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Appendix II: Mystical Symbolism


Chapter 08: Magic, Psionics, and Metapowers provides basic information on ritual specifics for each spell. Some may want to bring further depth to in-game rituals. This section contains a handy list of practices, references, incantations, and items to choose from when devising spells. As a general rule, assume that you need one item, incantation, or the like for each power level of the spell.

The shopping list is divided into various sections. Try not to pick too many ingredients from any one list. Most spells require a variety of incantations, materials, and general hokum to get the job done.

Points of the Compass

It is common Wiccan practice to “call the corners” when beginning a spell casting. Compass points may find a place in your Series' spellcraft. Each point has a particular element and season attached to it. We've also listed the associated Tarot suite and power type (we made up that last part) as ritual element suggestions.

Direction Season Element Tarot Suit
North Winter Earth Pentacles/Coins
South Summer Fire Wands
East Spring Air Swords
West Autumn Water Cups

Powers That Be

Spells seem to involve frequent invoking of deities, demigods and spirits like Thespia and Osiris. We've collected a relatively short list of divinities and their areas of expertise. This is by no means exhaustive. Note that calling on powers for aid often relies on them judging you kindly for best success.


Gabriel Love, tolerance, gratitude
Jophiel Illumination, wisdom, perception
Micheal War (he cast out Lucifer)
Raphael Healing, truth
Uriel Death, peace, ministration
Zadiel Refinement, invocation, transformation


Lucifer Morningstar, Lord of the Devils, Satan, Asmodius, Baalzebub
Astaroth Time, keeper of secrets
Bael Invisibility (first lieutenant of Satan)
Belial Gifts that require sacrifice in return (twin of Lucifer)
Cimejas Language, the finder of lost things
Dantallon Secrets, love, knows and changes human thoughts
Glasya-Labolas Slaughter, turns friends into enemies
Malphas Construction, building
Murmur Philosophy, can ask secrets from the dead
Seere Travel, theft, keeper of hidden treasures
Vepar Storms, death by infection

Egyptian Gods

Anubis Lands of the dead
Bast Cats
Geb Earth
Hathor Women, fertility, childbirth
Isis Magic (mother of the gods)
Nephthys Dead (mother of Anubis)
Osiris Death, rebirth (son of Ra)
Qetesh Love, beauty
Ra Sun
Set Chaos
Thoth Knowledge

Roman and Greek Gods

Greek Name Roman Name Domain
Zeus Jupiter Sky, heavens (king of gods)
Poseidon Neptune Sea
Hades Pluto Underworld
Hera Juno Marriage (queen of gods)
Hestia Vesta Hearth, home
Ares Mars War, Madness
Athena Minerva Education, science, virginity
Apollo Sol/Pheobus Sun
Artemis Diana Hunt, moon
Aphrodite Venus Love, beauty
Hermes Mercury Commerce, speed, travel
Hephaestus Vulcan Creation, forge, fire
Eros Cupid Love
Persephone Proserpina Spring (unwilling bride of Pluto)
Dionysos Bacchus Wine, revelry
Demeter Ceres Earth, harvest
Pan Inuus/Faunus Trickery (son of Hermes)
Kastor & Polydeukes Castor & Pollux Heavenly Twins
Aeolus King of winds
Boreas North wind
Zephir West wind
Notus South wind
Eurus East wind
Iris Rainbow
Aether Light
Hygeia Health
Hebe Youth
Hecate Trivia Dark, magic
Eris Discordia Discord, strife (daughter of Ares)
Nike Victory Victory
Erinyes Furies Deliverers of Justice
Eos Aurora Dawn
Hespera Dusk
Hypnos Sleep
Nemesis Revenge
Mors Death
Morpheus Morpheus Dreams

The Muses

Clio History
Urania Astronomy
Melpomene Tragedy
Thalia Comedy
Terspichore Dance
Calliope Epic poetry
Erato Love poetry
Polyhymnia Songs of the gods
Euterpe Lyric poetry
Fama Fame, rumor
Asclepius Healing, medicine

The Graces

Aglaia Splendor
Euphrosyne Mirth
Thalia Good cheer

The Fates

Clotho: Spun the threads of fate

Lachesis: Measured the threads of fate

Atropos: Cut the threads of fate

Celtic Gods

Arawn Underworld
Arianrhod Moon, reincarnation
Balor Death (Fomorian king)
Bile Light, healing
Bran Poetry, underworld (a hero god)
Brigid Healing, fertility, the hearth, poetry, smithing, medicine
Cerridwen Mother, moon, grain
Cernunnos Fertility, life, animals, the underworld, reincarnation
Cyhiraeth Streams (spectre haunting wood land streams)
Dagda Earth, treaties, life, death
Danu Rivers, wells, prosperity, plenty, magic, wisdom (mother of gods)
Epona Horses
Gwydion Warriors, magicians
Lugh Sun, harvest
Manannan mac Lir Sea, fertility
Math-Mathonwy Sorcery
Morrigan Battles, war, death, strife, fertility
Nuada Healing, the sun, childbirth, youth, beauty, ocean, dogs, poetry, writing, sorcery, magic, weapons
Ogma Eloquence, learning
Ogmios Poetry, language, eloquence
Rhiannon Fertility, underworld
Sucellus Forests, agriculture (ferries dead to the underworld)
Taranis Thunder, master of the sky
Teutates War, fertility, wealth

