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Monty Evan


  • Age: 50
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Human
  • Height: 6'7“
  • Weight: 160 lbs
  • Eyes: Green
  • Hair: Black


Type: Mortal - Adult

  • AP: 15
  • QP: 10
  • DBP: 10
  • SP: 20
  • DP: 20
  • XP: 2
  • Citizenship: 1
  • Str: 3
  • Dex: 2
  • Con: 3
  • Int: 2
  • Per: 2
  • Wil: 3
  • LP: 34 (+3)

Qualities (0/10)

  • Bullseye (+1)
    • Per+Gun=SL1
    • Per+Gun+SL1=SL2
  • Good Luck (+3)
    • +1 to +3 Any Roll
  • Hard to Kill (+1)
    • +3 LP
    • +1 Survival
  • Natural Toughness (+2)
    • +4 AV
  • Resources: Middle Class (+2)
    • $50,000 Property
    • $5,000 Income
  • Skill Specialty: Hunting Rifles (+1)
    • +2 Gun Fu When using Hunting Rifles

Drawbacks (0/10)

Skills (20/20)

  • Driving: 2
  • Gun Fu: 3 (+2 Hunting Rifles)
  • Knowledge: 1
  • Kung Fu: 3
  • Mr. Fix-It: 1
  • Notice: 3
  • Sports: 5
  • Survival: 2


Name Modifier Damage Versus
Bite Dex+Kung/C 2xStr S/S
B.Neck Str+Kung/M 4xStr Ba
Choke Str+Kung/M Str-1 Ba
D.Kata Dex+Kung-4/C-4 2xStr Ba
Dex+Kung-4/C-4 3xStr+1Ba
Str+Kung/M Str Ba/S/S
H.Butt Dex+Kung-2/C-2 2xStr Ba
J.Kick Dex+Acro/C
Dex+Kung-3/C-3 3xStr+1Ba
Kick Dex+Kung-1/C-1 2xStr+1Ba
Punch Dex+Kung/C 2xStr Ba
Tackle Str+Sport/M 2xStr Ba
Sp.KickDex+Kung-2/C-2 2xStr+2Ba
Sw.KickDex+Kung-1/C-1 Str Ba
T.Down Str+Kung/M Str Ba
Toss 2xStr-4/M-4 Str Ba
UFeint Int+Kung/B
W.Flip Dex+Acro-3/C-3
W.SmashStr+Acro/M 3xStr Ba
W.Hold Str+Kung-2/M-2
Aiming Per+Gun
BowShotDex+Medi-2/C-2 4xStr S/S
CBShot Dex+Medi/C 16 S/S
F.Draw Dex+Gun-3/C-3
GunShotDex+Gun/C Dam Bu
GAkimboDex+Gun-2 2xDam
TWeaponDex+Medi-1/C-1 Dam
Dodge Dex+Acro/C
Parry Dex+Kung/C


  • Knife: 2xStr Slash/Stab
  • Hunting Rifle: 10 Rounds (CV 2), 20 Bullet, 2xDex Reload / 1 Turn = 3 Rounds
  • Binoculars
  • First Aid Kit



  • Created and Sheeted by Zander490
  • Old College Football player
  • Hobbies inclued: Boxing, Hunting, Cars
  • Dobuts the possibility of space exploration
  • Big fan of Gillete Friday Night Fights/Cavalcade of Sports
  • Owns a 1949 Jeep Willys Wagon
  • Is friends with Timmy Tomson, a kid who aspires to be a football star like him
  • Isn't quite so friendly with Joe Tomson, who thinks he's trying to 'steal' his son
  • Has a rottweiler named Butch
  • Wears a red plaid shirt and hunting vest
  • Father was Richard Evan, a boxer with a stunning singing voice?
  • Kind of selfish and vain, but genuinely cares for others and their well being.
rpg/charloft/guests/sheets/monty_evan.txt · Last modified: 2017/06/17 02:41 by

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