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The Ironworks

Ironworks are a combination of technology, magic, and good old-fashioned knowhow that allow people to manifest in a separate location without having to fight for themselves, using a cellular digital connection and neuropresence hardware. The best are designed using the measurements of specific individuals in order to allow them to use their Dexterity, skill, and proficiency bonuses in combat without penalty.

Iron Automatons

Iron Mannequin

These models are designed for training purposes, and actually have a form of self-governing AI controlling them rather than outside control. They will obey orders from a specific list of people, and have a small skill set focused around either stealth or detection; they aren't really built for training social etiquette. They include leather padding in strategic areas to give adversaries a target to strike when in training mode, and while not as tough as the stereotypical iron golems, they do work very well as emergency field troops when set to emergency mode.

Armor Class: 18

Hit Points: 80 to disable, 160 to destroy

Effective STR: 16 (+3)

Effective DEX: 14 (+2)

Effective CON: 20 (+5)

Effective INT: 10 (+0)

Effective WIS: 12 (+1)

Effective CHA: 1 (-5)

Movement: 30 feet, land

Damage Reduction: All damage sources are reduced by 5 before resistances, immunities, weaknesses, etc are taken into account.

Damage Immunities: fire, poison, psychic, necrotic, electric

Damage Resistances: bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks that aren't adamantine

Condition Immunities: charmed, exhaustion, frightened, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned

Languages: Understands Common but does not speak.

Senses: Darkvision 60 ft.

Skills: Perception +7, Stealth +8, Acrobatics +6, Athletics +6, Medicine +5

Proficiency Bonus: +4

Considered proficient in all saves.

Simulated Damage: In any training mode, track the amount of damage successfully reduced by Damage Reduction and Damage Resistance; when this damage plus actual physical damage suffered exceeds the Mode HP, the Mannequin 'dies' and is no longer a participant.

Immutable Form: The Iron Mannequin is immune to any spell or effect that would alter its form.

Runs Like A Machine: The Iron Mannequin does not require food, water, or oxygen.

Magic Resistance: The Iron Warrior has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.

Equipment Limitations: The Iron Warrior can use handheld items normally, including weapons and shields, and can also wear armor or clothing. However, it cannot attune to magical items or make use of items that require commands to activate.

Modes of Action: The degree to which an Iron Mannequin fights depends on what mode it is set into.

  • Repair Mode: The mannequin uses mending magics to repair damage to padding and framework. This takes one minute per actual HP lost, to a minimum of five minutes (if damage is non-lethal only; repairing padding and such.) The mannequin will automatically switch to this mode if rendered inert and not otherwise given orders after one hour.
  • Easy Minion Mode: Darkvision is disabled, Mode HP is 1, Attacks and Saves are made at +2, Perception is used at +2, other skills are unused. Preferable for teaching basic combat.
  • Medium Minion Mode: Darkvision is enabled to 30 feet, Mode HP is 1, Attacks and Saves are made at +4, Perception is made at +4, other skills are unused. Ideal for giving a reasonable challenge to people training with poisoned weapons or in other light exercises.
  • Hard Minion Mode: Darkvision is fully enabled, Mode HP is 1, Attacks are made at +7, saves and skills are normal. Minion will fight to the best of their abilities and may use stealth and cunning.
  • Easy Guard Mode: Darkvision is disabled, Mode HP is 10, Attacks and Saves are made at +2, Perception is used at +2, other skills are unused. Preferable for teaching basic combat with a foe that can stand a hit.
  • Medium Guard Mode: Darkvision is enabled to 30 feet, Mode HP is 30, Attacks and Saves are made at +4, Perception is made at +4, other skills are unused. Ideal for giving a reasonable challenge to people training to defeat opponents.
  • Hard Minion Mode: Darkvision is fully enabled, Mode HP is 50, Attacks are made at +7, saves and skills are normal. Guard will fight to the best of their abilities and may use stealth and cunning.
  • Full-Contact Mode: Darkvision is fully enabled, Mode HP is 80, Attacks are made at +7, saves and skills are normal. Mannequin will inflict lethal damage with strikes until enemy is reduced to 10 HP or less, will fight to the best of their abilities and may use stealth and cunning.
  • Crisis Mode: Mannequin is set to fight anyone not in Black Rose regalia with lethal damage, will fight until incapacitated, will attempt to stabilize Black Rose personnel that are incapacitated but not dead, and will self-repair automatically if no threats are detected (and interrupt when they are.)

Typical Armaments:

  • Sword and Board: Increase AC by 2, attack inflicts 1d8+3 slashing damage.
  • Spear and Shield: Increase AC by 2, attack has reach and inflicts 1d6+3 piercing damage.
  • Tonfa Fighter: Club inflicts 1d4+3 damage, can use bonus action to attack with second club for 1d4+3 damage.
  • Hand Crossbow: Can be fired one handed, range 30/120, inflicts 1d6+2 damage, must be reloaded.
  • Light Crossbow: Requires both hands, range 80/320, inflicts 1d8+2 damage, must be reloaded.
  • Blowgun: Requires both hands, range 10/40, inflicts 1 damage plus special effect as poison, must be reloaded.

