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Michael Malone

Character Sheet

Vital Statistics

Height: 5' 4“ - Weight: 120 lbs - Eyes: brown - Hair : brown

Life Points:

Drama Points:

Experience Points:

Attribute Points: 20 Quality Points: 20 Drawback Points: Up to 10 Skill Points: 20 Drama Points: 10


Strength: 2

Dexterity: 3

Constitution: 3

Intelligence: 6 ( 4 +2 from Brainiac)

Perception: 4

Willpower: 5 ( 4 + 1 from Brainiac)


Brainiac: 4

Psychic: 5

Psychic Link (Wolf): 2

Old Soul (Can tap into past lives, +6 essence): 4

Pyrokinesis lvl 2: 6

The Sight: 3

Psychic Visions

Good Luck lvl 5: 5

Hard to Kill lvl 1: 1


Supernatural Focus: -5

Current Obsession: Music murders (from Brainiac)

Uncontrollable Power (Pyrokinesis): -5

-1 to social situations


+4 skill levels to be spread among the following (or grouped in one): Computers, Knowledge, or Science; a two-point Obsession with their latest project (which can change regularly); and -1 penalty to any roll where their personal social skills are pre-eminent. (Brainiac)


Acrobatics: 3


Computers: 1 (from Brainiac)




Getting Medieval: 1

Gun Fu:

Influence: 2

Knowledge: 5 (3 +2 from Braniac)

Kung Fu: 1

Languages: 3

Mr. Fix-It:

Notice: 3

Occultism: 4

Science: 1 (from Brainiac)


Background Summary

Michael Malone spent much of his childhood in his own little world. He was diagnosed profoundly autistic (non-verbal), and didn't speak at all until the age of 7. His communication with the outside world remained limited through his childhood years. As a teenager, his parents enrolled him in an institute that purported to help 'break through' to teens with such issues. It is there that Michael's psychic powers were discovered.

With help and guidance from doctors and parapsychologists, Michael has honed his powers and become more able to communicate (though he is by no means talkative). Upon reaching adulthood, he was employed by Post-Atlantic Acquisitions. Aware of his delicate mental state and his difficulties functioning in society, PAA assigned him to a handler, Alexander Wolf.

Michael and Wolf have been working together for six years now. The two share a deep, uncanny bond.

A slight, unassuming figure at only 5'4”, Michael often blends in to the background and prefers it that way. He is not very strong, or physically capable.

Michael's powers tend to go haywire (with somewhat unpleasant results) when he is stressed or threatened. He also tends to be a sort of draw for supernatural things.


quiet, introverted, observant, helpful


Doesn't let anyone but Wolf touch him. Doesn't speak much / often, especially to people he isn't familiar with. Emotionally volatile. Prefers soft, comfortable clothing - usually a T-shirt and jeans with canvas shoes or sandals. Frequently wears dark glasses.


Lives with Alexander Wolf in a small, comfortable dwelling.


backpack with supplies various household things

NPC Relationships

rpg/charloft/guests/sheets/michael.txt · Last modified: 2017/06/17 02:41 by

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