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Chapter 09: Superscience & Enchantment

A number of demons and a few gifted humans have a knack for creating both permanent and temporary items of great power. Although a few spells result in minor magical creations like potions of witch detection and talismans of protection, such items are limited in both power and duration. Only skilled Enchanters or Superscientists can create powerful permanent items.


Just like spells, all mystical items have a Power Level. These items also require certain ingredients - the more powerful the item, the more exotic the ingredients needed to create it. While the hand of a murderer, vampire dust, or wolfsbane might suffice for low-powered objects, the big whammies require a small amount of 2,000 year old wine, the horn of a demon, the egg of a dragon, or the like. Also, Enchanters can only create items with Power Levels equal to or less than their Enchanter Quality level. For example, a third-level Enchanter could freely create items of Power Level 2 or 3, but no higher.


A few practitioners create devices that seem to be advanced technology, but are really just unusual enchanted devices. Like other magic items, their operation defies accepted scientific principles and they cannot be duplicated by anyone other than another Superscientist. Putting together the same parts in the same manner produces a nifty looking, but totally useless, object. Superscience inventors have managed feats ranging from animating the dead and building sentient robots to creating invisibility belts and freeze rays. Like magical enchanting, superscience creations also require rare ingredients, but these are often more scientific, like huge diamonds, skin from the Loch Ness monster or other cryptozoological creatures, pieces of rare meteorites, or even solidified magnetism.

Superscientists discuss their creations in scientific or pseudo-scientific terms - they don't talk about the laws of magic or mystical energies, they pontificate on energy fields, capacitors, circuits, quantum instability, and photonic resonance. Like ordinary Enchanters, Superscientists can only create items whose Power Level is no greater than the number of Superscience Quality levels they possess.

Superscientists may be employed by a few top-secret government agencies. If so, we're guessing that everyone involved, including the Superscientists, have no idea of the mystical roots of the devices they make. They just view the items as incredibly complex, buildable only by highly skilled and exceedingly brilliant technicians.


Par for the course with the supernatural, Enchanters and Superscientists work best in locations of great magical power, like hellmouths. Naturally, such characters are drawn to these areas. That means anyone living there is far more likely to run into items of unnatural power than people living elsewhere. If forced to create an mystical item away from such a location, the magician suffers a two level decrease in her Enchanter or Superscientist Quality. If this reduces her level below two, she cannot create any sort of mystical object.


Enchanting items is a long and complex process that takes a minimum of several weeks. In a pinch though, an Enchanter can use relatively common items to create effects identical to those produced by ordinary ritual magic. With access to a spell book, crystals, incense, some herbs, and perhaps one or two newt eyes, Enchanters can concoct an assemblage - an item that may be used to duplicate the effects of any sort of magic spell once. The magic effect is “cast” as normal - the Enchanter must gain Success Levels in a Willpower and Occultism roll greater than the spell's Power Level. Each Enchanter Quality level grants the character a +1 bonus to all Occultism rolls when making assemblages.

Unlike Witches and Warlocks, or even magicians without Sorcery, no spell effect may be created quickly. The minimum time necessary for an Enchanter to make an assemblage is twenty minutes plus the regular casting time. Assemblages are “cast” when they are completed; if the spell creates a stored effect with a timed or trigger aspect, it is strictly a one-shot deal.

Also, without a well-supplied ritual space, even the most skilled Enchanter is helpless. To people who don't know much about magic, assemblage creation looks like any other type of magician casting a spell.

Superscientists can also rapidly cobble together assemblages by using circuits and other technological paraphernalia. These devices work just like enchanted assemblages and use the same rules. The only difference is that Superscientists use Intelligence and Science, with a bonus for each level of the Superscientist Quality. While each assemblage can only be used once, a skilled Superscientist can easily whip up a device that can zap an intruder or hide her from her enemies for a short while. Superscientists need a lab and a good supply of equipment to create any of these assemblages - without a lab a Superscientist is pretty darn helpless.

Creating Enchanted or Superscience Items

While assemblages can be created on the fly and generally only require a well stocked magic shop or lab, producing an enduring enchanted or superscience item is a far more difficult and time consuming venture. Still, when done properly, the results are extremely impressive.