Iron Warrior

This is a generic Iron Warrior, meant to give anyone who wants to the ability to adopt a field presence without too much fuss and customization. It has obvious limitations, but the biggest are that it is too expensive to produce in bulk for now.

Armor Class: 18

Hit Points: 80 to disable, 160 to destroy

Effective STR: 20 (+5)

Effective DEX: As character

Effective CON: 20 (+5)

Effective INT: As character

Effective WIS: As character

Effective CHA: As character

Movement: 30 feet, land

Damage Reduction: All damage sources are reduced by 5 before resistances, immunities, weaknesses, etc are taken into account.

Damage Immunities: fire, poison, psychic, necrotic, electric

Damage Resistances: bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks that aren't adamantine

Condition Immunities: charmed, exhaustion, frightened, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned

Senses: Darkvision 120 ft., others if relevant to Limited Uplink

Limited Uplink: Allows the Iron Warrior to be controlled at ATTN network range. However, upgraded senses (truesight, voidsight, etc) do not function through the uplink.

Latency: Due to the nonspecialized nature of the Iron Warrior, all proficiency bonuses are reduced by two when operating this equipment.

Non-Custom: Stealth checks are at disadvantage due to the differences between the Iron Warrior and the user.

Poor Channel: Effects that inflict fire, poison, psychic, necrotic, or electric damage work at half strength when channeled through the Iron Warrior.

Recharge!: Whenever the Iron Warrior is subjected to electric damage, it takes no damage and instead regains a number of hit points equal to the electric damage dealt.

Heated Body: If the Iron Warrior is subjected to fire damage, track it as Heat. Every 10 points of Heat increases the damage of the Iron Warrior's gauntlet attacks by 1 point of heat damage. Creatures immune to fire are immune to heat, but heat does not trigger fire absorption and similar effects. Heat dissipates at one point per round, and dissipates to reduce damage from ice or water attacks (reduces damage by up to half at a cost of one Heat per point of damage ignored.)

Overheat: If Iron Warrior accumulates more than 50 Heat, the connection is lost as if the Warrior was disabled; a connection can be re-established once Heat drops below 50.

Immutable Form: The Iron Warrior is immune to any spell or effect that would alter its form.

Breathless: The Iron Warrior does not require food, water, or oxygen, and can speak, use verbal components, etc, without oxygen due to internal speakers.

Magic Resistance: The Iron Warrior has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.

Magic Body: The Iron Warrior's gauntlet and other physical attacks are magical.

Spiked Gauntlets: The Iron Warrior has spikes along the back of its gauntlets, allowing the user to inflict 1d4+5 piercing damage with a punch, or slashing damage if they have multiple attacks (punch first to get the spikes in, then RIP.) Monks add this to their normal damage.

Equipment Limitations: The Iron Warrior can use handheld items normally, including weapons and shields, but cannot wear normal armor or clothing, and cannot attune to items. However, items already attuned to the user can be used with the Iron Hero.

Iron Customs

Iron Cassie v2.0a

This Iron Hero has been designed to the physical specifications of Cassie and designed to channel her magics. However, it also has a few special upgrades to help accentuate her combat style.

Armor Class: 18

Hit Points: 100 to disable, 200 to destroy

Effective STR: 20 (+5)

Effective DEX: As character

Effective CON: 20 (+5)

Effective INT: As character

Effective WIS: As character

Effective CHA: As character

Movement: 30 feet, land

Damage Reduction: All damage sources are reduced by 5 before resistances, immunities, weaknesses, etc are taken into account.

Damage Immunities: fire, poison, psychic, necrotic, electric

Damage Resistances: bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks that aren't adamantine; radiant damage

Condition Immunities: charmed, exhaustion, frightened, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned

Senses: Darkvision 120 ft., others if relevant to Limited Uplink

Limited Uplink: Allows the Iron Hero to be controlled at ATTN network range. However, upgraded senses (truesight, voidsight, etc) do not function through the uplink.

Low Latency: Due to the specialized nature of the Iron Hero, skills are usable normally in most cases unless they require a characteristic intrinsic to the body of the user (dragonbreath for a dragon, for example).

Channel Optimization: Effects that inflict fire, poison, psychic, necrotic, or electric damage are not weakened when channeled through the Iron Hero.

Recharge!: Whenever an Iron Hero is subjected to electric damage, it takes no damage and instead regains a number of hit points equal to the electric damage dealt. If Iron Hero has used any charges, it can convert 20 points of electric damage into one Charge instead of regaining hit points.

Heated Body: If the Iron Hero is subjected to fire damage, track it as Heat. Every 10 points of Heat increases the damage of the Iron Hero gauntlet attacks by 1 point of heat damage. Creatures immune to fire are immune to heat, but heat does not trigger fire absorption and similar effects. Heat dissipates at one point per round, and dissipates to reduce damage from ice or water attacks (reduces damage by up to half at a cost of one Heat per point of damage ignored.)

Overheat: If Iron Hero accumulates more than 50 Heat, the connection is lost as if the Warrior was disabled; a connection can be re-established once Heat drops below 50.

Immutable Form: The Iron Herois immune to any spell or effect that would alter its form.

Magic Resistance: The Iron Hero has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.

Magic Body: The Iron Hero's gauntlet and other physical attacks are magical.

