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Fantastical and Magical Outfitting

This section specializes in items that don't exist in 'real-world' medieval environments - those that require a bit of magic and a lot of fantasy to work.

Weapon Enchantments


Aspected weapons are usually consecrated to a particular god or power source, and thus have an aura and energy that aligns to that power source – typically 'Holy' for goodly gods and 'Evil' for hellgods. Aspected weapons typically add between 1 and 5 to any weapon multiplier, depending on the degree of imbuement, and all damage thus inflicted is considered to be of the aligned damage type. For example, a holy battle axe that normally inflicts 5 x Strength Slash damage may inflict an additional 2 x Strength Holy damage on every strike.


Enchanted weapons are magically imbued to be more likely to strike their targets, and more deadly when they do hit. Enchanted weapons basically provide a to-hit bonus whenever used in an attack, usually between 1 and 5 depending on the degree of the enchantment, and provide an equal bonus to the damage of any successful hit before armor and other modifiers.

Magical Weapons


Swords are awesome. Fire is awesome. Therefore, flaming swords are double-awesome. The mage who made the Blade of Flames certainly thought so, at least; it is wielded with Dexterity + Getting Medieval as usual, but inflicts damage equal to the wielder's Willpower x 4 in Fire damage, plus success levels as usual. As a side benefit, the wielder can control the strength and heat of the blade to inflict less damage - say, for smoking hot dogs. The blade takes one Turn to activate, and immediately deactivates when not held by a conscious being with magical power (Sorcery 1 or greater) or great force of will (Willpower 4 or greater).


This versatile tool is a handy melee weapon for the versatile combatant. It is a short ceramic tube, designed to be gripped in one hand. With the touch of a button and a whispered invocation, it can produce a solid blade of pure magical force. The weapon has two length settings; the shorter setting inflicts a base damage of Strength x 3, while the longer setting inflicts Strength x 4. The shape of the blade can also be modified; you can inflict Slash or Stab damage by setting it to a razor edge, or Bash damage by creating an energy baton. When the blade is deactivated the handle fits easily into a pocket. Using a forceblade requires a Dexterity + Getting Medieval roll, or the Combat Score.


This odd-looking three inch wide crystal sphere is used by psionics to focus their powers in an offensive capacity. It draws on the telepathic abilities of the wielder and creates a burst of mental static that can disorient or incapacitate the target. In order to use a mental disruptor, you must have Psychic Visions, Telepathy, Telekinesis or another psychic ability. To attack, use your Willpower + Wild Card (Psychic Focus) or the Brains score; this cannot be dodged! If you hit, the weapon inflicts 10 points of base damage that ignores all armor. In addition, the victim must make a Willpower (doubled) roll at a penalty of three + the Success Levels of the attack; on a failure, she is knocked out. Even if she remains conscious she suffers a -2 penalty to all actions for the next four turns. A mental disruptor has a maximum range of 50 yards, with no range penalty. The attack cannot be detected by any normal senses, but anyone with psychic powers will feel the burst of mental energy.


This looks similar to the orb of confusion, except for the effects of the attack. Anyone struck by an orb of visions must make a Willpower (doubled) roll at a penalty of (5 plus the Success Levels of the attack). If she fails, a mental link is formed between you and the victim, and you can project images into her mind; this is treated as the first level of the Illusion power. The effect lasts as long as you continue to concentrate on your victim. You may perform other actions while maintaining the illusion, but you will take a -4 penalty on any checks. You can use the orb of visions on multiple opponents, but you have to project the same illusion into the minds of all victims.


This mystical rod has a glowing ruby at one end, and looks like a very highly ornamented and decorated mace. When the rod is pointed at a target, a bolt of force drawn directly from an elemental plane of Fire is sent at the target. It uses Dexterity + Getting Medieval to aim properly, and inflicts 30 points of Fire damage if it hits; any mundane armor protects with only half of its normal Armor Value. It never runs out of power unless the elemental plane it is connected to is extinguished, but it fires only one shot per Turn, and fires at the end of the combat Turn (takes a while to charge up).


An enchanted stone that absorbs the sun's rays, and then releases them in a powerful burst. This requires a preparatory ritual (Intelligence + Occultism), and six hours of absorbing sunlight. Once it is charged, the stone, when shattered, releases a dazzling burst of sunlight over an area ten yards across. Anything within the light's range takes 5 points of Fire damage from the intense rays, and an additional 20 damage if they are sunlight averse and cannot find cover, and suffers a -2 to Vision-based Perception for one minute. In addition, anyone within the area or looking directly at the blast must resist versus Constitution (doubled) or be temporarily blinded.


