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Plants of Arcydea

Interesting plants that are not recognizable to visitors from Earth.

Tusken Mushrooms: These large fungi develop strong wooden stems, making them invaluable to dark elves as a source of tuskwood.

Glowshrooms: Small mushrooms that glow softly while growing and for some time after plucking, valuable to explorers.

Silverwood: A rare tree whose wood acts as magically conductive silver while still being usable by druids and similar metal-averse individuals.

Vampire Roses: These roses are normally bright white, but they have thorny vines that will actively attempt to grapple and pierce targets. If successful, they drain blood from the target until sated.

Bloodmelon: A watermelon-like fruit with an extremely high iron content, suitable as a dietary replacement for blood for most vampires and similar entities.

Soulberry: Technically more of a grape, this berry is squeezed to make soulberry wine, which acts as a dietary replacement for those who feed on souls (to some extent) or psychic energy (to a great extent).

rpg/arcydea/plants.txt · Last modified: 2019/09/16 20:30 by wizardofaus_doku

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