Spiked Gauntlets: The Iron Hero has spikes along the back of its gauntlets, allowing the user to inflict 1d4+5 piercing damage with a punch, or slashing damage if they have multiple attacks (punch first to get the spikes in, then RIP.) Monks add this to their normal damage.

Equipment Limitations: The Iron Hero can use handheld items normally, including weapons and shields, but cannot wear normal armor or clothing, and cannot attune to items. However, items already attuned to the user can be used with the Iron Hero.

Rainbow Powers:

  • Rainbow Charge: Iron Cassie has a Charge meter, which currently contains three Charges. It regains all Charges after a long rest, or can regain them through lightning damage or reCharge stations.
  • Rainbows Everywhere: Iron Cassie can generate bright light within a 30 foot cone centered on her forehead with dim light out to 30 feet. The light can take any color Iron Cassie chooses. Activating or deactivating this is a free action.
  • Rainbow Fire: Iron Cassie can generate a cone of flames from her right hand by calling out, “RAINBOW FIRE!” as a command function. This takes an action, and sprays flames in multiple colors (red, normal, green, blue, and violet) in a 15 foot cone as per a Burning Hands spell. This requires a Dexterity save vs DC 12 to avoid (it's still a prototype) and inflicts 3d6 damage on a successful hit. This uses one Charge.
  • Fist of Rainbows: Iron Cassie's right hand has a spring-triggering plate rather than spikes. If she uses a punch attack that hits, this inflicts 1d4+5 bludgeoning damage, and triggers RAINBOW FIRE if a Charge is available, which the target cannot save to avoid and which inflicts double normal damage to that target. Anyone else in the normal target area is at Advantage to avoid this, however, as the target takes most of the damage.

Iron Eon v1.0a

This Iron Hero has been designed to the physical specifications of Eon and designed to channel her skills. However, it also has a few special upgrades to help accentuate her combat style.

Armor Class: 18

Hit Points: 100 to disable, 200 to destroy

Effective STR: 20 (+5)

Effective DEX: As character

Effective CON: 20 (+5)

Effective INT: As character

Effective WIS: As character

Effective CHA: As character

Movement: 30 feet, land

Damage Reduction: All damage sources are reduced by 5 before resistances, immunities, weaknesses, etc are taken into account.

Damage Immunities: fire, poison, psychic, necrotic, electric

Damage Resistances: bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks that aren't adamantine; radiant

Condition Immunities: charmed, exhaustion, frightened, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned

Senses: Darkvision 120 ft., others if relevant to Limited Uplink

Limited Uplink: Allows the Iron Hero to be controlled at ATTN network range. However, upgraded senses (truesight, voidsight, etc) do not function through the uplink.

Low Latency: Due to the specialized nature of the Iron Hero, skills are usable normally in most cases unless they require a characteristic intrinsic to the body of the user (dragonbreath for a dragon, for example).

Channel Optimization: Effects that inflict fire, poison, psychic, necrotic, or electric damage are not weakened when channeled through the Iron Hero.

Recharge!: Whenever an Iron Hero is subjected to electric damage, it takes no damage and instead regains a number of hit points equal to the electric damage dealt. If Iron Hero has used any charges, it can convert 20 points of electric damage into one Charge instead of regaining hit points.

Heated Weapons: If the Iron Hero is subjected to fire damage, track it as Heat. Every 10 points of Heat increases the damage of the Iron Warrior's gauntlet attacks by 1 point of heat damage, and inflicts 1 point of heat damage to anyone coming into physical contact. Creatures immune to fire are immune to heat, but heat does not trigger fire absorption and similar effects. Heat dissipates at one point per round.

Immutable Form: The Iron Warrior is immune to any spell or effect that would alter its form.

Magic Resistance: The Iron Hero has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.

Magic Body: The Iron Hero's gauntlet and other physical attacks are magical.

Spiked Gauntlets: The Iron Warrior has spikes along the back of its gauntlets, allowing the user to inflict 1d4+5 piercing damage with a punch, or slashing damage if they have multiple attacks (punch first to get the spikes in, then RIP.) Monks add this to their normal damage.

Equipment Limitations: The Iron Hero can use handheld items normally, including weapons and shields, but cannot wear normal armor or clothing, and cannot attune to items. However, items already attuned to the user can be used with the Iron Hero.

Heroic Powers:

  • Heroic Charge: Iron Eon has a Charge meter, which currently contains three Charges. It regains all Charges after a long rest, or can regain them through lightning damage or reCharge stations.
  • Angel Wings: Still under development. For now, Eon can channel her aasimar wing powers through this system, at half normal duration (what, iron girls are heavy), and can use a Charge to extend this duration (one charge used per extra half duration gained.)
  • Sticky Feet: Still under development. For now, this adds a +1 to attempts to resist being knocked prone, and a +1 to Climb skill.
  • Stealthy Tread: Whereas all Iron Heroes have normal skill usage, the feet and legs of Iron Eon are designed specifically to reduce noise generation, adding +2 to her passive and active Stealth when walking or running.
  • Spring Bow: Each of Iron Eon's arms has an intrinsic springbow mounted in it, which is loaded by pushing the bolt into position (easy with Iron Eon's augmented strength.) This inflicts 1d10 + Dexterity bonus. Both arms can be aimed and fired normally as an action, or quick-fired as a bonus action at Disadvantage if target is within first range increment, by extending the first and fourth fingers while folding in the second and third fingers. (Yes, devil horns.) Range is 100/400 when fired normally. Requires loading normally.

