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Sarah Jane Smith

Character Type: Adult Mortal

Life Points: 29

Drama Points: 21

Experience Points: 2

Banked Experience:

WC: Sign Language: 1 [Need 4 more for next level]

Acrobatics: 1 [Need 5 more for next level]


Str: 2

Dex: 2

Con: 2

Int: 3 +1 from Nosy Reporter

Per: 4 +1 from Nosy Reporter

Will: 2


Minority: Doctor Who Character (-1)


Attractiveness (+1)

Fast reaction (+2)

Good Luck (+1)

Hard to kill (+1)

Nosy Reporter (+5)

+1 to Intelligence
+1 to Perception
+1 to Notice
+1 to skill in related field (Crime reporters would have Crime, etc)
2 points of Contacts
Must make a Willpower roll to resist their natural curiosity and inquisitiveness

10 of 10 Quality + 1 Drawback Points Spent


Computers: 3

Driving: 2

Influence: 3

Knowledge: 4

Kung-Fu: 1

Notice: 3

Science: 4

rpg/charloft/guests/sheets/sarah_jane.txt · Last modified: 2017/06/17 02:41 by

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