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Note: In the case of chars that don’t already have an char sheet, players will have to make a quick-and-dirty charsheet for their selected char. In order to make this ordeal slightly less onerous and to reward players for doing this, if a player has to make up a charsheet, they will get a bonus of 3 XP on top of the max stated XP for the char. So, for example, Rupert has a max XP of 6. With a bonus of 3 XP for making the char sheet, a player could get 9 XP for playing him.

Strengths and weaknesses can be expanded on by players– what I have listed is just the bare bones breakdown to help make statting slightly less of a pain.

I will suggest qualities that could be applied to strengths and weaknesses- in all cases, for the purposes of ease of play, drawbacks will be assumed to be at level 1 unless stated specifically otherwise. Some qualities I suggest as possible drawbacks do not have an absolute counterpart in the listed drawbacks. In these cases, players should use the closest drawback that is applicable.

“Challenge level” refers to my estimation of how much of a challenge the char would be to play. Of course, this is my estimation, so different players may find their sense of difficulty or ease to be different. In general, a higher challenge level refers to a char with a more elabourate backstory. Chars with a higher stated challenge level receive more XP.

Prudence: Prudence of Aurelius is the Master’s older daughter, and Consort to Luke. She and Darla have a close, loving relationship of cordial mutual sniping, gossip, backstabbing, and disapproval. Prudence is very conservative, acid-tongued, and an unfortunate affinity for the latest fashions, no matter how unsuited to her they are.

Challenge level: 2

Max XP: 5

Qualities that could be applicable to strengths: Dexterity, Perception, Women’s Intuition (+2 bonus to Notice), Occult, Art

Qualities that could be applicable to drawbacks: Females in general are less strong than males and have a lower Con score, possibly drawbacks could be cruelty or paranoia

Rupert: Rupert is the Master’s youngest son, and a High Judge of the Order of Aurelius. He is also a powerful sorcerer, imminently versed in protocol and Lore, and, in the opinions of some people, the biggest bore in the Order.

Qualities that could be applicable to strengths: Strength, Dex, Con, Notice, Willpower, Intution, Occult, Knowledge

Qualities that could be applicable to drawbacks: Distrustful, Greedy, Humourless, In disgrace with his Sire following a little misunderstanding re: his taxes

Challenge Level: 3

Max XP: 5

Ghost!Liam: The ghost of Liam O’Malley (the human vessel who was chosen to be turned into the magnificent bastard known as Angelus Aurelius). Liam is a happy go lucky chap, found of the ladies, nightlife, and spirits.

Qualities that could be applicable to strengths: Dex, Perception, Willpower, Acrobatics, Kung-Fu, Possession

Qualities that could be applicable to drawbacks: Incorporeal

Challenge Level: 3

Max XP: 5

Praecepto: Pracepto, The Master’s second-oldest son, and the consummate politician. He has a smile and a good word for everybody. He is especially skilled at information gathering, glad-handing, and subtle knifing in the back. He is a very nimble guy, since he’s able to keep track of such a tangled web of schemes and intrigue without getting himself caught in it. He is the Master of Ceremonies for the Order of Aurelius.

Challenge Level: 4

Max XP: 6

Qualities that could be applicable to strengths: Dex, Strength, Perception, WP, Con, Knowledge, Vampire Politics, Occult, GM

Qualities that could be applicable to drawbacks: Paranoia, Cruelty, Pathological liar, Politician

Banked XP: 9

Ralph: Ralph is the youngest of Angelus’s minions. Just 18, he still is a bit like a fledge, himself. Ralph greatly enjoys games, whether it is a rousing game of Kitten Poker, darts, or a more physical exertion like Decimation (a very popular ball game amongst young vampires). Ralph is good natured, has a good, if unsophisticated, sense of humour, and would very much like to make his Sire proud.

Qualities that could be applicable to strengths: Dex, Strength, Con, Perception, Acrobatics, GM, Kung-Fu

Qualities that could be applicable to drawbacks: Teenager, Not a scholar, so skills should not reflect achievements requiring high levels of thoughtfulness/study, Impulsive

Challenge Level: 2

Max XP: 4

Lucius: Lucius Aurelius is the consummate minion. Angelus’s right-hand-man, and probably the person he trusts most on Earth, next to Darla. Lucius is, in a word, perfect. He is always impeccably presented, knows exactly the right thing to do and say at any time, and is a highly skilled tracker, excellent fighter, brilliant scholar, and diplomat.

Qualities that could be applicable to strengths: Dex, Intelligence, Willpower, Constitution, Knowledge, GM, KF, Notice, Occult

Qualities that could be applicable to drawbacks: Possibly the tiniest bit too perfect (typical vampire drawbacks could be applied in order to get drawback points: greed, cruelty, etc)

Challenge Level: 5

Max XP: 6

Bert Maguire: Bert is a good natured, easy going minion. He is a steady worker whose excellent tracking and hunting skills and keen perception make him an ideal watchman. Bert served in the British Army during the Indian Mutiny as a human, and has many stories of elephants, tigers, Hindu ways, and firearms to amuse small fledgelings.