Iron Ami v1.0a

This Iron Hero has been designed to the virtual specifications of Ami and designed to channel her skills. However, it also has a few special upgrades to help accentuate her combat style.

Armor Class: 18

Hit Points: 100 to disable, 200 to destroy

Effective STR: 20 (+5)

Effective DEX: 15

Effective CON: 20 (+5)

Effective INT: 16

Effective WIS: 16

Effective CHA: 15

Movement: 30 feet, land

Damage Reduction: All damage sources are reduced by 5 before resistances, immunities, weaknesses, etc are taken into account.

Damage Immunities: fire, poison, psychic, necrotic, electric

Damage Resistances: bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks that aren't adamantine; radiant

Condition Immunities: charmed, exhaustion, frightened, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned

Senses: Darkvision 120 ft., others if relevant to Limited Uplink

Limited Uplink: Allows the Iron Hero to be controlled at ATTN network range. However, upgraded senses (truesight, voidsight, etc) do not function through the uplink.

Low Latency: Due to the specialized nature of the Iron Hero, skills are usable normally in most cases unless they require a characteristic intrinsic to the body of the user (dragonbreath for a dragon, for example).

Channel Optimization: Effects that inflict fire, poison, psychic, necrotic, or electric damage are not weakened when channeled through the Iron Hero.

Recharge!: Whenever an Iron Hero is subjected to electric damage, it takes no damage and instead regains a number of hit points equal to the electric damage dealt. If Iron Hero has used any charges, it can convert 20 points of electric damage into one Charge instead of regaining hit points.

Heated Weapons: If the Iron Hero is subjected to fire damage, track it as Heat. Every 10 points of Heat increases the damage of the Iron Warrior's gauntlet attacks by 1 point of heat damage, and inflicts 1 point of heat damage to anyone coming into physical contact. Creatures immune to fire are immune to heat, but heat does not trigger fire absorption and similar effects. Heat dissipates at one point per round.

Immutable Form: The Iron Hero is immune to any spell or effect that would alter its form.

Magic Resistance: The Iron Hero has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.

Magic Body: The Iron Hero's gauntlet and other physical attacks are magical.

Spiked Gauntlets: The Iron Warrior has spikes along the back of its gauntlets, allowing the user to inflict 1d4+5 piercing damage with a punch, or slashing damage if they have multiple attacks (punch first to get the spikes in, then RIP.) Monks add this to their normal damage.

Equipment Limitations: The Iron Hero can use handheld items normally, including weapons and shields, but cannot wear normal armor or clothing, and cannot attune to items. However, items already attuned to the user can be used with the Iron Hero.

Heroic Powers:

  • Heroic Charge: Iron Ami has a Charge meter, which currently contains three Charges. It regains all Charges after a long rest, or can regain them through lightning damage or reCharge stations.
  • Solar Flare: Iron Ami can generate a 60 foot radius sphere of light centered on herself, which sheds dim light to an additional 60 feet. The light shines from her head and moves with her. Completely covering her head with an opaque object blocks the light. This light dispels any darkness created by spells of fifth level or lower, and those within 60 feet looking directly at Ami must make a Constitution save vs DC 15 or be blinded for ten minutes. Attacking without looking directly at Iron Ami causes disadvantage. This uses one Charge for a duration of one hour.
  • Whirling Dervish: Iron Ami uses her massive glaive to attack all opponents within five feet, inflicting 2d10+5 damage on any successful strike. This uses one Charge.
  • Hair Whip: By flicking her head, Iron Ami can extend her hair to a length of 5 feet and attack everyone within range, inflicting 1d4+5 damage on any successful strike. This does not use Charges, but all attacks are at Disadvantage due to the awkwardness of the maneuver.
  • Spell Slots: Ami can cast a number of cantrips at will and without using Charges: Light, Mage Hand, Prestidigitation, Firebolt,
  • Analysis: Ami can take a standard action to analyze a person or object, and gain information about it in one of the following characteristics:
    • Strength score.
    • Dexterity score.
    • Constitution score.
    • Armor Class.
    • Current hit points.
    • Total class levels.
    • Specific class levels in a single class.
    • Highest spell level.
    • Current status conditions.
    • Current magical effects.
    • Passive magical effects.
      • On a second action, school of magical effects.
      • On a third action, specific effects.
      • After one full minute of Analysis, full properties as per an Identify spell.
  • Heavy Weapon: Iron Ami wields a massive glaive in combat due to not fatiguing; this weapon inflicts 2d10+5 damage on a successful hit, and Ami can attack twice with it per round.
  • Heavy Revolver: Iron Ami carries a large revolver that fires two types of ammunition; Ami can fire it twice per round.
    • Slugs inflict 4d6 damage on impact against targets within 200 feet, and require a standard Ranged Attack.
    • Shot converts it into a shotgun which inflicts 4d6 piercing damage in a 30 foot cone (DC 15 Dex to avoid), dice count separately for DR purposes.
    • Dragonbreath converts it into a flamethrower which inflicts 6d6 fire damage in a 30 foot line (DC 15 Dex to avoid).
    • Ami carries speedloaders for each type which allow her to load the weapon in one standard action; she can empty the pistol (by dumping its contents on the ground) as a bonus action.
  • Greatcoat: When going into combat, Iron Ami wears a Greatcoat which provides a DR of +2, and is treated to provide an extra DR of +3 against Acid damage.
  • Lifevest: When going into combat, Iron Ami wears a Lifevest over her Greatcoat which adds an additional DR of 5 against magical damage, and triggers a 2d4 30-foot cone of lightning (Dex save vs DC 15 to avoid).

