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Montague 'Monty' Forester

Basic Information

Character Type: Badass Normal Human (NPC)

Adventures Appeared In: Vamphater Island, Monty Haul

Known Background: A former British military officer, Monty lost his wife and child to tragic circumstances. Since then, he has explored the multiverse on adventure expeditions funded by his employer. He frequently leads a small team of various skilled professionals on various archeological and exploitative missions. Monty is usually well equipped, including an extensive medical kit, a teleportation device that will return him to his employer's offices in emergency situations and a pith helmet that helps regulate his body temperature in extreme conditions.

Drama Points: 20

Life Points: 47

Experience Points: 0


Strength: 3

Dexterity: 4

Constitution: 4 (+1 from squad leader)

Intelligence: 5 (+2 from brainiac)

Perception: 5 (+1 from brainiac)

Willpower: 4 (+1 from squad leader)


Brainiac - 4

+2 to Intelligence
+1 to Perception
+4 to Knowledge
Mental Problems: Obsession [from Brainiac: obsessed with exploration]
[-1 penalty to any roll where social skills are prevalent]

Fast Reaction Time - 2

Situational Awareness 2

Big Damn Hero - 3

Squad Leader - 4

+1 to any one mental Attribute
+1 to any one physical Attribute
2 levels in any of Gun Fu, Influence, and Wild Card (with an appropriately militaristic focus)

Hard to Kill 3

Contacts - 3

Mysterious connection - 2

Accute senses (sight) - 2


Addiction : Habitual drinking - 1

Obligation (employer): Major - 2

Secret (past deeds / death of wife and child) - 3

Honorable: Serious - 2

Bad Luck - 2


Acrobatics: 2

Art: 2

Computers: 0

Crime: 1

Doctor: 3

Driving: 0

Getting Medieval: 3

Gun Fu: 2 (+1 from Squad leader)

Influence: 3 (+1 from Squad leader)

Knowledge: 6 (+4 from brainiac)

Kung Fu: 2

Mr. Fix-It: 1

Notice: 3

Occultism: 2

Science: 1

Sports: 0


Doctor Kit - adds +2 to doctor rolls

Pith Helmet - regulates Monty's body heat - keeps him cool in warm weather, and warm in cold weather

various camp supplies

pack / canteen / etc

camera and film


Maneuver Roll Effects
Punch 4 + 2 6 + SL Bash damage
Knife 4 + 3 6 + SL Slash/Stab damage
Feint (Kung Fu) 5 + 2 Add SL to next attack against target
Feint (Get Med) 5 + 3 Add SL to next attack against target
Dodge (Acro) 4 + 2 Avoid attacks; defender wins ties
Dodge (Kung Fu) 4 + 2 Avoid attacks; defender wins ties
Dodge (Get Med) 4+ 3 Avoid attacks; defender wins ties
rpg/charloft/guests/sheets/monty.txt · Last modified: 2017/06/17 02:41 by

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