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About the CharLoft: The Void

The Void is best described as a place beyond existence or nonexistence. Most people only end up in the Void under one of the following circumstances:

  • They managed to annoy the boss.
  • A staff member requested they be put into the Void.
  • The CharLoft temporarily ceased to exist for maintenance or other reasons.

Those left in the Void tend to be expelled after a certain period of time – traditionally, fifteen minutes, at least according to their own perception and most time-keeping devices they may possess. However:

  • Those capable of sufficient self-awareness will note that time actually passes at 1/10th normal speed within the Void, regardless of what their normal senses may be telling them. This means that for all intents and purposes, time-related effects such as healing and recovery only benefit from 1/10th the normal boost from time spent in the Void.
  • Those who require air (or oxygen) will discover - to their relief - that they are still capable of breathing in the Void… for a while. When dumped into the Void, occupants generally find that the surrounding air has also been dumped in, providing breatheable air for anywhere from an hour to several days, relatively speaking. Since most people only wind up in the Void for fifteen minutes or less, this is typically not a problem.
  • Those who have any reaction to temperature will note that the Void seems to get colder as you stay longer. This is because the Void is for all intents and purposes an absolute-zero zone, and the only heat available is provided by whatever ended up in the Void. The temporal distortion means that things cool down more slowly there - typically starting at room temperature and dropping roughly one degree for every minute spent in the Void. As such, staying longer than fifteen minutes can be hazardous to one's health.
  • Those who were dumped into the Void are dumped with their possessions, most of the time. Occasionally, people are dumped into the Void with only their clothes, or even naked; this usually only occurs if someone attempted to steal something.
  • The Void is infinitely dark, such that any source of light brought in by unfortunate travelers can be seen for miles. As such, occasionally one might see a faint light in the distance - perhaps from others who have been trapped within the Void.
  • The Void has no real surface area, nor does it have any convenient matter to react to; as such, most typical methods of locomotion (walking, swimming, winged flight, etc) will not function, as Newtonian physics usually apply within the Void. Creatures that move through other methods may still be capable of movement in the Void.
  • The Void is, to all appearances, unoccupied except by those temporarily deposited there. However, nobody has remained in the Void long enough to really confirm this with any certainty.
  • Those capable of creating dimensional doorways will discover the hard way that they work differently here; upon opening, they immediately suck everything in the immediate area through, dumping them at the destination point before closing. Fortunately, gates that are not sufficiently opened to fit a creature will simply not transport them, rather than shearing them in half.
  • Those temporarily contained in the Void may find themselves expelled in similar methods, or may simply reappear in the Loft in whatever position they had been occupying in the Void before returning.
rpg/charloft/about/charloft/thevoid.txt · Last modified: 2017/06/17 02:41 by

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