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Short Character Biographies

This publicly editable section gives people the opportunity to write short bios about themselves, as well as some basic notes about their interactions with others and advice for encountering them in the wild.

Character Bio
Angelus Aurelius Appearance: Standing at six foot six inches tall, and weighing 250 muscular pounds, Angelus Aurelius cuts an imposing figure. His striking appearance is further accentuated by a mane of thick, shoulder length dark brown hair, and intense, dark eyes. Angelus is always impeccably dressed in bespoke suits, and despite his size, moves with extreme grace, and is capable of moving extremely fast. He speaks in cultured tones, in a carefully modulated upper-middle class English accent. However, when it suits him, or very rarely, if he is extremely drunk or at the end of his patience, an Irish brogue may be evident.
Bio: Angelus Aurelius appears to be a well bred and somewhat arrogant businessman. He has a keen interest in military tactics and battle strategy, history, swords, metaphysics, philosophy, and the arts, both visual and performing. He says that he is a landowner, possessing considerable property in London's fashionable West End and around England, and he dabbles in painting, and currently devotes much of his time and energy to raising his two young sons. This is the history he gives to those people who don't know him– in actuality, he is a Master vampire, whose creative brutality has earned him the title, 'The Scourge of Europe'. Angelus is also a dedicated family man, with a rather overprotective streak toward his fledgelings.
Interactions:Angelus gets along best with people who have an interest in one of the many fields of interest he himself has. He is a keen student of other people and profoundly curious– he likes to find out everything about a person, has a very sharp eye for detail and a very good memory. Angelus tries at all times to maintain the manners and dignity of a gentleman and to instill them in his offspring, along with a sense of noblesse oblige. At times, particularly with William, this seems to be a hopeless endeavour.
Advice: Angelus is extremely intelligent and his keenly active and creative mind is generally involved in all manner of schemes. However, he does uphold the letter of the law, and respects the Loft as a neutral zone. So, he will confine any animousity toward Slayers, vampire hunters and the like to scathing criticisms and snarky remarks. Angelus is generally distrustful of others and is very detail oriented– if one enters into any sort of business relationship with him, they may expect to spend days in negotiations and are advised to read their contract with a fine tooth comb and a pair of magical, hidden clause revealing spectacles. Angelus delights in debate, and will often play Devil's advocate and argue a position he doesn't even necessarily uphold himself. He is skilled in rhetorical devices and is not a 'fair' arguer. The best way to get on Angelus's good side is to support his views on childe rearing, and to treat his fledgelings the way he wishes them to be treated. The best way to annoy him is to dress in a slovenly manner and to make vulgar jokes about things like shagging and poo. Angelus will accuse such people of being responsible for his childe's bad language and behaviour, regardless of the fact that they just met his childe. NB: Angelus _is_ a villain, however, he is also in general very capable of looking ahead to the long term consequences of his actions. As such, he confines his more sadistic urges to rather mean-spirited humour and critical remarks about the behaviour and dress sense of others. Angelus's behaviour at the Loft is more like that of a Mafia don at a favoured patron's home than what the uninformed may expect from a villainous char. In short, Angelus is generally on his 'best' behaviour in the Loft (for a given value of 'best').
Buffy Summers Appearance: Buffy is short, blonde, and deceivingly tiny. She always wears a cross of some kind around her neck, and seems to be dressed mostly in casual and relaxed clothing. When she is dressed in something other than yoga pants and a t-shirt, she wears whatever happens to be in fashion at the time. She has matching bite scars on each shoulder; these will usually be covered by clothing.
Bio: Buffy Summers is a girl who has the power to render vampires into dust with one stab of her ever-present stake. She's been serving as the Slayer now for a few years; after Sunnydale was reduced to rubble, she and her friend Xander moved to Cleveland to deal with the Hellmouth there, and then on to Las Vegas, which is where she became involved with the Loft. She resides in town now, co-habitating with her boyfriend Steve, who is a barista at the bar. She serves as something of a traveling Slayer for the Boss, using the Door to quickly access places that she would normally not be able to go to.
Interactions: Buffy tries to be friendly to pretty much anyone; this has proven to be difficult in the case of the vampires that visit the Loft. She has a solid moral (and genetic) imperative to protect humans from the supernatural, and this at times has caused tension.
Advice: Buffy will not stand for shenanigans when it comes to vampires, demons, and their wicked ways. She and Angelus have come to an uneasy (at best) truce, and she will admit to a begrudging respect for his prowess when it comes to fighting. You will, however, likely have to pry this out of her. She is slowly coming to terms with her role there in the Loft, and her job, and has a glimmer of hope that maybe this will allow her to have something of a normal, longer life.