Your typical magic wand, capable of generating a concussive burst of energy when the command word is uttered. Wielding a wand properly rqeuires a Dexterity and Occultism roll, or the Combat score. The wand's beam inflicts 16 points of Bash damage, and any non-magical armor worn only protects at half its normal Armor Value. Furthermore, if the target suffers any damage, they must resist with Strength + Constitution at -1 per SL or be knocked prone from the blast.

Armor Enchantments

Armor is popular in fantasy and medieval realms, mostly because it keeps sharp objects out of sensitive areas. Enchanters often give armor enchantments to reduce weight (thus reducing fatigue on the part of the wearer), and increase protection.


With the blessing of the Featherlight enchantment, armors that would normally cause penalties to Dexterity due to extreme cumbersomeness no longer do so, and the weight of the armor is halved whenever the user is wearing it. The armor still weighs the normal amount when carried otherwise, however.


The Impervious enchantment allows armor to withstand penetrating blows with greater resolve; while this does not actually increase the Armor Value, any damage inflicted on an armored location by a Slash, Stab, Bullet or similar attack is converted to Bash damage (no multiplier, blunt force trauma only.) This does mean that getting hit with an axe for sixty points of damage can still kill you… but your armor will look great.

Magical Armors


This is a light metallic belt studded with glowing crystal spheres. The wearer is shielded from psychic attacks; she receives a +5 to any rolls to resist direct psychic manipulation (telepathy, hypnosis, or the attack of a mental disruptor). Any psychic damage is reduced by 5 points.


This is a metallic harness that wraps across your chest. It can be worn under normal clothing. When activated, it projects a glowing field of energy around your body. This provides you with an Armor Value of 18 against Bullet damage, and an Armor Value of 9 against all other forms of damage. Even if the harness is worn under clothing, the energy field projects a good inch out from your body and its glow will be obvious to any observers.


This large shield is incredibly well-polished and has a mirror-like sheen. As with other large shields, it provides a +2 to block when used with Dexterity and Getting Medieval, and has an Armor Value of 12. If used to successfully block an energy attack, including Beam weapons and energy-based magics, the user can choose to reflect the attack back at the attacker (forcing them to defend as if the attack roll was equal to the block roll - 4). This works excellently against gaze weapons, bolts of lightning, laser blasts, and general-purpose blasts of magic, although fire, explosions, and projectiles just thud against it normally.


This large shield is made of a grey, rubbery material that seems to wobble and wiggle whenever touched; it provides a +2 to block when used with Dexterity and Getting Medieval, and has an Armor Value of 12. If used to block melee attacks, a successful block can put a person off-balance (treat as a -1 to their defenses, or a -2 if they are using an unbalanced weapon); if used to block solid projectiles, it can bounce those projectiles back at the attacker (forcing them to defend as if the attack roll was equal to the block roll - 4.) This works great against slings and arrows, but notably, Bullet damage is -not- repulsed.

Other Magical Items


Amulets of Linguistics are attuned towards a specific language, and are typically provided to guests of a country so that people can understand what they are saying, and communicate to them, without having to deal with pesty things like learning. When worn, an Amulet of Linguistics temporarily grants (and enforces) comprehension of a particular language, allowing them to speak it as if they are a learned student. It does not increase the Languages skill, and an Intelligence plus Languages roll may still be in order to comprehend subtleties of a language such as idioms and expressions.


These boots are made of what seems to be a strange black leather that feels almost silky to the touch, and are surprisingly comfortable. However, they do have one peculiar drawback - every step the wearer takes seems to meet with slight resistance, as if their feet stick to the ground when they walk. As a matter of fact, the wearer gets a +4 to resist any attempt to knock them prone while wearing these boots, as well as a +2 to any climbing-related roll, as they are incredibly difficult to remove from a surface involuntarily. On the other hand, the wearer gets a -1 to any success levels in a foot chase, as the clinging boots tend to slow them down.


This is a large crystal ball about six inches to a foot in diameter, usually placed in a metal base studded with smaller crystals, that has been specially prepared in order to properly channel psychic energy. A character with psychic powers can use the crystal ball to establish a mental link with anyone she can see or is familiar with. The user can project telepathic messages into the mind of the victim; the victim can choose not to respond, but she'll keep hearing the “voice” of the transmitter. This is a good way to convince someone that she is going insane, or to manipulate someone who is already insane. If you possess the Telepathy Quality, you can read thoughts through this link, as if you were able to touch the target; likewise, other powers that normally require touch can be used through the crystal ball once a link has been established.


This hat appears to be fairly ordinary, if fancy, when it is not being worn. However, when it is put on and straightened (straightening it is the trigger gesture), the wearer receives an effective +2 to Influence rolls against anyone who would normally be impressed by appearances (regardless of their Attractiveness level). This doesn't work on anyone with a Willpower of 4 or greater, though, unless they already have reason to be impressed by the wearer.