The Process

Before starting on any enchanted or superscience item, you and the player must first work out the Power Level of the proposed item. The list on the next page provides some guidance on Power Level (the Spell Creation lists may be consulted as well). Essentially, an enchanted or superscience item is one Power Level higher than a comparable spell effect given its on-going “triggerable” aspect. If the item's Power Level is greater than the character's Enchanter or Superscientist level, negative modifiers must be added, or its creation is impossible for that crafter.

The next step, as usual with magic, is research. An Enchanter reviews numerous dusty compendia for theories or examples of the item she wants to create. She must succeed at an Intelligence and Occultism roll. Of course, the more potent the device, the more wide-ranging the research. The Enchanter needs a number of Success Levels equal to the Power Level of the proposed creation. Superscience is a bit different in that it doesn't require mystical tomes. Instead, the Superscientist reviews old science textbooks and Internet articles. Also, the research roll tests Intelligence and Science; again, it requires a number of Success Levels equal to the Power Level of the device desired. In either case, don't be afraid to require a few more Success Levels if the object is particularly unusual or odd. As usual with research, how long it takes is basically your call.

An Enchanter or Superscientist must then work on the item for two weeks per Power Level. Creating a level two item requires one month of work, while a level six device takes three months.

In addition, the maker must acquire a special ingredient with a Power Level equal to or greater than that of the device. Adding additional special ingredients can reduce the time necessary to create the item.

Finally, the character must spend a number of experience points equal to twice the Power Level of the item being created. Essentially, the deviser is putting a bit of herself into the item. Found or stolen mystical items need not be purchased with experience points because you (not the player) get to decide the exact features of the object.

After the time and experience are spent, and the special ingredients used, the character makes a Willpower and Occultism and Enchanter (or Intelligence and Science and Superscientist) roll. If the Success Levels in the creation roll are equal to or above the item's Power Level, everything works out okay. If the roll is over nine, but insufficient Success Levels are obtained, it's side-effect city. If the roll is under nine, the big nothing happens (but the time, experience, and ingredients are still used up).

Side effects from less than totally successful item creation attempts are quirky things. The crafter knows something went wrong (hard to avoid that unless you perform the creation roll in secret), but not exactly what. For all intents and purposes, the item appears to be come out just as planned. Still, the Mystical Item Creation Side Effect Table must be consulted each time the item is used to determine the exact effect produced. Roll D10 and add the item's Power Level. It shouldn't take long for the creator to realize that using the newly devised item brings a certain uncertainty to life.

Mystical Item Creation Side Effect Table
Roll Total Result
4 or less Phew! Lucked out - the item works as planned.
5-7 The effect is delayed. It appears the item failed, but it takes effect normally at a time of your choosing (ideally, a dramatically appropriate time).
8-10 The item appears to work as planned but no immediate effect is apparent. That's becausethe effect appears somewhere else, like at the character's homeroom period, the girl's locker room, or the downtown coffee shop. The item need not be anywhere nearby for the dislocated effect to take place.
11-13 The item effect is something other than what was planned (you decide). The effect is roughly the same power level (consult the Power Level list for suggestions).
14-15 The item glows, sparks, or fizzles but no other effect is apparent. The effect is actually different and more powerful than the one the crafter planned. This increase in power causes a delay in the effect though. It appears a short while later at some location near where the item was used. The caster may not know until much later that anything happened at all.
16+ The item glows, sparks or fizzles but no other effect is apparent. In truth, it has sent a special invitation (in the form of an embossed letter, magical beeper pulse, or just high-pitched, hard-to-ignore whining) to some major league nasty (in our or some other dimension) to come visit. The creature knows the exact location of the item and will come calling at a time of your choosing (time does flow differently in different dimensions, y'know). How the monster reacts to the item and the user is up to your plot needs and devious imagination.

Power Level

The paragraphs here give some suggestions for how to assign Power Levels to mystical items.

LEVEL 1: None - Cast Members with only one level in Enchanter or Superscientist can only create assemblages to duplicate spell effects.

LEVEL 2: Improved versions of a standard item, like a blessed sword that does extra damage to demons or a pistol that has a rifle's range and damage. Items that do a number of points of damage equal to Willpower per Success Level of the creation roll, or do additional points of damage equal to Strength per Success Level (for swords, guns, or other implements that already do damage); that make minor to moderate changes in someone's appearance (change a Cast Member's face to make them look completely unrecognizable); that affect a target's emotions (make someone angry or sad).

