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Johannes "Johnny" Sverdrup

Adult Human

Life Points:

Drama Points: 20

Experience Points: 0

Attributes (15 Points)

Strength: 2

Dexterity: 3

Constitution: 2

Intelligence: 4

Perception: 4

Willpower: 4

Qualities ()

Attractive (1)

+1 to Influence tests

Contact: Huey Schuler, Hacker (4)

Cross Discipline: Garage Gadgeteer (2)

 May roll Mr. Fix-it skill instead of Science rolls when attempting Superscience

Photographic Memory (2)

+1 to any skill where Memory is used
+1-3 to any other Memory-based rolls

Mysterious Connection (1)

Paranormal Library (2)

A few books and journals collected at great lengths that provide limited knowledge of legendary places (such as Atlantis, the Easter Islands, the Maldives, etc.) and some unearthly creatures.
+1 to Identify Creatures
+1 to Knowledge rolls about mythical places

Skill Specialty: Conspiracy Freak (1)<code>+2 to Knowledge rolls about Paranormal Phenomena or Conspiracies

Paranormal Investigator (4)

+1 Intelligence
+1 Perception
+1 Notice
+1 Knowledge
+2 to Resist Fear
Must make a doubled Willpower roll to resist his curiosity when pertaining to sensitive information

Nerd (3)

+1 Intelligence
+1 Willpower
+2 Knowledge
-1 to rolls for social situations

Drawbacks ()

Impaired Vision (2)

-3 to Perception checks based on Vision without corrective lenses

Delusions (2)

Has an operatic voice of a woman in his head that grows more harsh the closer he is to discovering something paranormal. Takes a -1 Willpower check to silence it, or -1 to all Skill rolls while he is under the effect

Obsession (1)

Obsessed with finding information having to do with conspiracy theories or paranormal phenomena

Paranoia (2)

Paranoid that world governments hide things. Also doesn't trust civil servants, officials, most doctors, and other secretive people

Secret (3)

Skills (20 + 0 from Drawbacks )

Acrobatics: 0

Art: 0

Crime: 0

Doctor: 1

Drive: 0

Getting Medieval: 0

Gun Fu: 1

Influence: 1

Knowledge: 5

Kung Fu: 0

Languages: 3

Mr. Fix It: 5

Notice: 3

Occultism: 3

Science: 2

Sports: 0

Wildcard - Wilderness Survival: 1



Carries on his person at most times:

  • Prescription Goggles
  • Specialty Camera
  • Notebook and various pens

Combat Maneuvers/Damage

(All this can be edited and changed as needed)

Maneuver Roll Effects
rpg/charloft/guests/sheets/johannessverdrup.txt · Last modified: 2017/06/17 02:41 by

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