Delia Bio:
Delilah Vasko Appearance: Delilah Vasko is a pretty, almost twee young woman of about five foot seven with large dark eyes and wavy black hair; she always wears an onyx ring upon her right ring finger, and though no wedding ring proper is visible, one may sometimes catch a glimpse of an 'R'-shaped scar, always heavily-concealed with makeup, beneath the strap of her summer dress.
Bio: A lover of animals, children, people, and all things sweet and good, Delilah is, seemingly, the exact opposite of her husband. Delilah works in a bookstore in downtown Columbus and utilizes her trained skill in the kitchen to ply those she loves with baked goods of all kinds. She is deeply and passionately in love with her husband, Richard, and truly as happy as can be even if the apparent health of their relationship is sometimes in question to outsiders.
Interaction: Delilah is kind to everyone, even those who are mean or rude to her, but there are certain sore subjects—religion and Richard's sometimes cruel behavior towards others being the biggest. Even so, she is quick to forgive and forget, is adept at seeing only exactly what she wishes to see, and expresses her emotions through her cooking. Nothing from Delilah says 'I love you' quite as clearly or strongly as a treat she's made especially for someone.
Advice: The easiest way to win Delilah's heart is to be kind to Richard, or be someone he holds in high esteem—other than that, a corporeal presence helps quite a lot. Be forewarned, out and out rejecting her baked goods are likely to be interpreted as spurning her love, and will hurt her feelings; creative and thoughtful excuses are highly recommended, although the best course of action would be to take the foodstuffs home and give them to others who will appreciate them.
Dot Champa Bio:
Ellis Bio:
Gabriel Imeson Bio: Gabriel was once a shoemaker but ran away from home when a girl dumped him and was kidnapped by pirates. Since then he has done a lot of ill advised things, helped to save the kingdom and gotten scared quite a few times.
Advice: Gabriel is very shy and, being from a pirate adventure novel, unfamiliar with many modern things. He also spooks easily
Katie Champa Bio:
Quences “Gabriel” Tyler Appearance: Quences is very thin and lithe with high cheekbones and full lips. He is tall for his 14 years of age, at 5 feet, 7 inches. He has short messy brown hair and light brown eyes that fluctuate to grey or green with the clothing he wears. His thick eyebrows are distinctive, especially as he expresses his emotions through them so often. The resemblance to his father is uncanny, though his eyes and lips are clearly his mother's. He is left handed and has a habit of tucking his tongue behind his front teeth when smiling. He usually dresses in tight blue jeans, brown Chuck Taylor trainers, a t-shirt with some sort of print on it, and a blue hoodie with brown pinstripes.
Bio: Quences was born and raised in a parallel universe by a half-Time Lord and a human. He has always dreamt of a life of adventure, discovery, and helping people, but was seemingly condemned to a normal human existence. This changed when he was kidnapped by a malicious alien race and pulled into a world between dimensions. After defeating this race and saving the other kidnap victims, Quences was forced into our universe where he now lives, trapped and unable to return home. He is being raised by Jack Harkness and Ianto Jones as a ward of Torchwood until they figure out a way to get him back, or he encounters The Doctor.
Interactions: Quences has not yet revealed his first name to anyone and goes by his middle name, Gabriel. He is only 14, but is an intellectual genius and very over-confident. He tends to judge people by their relative intelligence or their (potentially lack of) logical conclusions. He respects those who debate with him logically and has little respect for people who use fallacious reasoning. Quences also loves learning and is fascinated by the world around him. He tries to be open minded and has a sense of morals, but should a reasonable argument be made in favour of lesser morals, he can be convinced to a certain point. However, he cannot abide in the suffering of others and will always voice his displeasure and attempt to help in some way. He is still attempting to balance his intellectual ability with his childishness and teenage rebelliousness, which can lead to trouble.
Advice: The best way to not draw Quences' ire is to recognize his intelligence without patronizing him. He will more likely be interested in you and will ask you tons of questions. Being patient and honest is best.
Richard Vasko Appearance: Richard Vasko is a thin man of six feet, even, his features sharp and too aged for his actual age, hair short and black, and eyes, heavily-lidded and icy blue. Somedays he has a walking stick given to him by his wife, somedays he goes fine without it, but always he makes a concerted effort to leave the house looking well-dressed.
