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Brand Names of Arcydea

Some of the well-known businesses of Arcydea, particularly Nexican and Eioan establishments.

24-7 (247): Convenience store chain with franchises in various technological nations, including ownership of many refueling/recharging stations.

721 Firearms (721): Manufacturers of a variety of security-oriented products, with their roots in firearms and ballistic protection.

Atolon Arms Inc (AAI): Performance handguns, airguns, and other civilian equipment. Based in Crommel.

Avalon Fashion Trends (AFT): An expensive clothing manufacturer based in Milochan.

Alboco Industrial (ALI): Manufacturers of industrial equipment.

Altair (ALT): Computer and nanotechnology developers.

Ambrex (AMB): Bioroid design and production, cybernetics manufacture, resource accumulation and manufacture.

Atlas Machines Inc (AMI): Vehicle and robotics manufacturer (mostly industrial designs).

Aetherwheel Print Distribution (APD): Publishes books, databooks, and other media.

Arizon Electronics (ARE): Gaming consoles, holographic entertainment, and communications technologies, as well as software for these items.

Archon Financial (ARF): Banking services (gives loans, pays interest on certain accounts, handles investments) with franchises in Nexus and Fenisto.

Artificial Inspirations (ARI): Robotics firm specializing in intelligent design.

Alshiran Telecommunications/Transportation Network (ATTN): Communications, vehicles, portals.

Artifacts and Crafts (A&C): Makes a wide assortment of futuristic tech gadgets, beam weapons, and firearms.

Bristol Hoversystems (BHS): Manufactures hovercraft and vertols within Nexus City.

BizarreNet Publishing (BNP): Focused on coverage and publication of bizarre oddities and strange news, mostly in Eio.

Bank of Alshira (BOA): Banking and investment services (gives loans, pays interest on certain accounts, handles investments) with franchises throughout Arcydea.

Blackburn Publishing Company (BPC): Publishes books, databooks, and other media.

Bodell Pharmaceuticals Ltd (BPL): Pharmaceuticals and alchemical solutions, specializing in disease prevention and relief.

The Black Rose Inn (BRI): Interdimensional rest and relaxation, available from any portal. Rumor has it there may be more than one.

Barton Security Forces (BSF): Provides security forces and equipment for small to medium businesses or high-risk individuals.

Chutojin Bio-Medical (CBM): Cybernetics and biomedical products, based in Milochan.

Captain Donut Foods (CDF): Franchised donuts-and-coffee locations that have offered significant resistance to other chains of fast-food-breakfast providers. Found in major cities throughout Arcydea's technological nations.

Chiron Entertainment Displays (CED): Entertainment industry magnates, producing viewscreens, display monitors, media recording and playback equipment, game consoles, and software products.

Clairebell Fashion Ltd (CFL): Manufacturers of moderate-priced clothing, based in Crommel.

Charla's House of Healing (CHH): Alchemy, particularly healing.

Citadel International Inc. (CII): Construction and real estate.

Charlemagne Luxuries (CLC): Luxury products for the fabulously wealthy.

Cassion Manufacturing Corporation (CMC): Manufactures vehicle parts and general electronics within Nexus City.

Cerebellum Media Development (CMD): Focused on news production, coverage, publication, etc.

Clamor Media Publishing (CMP): Focused on gossip production, coverage, publication, etc.

ClearNews Network (CNN): Focused on news production, coverage, publication, etc.

CoreValues (COR): High-level retail chain that markets off-brand products, and has a hand in most legal industries. Suspected of sabotaging competitors, but nothing proven. Based in Nexus, but has franchises popping up all over Arcydea.

Circa Unlimited Publishing (CUP): Publishes books, databooks, and other media.

Connelly-White Aerospace (CWA): Military and civilian aeronautics and astronautics contractors, specializing in shuttlecraft and fightercraft. Based in Nexus.

Databridge (DAT): Low-end telecommunications services, based in Eio.

Deltaire Transportation Corp (DTC): Low cost transport daily between major cities in Eio and capital cities throughout Arcydea.

Enterprise Management Consortium (EMC): Privately owned, EMC has been offering unusual jobs to contractors with high morals, mostly within Nexus City.

