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About World's End: World's End Scrapyard

The Scrapyard is a large junkyard that contains the assorted garbage and refuse of an untold number of worlds. Scraps left by passing travelers, broken-down machinery and vehicles, and items nobody seemed to want all seem to show up in its depths. Most of the more salvageable items tend to wind up in Chekhov's Bag eventually, and most items from dead worlds eventually find their way to the Museum of World's End. Still, occasionally a rare treasure can be found amongst the garbage and debris. Entry to the Junkyard is free, and anyone can take (or leave) what they like; the town's dump trucks regularly empty the garbage from around town here twice a day, or more often if a particularly messy disaster has occurred.

rpg/charloft/about/worldsend/scrapyard.txt · Last modified: 2017/06/17 02:41 by

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