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Cliff Thunderwood


  • Age: 37
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Vampire
  • Height: 6'1“
  • Weight: 150 lbs.
  • Eyes: Blue
  • Hair: Orange


Type: Champion - Fledgeling

  • AP: 20
  • QP: 20
  • DBP: 10
  • SP: 20
  • DP: 10
  • Str: 4 (+3)
  • Dex: 2 (+2)
  • Con: 3 (+2)
  • Int: 3
  • Per: 3 (+3 Hear/Smell/Taste)
  • Wil: 5
  • LP: 38 (+6)

Qualities (27/20)

  • Acute Sense (+4)
    • +3 Per Vs Hearing/Smell/Taste
  • Hard To Kill (+2)
    • +6 LP
    • +2 Survival
  • Enhanced Attributes (+7)
    • +3 Str
    • +2 Dex
    • +2 Con
  • Immortal (+0)
  • Invisible (+10)
    • Drops when performing actions
  • Natural Weapon: Small Fangs (+1)
    • 2xStr Damage
  • Reduced Damage: Limited (+2)
    • Bullet Damage/5 = Damage
  • Regeneration (+1)
    • HP/hour = Con

Drawbacks (22/10)

  • Attractivenes (-5)
    • -5 Influence (Sans Intimidate)
  • Emotional Problems (-2)
    • Depression
    • -1 to most tasks
  • Resource: Destitute (-10)
  • Vulnerability: Major (-5)
    • Sunlight/Garlic = Constant dam.

Skills (20/20)

  • Acrobatics: 1
  • Art: 1
  • Computers: 2
  • Crime: 2
  • Doctor: 0
  • Driving: 2
  • Medieval: 2
  • Gun Fu: 1
  • Influence: 3
  • Knowledge: 1
  • Kung Fu: 0
  • Language: 0
  • Mr. Fix-It: 0
  • Notice: 3
  • Occultism: 0
  • Science: 1
  • Sports: 1


  • Created and Sheeted by Zander490
rpg/charloft/guests/sheets/cliff_thunderwood.txt · Last modified: 2017/06/17 02:41 by

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