Evo Manufacturing Ltd (EML): Glitzy, stylish goods with little additional benefit.

Eagle Software Inc (ESI): Software conglomerate (Eagle Eye educational software, EagleWorks productivity software, etc.)

Energy Solutions Ltd (ESL): Producers of liquid hydrogen, fuel cells, and other power technology.

Featherlight Books and Media (FBM): Publishes books, databooks, and other media, mostly in Eio.

Fuchs Fine Guns (FFG): Rifle manufacturers from Tiemprest, with customized single and double rifles chambered in a variety of cartridges for hunting medium to large and dangerous game. Bolt-action rifles are still very popular choices. Fuchs firearms often have a waiting time of twelve months, and are quite expensive but very high quality.

Fortuna Financial Investments (FFI): Banking and investments based out of Milochan.

Filterfly Media Inc (FMI): Focused on news production, coverage, publication, etc.

Future Now Unlimited (FNU): Tech company focused on easing the lives of the rich.

Foreigner Personal Products (FPP): Works on cybernetics, robotics, and personal embetterment devices.

Goramynn Arms Distribution (GAD): Makers of really big weapons for the military and home defense, based in Eio.

Gyron Colonization Supplies (GCS): Makers of supplies for remote territories, from post-holers to pistols, based in Nexus.

Granmal Disaster Preparedness (GDP): Makers of disaster/emergency preparedness supplies, mostly in Eio.

Gorgonna Machine Printing (GMP): Makers of utilitarian machine technology, based in Eio.

Gleason Publishing Distribution (GPD): Publishes books, databooks, and other media.

Granth Survival Supplies (GSS): Adventure supplies and equipment based out of Eio and Tiemprest, with franchises in Nexus and Milochan.

Galloway Tailored Defenses (GTD): Manufactures a variety of expensive clothing with the tactical benefits of armor, as well as custom defensive designs. Popular in Eio and has franchises elsewhere.

Hartley Construction Inc (HCI): Construction workers for hire in Eio or elsewhere.

Half and Fuller (H&F): Inexpensive Nexican products.

Imperial Laser Systems (ILS): Beam weapons manufacturers based in Milochan.

Indiron Technical Institute (ITI): Makers of futuristic technological items, based in Eio.

Jovian International Banking (JIB): Banking services (gives loans, pays interest on certain accounts, handles investments) with franchises in Nexus, Crommel, Eio, Milochan, and other nations.

JustNews Network (JNN): Focused on news production, coverage, publication, etc.

Kaven Travel (KAV): Vacations and expedition gear, as well as travel guides.

Keystone Industrial Inc (KII): Major construction contractor.

Keylar Manufacturing Inc (KMI): Plastics / ceramics manufacturer, with significant interest in housewares, industrial, and defense markets.

Krant Military Supplies (KMS): Manufactures weaponry and armor for private military contractors, governments, and corporate security.

Lancaster Arms Distributors (LAD): Manufacturers of ballistic weaponry primarily, with equal focus on civilian, law enforcement, and military Mostly firearms, some high-end weapons.

LibrosNews Ltd (LNL): Focused on news production, coverage, publication, etc.

Lifesystems Inc (LSI): Designers of life support systems and building ventilation, etc.

Legaion Vehicle Manufacture (LVM): Military / civilian contractors, specializing in high-bulk craft.

Lost and Foundry (L&F): Manufactures high-quality handmade weapons and armor, as well as quality industrial fabrication of a wide range of firearms and devices.

McNaughton Holdings (MCH): Warehousing and office space solutions, real estate.

Motel Capsule Lodgings (MCL): Low-cost chain of rent-by-the-night motels. Reasonably reputable.

Morisson Engineering Ltd (MEL): Makes interplanetary exploration vehicles, based in Nexus.

Morpheum Entertainment Unlimited (MEU): Entertainment media empire.

Mihicharo First Bank (MFB): Banking services (gives loans, pays interest on certain accounts, handles investments) with franchises in Nexus and Milochan.

Motivo Flight Systems (MFS): Vertol and small astronautics manufacturers, expanding influence in Nexus.

McGrieson Foods (MGF): Foods, particularly unhealthy ones.

