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Minato Arisato

Minato Arisato


  • Age: 16
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Human
  • Height: 5'7“
  • Weight: 125 lbs.
  • Eyes: Grey
  • Hair: Blue


Type: The Badass Normal

  • AP: 20
  • QP: 15
  • DBP: 10
  • SP: 25
  • DP: 20
  • XP: 1
  • Str: 3
  • Dex: 3
  • Con: 3
  • Int: 3
  • Per: 3 (+2 Danger/Sneak)
  • Wil: 5 (+4 Super. Fear)
  • LP: 34 (+6)

Qualities (18/15)

  • Fast Reaction Time (+2)
    • Initiative +5
    • Willpower +1 Vs Fear
  • Big Damn Hero (+3)
    • Ally Test +10
    • Ally Life Points +1/2 Max
  • Nerves of Steel (+3)
    • Fear Immunity
    • Willpower +4 Vs. Supernatural Fear
  • Situational Awareness (+2)
    • Perception +2 Vs. Danger/Sneak
  • Sorcery (+5)
    • Spells +1
  • Hard to Kill (+2)
    • Life points +6
    • Survival +2
  • Minimal Occult Library (+1)
    • D10+10 spells
    • Research -3

Drawbacks (4/10)

  • Important Obligation (-1)
  • Teenager/Youth (-2)
  • Limited Use (-1)
    • Must use “Evoker” for magic
  • Minority: Game (-1)

Skills (25/25)

  • Acrobatics: 2
  • Art: 2
  • Computers: 0
  • Crime: 0
  • Doctor: 0
  • Driving: 0
  • Getting Medieval: 3
  • Gun Fu: 0
  • Influence: 2
  • Knowledge: 2
  • Kung Fu: 3
  • Languages: 1 (English, Japanese)
  • Mr. Fix-It: 0
  • Notice: 2
  • Occultism: 2 (+1 Spells)
  • Science: 2
  • Sports: 2
  • WC-Tactics: 2


Sword: 4xStr Slash/Stab

Leather Jacket (Re-enforced Uniform): 2 AV

Evoker (Spell-Activating Pistol)


MP3 Player

Golden scarab pin


Str: 3, Dex: 3, Con: 3, Int: 3, Per: 3, Wil: 5

Name Modifier Damage Versus
Kick Dex+Spor-12xStr+1
Punch Dex+Kung 2xStr
U.DsrmDex+Kung-3 Parry
UFeintInt+Kung Atk+SL Per+Kung
M.DsrmDex+Medi-2 Parry
MFeintInt+Medi Atk+SL Per+Medi