Iron Peri v1.0a

This Iron Hero has been designed to the physical specifications of Peri and designed to channel her skills. However, it also has a few special upgrades to help accentuate her combat style. It is also Medium in size, though her proportions are clearly better suited to a Small size creature.

Armor Class: 18

Hit Points: 100 to disable, 200 to destroy

Effective STR: 20 (+5)

Effective DEX: As character

Effective CON: 20 (+5)

Effective INT: As character

Effective WIS: As character

Effective CHA: As character

Movement: 30 feet, land

Damage Reduction: All damage sources are reduced by 5 before resistances, immunities, weaknesses, etc are taken into account.

Damage Immunities: fire, poison, psychic, necrotic, electric

Damage Resistances: bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks that aren't adamantine; radiant

Condition Immunities: charmed, exhaustion, frightened, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned

Senses: Darkvision 120 ft., others if relevant to Limited Uplink

Limited Uplink: Allows the Iron Hero to be controlled at ATTN network range. However, upgraded senses (truesight, voidsight, etc) do not function through the uplink.

Low Latency: Due to the specialized nature of the Iron Hero, skills are usable normally in most cases unless they require a characteristic intrinsic to the body of the user (dragonbreath for a dragon, for example).

Channel Optimization: Effects that inflict fire, poison, psychic, necrotic, or electric damage are not weakened when channeled through the Iron Hero.

Recharge!: Whenever an Iron Hero is subjected to electric damage, it takes no damage and instead regains a number of hit points equal to the electric damage dealt. If Iron Hero has used any charges, it can convert 20 points of electric damage into one Charge instead of regaining hit points.

Heated Weapons: If the Iron Hero is subjected to fire damage, track it as Heat. Every 10 points of Heat increases the damage of the Iron Warrior's gauntlet attacks by 1 point of heat damage, and inflicts 1 point of heat damage to anyone coming into physical contact. Creatures immune to fire are immune to heat, but heat does not trigger fire absorption and similar effects. Heat dissipates at one point per round.

Immutable Form: The Iron Hero is immune to any spell or effect that would alter its form.

Magic Resistance: The Iron Hero has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.

Magic Body: The Iron Hero's gauntlet and other physical attacks are magical.

Spiked Gauntlets: The Iron Hero has spikes along the back of its gauntlets, allowing the user to inflict 1d4+5 piercing damage with a punch, or slashing damage if they have multiple attacks (punch first to get the spikes in, then RIP.) Monks add this to their normal damage.

Equipment Limitations: The Iron Hero can use handheld items normally, including weapons and shields, but cannot wear normal armor or clothing, and cannot attune to items. However, items already attuned to the user can be used with the Iron Hero.

Heroic Powers:

  • Heroic Charge: Iron Peri has a Charge meter, which currently contains three Charges. It regains all Charges after a long rest, or can regain them through lightning damage or reCharge stations.
  • Climbing Claws: Iron Peri can use her spiked gauntlets as climbing tools, providing advantage on Climb checks at the expense of leaving a visible trail of her passage.
  • Jump Boost: Iron Peri's legs are designed to provide an added boost when jumping, tripling effective jump distances.
  • Augmented Reality Overlay: Iron Peri can see surfaces she can successfully jump to augmented with visual sparkle effects.
  • Charge Support: Iron Peri can transfer Charges to other Iron Heroes as a full-round action.
  • Impossible Feats: By expending a Charge, Iron Peri can gain Advantage on Acrobatics and Athletics checks for one minute.

Iron Sarah v1.0a

This Iron Hero has been designed to the physical specifications of Sarah and designed to channel her skills. However, it also has a few special upgrades to help accentuate her combat style.

Armor Class: 18

Hit Points: 100 to disable, 200 to destroy

Effective STR: 20 (+5)

Effective DEX: As character

Effective CON: 20 (+5)

Effective INT: As character

Effective WIS: As character

Effective CHA: As character

Movement: 30 feet, land

Damage Reduction: All damage sources are reduced by 5 before resistances, immunities, weaknesses, etc are taken into account.

Damage Immunities: fire, poison, psychic, necrotic, electric

Damage Resistances: bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks that aren't adamantine; radiant

Condition Immunities: charmed, exhaustion, frightened, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned

Senses: Darkvision 120 ft., others if relevant to Limited Uplink

Limited Uplink: Allows the Iron Hero to be controlled at ATTN network range. However, upgraded senses (truesight, voidsight, etc) do not function through the uplink.

Low Latency: Due to the specialized nature of the Iron Hero, skills are usable normally in most cases unless they require a characteristic intrinsic to the body of the user (dragonbreath for a dragon, for example).

