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  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Wyld Daemon/Primal (Snake God) (Naja atra/Chinese Cobra)
  • Height: 5'6'' (16'5“ in total)
  • Weight: 170 lbs.
  • Eyes: Green
  • Hair: Black


Type: Four-Color Folk - Power That Is

  • AP: 30
  • QP: 30
  • DBP: 15
  • SP: 60
  • DP: 10
  • Str: 5
  • Dex: 5
  • Con: 5 (+2 Vs Poison)
  • Int: 5
  • Per: 5 (+1)(+3 All Senses,+1 vs Danger/Sneak)
  • Wil: 5 (+1)(+1 Vs Fear,-1 Vs Emotions)
  • LP: 50 (+15)

Qualities (45/30)

  • Acute Sense (+8)
    • +3 Perception (All Senses)
  • Fast Reaction Time (+2)
    • +5 Initiative
    • +1 Willpower Vs. Fear
  • Hard To Kill (5) (+5)
    • +15 Life Points
    • +5 Survival
  • Amazing Occult Library (+5)
    • +2 Research
    • Unlimited Spells
  • Resistance: Poison (2) (+2)
    • +2 Con Vs Poison
  • Situational Awareness (+2)
    • +2 Per vs Danger/Sneak
  • Artist (+2)
    • +1 Perception
    • +1 Willpower
    • -1 Willpower Vs. Emotions

Supernatural Qualities (Snake Form)

  • Hypnosis: Gaze Into My Eyes (+5)
    • 2xWil Vs 2xWil to Resist
  • Immortal (+0)
  • Medium Natural Weapon: Fangs (+2)
    • 3xStr Damage
  • Regeneration (1) (+1)
    • +4 HP/Hour
  • Supernatural Senses (Basic) (+2)
  • Minor Supernatural Attack: Venom (+4)
    • Close
    • 20 Damage
  • Sorcery (1) (+5)
    • Spells +1

Drawbacks (15/15)

  • Adversary: Demon Hunters (-2)
  • Resources (Miserable) (-8)
    • $100 in Property
    • $100 a month
  • Mild Obsession: Protecting Animals(/Nature) (-1)
  • Supernatural Form (Dual Shape) (-1)
  • Vulnerability: Major (-3)
    • Cold/Ice Magic: 5x Damage
    • Cold: Constant damage

Skills (60/60)

  • Acrobatics: 5
  • Art: 5
  • Computers: 0
  • Crime: 5
  • Doctor: 5
  • Riding: 5
  • Medieval: 5
  • Gun Fu: 0
  • Influence: 5
  • Knowledge: 3
  • Kung Fu: 5
  • Languages: 2 (English, Chinese, Animals [Snakes])
  • Mr. Fix-It: 0
  • Notice: 5
  • Occultism: 5
  • Science: 0
  • Sports: 0
  • WC-Wild: 5


Str: 5, Dex: 5, Con: 5, Int: 5, Per: 6, Wil: 6

Name Modifier Damage Versus
GrapleDex+Kung+2 Dodge
B.NeckStr+Kung 4xStr Str+Con
Choke Str+Kung Str-1 Str+Con
Kick Dex+Spor-12xStr+1
Punch Dex+Kung 2xStr
U.DsrmDex+Kung-3 Parry
UFeintInt+Kung Atk+SL Per+Kung
M.DsrmDex+Medi-2 Parry
MFeintInt+Medi Atk+SL Per+Medi
AimingPer+Medi Atk+SL


  • Art Tool: Chalumeau (Single: -0/-1/-6)


  • Transform Animal (Temp) (PL5)
    • Description: Transforms the target into an animal of the caster's choosing.
    • Casters: 1 (+0)
    • Time: Quick Cast (+1)
    • Scope: Noticeable (+1)
    • Duration: Long (Hour = SL) (+1)
    • Requirements: Blood (-5 LP?) (-1)
    • Effect: Major (+3)
  • Summon Snakes (PL3)
    • Description: Summons a group of snakes (to fight for the caster).
    • Casters: 1 (+0)
    • Time: Quick Cast (+1)
    • Scope: Severe (+2) Limited (-1)
    • Duration: Medium (Minute = SL) (+0)
    • Requirements: Blood (-5 LP?) (-1)
    • Effects: Severe Summoning (+2)
  • Fire (PL: 4)
    • Causes a target to instantly burst into flames
    • Participants: 1 (+0)
    • Casting Time: Quick Cast (+1)
    • Scope: Noticeable (+1) (1 target)
    • Duration: Instantaneous (+0)
    • Requirements: None (+0)
    • Effect: Noticeable Harm (+1) (Damage: SLxWill)
  • Blizzard (PL: 4)
    • Causes a target to instantly freeze
    • Participants: 1 (+0)
    • Casting Time: Quick Cast (+1)
    • Scope: Noticeable (+1) (1 target)
    • Duration: Instantaneous (+0)
    • Requirements: None (+0)
    • Effect: Noticeable Harm (+1) (Damage: SLxWill)
  • Aero (PL: 4)
    • Description: Causes a gust of wind to damage the target.
    • Participants: 1 (+0)
    • Casting Time: Quick Cast (+1)
    • Scope: Noticeable (+1) (1 target)
    • Duration: Instantaneous (+0)
    • Requirements: None (+0)
    • Effect: Noticeable Harm (+1) (Damage: SLxWill)
  • Thunder: (PL: 4)
    • Description: Causes a bolt of lightning to strike the target
    • Participants: 1 (+0)
    • Casting Time: Quick Cast (+1)
    • Scope: Noticeable (+1) (1 target)
    • Duration: Instantaneous (+0)
    • Requirements: None (+0)
    • Effect: Noticeable Harm (+1) (Damage: SLxWill)
  • Rock Throw (PL: 4)
    • Lifts a piece of earth to strike a target
    • Casters: 1 (+0)
    • Time: Quick Cast (+1)
    • Scope: Noticeable (+1)
    • Duration: Instantaneous: (+0)
    • Requirements: None (+0)
    • Effect: Noticeable Harm (SLxWill) (+1
  • Wyld Transformation (PL: 6)
    • Description: Transforms the target into a Wyld Daemon
    • Casters: 1, Must be Wyld Daemon (-1)
    • Time: Recitation (+1)
    • Scope: Noticeable (+1)
    • Duration: Permament (+3)
    • Requirements: Unusual Ingredients (Human Sacrifice?) (-1)
    • Effect: Major Transformation (+3)
  • Plane Gate (PL 6)
    • Transports any object into another plane of existance.
    • Casters: 1 (+0)
    • Time: Ritual (+0)
    • Scope: Noticeable (+1)
    • Duration: Permament (+3)
    • Requirements: None (+0)
    • Effect: Severe (+2)


  • Created and Sheeted By Zander490
rpg/charloft/guests/sheets/snake.txt · Last modified: 2017/06/17 02:41 by

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