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Quest Log

Major Quests

Delver Level 1: Kill the Goblin Foreman

The Goblin Foreman seems to be in charge of the goblins on this level, and is clearly blocking the way into the mines. He must be stopped! … and his stuff must be looted, of course.

Delver Level 2: Descend to Level 2

The mines await – we must get there and see if we can learn more about what is going on below.

Side Quests

The Mysterious Castle: Release Lord Amadaen

Lord Amadaen wishes for peace. Apparently this means killing him - I guess we were thinking of doing that anyhow, so… We've taken him along for the moment.


We severed Lord Amadaen's head so he could accompany us. Bart made us a skull bag to carry the head in - it looks like a big flail, sort of.

Potion Belt

Bart says he can also make a potion belt for us to carry potions into combat. Sounds useful. (Completed Has now been bought and is in Inventory.)

The Mysterious Castle: Another Entrance?

There are hobgoblins in the town outside - apparently, the dungeon opens up to the outside world at some point out there. They were discussing the events in the mines - trouble with their slaves and such. If the way down is barricaded still, we might be able to get in from there.

Shopkeeper Bart: Shroom Elixir

Shopkeeper Bart promised that if we can find him Mossdapple Mushrooms - they're deep green with little white speckles - he can make us a special elixir that restores body and mind. I wonder if he invented Red Bull?

Floor to Floor: The Inscrutable Contraption

Shopkeeper Bart gave us an odd device that seems to run all by itself, a Rubik's Cube of ever-turning gears. We don't know what it goes to, but he suggested we try seeing whether we could sell it to a buyer elsewhere.

Exciting Adventures in Reading

We need to research the following topics further:

  • The Bloodthorns: A group of sinister and somewhat sadistic bandits that tend to employ torture against those who can't defend themselves as well as those who can. Their leader carries a thorned whip into battle, hence the name.
  • Mossdapple Mushrooms: Rare gourmet delicacy found deep in caves. Natural healing properties when consumed or ground up for poultices. When combined with grenraven herbs, resulting elixir promotes clear focus and concentration. Also, these mushrooms taste like apples. Yum!
  • Grenraven herb is a hallucinogen that grows in cold, wet environments. It releases spores into the air that cause mild hallucinations in anyone that breathes them. Dried and properly treated, however, it can be used to sharpen concentration or enhance mental faculties.
  • Goblin Blood Magic. Goblin blood magic uses ritualistic self-mutilation to unlock sorcerous powers. These are obviously much more potent than those used by a typical sorcerer, but require far more dedication and devotion to one's craft, and have more injurious consequences for failure or pushing one's limits. Some effects include the ability to call upon other powerful beings, cause earthquakes, create illusions, and torment and harm others from a distance.
  • Fe'Zhul is the goblin god of artifice. Unlike the human god, Trevelyne, or the elfin goddess, Maerna, Fe'Zhul is motivated to create for the purpose of destruction, a twisted cycle of war and devastation. Cheerful guy.
  • Trevelyne is the benevolent god of artifice for the people of Bwellen. (People being defined as 'humans', essentially.) His worshippers build elaborate moving statues out of metals of the earth in order to emulate his ability to bring life to lifeless matter with a blow from his smith's hammer.
  • The Impure Ones of the Forest worship a number of paganistic deities whose powers, while no match for the True Gods, are nevertheless dangerous. One such 'deity' is Maerna, their attempt to emulate the god of artifice. They worship this power through the sculpting and twisting of the natural to suit their purposes; it is unclear whether this is the method of their worship or the goal.


There are four shopkeepers within the area:

One is in the Western Hall of the Mysterious Castle, and sells sundry goods. He paid us 1,000 items to stop trying to sell him garbage from our world, and he also bought a calculator. His name is Bartholomew.

One is in the Eastern Hall of the Mysterious Castle and sells armor and weapons. His name is Geoffrey.

One is an 'Impure One of the Forests' - an elf, duh - and is named Algoth. Update: Jezaiah says he's the elf we stopped from lighting the armory on fire! He's Ardeel's assistant.

One is an 'Impure One of the Mountain' - a goblin - and is named Nevik.

Background Information

Acquired Allies


Jezaiah is an elf, and is a sorceress amongst her people. She seems capable of casting elemental and alteration magics - she can make bolts of fire, lightning, or ice shoot from her hands, can distort senses temporarily, can move objects (including herself), and supposedly can imbue weapons with elemental effects.

Jezaiah seems to vehemently despise the goblins, and doesn't like Brekht too much - but they do seem to be getting along a little better now.