Channel Optimization: Effects that inflict fire, poison, psychic, necrotic, or electric damage are not weakened when channeled through the Iron Hero.

Recharge!: Whenever an Iron Hero is subjected to electric damage, it takes no damage and instead regains a number of hit points equal to the electric damage dealt. If Iron Hero has used any charges, it can convert 20 points of electric damage into one Charge instead of regaining hit points.

Heated Weapons: If the Iron Hero is subjected to fire damage, track it as Heat. Every 10 points of Heat increases the damage of the Iron Warrior's gauntlet attacks by 1 point of heat damage, and inflicts 1 point of heat damage to anyone coming into physical contact. Creatures immune to fire are immune to heat, but heat does not trigger fire absorption and similar effects. Heat dissipates at one point per round.

Immutable Form: The Iron Hero is immune to any spell or effect that would alter its form.

Magic Resistance: The Iron Hero has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.

Magic Body: The Iron Hero's gauntlet and other physical attacks are magical.

Spiked Gauntlets: The Iron Hero has spikes along the back of its gauntlets, allowing the user to inflict 1d4+5 piercing damage with a punch, or slashing damage if they have multiple attacks (punch first to get the spikes in, then RIP.) Monks add this to their normal damage.

Equipment Limitations: The Iron Hero can use handheld items normally, including weapons and shields, but cannot wear normal armor or clothing, and cannot attune to items. However, items already attuned to the user can be used with the Iron Hero.

Heroic Powers:

  • Heroic Charge: Iron Sarah has a Charge meter, which currently contains three Charges. It regains all Charges after a long rest, or can regain them through lightning damage or reCharge stations.
  • Power Fist: Iron Sarah's Spiked Gauntlets inflict an additional 1d4 damage.
  • Caffeine Time: Iron Sarah can cast Haste on herself at the cost of one Charge. For one minute, her speed is doubled, she gains a +2 to AC, she has advantage on Dexterity saving throws, and she gains an additional action on each of her turns that can only be used to take Attack (single weapon attack), Dash, Disengage, Hide, or Use an Object. For one turn after the effect ends, she can't move or take actions due to the caffeine crash.
  • Coffeepot: Iron Sarah can brew fancy coffee at any time. This does not provide Caffeine Time, so don't ask. It's just a perk.
  • Jump Boost: Iron Sarah's legs are designed to provide an added boost when jumping, tripling effective jump distances.
  • Augmented Reality Overlay: Iron Sarah can see surfaces she can successfully jump to augmented with visual sparkle effects.
  • Impossible Feats: By expending a Charge, Iron Sarah can gain Advantage on Acrobatics and Athletics checks for one minute. This can be used at the same time as Caffeine Time.

Iron Equipment

Peri is working on larger weapons and equipment that can be used by the Ironworks that is too big to comfortably use by people.

  • Greatcoat: The basic version is made of leather and improves Damage Reduction by 2 and AC by 1 (with any hits by 0 or 1 striking the Greatcoat), and can be treated to also increase Damage Reduction against a specific damage type by 3 (for a total of DR 7 vs all, DR 10 vs specific); current options are Fire, Acid, Slashing, Piercing, and Bludgeoning.
  • Big Freakin' Weapons: Weapons that cannot be carried comfortably by people who fatigue can be hauled around by Ironworks without a problem. These inflict double normal damage dice (1d10 becomes 2d10, for example, and 2d6 becomes 4d6).
  • Lifevest: Lifevests are strap-on padded vests that offer additional protections when the vest is struck (on a tie or hit by 1 over AC). Lifevests with cone effects can be dodged with a Dex save vs DC 15. Current options available:
    • Reactive Blast: When the vest is struck, a claymore-mine-style burst of explosive-propelled ball bearings explodes forward that inflicts 6d6 damage to everyone within a 30 foot cone. The vest has two charges, one forward, one backward.
    • Additional Armor: When the vest is struck, it adds an additional Damage Reduction of 5. It can sustain six hits before being rendered useless.
    • Inflatable: The vest can be triggered in order to self-inflate (providing buoyancy to otherwise non-floating Ironworks) or deflate. Striking the inflated vest is much easier (AC is effectively lowered by 4 and any hit by 0 to 5 strikes the vest), and renders the vest useless, but provides an effective DR of +10 against that one attack. Piercing or slashing attacks that strike the vest when deflated render the vest effect useless, but have an extra DR of 1.
    • Elemental Blast: When the vest is struck by magical energy, the vest provides an additional DR of 5, and a pulse of elemental energy (chosen by the designer) blasts a 30 foot cone in the direction of the attacker, inflicting 2d4 (damage type) damage.

Mekista's Goldenblood Automaton

This automaton radiates heat wherever it goes, as its internal processes are fueled by molten gold that is used to conduct internal signals. While it can be forced to bleed out this way (attacks that cause damage by bleeding work), any hit that causes bleeding causes a Burning Hands-style spray directed towards the attacker for 2d4 immediate fire damage plus 1d4 fire damage per turn until the gold is cooled. The golem has 1,000 gp of 'gold' in him, and can be 'fed' gold coins to restore its HP; 5 gp restores 1 HP. However, if HP falls below 0, the automaton shuts down and cools down, becoming a seemingly inert statue until someone refills it with molten gold. Attempts to fill it with alternate metals work temporarily (HP recovered becomes 1 per 10 coins), but the shutdown threshold increases by 1 per 5 invalid metal coins input. Once HP is fully restored, gold coins added instead reduce this shutdown threshold by 1 per 5 valid gold coins input.

