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Elene Tugushi, Seamstress

Character Sheet

Vital Statistics

Height: 5' 06“

Weight: 110 lbs

Eyes: Brown

Hair: Brown

Life Points: 46

Drama Points: 19

Experience Points:

Citizenship: 2

banked gunfu xp :1 XP: 2


Strength: 2

Dexterity: 2

Constitution: 4

Intelligence: 3

Perception: 2

Willpower: 3


AMBIDEXTERITY: 3-POINT PHYSICAL QUALITY gains one extra combat action at no penalty each Turn if fighting with a weapon in each hand. applies to close-combat weapons (swords, knives, baton) and ranged weapons (pistols, SMGs), unless such weapons are designed to be used with two hands (assault rifles, shotguns). The extra action can be used for defense if the character is armed with a melee weapon in one hand.

ANIMAL EMPATHY: 2-POINT SOCIAL QUALITY animals never harm or attack the character, even if they have been specifically trained or bred to be hostile (providing he does not harm them). wild and domestic animals are calm and quiet in his presence. T may provide a bonus to any animal handling, riding, or training Task at the GM's discretion.

CHARISMA: +3 This trait represents the personal magnetism and leadership qualities of the person, ranging from -5 to +5. A character with a Charisma in the negative range is instinctively disliked by most people he meets. People are naturally inclined to antagonize or avoid him. Charisma can be added to any Task where the character is trying to influence other people. Negative Charisma, of course, reduces the chance that any attempt to influence people will work.

HYPERLINGUAL: 2 POINT The character has an uncanny aptitude for languages, from the most mundane European tongues to the strangest dialects of jungle-dwelling tribesmen. A Hyperlingual character may add his level in Hyperlingual to his Languages skill for purposes of determining his skill when translating or understanding any language (even a language he has not yet learned).

Good luck +4

Hard to kill +4 *3 lp per level




Your character follows a code of behavior, and will not break it lightly, if at all. The more restrictive and rigid the code is, the higher its value. Honor Girl should almost never break the code’s rules, no matter what the cause. In a life-or-death situation where honor must be ignored, your character might do so, but even then a Willpower (not doubled) Test is necessary to overcome the psychological barriers reinforcing the code of honor.

MINIMAL: Your character does not lie or betray friends or loved ones, or people he respects. Anybody else, especially people from groups they dislike or are prejudiced against, is fair game. This is a 1-point Drawback.


Some people are innately susceptible to the bad things in life. Each type of Vulnerability must be purchased separately. Those vulnerable to certain stimuli may have a “weak stomach” (Poisons), particularly susceptible to catching colds (Disease), or are easily exhausted (Fatigue), for instance. The Vulnerable Drawback is the opposite of the Resistance Quality - -1 per level on any Tests or Tasks related to the Vulnerable Drawback.


Whether from personal experience, observation, or logical deduction, the character sees the paranormal's influence in almost everything - the recent power outages, his partner’s guessing the right winning team, etc. He isn't gullible, just really anxious to see the unusual in every situation. The Cast Member must pass a Difficult Willpower Test to avoid assuming a paranormal explanation for any situation which is currently unexplainable, and takes a penalty equal to the severity of the Drawback to any roll that would involve searching for a mundane solution to a problem they believe has a supernatural origin.

woman -2



Art: 4



Doctor: 1

Driving: 2

Getting Medieval: 1

Gun Fu:

Influence: 1

Knowledge: 2

Kung Fu: 2

Languages: 2 (Russian, English)

Mr. Fix-It: 1


Occultism: 1

Science: 2


wc seamstress:3

wc Georgian lit:1

Background Summary

Elene Tugushi was born in the USSR (Georgia) to a Philosophy professor and his wife. The family lived happily in Tibilsi, until the time for one of Stalin's great purges came.

Professor Tugushi used all of his resources to escape The Soviet States, and the family settled in New York City. Elene was 13 at the time, and an only child. They were only able to travel with one suitcase, and all that Elene was able to get from her homeland was a copy of 'The Knight in the Panther's Skin'.

In New York City, the family moved to The Bronx and found an Eastern Orthodox Christian Church to attend. Elene was told to work hard in school because America was the place where she could succeed. Her father got a job as a high school teacher, and her Mother began to mend clothing to earn extra money.

Elene learned how to mend, and then alter clothing and decided that she would become a seamstress. Her family was unhappy with her choice and tried to steer her to either get involved with academics or to find a suitable husband.

Instead she moved to Pleasantdale. Her parents, not wanting to lose their only daughter, have maintained contact and send her money whenever they can. Her Mother is pressuring Elene to find a husband and return to New York City. Her father wants her to marry a professor.


Elene works hard and expects everyone around her to do the same. She wants to keep what she has in life, and is willing to sacrifice for it.

She is a very superstitious person, who believes in things that aren't entirely real. She thinks that her superstitions can affect her day to day life, and that she has a guardian angel watching over her, and prays to different saints daily. She believes that ghosts follow her, and in whatever supernatural creature that is mentioned.

Elene is suspicious of anyone that 'looks Russian', and also is afraid that they will invade the US. She is also afraid that someone in town is talking to her parents, and will convince them to send her back to New York.


Elene loves to take walks, and try to make friends. This only goes wrong when she starts to suspect that the friend might be Russian or working for her parents. She will sometimes be seen talking to animals.

If she doesn't suspect that a person will betray her, she is quite friendly. She prays a lot.

Elene will often try to compare real life events to some bit of fantasy or superstition that she has read.


Elene lives with the family of one of her Father's former students. She has a bedroom


The Knight in The Panthers Skin (book)

Clothing altering supplies


Icons of saints

NPC Relationships

The family she stays with - The Andersons. Strict Christians

Angela - 43 Archie - 49 Adam - 18 Alice - 15 Alfie - 4

rpg/charloft/guests/sheets/elene_tugushi.txt · Last modified: 2017/06/17 02:41 by

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