They are undamageable by normal Pokemon attacks and can know and use any move, even if it cannot normally be learned by them. Mirage Pokemon typically only function within the range of a Mirage Generator, and obey the current operator of the Generator normally. Mirage Generators are usually mounted in small aerial drones that fly above a combat zone, allowing the operator to generate Pokemon to attack an area within the range generated under the Mirage Drone.

Captor Drone

The Captor Drone is a large flying drone that uses a powerful beam to blast and forcibly capture Pokemon who fail to resist its powers. Resisting requires a Willpower (doubled) roll vs its Power of 20. Its powerful beam makes it unlawful for normal citizens to own and operate, not least because of its usefulness in Pokemon theft.

Pokeball A Pokeball can capture Pokemon – the more injured or affected they are, the easier they are to catch. Power 10, resisted with Willpower doubled, -1 if reduced to 50% HP, -2 if reduced to 25% HP, -4 if critical HP. -2 per negative status condition inflicted. Target is automatically trapped in the ball for one Turn, then gets three chances to break free (roll again per turn); if it fails all of these checks, it is successfully caught, and bound to serve the balltosser.

Great Ball As above, but resist vs Power 12.

Ultra Ball As above, but resist vs Power 15.

Master Ball As above, but resist vs Power 20. Most Pokemon, even legendaries, cannot resist its power; however, this power is awesomely rare and expensive.

Trainer's License Required to purchase trainer equipment, with certifications by various gyms that give further authorizations. Applicants must be ten years of age or older, and pass a certification exam.

League Sanctioned Tournaments

Regional Competitions Regional Competitions are held for all who have passed the eight gym challenges, where trainers

Age General Stat Level
Young 10% of Max
Mature 20% of Max
Trained 40% of Max
Experienced 50% of Max
Skilled 60% of Max
Professional 70% of Max
Masters 80% of Max
Elites 90% of Max
Best of the Best 100% of Max

Marauders –

Capable of controlling other people's Pokemons

Capable of corrupting them to Shadow powers

Health-Based Penalties: 100% - no penalties, may qualify for certain 'Unmarred' bonuses

Shock Factor - Anytime struck for over 10% of LP in a single blow, all actions at -1 per 10% (max -4) for one Turn.

Blood Loss - Slash / stab wounds may inflict Bleeding; -1 LP per turn. Attacks specifically intended to inflict this ability are at -2 above normal. Certain weapons may increase this.

50% or less: -1 to actions, beginning to show signs of significant injury. “Staggered”

25% or less: -2 to actions, significantly hurt. “Wounded”

0% or less: -4 to actions, risking unconsciousness, -1 HP per turn and recheck if they take full actions (both attack and defense, or other full-turn actions). “Critical”

-50% or less: Dying! Automatically lose a minimum of 1 HP per five seconds until death ensues or wounds are sufficiently treated.

KO Roll: 0 HP = normal KO resist roll. -1 per -10% HP.

Death Roll: -50% HP = normal death resist roll. -1 per -25% HP after the first. Automatically lose a minimum of 1 HP per five seconds until death ensues or wounds are sufficiently treated.

Bleeding Aversion:

Through Regeneration - Any entity with a rapid regeneration capability will automatically stop one point of Bleeding after enough time has passed to restore 1 HP, or within one minute (12 rounds).

Naturally - One point of Bleeding will naturally fade after five minutes (60 rounds); this means that someone who has been severely injured may survive without bleeding to death, though a Drama Point is likely involved.

Through Cauterization - Fire damage can cauterize a wound; intentionally inflicting five points of Fire damage on a wound (and achieving one success on an Int + Doctor roll) can remove one Bleeding level immediately. However, this is also extremely painful…

Through Treatment - A good field medic can treat wounds quickly and efficiently, assuming they have time - field doctoring is essentially a full-round action

Field Medicine:

Let's face it, no matter how diplomatic you may be, there are times where combat happens. Unfortunately, in most worlds, there are no convenient ways to fix bloody horrific wounds, and field medicine must ensue.

Bandaging: While most people don't exactly have time for medical treatment in the middle of combat when the bombs are falling, emergency field bandaging is useful for getting the walking wounded back into action, or at least extending their time before death. Bandaging uses Int + Doctor, and is used to stop Bleeding; it does not restore LP by itself.

In order to stop one level of Bleeding, you must roll a number of successes equal to the current levels of Bleeding; for example, if you have three levels of Bleeding, you need three successes to remove one level. Rolling double the needed number of successes removes two levels, triple removes three levels, and so on.

Bandaging is a full-round action for the doctor; the doctored can perform actions (as long as they do not require significant movement, such as firing a gun), but this gives the doctor a -2 or worse to their bandaging roll at GM whim.

Doctoring: After one's dealt with issues like catastrophic bleeding, the next step is to try to treat major injuries - whether it's limbs that are broken,


build a thing to remind L to do daily exercises? cofee table/wider crate thing

Fritz - Epona Richard - Scyther - Syn out Arthur - Geodude Arthur – caught a Doduo! Val Meowth – atk+1 Ellis/Spike - Front <rest of party> Buffy - Rear [Forgotten Grove]–[Route 1201] Ellis Buffy Spike Arthur Saladin Fritz Steve Raticates: 62, +12 damage, -11 def, +9 satk, -9 sdef, HP to 37 due to fire attack Rat1: -54 Rat2: -52 Rat3: -50 Rat4: -25 Rat5: -25 Pokemon: Doduo ('Charles')
Trainer: Deidre
Current Stats:
^ Stat ^ # ^ Effects ^ | Lev | 1 | PokeSkill: 1 | | HP | 27 | LP: 27 PP: 27 | | Atk | 24 | Str 2, +5 to phys attack damage | | Def | 20 | End 1, Armor 4 vs phys attack | | SpAtk | 18 | Int 1, +4 to spec attack damage | | SpDef | 18 | Will 1, Armor 4 vs spec attack | | Spd | 27 | Dex 2 | Unisystem Stats:
LP: 1/27
PP: 16/27
Str: 2
End: 1
Dex: 2
Int: 1
Will: 1
Per: 1
Moves Known: ^ Move Name ^ Attack Roll ^ Effects ^ PP Cost ^ | Peck | 2+1 | Flying/Physical: Inflicts 17+5+SL damage, no secondary effect. | 3 | | Growl | – | Attack Down: -1 to hit, -4 damage w/Phys attacks | 2 | Defeated - swarm of rats Deidre was helped, gifted Charles (Doduo)

rpg/charloft/worlds/kyrael.txt · Last modified: 2017/06/17 02:41 by

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