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Unfamiliar Technology

When adventurers find a piece of technology that isn't from their world or time period, the players might understand what the object is, but the characters rarely will. To simulate a character's ignorance about the technology, have the character make a series of Intelligence checks to figure it out.

To determine how the technology works, a character must succeed on a number of Intelligence checks based on the complexity of the item: two successes for a simple item (such as a cigarette lighter, calculator, or revolver) and four successes for a complex item (such a a computer, chainsaw, or hovercraft). Then consult the Figuring Out Alien Technology table. Items may break after a certain number of failures are accumulated without taking a long rest (four is standard, but particularly finicky items may require less).

A character who has seen an item used or has operated a similar item has advantage on Intelligence checks made to figure out its use.

Figuring Out Unfamiliar Technology

Int Check Total Result
9 or lower One failure; one charge or use is wasted, if applicable; character has disadvantage on next check
10 to 14 One failure
15 to 19 One success
20 or higher One success; character has advantage on next check
rpg/arcydea/unfamiliar-tech.txt · Last modified: 2019/09/23 13:40 by wizardofaus_doku

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