Equipped Special Items:

Fine Silk Dress [Magic Defense 10, Magic Power 1].


Brekht is a goblin who was supposed to be on guard duty. When we found him, he was hiding in a bolthole above one of the tunnels, asleep. He is awfully cowardly, and is mostly associating with us because he fears for his life otherwise and because even his own people think poorly of him and wouldn't be likely to welcome him back now.

He is shy, quiet, and usually hides from combat, but has gotten slightly braver and more helpful. He seems to have some mechanical knowledge, at least judging from his ability to make Bomb Bolts.

Brekht has a cousin named Nevik somewhere in the caverns that he'd like for us not to kill.

People of Note

Lord Amadaen

Lord Amadaen is the lord of a territory known as Nadaer, located within a larger kingdom called Bwellan. He was one of the keepers of the Blades of Balance, blades made from both Black and White Steel that were meant to maintain the balance of the lands. He is currently mostly dead, a mere head living attached to a rotted body, unable to do anything but watch the horror that has befallen his lands.


We encountered Janna in the Eastern Wing, rummaging through the Map Room. She nearly shot Ellis by accident. She accompanied us for a while, but when we went back through the save point, she apparently tracked down and tortured a hobgoblin – then descended into a secret trap door. We don't know what she's up to, but it can't be good…

Races and Monsters

The Elves

The elves occupy a section of the caverns at the edges of the goblin's territory, and claim to have escaped from slavery at their hands. Most of the elves appear to be female - many of the male elves were put to work at lower levels, and as such fewer of them have managed to escape.

The elves may be known as 'The Impure Ones' to Lord Amadaen and the human factions above the Delver Dungeon.

They are commanded by Lyssandria, and the sentries on watch at the fringes of the goblin cave are named Alexin and Welliam.

The Goblins

The goblins occupy most of level 1, and possibly deeper. Some are capable and competent with firearms and gunpowder, but many of the lesser goblins are not terribly intelligent when left to their own devices. Those who are are much greater threats, and are capable of arranging ambushes, have the sense to retreat when too badly threatened, and can be truly dangerous when they go berserk.

Dungeon Layout

Level 1: The Entrance

Level 0: The Mysterious Castle

The Hall of Rewards

Accessible only by climbing from the other side or from the Common Room in level 1, the Hall of Rewards contained a black knight statue that guarded a chest. It challenged us to a duel for the treasure, and Val challenged it successfully to a contest of jazz trivia. In exchange, he received a wizard's hat and spellbook. We also found a journal that belonged to Jarek, one of the artificers who built the Chamber of Trials. Apparently he liked using the phrase 'destroy the unworthy', and claims to have installed a final trap that wasn't approved by the Lord.

The Chamber of Trials

We didn't explore this too carefully, but this seems to have been a challenge course for would-be champions, to obstruct the way to the Hall of Rewards. A yellow magical lift took us up to the Lord's Tower.

The Lord's Tower

A blue save point was found here, in a mosaic of knights fighting against a hydra on the ocean. The room beyond was the Observation Room.

The Lord's Observation Room

Here we found the (remains of the) Lord Amadaen, seated in his throne, forever watching the destruction outside.

Western Hall

The Western Hall contains a white metal statue of a spear carrier, and has four doors with engravings - one with a book, one with a muscular arm, one with an ankh, and one with a potion bottle. According to earlier sentinels, they are a library, a training area, a shrine, and a merchant's shop, respectively.

Eastern Hall

The Eastern Hall also has a white metal statue of a spear carrier, and has five doors with engravings - one with a shield and sword, one with a bed, one with a map, one with a bathtub, and one with stairs. According to sentinels, they are the Armory, the Dormitory, the Planning Room, the Bathroom, and, well, the Stairs.

Equipment Found/Bought

9 Healing Potions

5 Antidote Potions

2 Blue Dragon Potions

1 Yellow Dragon Potion

1 Golden Phoenix

12 Curative Mushrooms

2 Scrolls of Identification

1 Potion Belt

Phoenix Statue

Carved Carapace

3 Mossdapple Mushrooms

Hairpin of Sacrifice. Held by Spike. Usable as a knife; if used to hurt self, grants a bonus to spellcasting. Especially useful in goblin blood magic.

Knife of Opposites. Inflicts increased damage when held by weaker individuals. Currently held by Katie.

Blade of Balance. Currently held by Val.

Axe of the Elements (Fire lvl 2). Currently held by Ellis.

“Scabbard” for Axe of the Elements, commissioned from the Shopknight. Currently held by Ellis.