LEVEL 3: Items that raise a mindless zombie; that are robotic and closely mimic intelligence (but aren't really a full person); that do twice Willpower per Success Level in damage, or add twice Strength per Success Level points of additional damage; that add or subtract one point to any single Attribute; that sense specific magical energies, including items that can detect residues of magic, dimensional weak points, the magical energy given off by the casting of powerful rituals (Power Level 5 or higher), or the supernatural energies found in enchanted items.

LEVEL 4: Items that significantly affect someone's behavior in a directed fashion (cause the target to love or feel loyalty toward someone); that do three times Willpower per Success Level damage, or add three times Strength per Success Level points of additional damage; that make someone look exactly like a specific other person; that add or subtract two to any single Attribute, or one to two Attributes; that activate latent sites of power, including opening a dimensional or teleportational gate at a single specific dimensional weak point.

LEVEL 5: Items that reanimate a person as a zombie that retains the original person's memories and personality; that cause someone to fall deeply in love, become completely obsessed with someone, or deeply hate someone; that are robotic and as intelligent as a person; that turn someone or something invisible; that do four times Willpower per Success Level damage, or add four times Strength per Success Level points of additional damage; that make someone look, act, and sound exactly like a specific other person.

LEVEL 6: This is the minimum Power Level for items that can strengthen or weaken hellgods or other vastly powerful beings. Items that that cause five times Willpower per Success Level damage, or add five times Strength per Success Level points of additional damage; that add or subtract four to any single Attribute or two to two Attributes; that create powerful and obvious physical effects like opening dimensional gates to anywhere or splitting someone into two people.

LEVEL 7: The ultimate - powerful items that can affect hundreds (or more) people at once, or could potentially end the world. Regardless of how many levels of Enchanter or Superscientist they possess, Cast Members cannot create Level Seven items. Also, these items cannot be reduced in power through Power Level modifiers.

Special Ingredients

As stated, all enchanted and superscience items must use some form of special materials in their construction. The number or type of special materials depends upon the Power Level of the item. The list below provides some examples of various ingredients and their Power Levels.


ENCHANTED ITEMS - a piece of a common demon or supernatural creature: a pinch of vampire dust or a vampire fang, a fragment of zombie bone, a strip of werewolf hide.

SUPERSCIENCE ITEMS - a circuit board that has been struck by powerful destructive magic, a piece from an unusual meteorite, a small amount of a rare or valuable chemical.


ENCHANTED ITEMS - a piece of a rare and extremely dangerous demon, a pinch of dust from a vampire that was over 500 years old, mud from the footsteps of a hellgod.

SUPERSCIENCE ITEMS - a sample of metal that has been into space, a medium-sized flawless gemstone, a sample of a rare manmade chemical that cannot be bought on the open market.


ENCHANTED ITEMS - blood from a thousand year-old vampire, a type of crystal found only in the skull of a dangerous demon.

SUPERSCIENCE ITEMS - a perfect quartz crystal that has been taken to another dimension and returned, a piece of moon rock.


ENCHANTED ITEMS - the tooth of a True Demon, fresh blood from a human sacrifice to a specific demon, a sacred artifact that has been venerated for centuries.

SUPERSCIENCE ITEMS - a huge, unique, perfect gemstone, the fresh brain (blech!) of a certified genius, top secret electronic components whose existence is known by only a select few.


ENCHANTED ITEMS - the blood or hair of a hellgod, a sacred and rare herb from a dangerous demon dimension.

SUPERSCIENCE ITEMS - a rare and valuable gemstone only found in another dimension, a sample of a unique alloy recently created (purely by accident) in a secret government lab.

Power Level Modifiers

Every item created by an Enchanter or a Superscientist is unique and special. To help reflect this fact, characters can tailor items for specific uses, increase their utility, or limit them so that creation is easier. The following modifications can increase or decrease the Power Level of an item.

SIZE: Standard items are assumed to be about the size of a briefcase or a rifle, or some other item that can be easily carried, but which cannot be hidden in a pocket or purse. Items that range in size from heavy steamer trunks to those that can only be moved with a fork lift subtract one from their Power Level. Items that range in size from a paperback book to a ring, or any other items that can be easily concealed in a coat pocket add one to their Power Level.