Pure molten gold is 1,060 degrees; the internal temperature of the automaton, when it matters, is 1,400 degrees. Its armor is made of titanmetal, which melts at 1,670 degrees.

AC 22 HP 200* HPS 0 Str 24 Dex 8 Con 20 Int 14 Wis 14 Cha 14 Move 20 ft/turn

Contact with the automaton or any weapon it holds inflicts an extra 1d4 fire damage due to extreme heat. Flammable floors will catch fire eventually.


Hotblooded. Damage from fire attacks is halved; every 5 damage reduced in this way lowers the shutdown threshold by 1 permanently as impurities cook off, and boosts heat damage bonus by 1 temporarily. Heat damage bonus cooks off at 1 point per round. Damage from cold attacks is halved; every 5 damage reduced in this way raises the shutdown threshold by 1 temporarily and reduces heat damage bonus by 1; temporary HPS and heat penalties dissipate at 1 point per round if it suffers no cold damage in that round.


Multiattack. Attacks two times with chosen weapon.

Tower Shield. Add +1 to AC normally, but add +4 to AC and saving throws for effects that can reasonably be blocked by cover if you take a reaction to shelter behind it. Sheltering prohibits standard actions and only provides bonuses in one direction.

Radiator Greatsword: This massive sword, like the Automaton, is titanmtal with an internal reserve of gold, making it very heavy as well as very valuable. However, a Large user must have a Str of 22 to wield this massively heavy blade without disadvantage. +10, 3d6+6 slashing damage +1d6 fire damage per hit when heated (replaces 1d4 fire damage standard bonus).

Grapple: +10 to hit, grapples target and inflicts 1d4 fire damage when holding targets without proper resistances.

Unarmed Strike: If disarmed, it will punch until it recovers a weapon. +10 to hit, 1d4+6 damage plus 1d4 fire damage per hit.

Broiler (Recharge 6): Gases and impurities trapped within the automaton are abruptly vented in an area 5 feet around the automaton. This cannot be used if heat damage bonus is currently -4 or lower, reduces current heat damage bonus by 1, and lowers HP by 4, and lowers HPS by 1 if HPS is greater than zero as impurities are also vented. Anyone within its range suffers 6d6 fire damage, and anyone within a range 10 feet beyond this suffers 1d6 fire damage, from the blast of heat.

Mekista's Mercurial Automaton

This automaton is made for operating in standard temperatures. It is much like the Goldenblood except that its solidifies at -39 degrees, and its interior temperature is a much more stable 300 degrees. It moves much faster than its Goldenblood counterpart, and capitalizes on this with many swift attacks. However, it is finicky and feeding it invalid metals will cause difficulties. It also crackles with electricity; unshielded objects touching the automaton suffer 1d4 electric damage, and any hit that causes bleeding causes a Burning Hands-style spray directed towards the attacker for 3d4 immediate lightning damage. The golem has 400 gp of 'gold' in him, and can be 'fed' mercury to restore its HP; 2 gp worth restores 1 HP. However, if HP falls below 0, the automaton shuts down and ceases to move, becoming a seemingly inert statue until someone refills it with molten gold. Attempts to fill it with alternate metals work temporarily (HP recovered becomes 1 per 10 coins), but the shutdown threshold increases by 1 per 5 invalid metal coins input. Once HP is fully restored, gold coins added instead reduce this shutdown threshold by 1 per 5 valid gold points worth in input.

AC 22 HP 200* HPS 0 Str 18 Dex 20 Con 20 Int 14 Wis 14 Cha 14 Move 40 ft/turn

Contact with the automaton or any metal item it holds inflicts an extra 1d4 electric damage due to its electric charge.


Mercurial. Damage from electric attacks is quartered; every 5 points of damage reduced in this way increase lightning bonus by 1 temporarily. Damage from fire and cold attacks is halved. Every 5 points of damage reduced in this way decreases lightning bonus by 1 temporarily and raises the shutdown threshold by 1 temporarily; temporary HPS and lightning penalties dissipate at 1 point per round if it suffers no cold or fire damage in that round. If the automaton is reduced to -40 degrees by any means, it is considered Unconscious and shuts down as if its HP is depleted, until temperature rises above zero degrees, at which point it reactivates if not otherwise contaminated (not below HPS point.)


Multiattack. Attacks four times, twice with a weapon in each hand, or three times with a single weapon.

Twin Katanas: +9 to hit, 1d8+5 damage onehanded or 1d10+5 damage two-handed, plus 1d4 electric damage per hit.

Grapple: +9 to hit, grapples target and inflicts 1d4 electric damage when holding targets without proper resistances.

Unarmed Strike: If disarmed, it will punch and kick until it recovers a weapon. +10 to hit, 1d4+5 damage plus 1d4 electric damage per hit.