Helmet of Magical Resistance. Currently held by Random.

Hat of Sorcery. Provides the ability to cast spells to the holder. Held by Val.

Book of the Apprentice. Provides basic spells (Firespark, Wind Gust, Telekinesis, Levitation). Held by Val.

Glasses of Insight. Provides information on combat statistics. Held by Val.

Sneaking Boots. +1 to stealth. Owned by Val, Dot, and Katie.

Perfumed Cream, Beauty Cream, and Mystery Cream. “?” “Borrowed” from the Courtesan Room. Currently in Val's possession.

Courtesan Scroll. Unknown effect, found in the Courtesan Room. Currently in Katie's possession.

Magewand of Clearance. Emits a five foot wide shockwave that knocks down and mildly damages anything in its path. Given as a gift by Algoth for rescuing him from the goblins. Cracks as it is used. Charges remaining: 10.

2811 coins

Bart's Inventory

Curative Mushroom: This unusual edible restores a small amount of health when consumed. 10 coins.

Healing Potion: This potion restores a large amount of health, but must be consumed in one draught. 50 coins.

Antidote Potion: This potion removes poisons. 10 coins.

Phoenix Statue: This rare and expensive statue allows you to revive a fallen ally once, to critical health. 100 coins.

Golden Phoenix: This extremely valuable statue allows you to revive a fallen ally with full health. 250 coins.

Red Dragon Potion: You gain the ability to breathe fire (ten blasts). This inflicts significant fire damage, and may set things or people on fire. It can strike anywhere the character can look at within ten feet. 50 coins.

Green Dragon Potion: You gain the ability to spray a choking cloud of gas that fills a 10' by 10' by 10' area (ten blasts). You are immune to this gas, but anyone else breathing it must resist against its poisonous effects or suffer damage every minute. 50 coins.

Yellow Dragon Potion: You gain the ability to breathe lightning (ten blasts). This inflicts significant electrical damage, and can temporarily stun or weaken opponents. It can strike anywhere the character can look at within fifty feet. 50 coins.

Blue Dragon Potion: You gain the ability to breathe frost (ten blasts). This inflicts moderate ice damage, and also reduces dexterity of its targets. If dexterity is negated, the unfortunate is frozen solid and takes double damage from all attacks. Range is ten feet. 50 coins.

Phoenix Amulet: When worn, this device triggers if the wearer is killed, bringing them back up to critical health and restoring them to consciousness. 200 coins.

Maneuver Scroll: These scrolls contain the secrets of an esoteric maneuver. Some examples follow:

  • Perfection Strike. Reflexive. Your Dexterity is increased when using combat maneuvers whenever you are in perfect health. 500 coins.
  • Desperation Strike. Reflexive. Your Strength is increased when using combat maneuvers whenever you are at critical health. 500 coins.
  • Lucky Strike. Reflexive. You have a chance of inflicting double damage on an attack under certain circumstances. 500 coins.
  • Chaos Strike. Invoked. Has a small chance of inflicting no damage, and an equal chance to inflict half, normal, or double damage. 500 coins.
  • Last Stand. Reflexive. If you are above critical health, any attack that would reduce your health into risk of unconsciousness or death instead reduces you to critical health. 500 coins.
  • Specialty Maneuver: Reflexive. This maneuver gives a special power to a character that is based around their personality. For example, a fire-aspect might gain fire damage on all melee attacks; a drain-aspect might gain health when they hurt someone; a hero-aspect might gain an upgrade to their defensive maneuvers when they successfully block an attack; etc. The Specialty Maneuvers sold at Bart's are all Reflexive in nature, and therefore work without needing to be invoked. 1000 coins.

Basic Potion Belt: This potion belt allows you to carry up to four potions in conveniently accessible form, allowing you to use them as an action. 200 coins.

Pouch of Containment: This pouch allows you to contain an infinite amount of items… as long as they can fit through the opening, which is one and a half inches wide. Commonly used for coin storage. 2500 coins.

Knight's Inventory

Blacksteel Blade – 750 gold. Attack Rating 24. Inflicts greater damage on Impures of the Forest.

Champion's Warhammer – 500 gold. Attack Rating 20, can bash or pierce, gains a bonus on subsequent strikes against the same target.

Plated Leather Armor – 400 gold. Armor Rating 12, loses Armor Rating from moderate damage.

Spiky Suit – 980 gold. Armor Rating 18, inflicts damage on opponents on any defense. Loses Armor Rating from moderate damage.

