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Emile Carter

Basic Information

Character Type: Adult Mortal (Human)

Drama Points: 21

Life Points: 35

Experience Points: 3

Banked Experience: WC: Desert Survival 1 [4 needed for next level]


Strength: 2

Dexterity: 3

Constitution: 2

Intelligence: 3

Perception: 3 +1 from Orphan (4)

Willpower: 2 +1 from Orphan (3)


Acute senses (hearing, sight) [4] +3 bonus to any Perception-related roll that relies on that particular sense

Contacts [3]

Eidetic Memory level 1 [1] Your character has an uncanny ability to remember certain impressions, events, or visions. After focusing for a few moments on some subject, he can recall this sight with startling accuracy. A person with the one-point version of this Quality can “freeze” an image in his mind (a static image like a page or a stop-action scene from the movie that is “life”) and recall it with precision at a later time. This is the limit of his capacity though; once three images are “recorded,” a new one requires the displacement of an old one (character's choice).

Fast Reaction Time [2] Bonus for Initiative purposes (+5 if using dice to 'roll for initiative'. Fast Reaction folks also gain a bonus of +1 on Willpower Tests to resist fear.

Hero [1] Once per game session, your character can give someone else +10 on any one test. Best of all, he can do it after the player has made his test.

Situational Awareness [2] +2 bonus to any Perception-based roll to sense trouble or danger in the immediate surroundings. It is very hard to be stealthy around them; the same bonus applies when they resist any Crime or Acrobatics rolls made to sneak up on them.

Orphan [4] Gains +1 to any two mental Attributes. He also gains a bonus level to two of the following skills: Doctor, Influence, Knowledge, Mr. Fix-It, or Science. Finally, he gets three levels of Good Luck.

Good luck 3 (from Orphan)

Hard to Kill 3


Teenager - 2

Minority - 2

Poor - 6


Acrobatics: 2

Art: 0

Computers: 0

Crime: 3

Doctor: 0 (+1 from orphan) 1

Driving: 1

Getting Medieval: 1

Gun Fu: 1

Influence: 3 (+1 from orphan)4

Knowledge: 3

Kung Fu: 1

Languages: 1 (creole)

Mr. Fix-It: 1

Notice: 3

Occultism: 0

Science: 0

Sports: 0


switchblade knife

holdout pistol


Maneuver Roll Effects
Punch 3 + 1 ? + SL Bash damage
Stab (knife) 3 + 1 ? + SL Slash/Stab damage
Shoot (gun) 3 + 1 stuff goes here
Stealth (Acro) 3 + 2 Stealthy time
Stealth (Crime) 3 + 3 Stealthy time
Dodge (Acro) 3 + 2 Avoid attacks; defender wins ties
Dodge (Kung Fu) 3 + 1 Avoid attacks; defender wins ties
Dodge (Get Med) 3+ 1 Avoid attacks; defender wins ties
rpg/charloft/guests/sheets/emile.txt · Last modified: 2017/06/17 02:41 by

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