  • Air Become Fist - “Vozduh stal kulak!” (6)
    • This spell delivers a punch to the target. Does 2xWil per SL damage.
    • Participants: 1 (+0)
    • Casting Time: Ritual (+0) (QC)
    • Scope: Major (One Huge Target) (+3)
    • Duration: Instantaneous (+0)
    • Effect: Severe (+2
  • Bolt of Light - “Dissolvo” (6)
    • A ball of light shoots from the caster's hand and shoves the target [Wil] feet per SL rolled. Does 2xSL damage when colliding with a hard surface.
    • Participants: 1 (+0)
    • Casting Time: Recitation (Minute) (+1) (QC)
    • Scope: Noticeable (One target) (+1)
    • Duration: Instant (+0)
    • Effect: Noticeable (+1)
  • Fog of Protection - “Fog of Protection!” (4)
    • A white fog bilows from the casters hand, rendering the target senseless and dizzy.
    • Participants: 1 (+0)
    • Casting Time: Recitation (Few Minutes) (+1) (QC)
    • Scope: Noticeable (Nearby Target) (+1)
    • Duration: Short (1 Turn Per SL) (-1)
    • Effect: Severe (+2)
  • Ignite Fire - “Ignis Incende” (4)
    • This spell ignites any flammable object up to the size of a large fireplace full of thick logs. Does 3xSL damage to enemy clothing, doubled against vampires.
    • Participants: 1 (+0)
    • Casting Time: Recitation (Few Minutes) (+1) (QC)
    • Scope: Noticeable (One Being/Object) (+1)
    • Duration: Instant (+0)
    • Effect: Noticeable (+1)
  • Jet of Frames - “Incindere” (4)
    • A goout of flame five yards long shoots from the caster's hand. Does WilxSL damage to targets, double to vampires/flammables.
    • Participants: 1 (+0)
    • Casting time: Recitation (Few Minutes) (+1) (QC)
    • Scope: Noticeable (One Being) (+1)
    • Duration: Instant (+0)
    • Effect: Noticeable (+1)
  • Lightning Bolt - “Lightning Bolt” (6)
    • Lightning strikes the victim, inflicting 5xWil per SL to the target.
  • Magical Blindfold - “Obfuscate” (3)
    • A gray blob appears in the casters hand. When thrown into a target's face, it blinds the target (-4 all actions requiring sight). It takes 2xSL turns to remove and 1 minute per SL to wear off.
    • Participants: 1 (+0)
    • Casting Time: Recitation (Few minutes) (+1) (QC)
    • Scope: Noticeable (One Being) (+1)
    • Effect: Minor (+0)
  • Agi (PL: 4) (Orpheus)
    • Causes a target to instantly burst into flames
    • Participants: 1 (+0)
    • Casting Time: Recitation (+1) (1 turn to charge) (QC)
    • Scope: Noticeable (+1) (1 target)
    • Duration: Instantaneous (+0)
    • Requirements: None (+0)
    • Harm: Noticeable (+1) (Damage: SLxWill)
  • Bufu (PL: 4) (Asparas)
    • Causes a target to instantly freeze
    • Participants: 1 (+0)
    • Casting Time: Recitation (+1) (1 turn to charge) (QC)
    • Scope: Noticeable (+1) (1 target)
    • Duration: Instantaneous (+0)
    • Requirements: None (+0)
    • Harm: Noticeable (+1) (Damage: SLxWill)
  • Garu (PL: 4) (Orobas)
    • Causes a gust of wind to damage the target.
    • Participants: 1 (+0)
    • Casting Time: Recitation (+1) (1 turn to charge) (QC)
    • Scope: Noticeable (+1) (1 target)
    • Duration: Instantaneous (+0)
    • Requirements: None (+0)
    • Harm: Noticeable (+1) (Damage: SLxWill)
  • Zio (PL: 4) (Oberon)
    • Causes a bolt of lightning to strike the target
    • Participants: 1 (+0)
    • Casting Time: Recitation (+1) (1 turn to charge) (QC)
    • Scope: Noticeable (+1) (1 target)
    • Duration: Instantaneous (+0)
    • Requirements: None (+0)
    • Effect: Noticeable Harm (+1) (Damage: SLxWill)
  • Dia (PL: 4) (Oberon)
    • Causes the target to be healed of most damage
    • Participants: 1 (+0)
    • Casting Time: Recitation (+1) (1 turn to charge) (QC)
    • Scope: Noticeable (+1) (1 target)
    • Duration: Instantaneous (+0)
    • Requirements: None (+0)
    • Effect: Noticeable Healing (+1) (Healing: SLxWill)


Minato Arisato…

  • is from the game Persona 3.
  • is aid back. Quiet. Drowsy/tired. Speaks only when spoken to.
  • is A student at a Japanese High School.
  • is able to speak English normally.
  • is Usually seen wearing his uniform.
  • is basically an anime hero.
  • is a monster fighter at night with his friends.
  • is able to use his Evoker to quick-cast like a mage.
  • is required to say magic words as well as fire his evoker at his own head in order to use spells.
  • is the type who likes to make a lot of friends.
  • is Obligated to help his friends if they call him while he's in the Loft.
  • loves cooking and eating.
  • Sheeted by Zander490


Orpheus, Agi Orobas, Garu Asparas, Bufu Oberon, Zio/Dia Thanatos, Hama

rpg/charloft/guests/sheets/minato.txt · Last modified: 2017/06/17 02:41 by

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