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Janie Taylor


  • Gender: Female
  • Race: Black
  • Height: 4'11“
  • Weight: 125
  • Eyes: Brown
  • Hair: Brown


Type: Champion - Fledgeling

  • AP: 20
  • QP: 20
  • DBP: 10
  • SP: 20
  • DP: 11
  • Str: 3
  • Dex: 4
  • Con: 5
  • Int: 5
  • Per: 3
  • Wil: 2
  • LP: 51

Qualities (18/20)

  • Attractiveness (+3)
  • Big Damn Hero (+3)
    • +10 To Ally Test
    • Can restore 50% of another characters life points
  • Cross-discipline (+1)
    • Paranormal Physics
  • Natural Toughness (+2)
    • +4 AV Vs Blunt
  • Commando (+4)
    • +1 to any two physical attributes (dex, const)
    • Fast Reaction Time
      • +5 Initiative
      • +1 Wil Vs Fear
    • +3 levels Hard to Kill
      • +3 life points per level (9 Bonus LP)
      • +1 bonus to survival tests per level ( +3 bonus survival tests)
    • 3 point adversary
  • Time Travel Device (+5)
    • The Time Travel Device
      • Intelligence + Science roll for normal use. Allow up to 15 minutes if not already dialed.
      • Random time jumps if user is unattentive
      • Resist jumps at Willx2 roll with -1 to -6 or worse penalty. Can negate penalty with Intelligence + Science roll (and ten minutes of meddling with the Time Travel Device)
    • Uncontrollable Power
    • Obligation: Time Patrol
    • Limited Use: Once Per Day
      • does not function at all in stabilized-reality dimensions, or in dimensions where time is forcibly linear. In dimensions where time is multidimensional, this device may function uncontrollably whenever used
    • Immortal

Drawbacks (0/10)

  • Honorable (-3)
    • Any tasks requiring lying will have a -2 to -6 penalty (willpower roll), determined by the Director.
  • Tragic Love (-4)
    • choice between following her heart or her head -3 penalty (willpower roll)
  • Resources
    • below average
      • $5000 in property, $1500 month income
  • Minority (-1) [Black]

Skills (20/20)

  • Acrobatics: 0
  • Art: 3
  • Computers: 2
  • Crime: 0
  • Doctor: 0
  • Driving: 0
  • Medieval: 1
  • Gun Fu: 1
  • Influence: 0
  • Knowledge: 2
  • Kung Fu: 0
  • Language: 3 (French, English, Yoruba, Arabic)
  • Mr. Fix-It: 0
  • Notice: 0
  • Occultism: 0
  • Science: 5
  • Sports: 0
  • WC Tactics: 1
  • WC Wilderness Survival: 2


Name Modifier Damage Versus
GrapleDex+Kung+2 Dodge
Bite Dex+Kung 2xStr
B.NeckStr+Kung 4xStr Str+Con
Choke Str+Kung Str-1 Str+Con
Kick Dex+Spor-12xStr+1
Punch Dex+Kung 2xStr
U.DsrmDex+Kung-3 Parry
UFeintInt+Kung Atk+SL Per+Kung
M.DsrmDex+Medi-2 Parry
MFeintInt+Medi Atk+SL Per+Medi
Stake Dex+Medi 2xStr S/
AimingPer+GunF Atk+SL
G.ShotDex+GunF Atk
R.DsrmDex+GunF-3 Parry




ATE A SCORPION-ON-A-STICK SCORPION RING -10 Dira for windchime +1 +1 (+1) Camel (Tan) Name: Elanor (pretty) Can understand and speak camel commands (rolled 3 success levels on test) Aurelian Vampire Party Favours

A small brass medallion with a wee cake, the candles topped with tiny gems, inscribed, “William's birthday, 1884”

A ring which opens to reveal a secret compartment

Experience Points: 7 Banked XP: WC: Desert Survival 1 [4 needed for next level]

         WC: Tactics 1         [
Aurelian Vampire Party Favours

A small brass medallion with a wee cake, the candles topped with tiny gems, inscribed, “William's birthday, 1884”

A ring which opens to reveal a secret compartment

rpg/charloft/guests/sheets/janie.txt · Last modified: 2017/06/17 02:41 by

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