Bio: Richard is an artist by trade and craft, well-versed in philosophy and psychology, fascinated by history and the arts, and a professional crab-ass. Delilah is, truly, his source of happiness and inspiration, and he near well worships the very ground she walks on. Despite appearances, he would never force her into something she truly would not want to do, and in fact devotes himself to protecting her.
Interaction: Richard is generally not impolite or unkind to those he doesn't know well, but it only takes one thing to piss him off and send him after you—upsetting Delilah. If that doesn't happen, he can make very pleasant conversation, and even prove himself to be a good and fiercely loyal friend.
Advice: The one true prerequisite for getting on Richard's good side is being genuinely kind to Delilah—it is a quality that has made him give people second chances, and begin to acknowledge others at all. Likewise, upsetting Delilah is a sure way to earn his ire and need for vengeance.
Signi Bio:
Steve the Barista Bio:
Valentine Varner Bio:
William the Bloody 'Spike' Aurelius Appearance: Four year old fledgeling William the Bloody, or 'Spike', as he prefers to be called, is five foot seven inches tall and a wiry 120 lbs of lean muscle. He has bright blue eyes and blond hair which stands up in unruly blond curls, and generally is either smirking or scowling, depending on the situation. Spike has a very youthful appearance, which, coupled with his generally impulsive and rather hyperactive behaviour and the fact that Angelus treats him like a young adolescent, may lead to the uninformed assuming he is a youth of 14 or so.
Bio: Spike is the youngest childe of Angelus of Aurelius, better known as The Scourge of Europe, a Master vampire known for the swaths of creatively raw carnage he has carved through the U.K. and Continent over the years. It is never easy for a lad to live up to a highly successful father, but Spike is doing his best. His favourite activities are fighting, arguing, and engaging in adventures of all sorts. However, love for blood and carnage aside, Spike is a juvenile vampire and as such he is nowhere near as sophisticated or self controlled as his elders.
Interactions: Spike enjoys being a vampire– no poncy frilly shirted Anne Rice style angsting here. He will proudly talk about being evil– however, the observant may notice that he often is engaging in activities that would generally be considered 'good,' such as trying to help his friends or prevent apocalypses. If people point this out to him, they may expect a heated argument, and possibly a lot of name calling. Spike is rude. He calls people insulting nicknames, or just refers to them in insulting ways such as 'wankers'. Spike likes to cause trouble when bored. However, just as often, he may be attempting to 'help' and still cause trouble. Spike is a liar. He claims, among other things, to be an Agent of Chaos, a 400 year old Master vampire, a pirate, an airship captain, and a champion kitten poker player. Spike is also a thief. He routinely picks pockets, including those of his close friends and family if he can get away with it, he carries a set of lockpicks on his person at all times, and he will pocket items that he thinks look interesting or valuable.
Advice: Spike gets along best with people who recognise that he is a juvenile, but don't patronise him or heavily criticise him. Spike will argue on almost any topic, and regards arguing as a sport, so sensitive characters or characters who have problems with even good natured conflict may find this distressing. Spike is extremely loyal to his friends, even disobeying Angelus's orders to help them if necessary at times (not that it takes much to get him to disobey Angelus's orders). Spike and Fritz have a long standing friendship/rivalry and so frequently get into fights, sometimes verbal, sometimes physical. About a month before Christmas and his birthday, Spike's general behaviour and manners will tend to take a turn for the better, although there will be lapses when he is goaded into losing his temper of if he gets caught up in some exciting scheme. Angelus generally serves to rein Spike in and keep him from getting himself into extreme trouble with other patrons, however, chars may wish to keep in mind that their interactions with Spike may result in interactions with Angelus (and that failure to try to prevent Spike from doing something that he shouldn't be may result in being criticised later by Angelus). Spike recognises that Angelus is overbearing, pompous, generally overprotective and can be a pain in the arse, however, he will defend his Sire if he feels he is being unfairly criticised. On that note, Spike will defend even people he personally dislikes if he feels they are being bullied or unfairly criticised– just as he will tell even his close friends when he feels they are being stupid or 'wankers'. Spike is deeply in love with his 'sister' and future Consort Dru, who is currently away being educated at the Aurelian Court. This is a sore subject for him and he misses her deeply, although he very rarely expresses it out loud or gives indication of how much her absence effects him and how much he longs to see her. Anyone disparaging Dru, or making a remark Spike perceives as disparaging Dru, can expect him to react with emphatic violence. NB: Spike is a Victorian, currently existing in 1884– as such his views on many topics, including women and sociological issues of race and gender, are very, very, very different than currently accepted views.
rpg/charloft/guests/bios.txt · Last modified: 2017/06/17 02:41 by

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