Discharge (Recharge 6): This discharges electrical buildup in a burst of close-range lightning 5 feet around the automaton. This cannot be used if electric damage bonus is currently -4 or lower, reduces current electric damage bonus by 5, and does not affect HPS. Anyone within 5 feet suffers 6d6 electric damage and must make a Con save vs DC 18 or fall prone and drop whatever they are holding due to nerve shock.

Mekista's Confection Automaton

This automaton is a sparring robot that uses bizarre attacks, but is also combat capable to a lesser extent. Its interior temperature is a stable 300 degrees, and it moves fairly quickly. It has a series of nozzles, hoses, and pressure chambers on its body that allow it to dispense many rechargeable effects, and it uses ordinary copper wiring with no weird liquid issues. Shutdown threshold is always zero HP.

AC 22 HP 200* HPS 0 Str 16 Dex 16 Con 20 Int 14 Wis 14 Cha 14 Move 30 ft/turn

Contact with the automaton has no special effects unless it is using an ability that allows this.


Full Kitchen Range: It can use one of these abilities per turn as a free action that does not incur attacks of opportunity; bonuses provided are not reduced until it uses an attack that is listed as reducing damage, and penalties provided by its attacks are not reduced until it uses one of these abilities.

  • Blast Chiller: It can choose to raise all cold damage it inflicts by 1 point per turn spent using this ability, to a maximum of +4.
  • Convection Oven: It can choose to raise all heat damage it inflicts by 1 point per turn spent using this ability, to a maximum of +4.
  • Pressurizer: It can choose to raise all pressure damage it inflicts by 1 point per turn spent using this ability, to a maximum of +8.
  • Food Processor. It can choose to raise all food damage it inflicts by 1 point per turn spent using this ability, to a maximum of +8.

Sparring Options: Any attack that inflicts damage can be either lethal or nonlethal; nonlethal damage heals twice as quickly and recovers on its own at the rate of 1 point per minute.

High-Pressure Tubing: If a nozzle is targeted with a lethal slashing attack, it can be broken; this changes its damage range to any target in a cone equal to half its normal range and reduces Pressure Damage by an extra 1 whenever the attack is used.


Nozzle. Each of its eight nozzles has a different effect, but it can only hold and fire from one nozzle at a time (unless it invokes House Party Protocol):

  • Condiment Dispenser: No requirements. Sprays a random condiment which inflicts 2d4 points of food damage on one target within 5 feet (standard attack).
  • Power Cleaner: Requires Pressure Damage +0 or greater. Sprays water, which inflicts 1d4 pressure damage and removes 2d4 food nonlethal damage from one target within 30 feet (ranged attack). Reduces Pressure Damage by 3.
  • Ice Cream Dispenser: Requires Cold Damage +0 or greater. Sprays ice cream, which inflicts 1 point of cold damage and 2d4 points of food damage on one target within 20 feet. Flavors are random, with better flavors depending on current Food Damage bonus. Reduces Cold Damage and Food Damage by 1.
  • Hot Soup Sprayer: Requires Heat Damage +0 or greater. Sprays hot soup, which inflicts 1 point of heat damage and 2d4 points of food damage on one target within 10 feet. Flavors are random, with better flavors depending on current Food Damage bonus. Reduces Cold Damage and Food Damage by 1.
  • Inedible Mass: Requires Food Damage +0 or greater. Fires a foul-smelling blast of leftover food that inflicts 1 point of pressure damage and 2d4 food damage on one target within 30 feet. Food quality improves with higher Food Damage bonus. Reduces Pressure Damage by 1 and Food Damage by 1.
  • Thixotropic Rainbow: Requires Pressure Damage +1 and Food Damage +1. Sprays viscous candy sludge in a rainbow of colors. Inflicts 1 point of pressure damage and 1d4 points of food damage (plus bonus) and afflicts the target with the Restrained condition unless they make a Dexterity save vs DC 18 to avoid, otherwise the effect lasts one minute or until food damage is removed. Reduces Pressure Damage by 2 and Food Damage by 2.
  • Scalding Spray: Requires Pressure Damage +1 and Heat Damage +1. Sprays boiling water in a broad arc that inflicts 1 point of pressure damage and 2d4 points of heat damage on all targets in a 30 foot cone, Dexterity save vs DC 18 to avoid. Reduces Pressure Damage by 2 and Heat Damage by 2.
  • Frozen Whipped Cream: Requires Pressure Damage +1 and Cold Damage +1. Sprays a broad arc of extremely cold whipped cream that inflicts 1 point of pressure damage and 2d4 points of cold damage on all targets in a 30 foot cone, Dexterity save vs DC 18 to avoid.Reduces Pressure Damage by 2 and Cold Damage by 2.

House Party Protocol (Recharge 6): Requires Pressure Damage +1, Cold Damage +1, Heat Damage +1, Food Damage +1. Each of its eight nozzles chooses a random target from those available given its required ranges, and activates its special power. It also generates bright patterns of light from a disco ball that rises from its head that blinds all targets within 30 feet if they fail a Constitution save vs DC 18, and may cause worse problems in epileptics. Reduces all Damage bonuses to +0.

Grapple Hoses: By using two of its eight hoses, it can Grapple opponents (+8 to hit, Restrains target on first hit, binds limbs on second hit). This inflicts no damage but makes the rest of its abilities much easier to use on a specific target.

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