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Party Treasury

A place to record treasures not yet divided amongst adventurers.

Group Cash:

  • 259 copper pieces
  • 111 silver pieces
  • 3 electrum pieces
  • 24 gold pieces
  • 45 platinum pieces
  • Topaz worth 100 gp
  • Two Onyx worth 50 gp each

Cleric in a Bottle - Acolyte (2d4+2 HP healing) x 4

Marked Map listing Dark Marsh and Freedomstand

Five baby stirges

One kobold shortbow used by Vale

One kobold shortsword used by Sophie

One longsword used by Vale

Neri's shortbow used by Sophie

2 changes of peasant clothing

200 pounds of salted pork

Body sledge

Six mess kits

Iron pot

Sponges and container

3 yards mosquito netting

Four citronella candles

Plastic Spyglass: A children's toy that was once included in McGrieson's Hero Meals, this plastic spyglass is made from child-friendly supplies by Half and Fuller's in Nexus City. (Spyglass can magnify by up to 2 times and takes an action to focus on anything in particular. It has 1 hit point and is worthless if destroyed.) Only 1 gold piece!

Plastic Periscope: A children's toy that was once included in McGrieson's Hero Meals, now available for public purchase to anyone who wishes to buy them. (This arrangement of simple mirrors allows you to look around a corner, but the gaudy coloration of the blue 'submarine' periscope means that Stealth rolls to see around corners are only increased by +2 (+4 if properly camoflauged to the environment. Periscope breaks if it takes 1 hit point of damage and is worthless if destroyed.) Only 1 gold piece!

Wakende the Owl. An owl that can fetch small objects (10 lbs or less) on command, given a bit of time, and very quietly, and has learned to tie and untie knots and deliver messages.

[You have been gifted a Fanny Pack of Holding! Its opening is roughly a foot in diameter at its widest point, and can store up to 150 pounds or six cubic feet of stuff! Less than your typical bag of holding, but it also weighs only one pound no matter how much stuff is in it. It does not sort your items for you, so you may have to turn it inside out occasionally to get at all of your loot. Still, it'll make carrying a treasury around a little bit easier… and is currently serving as the group's treasury storage.]

Staff of Frost (used by Tal): You have resistance to cold damage while you hold this staff. This staff has ten charges, and regains 1d6+4 charges every day. While holding it, you can use an action to expend 1 or more of its charges to cast one of the following spells from it, using your spell save DC: cone of cold (5 charges), fog cloud (1 charge), ice storm (4 charges), or wall of ice (4 charges).

  • A trunk filled with six fine dresses and gowns [25 gp each, 50 gp in Waterdeep]

Total Experience Earned by Group: 2255XP

XP Total of Tal, Chloe, and Feravel: 1159XP

rpg/arcydea/treasury/group1.txt · Last modified: 2020/12/21 19:06 by

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