Bert has a char sheet.

Challenge Level: 3

Max XP: 5

Amelia: Amelia is Darla’s Lady’s Maid and Companion. As such, she must be efficient, excellent at keeping her Mistress’s private life private, and a keen observer and accurate reporter of anything going on in the vicinity that might be of interest to her Mistress. Amelia tends to have a keen wit and clever way with words, and does not suffer fools lightly. She is well traveled, often accompanying Darla on shopping trips to Paris, Venice, and other locales, and is fluent in French and Italian.

Qualities that could be applicable to strengths: Perception, WP, Intelligence, Dexterity, Knowledge, Acrobatics, Gun Fu

Qualities that could be applicable to drawbacks: Gossip, Bastard

Challenge Level: 3

Max XP: 4

Nellie Maguire: Nellie is a good natured, clever, fun-loving 17 year old. Although she is still in her teens, as her Sire and Dame are of a Lesser Family, she was fledged at 16, and given the position of Young Lady’s Maid and Companion to Drusilla. Nellie is adept at handling the rigours of her job, as she has several younger siblings. She currently resides at Court with her Mistress, where she is learning invaluable lessons about fashion, etiquette and protocol, and developing a bit of a fondness for one of the young minions there, Jimmy. Despite her becoming more polished, Nellie still enjoys a game of cricket or football, and will cheerfully join in and help oversee the fledgelings’ games at social affairs.

Challenge Level: 1

Max XP: 4

Qualities that could be applicable to strengths: Dex, Con, WP, Notice, Acrobatics, GM, KF, Sport

Qualities that could be applicable to drawbacks: Love, Lesser Family, Standard Vamp weaknesses could be applied if people wish to use drawback points (minimal covetuousness, minimal cruelty, minimal honour, obligation, etc)

Jimmy: Jimmy is an 18 year old minion at The Master’s Court. He is a favourite of the Master’s, and it is rumoured that he may actually be an illegitimate childe of TM. However, he does not assert himself to be TM’s offspring in any way, merely claiming the Master met him while they were out fishing. Jimmy is good natured, fun loving, and developing a distinct interest in Nellie Maguire.

Qualities that could be applicable to strengths: Dex, Strength, Con, Perception, GM, KF, Notice, Diplomacy, Vampire Politics

Qualities that could be applicable to drawbacks: Politician, Bastard

Challenge Level: 1

Max XP: 3

Violet Maguire: Violet Maguire is a no-nonsense, intelligent female vampire from Northern England. She assists her mate in all aspects of his business, from helping with his hobby/side business of fancy-dragon breeding, to running the household and keeping the books. Violet is not interested by all the frippery and fashion of the ladies of Great Families, has a rather direct (some would say blunt) personality. Nonetheless, she is cheerful and enjoys a party, especially one with plenty of food and drink.

Challenge Level: 2

Max XP: 4

Strengths: Dex, Intelligence, Perception, Willpower, Notice, Mr Fix-It, Dragon Wrangling

Weaknesses: Standard vamp drawbacks could be applied for drawback points (moderate covetuousness), Ultra-Pragmatic

Herbert Maguire: Herbert Maguire is a client of Angelus’s, a tough-as-nails, no-nonsense Northern Master vampire. He is a shrewd businessman, but his heart is really in breeding fancy dragons. He has a large family, and is often somewhat strapped for cash.

Challenge Level: 2

Max XP: 4

Qualities that could be applicable to strengths: Dex, Strength, Con, WP, GM, KF, Mr Fix-It, Dragon Wrangling, Knowledge

Qualities that could be applicable to drawbacks: Standard vamp weaknesses may apply for drawback points, Obsession (dragons), moderate

Alistair Maguire: Alistair is a 13 year old fledgeling. He is keen on dragons, sport, gambling, fighting, hunting, and the typical pursuits of fledgelings. He is getting to the age where he is beginning to think about going off to work, and hopes one day to be a Freelancer.

Challenge level: 1

Max XP: 4

Qualities that could be applicable to strengths: Dex, Str, Per, Mr Fix-It, Acrobatics, KF, Dragon Wrangling, Sport

Qualities that could be applicable to drawbacks: Young, standard vamp drawbacks may apply for drawback points

Danny Maguire: Danny Maguire is the 11 year old younger brother of Alistair. He is keenly competitive with his older brother. He especially likes to play games and to fight.

Challenge Level: 1

Max XP: 4

Qualities that could be applicable to strengths: Dex, Int, Perception, WP, GM, KF, Acro, Dragon Wrangling, Sport

Qualities that could be applicable to drawbacks: Young, Standard vamp weaknesses may be applies for drawback points

Clara Whinburne: Clara is a rarity in this vampire society—a female Master. She is not unlike a female CEO in her demeanour, and is not at all opposed to trying to use her femininity to her advantage. She is intelligent, ruthless, driven, and not at all an easy person to take advantage of. She dotes on her childe, 6 year old Arabella.

