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STRENGTH + 0 10 DEXTERITY + 3 16 CONSTITUTION + 0 10 INTELLIGENCE + 2 15 WISDOM + 2 14 CHARISMA + 0 10 PROFICIENCY + 2 BONUS WALKING 30ft. SPEED INSPIRATION HEAL DAMAGE CURRENT 10 / MAX 10 TEMP – HIT POINTS STR + 2 DEX + 5 CON + 0 INT + 2 WIS + 2 CHA + 0 against being charmed, and magic can’t put you to sleep SAVING THROWS 14PASSIVE WIS (PERCEPTION) 14PASSIVE INT (INVESTIGATION) 12PASSIVE WIS (INSIGHT) Darkvision 60 ft. SENSES ARMOR Light Armor, Medium Armor, Shields WEAPONS Martial Weapons, Simple Weapons TOOLS Dice Set, Thieves' Tools LANGUAGES Common, Draconic, Dwarvish, Elvish PROFICIENCIES & LANGUAGES PROF MOD SKILL BONUS DEX Acrobatics + 3 WIS Animal Handling + 2 INT Arcana + 2 STR Athletics + 2 CHA Deception + 2 INT History + 2 WIS Insight + 2 CHA Intimidation + 0 INT Investigation + 4 WIS Medicine + 2 INT Nature + 2 WIS Perception + 4 CHA Performance + 0 CHA Persuasion + 0 INT Religion + 2 DEX Sleight of Hand + 5 DEX Stealth + 5 WIS Survival + 4 Additional Skills SKILLS INITIATIVE + 3 ARMOR 14 CLASS DEFENSES Resistances, Immunities, or Vulnerabilities CONDITIONS Add Active Conditions ACTIONS EQUIPMENT FEATURES & TRAITS EXTRAS ALL ATTACK ACTION BONUS ACTION REACTION OTHER ACTIONS • Attacks per Action: 1 ATTACK RANGE HIT / DC DAMAGE NOTES Dagger Melee Weapon 20 (60) + 5 1d4+3 Simple, Finesse, Light, Thrown, Range (20/60) Longbow Ranged Weapon 150 (600) + 5 1d8+3 Martial, Ammunition, Heavy, Range, Two-Handed, Range (150/600) Spear Melee Weapon 20 (60) + 2 1d6 1d8 Simple, Thrown, Versatile, Range (20/60) Unarmed Strike Melee Attack 5ft. Reach + 2 1 Actions in Combat Attack, Cast a Spell, Dash, Disengage, Dodge, Grapple, Help, Hide, Improvise, Ready, Search, Shove, Use an Object Unarmed Strike You can punch, kick, head-butt, or use a similar forceful blow and deal bludgeoning damage equal to 1 + STR modifier

BONUS ACTIONS Actions in Combat Two-Weapon Fighting REACTIONS Actions in Combat Opportunity Attack

rpg/arcydea/characters/ruxim.txt · Last modified: 2020/04/27 20:32 by wizardofaus_doku

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