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Brier Delmar

Adult Human


Height: 5' 6“

Life Points: 6 (26 total)

Drama Points: 20

Experience Points: 3 WC: Desert Survival 1 [4 needed for next level]

Attributes (15 Points)

Strength: 1+ 1 (Grunt) = 2

Dexterity: 3 + 1 (Guard) = 4

Constitution: 2

Intelligence: 3

Perception: 3

Willpower: 3

Qualities/Drawbacks (10/8)

Quality Cost Level (if applicable)
Fast Reaction Time 2
Big Damn Hero 3
Grunt 3
Situationally Aware 2
Attractiveness 1 Level 1
Guard 4
Total: 15
Drawback Cost Level (if applicable)
Honorable 2 Serious
Illiterate 1
Poor 6
Important Obligation to the Crown 0 From 'Guard'
Total: 9

Skills (20 + 4 from Drawbacks )

Acrobatics: 3

Art: 0

Crime: 0

Doctor: 1

Getting Medieval: 4 + 1 [Grunt] = 5

Gun Fu: 2 + 1 [Guard] = 3

Influence: 1

Knowledge: 0

Kung Fu: 3 + 1 [Grunt] = 4

Languages: 0

Mr. Fix It: 3

Notice: 4 + 1 [Guard] = 5

Occultism: 0

Sports: 0

Wildcard- Wilderness Survival: 3


- Any miscellaneous notes you have

2 bonus xp for desert rescue. One thin gold chain with a golden scarab attached to it.


Carries on her person at most times:

Uniform, Sword, Knife, Hair Ribbon

Sometimes she has a gun and ammunition.

1 Camel - +5 (stocky, fluffy) Name: Fluffy (sure footed)

Combat Maneuvers/Damage

rpg/charloft/guests/sheets/brier.txt · Last modified: 2017/06/17 02:41 by

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