These look like a pair of bronze armbands in the shape and style of boa constrictors, coiled around the wearer's upper arms. When a command word is uttered, the eyes and mouths of the constrictors open, and they tighten around the user's arms; the user's arms also grow larger, and he receives a temporary boost of +2 Strength for purposes of lifting, using weapons, pulling objects, and so forth. However, the user also has to make a Survival Test every Turn starting three Turns after the Constrictors are activated, with a -1 per successive Turn (and normal bonuses from Hard to Kill). Failure at any time crushes both arms, breaking them in multiple locations and rendering them completely unusable, in addition to inflicting damage equal to half the user's maximum Life Points.


The favorite of adventurers everywhere, the pocket-dimension parcel is actually a gateway to a small pocket dimension capable of carrying the adventurer's belongings; as such, the weight the adventurer carries is limited to the weight of the parcel itself, and the item always seems to be empty until the user opens it up and reaches in. However, this is offset by the fact that depending on the size of the parcel, recovering the equipment stored within may be difficult; some packs are made to sort the desired object closer to the top upon command, but these are less common and usually more expensive. Typically, these come in a few discrete sizes:

Item Apparent Size Storage Capacity
Spice Pouch 2“ x 3” 6 cubic feet. Commonly used to store large amounts of coinage.
Belt Pouch 4“ x 6” 25 cubic feet. Used to quickly store small lootable objects.
Sack 1' x 2' 300 cubic feet. Useful for storing large quantities of general-purpose loot.
Backpack 18“ x 2' 200 cubic foot main space, plus four individual pockets with 25 cubic feet each. Used for hauling equipment for camping.
Quiver 3” x 1' Nine spring-loaded sleeves, each maintaining an arrow channel so that the fletching is within reach. Each channel holds up to twenty arrows. Cap protects from weather.
Barrel 2' x 4' This barrel can technically contain a dimension of any size the user desires, whether practical or otherwise; typically, a ladder or other apparatus is mounted along the inside of the barrel to allow persons to climb in and out of the dimension contained within. Likewise, pocket-dimension barrels, casks, and similar objects used for liquid storage could feasibly store any amount of liquid up to the maximum capacity of the dimension, and dispense it through a small tap.


This trenchcoat is only available in a dull light brown color, with a matching darker brown fedora, and seems otherwise uninteresting to the average observer. The trenchcoat has two exterior pockets, a series of buttons running up the front, is tightened in place with a belt made of some sort of leather, and has two interior pockets on the left side, designed to be reached easily with the right hand. The coat and fedora also have a water-repellent outer coating.

Where it excels beyond the ordinary trenchcoat, however, is that it utilizes the Observer Negation Effect to make the wearer – less interesting. Unless under careful scrutiny, the wearer automatically receives a +4 on any attempts to conceal items - or personal appearance! - using the trenchcoat. This is mostly useful for nonhumans who need to pass as human, although it could just as easily be used to disguise an AK-47 from an eyeballs-only screening. An entity with nonhuman features who draws attention to their inhumanity, or someone with something to conceal who accidentally lets it show for a moment, grants onlookers a quick Perception + Notice (+ Situational Awareness) to catch the flash of oddity; keep that trenchcoat buttoned and that hat on snugly!

The Trenchcoat (and Fedora) provide less protection against a physical search, X-ray scan, or other invasive search that still requires human intervention - a Perception + Notice (or other relevant skill) roll will detect what the wearer has to hide, whether it's just a few dozen baggies of 'magic spice' or the fact that the wearer is actually not at all human. (Note that a distracted searcher may find the baggies but not the tail…) The Trenchcoat (and Fedora) also provide no resistance against metal detectors or similar scans that require no human intervention or observation to function.

Finally, the Trenchcoat's effects automatically remove all normal effects of Attractiveness or Charisma (whether positive or negative), and instead provide a -2 to Influence rolls (because the wearer is considered unusually dull or uninteresting).


While anyone can carry an ordinary door around, a Portable Door refers specifically to a dimensional door that can be transported with relative ease and safety. Typically, these portable doors consist of a framework that extends in all directions around a door, hatch, or other mechanism. Opening the Door opens a dimensional portal to the general location the Door is attuned to. Most Portable Doors are three feet wide and six feet tall, in befitting with normal doors, making them awkward to carry around. Certain enterprising or cautious individuals, of course, carry around a smaller Escape Hatch (2' x 2') to crawl into in case of emergencies; this is designed specifically to be a one-use item that stops working fifteen seconds after being opened (in part to save on cost, and in part because whatever the user is escaping is probably something they don't want following them.)