Boiler Plate – 1500 gold. Armor Rating 25, grants immunity to fire damage, Dexterity lowered slightly due to bulk.

Chainmail Bikini – 2400 gold. Only wearable by women. Increases Attractiveness. Armor Rating 5. Not stackable with normal armor. Attractiveness increases with damage.

Infallible Plate – 9800 gold. Armor Rating 40, random chance of reviving unconscious wearer. Loses Armor Rating when pierced.

Armor Polish – 120 gold. Repairs damaged armor (up to 25% of Armor Rating lost can be replenished in one use.)

Buckler of Blasting – 475 gold. Slightly increases block ability. Armor Rating 18, small chance of Exploding in attacker's face when struck. Explodes and damages everyone in range if destroyed normally. Loses Armor Rating when struck.

Shiny Shield – 900 gold. Moderately increases block ability. Armor Rating 22. Loses Armor Rating from moderate damage.

Ice Shield – 250 gold. +3 to block, Armor Rating 75, loses Armor Rating whenever struck. Any attack that penetrates immediately destroys it.

Golden Shield – 2000 gold. +4 to block, Armor Rating 45, loses Armor Rating when penetrated.

Mirror Shield – 999 gold. +2 to block, Armor Rating 15. Loses Armor Rating when struck by anything except for magic or light attacks, which it reflects!

Bouncy Boots – 300 gold. Slightly increases jumping abilities. May be injured if unfortunate.

Stealthy Boots – 600 gold. Slightly improves stealth.

Gloves of Fisting – 800 gold. Increases punch damage (Attack Rating 10) but they have a most unfortunate name. Damage increases if used from behind.

Portaballista – 6000 gold. Attack Rating 45, inflicts damage based on ammunition only.

Portaballista Brick – 500 gold for 20. Inflicts Bash damage, and can trigger or break things at a range.

Portaballista Bolt – 1000 gold for 20. Inflicts Slash/Stab damage.

Portaballista Bomb – 100 gold for 1. Inflicts Fire damage over a very small area.

Portaballista Potion – 120 gold for 1. Instead of damage, acts as a Dispel [Magic Power 30].

Ordinary Crossbow: 200 gold. Fires normal crossbow bolts. Attack Rating 25.

Ordinary Bolts: 50 gold for 20 bolts. Inflict Slash/Stab damage.

Goblin Crossbow: 600 gold. Fires small crossbow bolts, more accurate but inflict less damage.

Goblin Bolts: 50 gold for 20 bolts. Yep, they're just as expensive.

Bomb Bolts: Only fits in goblin crossbows. Inflicts massive damage (Attack Rating 100) to anyone directly hit by them, and minor damage to anyone adjacent to target.

Ice Bolts: Only fits in goblin crossbows. Inflicts minor damage (Attack Rating 15), plus suffer Freezing buff for ten turns (may impair Dexterity or freeze target solid.)

Maneuver Scrolls

Counterattack: You can inflict damage on a Parry any time you could use a Parry (including against weapon attacks.) 2000 gold.

Arrowsnatcher: You can catch missle weapons as easily as you can dodge them. 1000 gold.

Drunken Master: If you drink alcohol to the point where you become intoxicated, you attack and defend with greater skill, despite your overall impairment otherwise. Drink with caution. 1000 gold.

Whirlwind Strike: Any time you are beset by multiple opponents, you can make one attack at each enemy at no penalty instead of your normal action. 1000 gold.

Specialty Maneuver: This maneuver gives a special power to a character that is based around their personality. For example, a fire-aspect might gain fire damage on all melee attacks; a drain-aspect might gain LP when they hurt someone; a hero-aspect might gain an upgrade to Full Defense when they successfully block an attack; etc. The Armory's maneuvers are Invoked – so they have to be specifically called upon (which means they don't work when Silenced), and cost a small amount of hit points when used. Each Invoked attack only works once per combat. Each costs 2000 gold.

Items to watch for

Party Upgrades and Maneuvers


Perfection Strike

  Dexterity is increased by 1 for combat maneuvers whenever LP => maximum.


Drain Aspect

  Use Drain Aspect instead of normal aspect. Current Darkness level 1.

Party Sign Language

Right hand = Party
Left hand = Enemies
Two fingers miming drawn bow = Archers
Hand chopping gesture = Melee weapaons
Wiggling thumb = fire
L shape with fingers = light ahead
Crossed fingers (like for 'luck') = trap
Closed fist = bomb

rpg/charloft/delver.txt · Last modified: 2017/06/17 02:41 by

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