RANGE: Ordinary enchanted or superscience items only affect the person who wears or carries it. An item with a range of no more than ten yards or less adds one Power Level. An item that has a range of between ten yards and one mile adds two to its Power Level. Any item that has a range of more than one mile is automatically Power Level 7.

AREA OF EFFECT: Ordinary enchanted or superscience items can affect, create, or control a single target at once. Any item that can affect between two and ten targets at once adds one to its Power Level. Any item that affects, creates, or controls between up to 100 targets at once adds two to its Power Level. Those affecting more than 100 targets at once are automatically Power Level 7.

USES: Enchanted and superscience items can be used as often as desired. Limits on how frequently the item can be used (once an hour, once a day, etc.) only reduce the time necessary to create it. On the other hand, items that can only be used a limited number of times cost less. Having an item that can be used less than ten times reduces the Power Level by one. If the item can only be used once, it is an assemblage (or a spell) and not an enchanted or superscience item. As with the other modifiers, this modifier cannot be used to reduce Power Level 7 items.

DURATION: Damage effects are instantaneous and last until healed regardless of the level of the item. Otherwise, item effects generally last for one minute per Success Level in the creation roll. Those that last one hour per Success Level increase the Power Level by one; one day per Success Level raises it by two. Items that have longer or permanent durations are automatically Power Level 7.

Item Creation Times

Enchanted and superscience items take a long time to make (two weeks per Power Level). Still, shortcuts can be taken that significantly reduce this time. Naturally, there's a price - more or more powerful special ingredients, or limited frequency of use.

Using twice the required number of special ingredients, or using special ingredients one or more Power Levels above the item's Power Level (e.g. using a Power Level 3 or 4 special ingredient to create a Power Level 2 item) halves creation time (round up to the nearest day). So too does limiting the frequency of item use to once an hour. So, a Power Level 4 item normally takes eight weeks to create. Making it work only once an hour decreases that to four weeks. These factors stack - using higher Power Level ingredients and reducing the frequency of use quarters the creation time.

Limiting the frequency of item use to once a day divides creation time by five (round up to the nearest day). A once-a-day Power Level 4 object would only take twelve days to make. This factor does not stack with other time modifiers.

Modifying Items

If you don't have to build it from scratch, it's easier and less time-consuming to create enchanted or superscience items. This includes making minor or moderate modifications to an existing item, such as transforming a flaming sword into one that instead crackles with blue lightning, or transforming a broach that makes observers hate the wearer into one that causes observers to love the wearer. In such cases, the character must make a creation roll, treating the item as one Power Level lower than usual. Also, the time spent is only half normal. Changing the entire purpose of an item (such as transforming an invisibility ray into a mind control ray) is not possible.

Controlling Items

A true mystical item can be used frequently with no more effort than dialing a cell phone or firing a crossbow. Consider carefully the wisdom of having such enchanted or superscience items around in your Series. The more powerful the item, the greater the potential problems are.

We don't recommend that you allow Cast Members to regularly create items greater than Power Level 4. Higher-level items can be created by Supporting Cast or Adversaries, and may occasionally be used by Cast Members. A character may even work up a single Power Level 5 or 6 item as part of the climax of a long-term conflict. Still, in general, items above Level 4 should be limited to dangerous creations that must be kept out of the hands of demons or evil magicians. Such an item should end up vanishing or being destroyed before the Episode is over (after the Cast Members have used it to save the day in several impressive scenes of course).

Always remember, the creation of enchanted or superscience items should be a rare and impressive event that happens relatively infrequently. Having an abundance of such items around takes away from the wonder and mystery of such creations.

Special ingredients are your primary tools for keeping the creation of enchanted and superscience items under control. It is up to you to determine exactly what special item or items are needed. Keep two things in mind when devising ingredients for new enchanted or superscience items.

First, the special ingredient must in some way relate to the purpose of the device being created. A piece of bone or clothing from a pure and good warrior who died battling evil would be perfect for creating a blessed sword, but would make little sense for an item that could render someone invisible. Also, while there is some overlap between the enchanted and superscience ingredients, in general enchanted items require things like creature parts, special herbs, or perhaps the assistance of a demon or other being that possesses powerful, innate magic. Superscience items require ingredients like large high quality gems, special materials that can only be made in minute quantities in a few highly advanced labs, or exceedingly rare experimental chemicals or circuits that are only available to specialized groups.

