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Link (Adult)


  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Hylian (Human)
  • Height: Unknown
  • Weight: Unknown
  • Eyes: Blue
  • Hair: Blond/Black


Type: Champion - Master

  • AP: 25
  • QP: 20
  • DBP: 10
  • SP: 30
  • DP: 10
  • Str: 5
  • Dex: 5
  • Con: 5
  • Int: 3
  • Per: 4 (+2 Vs Danger/Sneak)
  • Wil: 3 (+1 Vs Fear)
  • LP: 50 (+15)


  • Fast Reaction Time (+2)
    • +5 Initiative
    • +1 Will vs Fear
  • Hard To Kill (+5)
    • +15 LP
    • +5 Survival
  • Big Damn Hero (+3)
    • +10 to ally test
    • Restore 1/2 of ally LP
  • Situational Awareness (+2)
    • +2 Perception vs Danger/Sneak
  • Enchanted/Superscience Items (+8)
    • Master Sword
    • Gale Boomerang
    • Light Arrows
    • Clawshot
  • Psychic Visions (+0)
  • Supernatural Form - Dual Shape (+0)
    • Wolf



  • Acrobatics: 3
  • Art: 3
  • Computers: 0
  • Crime: 0
  • Doctor: 0
  • Riding: 3
  • Getting Medieval: 3
  • Gun Fu: 0
  • Influence: 0
  • Knowledge: 0
  • Kung Fu: 5
  • Languages: 1
  • Mr. Fix-it: 0
  • Notice: 5
  • Occultism: 3
  • Science: 0
  • Sports: 1
  • WC-Survival: 3


  • Based mainly on Twilight Princess version
  • Human/Hylian
  • Hylian - Elf like, magic blood, psychic/magic, pointy ears hear gods
  • Young Adult
  • Traveler/Wanderer/Adventurer
  • Enemy - Ganon
  • Friend - Zelda
  • (Magical) Weapons - (Master) Sword, (Gale) Boomerang, Bow and (Light) arrows, Bombs
  • Magic items can be replaced with mundane variations
  • Equipment - Shield, Clawshot (grappling hook)
  • Left Handed
  • Heroic, humble, brave
  • High swordsmanship and fighting skill
  • Green tunic, long green cap, pointy ears,
  • Triforce mark on left hand
  • Alt form - Wolf in areas of extremely high magic
  • Superstitious?
  • Farm boy
  • Sheeted by Zander490
rpg/charloft/guests/sheets/link.txt · Last modified: 2017/06/17 02:41 by

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