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Spike "Big Bad" Aurelius (modern version)

Master Paranormal

Life Points: 85 (70 + 5 HTK)

Drama Points: 10

Experience Points: 0

Attributes (25 Points)

Strength: 3 + 3 [V] + 1 [C] = 7

Dexterity: 5 + 2 [V] + 1 [N] + 1 [C] = 8

Constitution: 5 + 2 [V] + 1 [SL] = 8

Intelligence: 3 + 1 [SL] = 4

Perception: 5

Willpower: 4

Qualities/Drawbacks (20/10)

Quality Cost Level (if applicable)
Vampire 15
Commando 4
Squad Leader 4
Age 2
Ninja 3
Hard to Kill 0 3/2 - From Commando/Vampire
Situational Awareness 0 From Commando
Total: 30
Drawback Cost Level (if applicable)
Honorable 2 Serious
Reckless 2 Mild
Violent 1 Mild
Covetous 1 Greed
Covetous 1 Fame
Love 2 Drusilla
Obsession 1 Drusilla
Obligation 0 To Order of Aurelius, from Commando
Adversary: Morellians 0 No points, from Age
Total: 10

Skills (30 + 4 from Age )

Acrobatics: 1



Crime: 3

Doctor: 3


Getting Medieval: 7

Gun Fu: 2

Influence: 1 + 2 [Ninja] = 3

Knowledge: 1

Kung Fu: 5

Languages: 2

Mr. Fix It: 1

Notice: 3

Occultism: 4



Wild Card: Tactics: 1 + 2 [Squad Leader] = 3


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Equipment listing here

Combat Maneuvers/Damage

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Maneuver Roll Effects
Staff Strike 3 + 4 (9 + SL) Bash damage
Sling 3 + 1 - 1 (4 + SL) Bash damage, short range
Punch 3 + 2 (4 + SL) Bash damage
Kick 3 + 1 (6 + SL) Bash damage
Disarm with staff 3 + 4 Disarms opponent
Trip with staff 3 + 4 Trips opponent
rpg/charloft/guests/sheets/modernspike.txt · Last modified: 2017/06/17 02:41 by

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