Second, you must decide if you want the Enchanter or Superscientist to actually be able to create the item in question. This is a difficult and important question. Think about what the item would do to the types of plots you tend to run. If an item simply makes one Cast Member a lot stronger, tougher, or more powerful, all you need to do is to beef up the opposition somewhat. An enchanted radio that allowed the user to speak to recently dead corpses is an interesting item that could further many plots. However, it would also make murder mystery scenarios fairly unchallenging. A magical staff that allowed the user to banish all demons with a touch is a bit over the top, and would likely make any Series considerably less interesting for everyone involved.

Sometimes a comparable but not-so-powerful item can be substituted. An item that allows one or more Cast Members to become invisible at will undermines scenarios involving sneaking around and spying. If you frequently have situations where you must keep the Cast Members away from certain heavily guarded locations, an invisibility item could be a disaster. One solution would be to suggest an enchanted makeup kit instead - this would allow the user to disguise herself as someone else. The potential for mistaken identity or slip-ups (because the disguised character doesn't know everything about the person she is imitating) could add a great deal to your game. In any case, the key is to think about the type of Episodes you plan to run and decide what affect the item would have upon them.

Even if one of the Cast Members wants to create a powerful item that you think is acceptable, you should still make the character earn the item. One of the best ways to do this is to turn obtaining the needed special ingredient or ingredients into an adventure in itself. Then spend an Episode or two working through the challenges inherent in securing the ingredient. The enchanted or superscience item will then seem “earned.” ‘Course securing those ingredients could also upset some folks (maybe some folks not of this dimension) and that could prove … unhealthy later on.

Saying No Without Saying Sorry

If one of your players proposes an item that you think would unbalance or otherwise ruin your game, you have a more difficult issue. Players hate to hear the word “no.” Still, that does not mean you should let one of your players create dozens of items that can smite hellgods. We have several suggestions.

• Tell the player that research reveals that the item is too powerful (Power Level 7). Lead her (through research rolls or other in-game clues) to a more limited version that will not do such damage to your game. • Tell the player that the item requires an ingredient that they simply have no way of obtaining, such as the tooth of a hellgod that lives in a dimension they have never heard of and have no way of reaching. Then inform the player (after some research by her character) that a more easily available ingredient can be found for a less powerful (and less game-disrupting) version of this device. • Tell the player that the device in question is so powerful that her Cast Member can only make one that will work a limited number of times. There is a big difference between allowing a Cast member to have an item that they can use at will, and letting them have an item that they can only use once or twice. The first can be a constant source of trouble, which you may eventually need to have a demon steal or destroy. The second equips the Cast Member with a powerful effect that they can only perform if there is no other solution. If the Superscientist can only blast three monsters into oblivion, she is going to make certain each use is a truly meaningful one. In that case, you can likely predict exactly when this item will be used and tailor each of these encounters so that they are fun and exciting. • Use the plotline to remove the item from the character's possession. Any truly powerful item will soon become the envy of others (such as the Gem of Amara). They should start arriving in droves to take it away.

The BtVS Corebook indicates that Science Skill 5+ folks can create weird and wacky devices. There's a couple options here. You could keep that rule but only allow assemblages to be created by those without at least one level of the Superscientist Quality. You could get hard core and just say that if you don't have Superscientist, you can't go beyond normal high-tech devices. Or you could make both Superscientist and Science Skill 5+ pre-reqs for mystical devices. We'd go with the last option, but we're harsh that way.

Enchanted and Superscience Items



APPEARANCE: Blessed swords are almost all well-made ancient blades that mystically repel rust and corrosion.

REQUIREMENTS: A blessed sword only provides bonuses to someone who is pure of heart and is either fighting evil or protecting innocents.

EFFECT: Blessed swords do Strength times (5 + Success Levels) Slash/stab damage to all soulless beings and to humans who are truly evil. They also add a +1 bonus to the user's Getting Medieval Skill. Blessed blades are fairly rare, not because they are difficult to create, but because they can only be made by enchanters who are pure of heart and filled with a devotion to the cause of smiting evil. Using a blessed blade against an innocent in the service of evil causes it to break and lose all of its magic.



APPEARANCE: This potent item is an ancient-looking glove made of leather, chain mail, and plate mail. The glove is covered in small spikes and there are ten very sharp, hinged claws arranged around the opening for the arm.

