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Kinu Fergon


  • Gender: Male
  • Age: 26
  • Race: Rattus Sapien (Ratman)
  • Height: 4'6“
  • Weight: 130
  • Eyes: Black
  • Hair: Brown

DP: 11

XP: 3

Banked XP: WC: Desert Survival 1 [4 needed for next level]


Type: Mortal - Badass Normal

  • AP: 20
  • QP: 15
  • DBP: 10
  • SP: 25
  • DP: 20
  • Str: 3
  • Dex: 4 (+2)
  • Con: 3
  • Int: 4
  • Per: 4 (+3 Smell/Taste, +3 Hearing, +2 Vs Danger/Sneak)
  • Wil: 2 (+1 Vs Fear)
  • LP: 30 (+9)
  • Brains: 12
  • Combat: 15
  • Muscle: 10

Qualities (21/15)

  • Acute Sense (+4)
    • +3 Per (Smell/Taste, Hearing)
  • Fast Reaction Time (+2)
    • +5 Initiative
    • +1 Wil Vs Fear
  • Hard to kill (+3)
    • +9 LP
    • +3 Survival
  • Situational Awareness (+2)
    • +2 Per Vs Danger/Trouble
    • +2 Per Vs Sneak (Crime/Acro)
  • Criminal (+2)
    • +1 Dex
    • +1 Crime
    • +1 Acro
    • Roll 2xWil Vs Greed
  • Ninja Guy (+3)
    • +1 Dex
    • +1 Crime
    • +1 Notice
  • Extra Limb (+2)
    • Prehensile Tail
  • Natural Weapon (+1)
    • Tail Bash
    • Damage: 3xStr Blunt
  • Okay Resources (+0)
    • Property: $15,000
    • Income: $2,500
  • Night Vision (+2)

Drawbacks (7/10)

  • Adversary (Police) (-3)
    • Officer Arnold Green
  • Mental Problems: Mild Phobia (-1)
    • Vampires
  • Recurring Nightmares (-1)
    • Nightmare: Roll 1 on D10
    • After Nightmare: -1 All Rolls next day

Skills (25/25)

  • Acrobatics: 3 (+1)
  • Art: 1
  • Computers: 0
  • Crime: 3 (+2)
  • Doctor: 1
  • Driving: 2
  • Medieval: 3
  • Gun Fu: 3
  • Influence: 1
  • Knowledge: 0
  • Kung Fu: 1
  • Languages: 0
  • Mr. Fix-It: 2
  • Notice: 3 (+1)
  • Occultism: 0
  • Science: 0
  • Sports: 2


Str: 3, Dex: 6, Con: 3, Int: 4, Per: 4, Wil: 2

Name Modifier Damage Versus
GrapleDex+Kung+2 Dodge
Bite Dex+Kung 2xStr
B.NeckStr+Kung 4xStr Str+Con
Choke Str+Kung Str-1 Str+Con
Kick Dex+Spor-12xStr+1
Punch Dex+Kung 2xStr
U.DsrmDex+Kung-3 Parry
UFeintInt+Kung Atk+SL Per+Kung
M.DsrmDex+Medi-2 Parry
MFeintInt+Medi Atk+SL Per+Medi
Stake Dex+Medi 2xStr S/
AimingPer+GunF Atk+SL
G.ShotDex+GunF Atk
R.DsrmDex+GunF-3 Parry
TailB.Dex+Kung 3xStr


  • Cell Phone
  • Wallet ($50)
  • Fake Driver's License (Garry Weldman)
  • Fake Gun License (Garry Weldman)
  • Face Concealed Carry License (Garry Weldman)
  • Keys
  • Backpack
  • Pistol (CV: 1, Shots: 17, Damage: 12, Automatic)
  • Crime Tools: Lockpicks/Crowbar (Basic: -1/-4)
  • Dagger (Damage: Strength x2 Slash/Stab.)
  • Crime Tool: Hairpin (Improvised: -2/-6)
  • Doctor Tools: First Aid Kit (Single: -1/-6)
  • Leather Jacket (AV: 2)
  • Bulletproof Armor (AV: 15 Bu/Ba, 7 Sl/St) [Storage]
  • Submachine Gun (CV: 1, Shots: 30, Damage: 12, Automatic) [Storage]
  • Throwing Knives x12 (Damage: (Strength -1) x 2)
  • Silencer (Gun Fu -1)
  • Stake (Damage: Strength x 2 Slash/Stab)
  • Smoke bombs (2xCon To Resist, -2 Def/No Attack If Failed, -2 Vision/Smell/Taste)
  • Flashlight (3xStr Ba Dam)
  • Climbing Wire (+4 Climbing)
  • Rope (Garrote: 1xStr Ba Dam)
  • Swiss Army Knife (2xStr-1 S/S, Throw: Str-1)
  • Pistol Ammo x3
  • Submachine Gun Ammo x3 [Storage]
  • Mirror
  • Lighter
  • Bandanna
  • Granola Bars
  • Water Bottles
  • Ski Mask
  • Gloves
  • Pen
  • Paper
  • Duct Tape
  • Binoculars
  • Sunglasses
  • String
  • Glass Cutter
  • Metal File
  • Insulated Wire Cutters
  • Soldering Iron
  • Mini Blow Torch
  • Black Clothing (Pants)
  • Red LED light
  • Bat/Bear/Cat/Dog/Rat/Orca Cologne


  • Dakinu was born and raised on the streets of New Jersey. He had a decent childhood, but as he grew up his home life became more and more unstable, leading to him having to live off the street as a teenager. For a while a certain 'gang' took him in and gave him a family, but even that was short lived. Now, he's once again on his own as a young adult, looking to change the bad luck in his life.
  • Created and Sheeted by Zander490
rpg/charloft/guests/sheets/kinu_regino.txt · Last modified: 2017/06/17 02:41 by

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