This is an ordinary-looking, vaguely tarnished copper ring with the rune for 'Purify' engraved on the surface. If the ring is removed, and liquid is poured through the hoop, it is magically purified of mundane poisons, diseases, and contaminants. Note that for practical purposes, the amount of liquid that can be purified in this manner is about one cup per minute; it is useful in emergencies, but is not a replacement for industrial pasteurization.


The holy grail of adventurers everywhere, a ring of regeneration is essentially a miracle worker in a small golden circle. When a ring of regeneration is worn, it grants the wearer healing equal to their Constitution in Life Points every minute, as well as granting them an additional Hard to Kill 5. Given sufficient time, it can restore any injury, even dismemberment (as long as the limb holding the ring remains attached to the body); however, if the wearer is killed or the ring is removed, these benefits immediately cease. Unfortunately, rings of regeneration are fairly rare, and when they turn up they are often the subject of bitter rivalries amongst adventurers - the fighting over them can destroy groups and even set entire clans to warring, such is their power. And once someone is known to have one, there'll always be an unscrupulous sort looking to obtain it for themselves…


This innocuous-looking rope seems to be an ordinary silk rope, useful for such myriad things as tying loads in place, binding prisoners, securing climbing lines, and so forth. However, a simple command instantly causes the rope to slither out of any knot or bind it has been put into, which can have disastrous consequences depending on what it was meant to hold in place. Originally used by a savvy Amazon who was familiar with the odds of being secured by her own equipment, it is occasionally used for sabotage or assassinations as well.

Potions and Poisons

Who doesn't want some magical elixirs? You know you want them, and we've got plenty to choose from.


These elixirs come in many shapes and sizes, but their general effect is the same - you consume them, and they restore your vitality to the point where you can continue to ignore those bullet wounds or stab wounds a bit longer. Most healing potions are one of three basic types:

Regeneration Potion

A Regeneration version of a Healing Potion restores LP equal to the user's Constitution score every Turn for a period of ten turns. Drinking additional Regeneration Potions do not increase the healing rate, but do increase the duration of the effect. Any wounds that are caused as part of loss of LP are entirely restored if all LP are recovered from this potion (ie, if all LP lost from a severed limb are restored with Regeneration Potions, guess who has a new limb on life?)

Recovery Potion

Recovery Potions always recover a fixed amount of Life Points - usually, a multiple of five. This means that a Recovery Potion will heal the same degree of injury regardless of who it's dealt to.

Restoration Potion

Restoration Potions always restore a fixed percentage of a person's Life Points - usually, 25%, 50%, or 100%. This makes it relatively easy to know how effective one will be, though whether it cures a particular grievous wound will depend partly on how well the person can withstand these wounds to begin with.


If injected or inhaled, it takes effect immediately; if consumed, it takes effect after one minute. This magical elixir has an effective poison Strength of 6. If injected or inhaled, it takes effect immediately; if consumed, it takes effect after one minute. Every three Turns, it reduces the target's Strength by one point. If Strength reaches zero, the victim collapses into unconsciousness and will not wake up for at least one hour.


If injected or inhaled, it takes effect immediately; if consumed, it takes effect after one minute. A poison with Strength 5, this takes effect every Turn and reduces Constitution. When Constitution reaches zero, the victim dies. This is an extremely deadly toxin, but is fairly easily detected.


If injected or inhaled, it takes effect immediately; if consumed, it takes effect after one minute. A poison with Strength 4, this takes effect every minute and reduces Constitution. When Constitution reaches zero, the victim dies. This is an example of a fairly deadly toxin that might be used for poisoning food and drink.


While this substance doesn't make an actual zombie, it is part of how some people are captured to be 'made' into zombies later. This poison has Strength 5 and takes effect every Turn. It reduces Dexterity; if the target’s Dexterity falls to zero, she is paralyzed for 10 minutes, although she remains aware of her surroundings.


This Strength 5 poison affects Perception. If Perception drops to zero, the victim begins to hallucinate; the exact nature of her visions are left to your tender mercies. A typical hallucinogen takes effect once every three Turns, but stronger and weaker doses are available.


This drug is often used by those who want to weaken the resolve of an individual in order to use magics, psionics, or good old-fashioned interrogation on them. It is a Strength 4 poison that acts every five Turns. Each Success Level reduces the target’s Willpower by one. Willpower cannot be reduced below one by this drug, and any effects wear off after an hour has passed.


This ingenious concoction incorporates holy water into a fine oil that can be spread over a weapon. When applied to a hand weapon that inflicts Slash or Stab damage, holy oil adds two to the user’s effective Strength for purposes of determining damage against entities harmed by holy water or blessed objects. This extra damage is only added in after the weapon penetrates any armor. In addition, a vampire can be dusted by a weapon coated with holy oil. The oil eventually rubs off of the weapon - on an attack die roll of one or two, the holy oil ceases to be effective.

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