Challenge Level: 3

Max XP: 6

Qualities that could be applicable to strengths: Dex, Int, WP, Vampire Politics, Knowledge, Female Intuition (+2 to Notice)

Qualities that could be applicable to drawbacks: Woman in a man’s world, Greed, standard vamp drawbacks may be applied for drawback points

Arabella Whinburne: See Char Sheet on File

Bernardo Loratio: Bernardo Loratio is a London Master vampire, and colleague of Angelus’s. He is brilliant, but suffers from a general lack of enthusiasm for the social games one must play to really excel as a Master. Bernardo is the vampiric equivalent of a nerd, in short. He is a genius, especially adept at sorcery and occult knowledge. He is somewhat disappointed that his only childe, Ralph, turned out to be a good natured jock with little to no interest or talent in his own obsessions. He has a cordial rivalry with Angelus.

Challenge level: 4

Max XP: 6

Qualities that could be applicable to strengths: Dex, Int, Perception, WP, Knowledge, Occult

Qualities that could be applicable to drawbacks: Antisocial, Obsession (serious: rare books), standard vamp drawbacks may be applied for drawback points

Josephine Loratio: Josephine is the female Consort of Bernardo (he happens to be in the somewhat uncommon position of having both a female Consort and a male mate. Such arrangements are apparently worked out privately to the satisfaction of all three parties, and best not speculated upon unduly). She is a young and enthusiastic woman who is an ardent believer in rights for women. She has been having meetings of female Consorts in London, campaigning for more rights for women- some of the other ladies of London society regard her as an immature embarrassment, while others seem more inclined to take her opinions to heart. Josephine is good friends with Clara Whinburne.

Challenge Level: 3

Max XP: 5

Qualities that could be applicable to strengths: Dex, Int, WP, Per, KF, Acro, Vampire Politics, Knowledge

Qualities that could be applicable to drawbacks: Obsession (serious): Vampire Politics/Women’s Rights, standard vamp drawbacks may be applied, Love Triangle may be applied

Desmond Morellius: Desmond is the seven year old only childe of a London Master. The Morellians are traditional rivals of the Aurelians, and while the two families have been more or less at truce for over a hundred years, tensions still are high. Desmond’s sire maintains a more or less cordial mutual business hatred of Angelus, and Desmond tends to be involved in minor acts of bullying with other fledges. Think young Draco Malfoy, for a general summation of Desmond’s character. Desmond is rather spoilt, although not as spoilt as he would have his friends believe- for instance, his Sire does not actually take his advice on business matters and let him do whatever he pleases with impunity.

Challenge Level: 3

Max XP: 6

Qualities that could be applicable to strengths: Dex, Con, Int, WP, Acro, Art, Knowledge, Rank

Qualities that could be applicable to drawbacks: Standard vamp drawbacks may be applied

Antonia “Tony” Morellius: Antonia is a 12 year old fledgeling girl from America, and Desmond’s cousin. Like all Morellians, she has a tendency to be untrustworthy and out for her own interests. “Tony” is a tomboy, who likes Red Indians, horse-breaking, fancy rope tricks, and trick shooting. She has been sent to England to try to attain some culture and feminine manners. So far, this experiment has had little success.

Challenge Level: 2

Max XP: 5

Qualities that could be applicable to strengths: Strength, Dex, WP, Perception, Acro, KF, GF, Sport

Qualities that could be applicable to drawbacks: American, Young, Woman in a man’s world, standard vamp drawbacks may be applied

John Dalton: Dalton is the tutor to Arthur and Spike Aurelius. A bastard, Dalton was discovered and hired on by Rupert. Dalton has a Tragic Past and is a bastard, both drawbacks which may be applied to his sheet for drawback points. He is a mild mannered, intelligent, bookish type, who embodies the personality traits of Maths and English teachers throughout the ages. Dalton suffers from weak eyesight (he did not ever drink human blood during his formative years), so wears spectacles. He also is more of a ‘weedy swot’ type than an athlete, but has decent enough hunting and fighting skills. He spends the majourity of his time wrangling fledges, and is one of the majour reasons that Arthur and William don’t cause more chaos in the household than they do.

Challenge level: 5

Max XP: 6

Qualities that could be applicable to strengths: Dex, Int, Perception, WP, Knowledge, Occult, Mr Fix-It, Fledge Wrangling, Vampire Politics

Qualities that could be applicable to weaknesses: Bastard, Obsession (mild: teaching), Honourable (mild), Love, Obligation

Banked XP: 9

rpg/charloft/guests/sheets/partyvamps.txt · Last modified: 2017/06/17 02:41 by

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