Voodoo Loa

Agwe Water, sea
Ayida-Wedo Wisdom (serpent consort of Damballah)
Damballah Wisdom, love, luck (serpent consort of Ayida-Wedo)
Erzulie Love, those rejected by love
Legba Paths, crossroads (appears as an old man)
Oggun War, strength
Shango Fire, violent, extreme


Things just don't look properly magical unless you are surrounded by candles. Consider specific colors of candle when looking for ingredients.

White Protection, peace, purity, truth
Red Sexual love, passion, energy, health, courage, fire
Pink Emotional love, friendships
Orange Strength, authority, attraction
Yellow Divination, clairvoyance, mental acuity
Yellow-Green Sickness, cowardice, jealousy
Green Healing, prosperity, fertility
Light Blue Healing, meditation, tranquility, air
Dark Blue Impulsiveness, changeability, shapeshifting, water
Purple Power, healing
Brown Physical objects, animals, home, hearth, earth
Black Absorption of negative energy or evil, loss, confusion, discord
Silver/Gray Cancellation, stalemate, neutrality


Specific dates seem to be essential for any major magic working. The following list of the pagan festivals may be useful. A date is supplied, but the real time depends of moon phases and seasonal shift rather than the calendar. The festivals are listed here in the order they occur in the year, but remember they are part of a cyclic pattern with no real beginning or end.

Name Date Notes
Imbolc Feb 2nd Fire festival to herald the coming of summer
Ostara March 21st Spring equinox, time of planning and planting
Beltane April 30th Fertility festival celebrating physical and emotional love
Midsummer June 21st Summer solstice, high point for magic and harvesting
Lughnasadh August 1st First harvest, time to finally reap what was sown
Mabon Sept 21st Autumn equinox, time of leavetaking, summer's bounty fades
Samhain Oct 31st All Hallows Eve, Halloween, time of the dead, when spirit and physical mingle
Yule Dec 21st Winter solstice, sun is reborn, shortest day, winter fades

Signs, Symbols, and Language

Whether spoken or written, word and symbols have power. They allow you to focus your mind and power in a definite direction.

Each element has a symbol, and so do most demons. Some are as simple as a triangle while others resemble circuit diagrams. The most common symbol is of course the circle. Large-scale ritual spells tend to require sitting in a magic circle to cast. Circles are usually used for warding, and therefore protect the caster from any harmful magic they may call up. Just for the record, there are two ways of moving inside a magical circle, Deosil (clockwise) and Widdershins (counterclockwise). That will impress the Wicca wanna-bes.

Another symbol worth mentioning is the pentacle. This is a five-pointed star inside a circle. It represents the four elements and the spirit, and is a powerful symbol of protection. This is why you see dark sorcerers standing in pentacles to do their magic. If you are playing with terrible forces of darkness, you need all the protection you can get.

There are three languages of choice for magic. Latin in the most obvious, but a close second is Hebrew. Interestingly all Hebrew letters have an associated number, which allow you to add up the value of words. Seeking meaning in the relations between words and their numbers is a whole branch of occult lore called Numerology. The last language worth looking at is Enochian - developed by an Elizabethan sorcerer called John Dee. It is made up of lines connected together with circles in odd patterns.

Herbs and Oddments


Cinnamon Business, divination, healing
Cyclamen Protection
Frankincense Peace, purification
Hemlock Death, dark magic
Jasmine Love, money
Mandrake Fertility
Mugwort Divination
Nutmeg Divination
Patchouli Divination, money
Rosemary Divination, healing, love, mental power, protection, purification, youth
Rue Mental power, purification
Sage Healing, money


Arrow News
Basket Gifts
Bees Industry, community
Bell Celebration (marriage), death (funerals)
Broom Purification (sweeping out)
Cauldron Transformation
Clock Time
Crown Success, power
Egg Fertility
Eyes Perception, evaluation
Hair Thought, wisdom
Key Enlightenment (unlock the mysteries)
Mirror Divination, protection (reflects power)
Salt Purification, protection, warding
Sword Direction, conflict


Amber: Aids memory and past regression

Amethyst: Aids enlightenment and mental clarity, dispells illusion, helps meditation, intuition, healing, and inspiration

Carnelian: Aids healing

Clear Quartz: Dispels negativity, excels at moving and manipulating raw energy

Hematite: Aids prosperity and general mental well being, inspires optimism, courage, personal magnetism

Malachite: Aids prosperity

Rose Quartz: Aids forgiveness and love

Smoky Quartz: Releases negativity, enlightens darkness, boosts dreams and channeling

Sodolite: Aids clarity, communication, and insight

Turquoise: The master healing stone

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