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Properties built in Malone are partially subsidized by taxes collected on the region, and as such, require less initial investment to construct. However, the surge in demand has pushed prices upwards nonetheless.

Type of Place Direct Cost Time
One-Room Hut 300gp < 3 days
Three-Room Dwelling 600gp < 5 days
Dwelling and Storefront 2000gp < 5 days
Small Store 1500gp < 10 days
Modest House 1500gp < 10 days
Large House 5000gp < 30 days
Large Business 5000gp < 30 days
Basement Addition 1000gp < 5 days
Plumbing Addition 500gp < 5 days
Prioritized Request 1000gp Halve building time, min 3 days
A&C Labor Assistance 2500gp Quarter building time, no minimum

Those who lack the available funds but do have a clear source of income can request a loan from the Bank of Alshira; loans are given at 5% interest (added at the beginning of the year - if you borrow 1,000 gold, your starting debt is 1,050 gold), with a minimum monthly payment of 2% of the total loan (20 gold, in the aforementioned case). Default on payments at risk of forfeiting your building or receiving a visit from an angry ex-assassin with a vow against killing a customer permanently but a much fuzzier viewpoint on limbs.

rpg/arcydea/malone/housing.txt · Last modified: 2019/09/25 12:45 by wizardofaus_doku

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