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Razputin Aquato


  • Age: 10
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Human?
  • Height: ???
  • Weight: ???
  • Eyes: Green
  • Hair: Brown


Type: Four-Color - Power

  • AP: 30
  • QP: 30
  • DBP: 15
  • SP: 60
  • DP: 10
  • Str: 5
  • Dex: 5
  • Con: 5
  • Int: 5
  • Per: 5
  • Wil: 5
  • LP: 50

Qualities (32/30)

  • Super. Attack: PsySlam (+4)
    • Close Range Minor
    • 20 Damage
  • Super. Attack: PsyBlast (+8)
    • Long Range Minor
    • 20 Damage
  • Pyrokinesis (+3)
    • Wil+Pyro = SL = 1 Damage/Wil
    • Flammable: 1-3
    • Wood = 5-6
    • Clothing/Wooden Furniture = >9
    • Synthetic Furniture = >19
  • Telekinesis (+3)
    • Wil+Tki = SL = Str/(Wil)Rounds
    • Toss: 2xSL Bash
    • Precision: Per+Tki
    • Weapon: Per+Skill
    • Remote: -1
    • Light Toss: Wil+Tki Vs Defense
    • LT Damage: 2xSL
  • Temporary Invisibility (+10)
    • Disabled during attack
  • Iron Mind (+3)
    • Immune to Telepathy/some Super. Senses
    • Immune to Spells/Powers that Read/Control Emotions/Thoughts

Drawbacks (3/15)

  • Vulnerablility (-3)
    • Deep Water
    • Causes instant drowning rolls to survive

Skills (60/60)

  • Acrobatics: 5
  • Art: 3
  • Computers: 3
  • Crime: 3
  • Doctor: 3
  • Driving: 3
  • Medieval: 3
  • Gun Fu: 3
  • Influence: 3
  • Knowledge: 3
  • Kung Fu: 3
  • Language: 0
  • Mr. Fix-It: 3
  • Notice: 3
  • Occultism: 3
  • Science: 3
  • Sports: 3


Name Modifier Damage Versus
H.Butt Dex+Kung-2/C-2 2xStr Ba
Kick Dex+Kung-1/C-1 2xStr+1Ba
Punch Dex+Kung/C 2xStr Ba
Tackle Str+Sport/M 2xStr Ba
Aiming Per+Gun
Dodge Dex+Acro/C
Parry Dex+Kung/C




  • Sheeted by Zander490
rpg/charloft/guests/sheets/razputin_aquato.txt · Last modified: 2017/06/17 02:41 by

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