REQUIREMENTS: The user must place her arm in the glove. Claws around the base of the glove pierce the flesh and bond the glove to the wearer. To use the glove, the wearer need only aim her arm at the target and shout “Tauo Freim” (be free).

EFFECT: The glove is a most potent offensive enchanted item. The wearer gains a +1 bonus to both Strength and Constitution (with an increase in Life Points). But the lightning bolts are the real kicker. Firing requires a Dexterity and Getting Medieval roll or Combat Score, and the range is 100 yards. A successful hit inflicts five times Willpower points of Fire damage per Success Level. Once put on, the glove cannot be removed while the wearer is still alive.



APPEARANCE: A large green stone set in a copper ring.

REQUIREMENTS: Functions if worn by a vampire.

EFFECT: This ring is the most prized and coveted item known to vampires. It grants them immunity to all harm - sunlight, fire, and crosses are ineffective; all wounds heal at a rate of ten Life Points per Turn. Taking the ring off the vamp's finger or hacking off her arm are good attack strategies. A directed attack on the arm imposes a -3 penalty. If the attack causes a third of the vampire's Life Points or more, the arm is severed. If the vampire can grab the ring and put it on its other hand, or retrieve its severed hand and stick it back on its wrist, the ring protects again. Of course, once word of the ring's presence gets out, pretty much every vampire in the area will be angling to get their mitts on it.



APPEARANCE: The Ferula-Gemina is a long, narrow staff of dark wood.

REQUIREMENTS: The wielder points the rod at a target within ten yards and wills it to fire.

EFFECT: The rod attack is fired using a Dexterity and Gun Fu - 4 roll or the Combat Score - 4. A hit with the Ferula-Gemina has two effects. First it does five Life Points of damage and throws the target off her feet. Five minutes later, it causes the target to split into two parts. The first version remains where the individual currently is; the other version manifests where the bolt was fired. One version has all of the individual's innate Drawbacks and none of her Qualities. The other possesses all of her innate Qualities and none of her Drawbacks. Only Qualities and Drawbacks that are an intrinsic part of the individual's body, mind, or spirit are split. Hunter, Luck, Werewolf, Vampire, Sorcery, Talentless, Reckless, or Misfit are divvied up; Occult Library, Secret, or Enemies are not. Additionally, the copy that receives the Qualities gains a temporary Good Luck 3 Quality (in addition to any Luck already possessed). The “bad” copy gains a temporary Bad Luck 3 Drawback (in addition to any other Bad Luck already held). Removing Qualities or Drawbacks can affect each version's Attributes and skills, but otherwise both versions are identical in abilities, skills, and memories. Despite their differences, the two copies remain permanently linked. If either one is killed, both die. A base Power Level 4 (noticeable scope/major effect) spell is necessary to restore anyone who has been affected by this device. Alternately, the Ferula-Gemina can be used to restore someone affected by it.



APPEARANCE: A faintly glowing, red-gold crystal-like orb the size of a softball.

REQUIREMENTS: This item must actually touch a demon or a hellgod to harm it.

EFFECT: When the Dagon Sphere touches any hellgod, True Demon, or other unique being of vast power, it reduces the creature's Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution by three points each (with a corresponding reduction in Life Points) for the next hour. Multiple touches are not cumulative. No one knows where these spheres come from. It may be that the earthly Dagon Sphere is merely one of many, with at least one sphere in each plane of existence, each serving to balance the danger posed by hellgods and similarly power beings. If so, when a Dagon Sphere on any given plane of existence is destroyed or removed, another sphere should spontaneously come into existence within a few weeks.



APPEARANCE: A faintly glowing, blue-green crystal-like orb the size of a softball.

REQUIREMENTS: This item must remain in the possession of the person receiving the benefit.

EFFECT: These mystical artifacts that grant whoever carries them superhuman strength and serious toughness. The orb holder gains Strength +15, Life Points +100, and Armor Value 20. This allows the holder to flip armored vans on their side, go mano a mano with demons, and beat up everyone who was ever mean to her in High School. The effects only last as long as the orbs are in a person's possession - at least in a jacket pocket or a clip pouch. The effects also end as soon as the orbs are destroyed (and powerful though they are, these mystical artifacts are pretty easy to smash).



APPEARANCE: This tiny device is only a few millimeters across. To work, it must receive special broadcasts from a large base station (requiring a large van or fixed location), which can be no more than 200 yards away. When operating, the emitter gives out a high-pitched whine.

REQUIREMENTS: Extremely advanced microelectronics and a base station full of rare circuits.

EFFECT: The emitter slows whomever it is placed upon. Time flows 100 times slower than for everyone else - a minute seems like less than a second and an hour seems like only a little over a minute. The only limit on this device is that the emitter must be placed on the skin or clothing of the target. If the target removes the emitter or if the emitter is destroyed, time slowing immediately stops.



APPEARANCE: These items look like large limb bones, often of a cow, deer, or a person.

REQUIREMENTS: The means of creating magic bones are very obscure. For the most part, they must be bought or stolen, either from demons or other magicians.

EFFECT: A magic bone grants the holder +5 to all magic rolls.



APPEARANCE: This short, high-tech rifle looks like it belongs in a science fiction movie.

REQUIREMENTS: This item requires a large amount of complex electronics and a number of unstable chemicals. The weapon must be refilled with expensive chemicals after every three uses.

EFFECT: When fired, the weapon shoots a stream of icy cold liquid at targets up to three yards away. The user must make a Dexterity and Gun Fu roll to hit the target. Every Success Level on this roll reduces the target's Dexterity Attribute by one. If the target's Dexterity is reduced to one or lower, the target is frozen solid. Frozen targets are still alive and fully recover if thawed out under medical supervision. If left to thaw normally, they suffer fifteen Life Points of damage. Frozen targets who are struck hard can shatter, causing instant death. Targets who simply lose Dexterity recover within an hour (half an hour if they are kept warm and treated as if they have frostbite). This weapon works most effectively on humans and animals. When used on vampires or other demons, two Success Levels are needed to remove one point of the target's Dexterity.



APPEARANCE: Another science fiction movie rifle.

REQUIREMENTS: A single, large flawless diamond and a bundle of complex electronics.

EFFECT: This item turns people and inanimate objects invisible. The range is ten yards, and objects as large as a compact car are affected. The ray also renders targets highly unstable. Inanimate objects turn to dust within eight hours and living targets suffer five Life Points of damage every hour. These harmful effects are nullified if the ray is used to turn someone visible again. An invisibility ray can also be set to greatly enhance the target's instability. In this mode, it causes thirty Life Points to a target with every shot.



APPEARANCE: A silver ball the size of a golf ball.

REQUIREMENTS: The musk gland of a homja-maleev demon, an incantation, and various magical chemicals. The item needs to be recharged with more mystic powder after every use.

EFFECT: This item can turn anyone into the user's utterly devoted slave. The user need only hold the device within a foot of the target and softly command it to work. It emits a brief flash of red and yellow sparkles, and anyone who is looking directly at it (and is not wearing specially tinted red sunglasses) becomes the user's slave. Unfortunately, if the user also looks at the dampener when it is activated, the target simply stands dumbly until the effect wears off. Regardless of who is affected, the effect wears off in an hour or two, and while the target does not remember what happened under its influence, the effect does wear off without warning. Like many spells and items used to control the will of another, using this enchanted device is an explicitly evil act.



APPEARANCE: A fist-sized box that extends a pair of small but powerful wings.

REQUIREMENTS: Military grade explosives and powerful batteries. This item only works once - it is designed to find a target and explode.

EFFECT: The flying bomb can be verbally instructed to attack any target within 100 yards. It immediately flies to its target and explodes, doing 40 points of damage to everyone within three yards.



APPEARANCE: A tennis ball-sized lump of blue goo.

REQUIREMENTS: A variety of rare and expensive chemicals that have been infused with powerful magic.

EFFECT: The user throws this item at the target using a Dexterity and Getting Medieval - 1 roll or her Combat Score - 1. If the user hits, the goo expands over the target, preventing her from speaking or moving. The target can free herself by gaining six or more Success Levels on a Strength (doubled) roll. If the target is a Witch, she can also free herself with five or more Success Levels on a casting roll. Otherwise, the target is held immobile until the caster recalls the goo. As long as it has not been destroyed, the goo can be used repeatedly.

rpg/charloft/rpg/chapter09.txt · Last modified: 2017/06/17 02:41 by

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