Microdracon Computer Processors (MPC): Processor manufacturers ('fueled with the power of the dragon!')

Morgan-Richards Biolife (MRB): Genetic research and development, pharmacy manufacturers, based in Eio.

Markavy Shipyards Associated (MSA): Builds, refits, and repairs major seafaring vessels.

Market Street Distributors (MSD): Publishes books, databooks, and other media.

Myrtle Fuel Distribution (MFD): Fuel production specialists focusing on hydrogen and related products, based in Nexus.

NexTech Unlimited (NEX): Telecommunications and computer hardware, as well as some other direct competitors to ATTN systems.

Novus Laboratories Ltd (NLL): Alchemical and genetic research, based in Eio.

Neurorez Neural Networking (NNN): Bionic and neural-interface technology supplier based in Nexus.

Obelisk Banking (OBB): Banking services (gives loans, pays interest on certain accounts, handles investments) with franchises in Nexus and Crommel.

The Owlery (OWL): Franchised sales outlets throughout Arcydea.

Piccatta Combat Solutions (PCS): Munition grade stock weaponry that is produced quickly in large numbers, perfect for the agency or gang member on a budget.

Quantech Computing Ltd (QCL): Specializing in computer and communications equipment.

Quiggley Industrial Products (QIP): Robotics and heavy machinery.

Rizon Electronics Corp (REC): Low-end electronic systems.

Rayin Interdimensional Industrial (RII): Military / civilian aeronautics and astronautics contractors, specializing in large craft.

Robust Life Sustainment Systems (RLS): Life support systems.

Royale Machine Manufacturers (RMM): Stylish robotics / machine design.

Saiyochin (SAI): High-end home appliances.

Seburo Ballistics (SBA): Makes a variety of firearms with caseless ammunition, as well as firearm accessories meant to fit their weapons.

Shuttlecab Flying Transport (SFT): Shuttle services for the busy businessman (1% shuttle base cost, per day available.)

Slade Imports Nexus (SIN): Interdimensional importation of all manner of legal and illegal products, based in Nexus.

Splitbit Technology (SIT): Computer and cybernetic systems and services, based in Eio.

Starlight Newsnet (SNN): Focused on news production, coverage, publication, etc.

Sunshine Farms (SSF): Foods and odd inventions.

Supernova Street Racing (SSR): Racing coordinator, also manufactures and sells vehicle parts (10% above standard costs) and collectibles in Nexus.

SkyTek Pharmaceuticals (STP): A multinational pharmaceutical corporation based in Eio with chemical laboratories in orbit (hence the name), as well as sizable interests in agriculture, cloning, bioroid production and brainscanning.

Swei Xiao Exchange (SXE): Stock exchange service based out of Nexus City.

Tortion Body Armor (TBA): High-end protective armor based in Nexus City.

TalkBright Publishing (TBP): Publishers of various industry periodicals within Eio, including Science Global, Bioroid Review, Urban Jungle, Miltech Today, Virtual Tomorrow, and Cybernetics Now, most available in standard digital format.

Terrace Bankers Trust (TBT): Banking services (gives loans, pays interest on certain accounts, handles investments) with franchises in Eio and Tiemprest.

Trilton Custom Arms (TCA): Ballistics and energy weapons for 'sport' usage, based in Eio.

Telefonix Communications Corporation (TCC): Focuses on building comm systems and Net connection equipment.

Taiko Computing Inc. (TCI): Taiko produces a variety of high-end, high-priced computing equipment and is constantly pushing the envelope of faster speeds and better technology.

Tritech Energy Ltd (TEL): Energy weapon R&D; supplies military and civilian concerns.

TrueSound Multimedia Ltd (TML): Publishes databooks and other media, mostly in Nexus.

TalkBright News Media (TNM): Focused on news production, coverage, publication, etc.

Transplanet Shippers Inc (TSI): Postal services big and small, with outreach 'to the limits of known space', as they like to boast, and the best express service available.

Titan Transcontinental Ltd (TTL): Currency information and financial services.

Trueheart Unlimited Inc. (TUI): Beam weapons, companions, alchemy.

Trans-Union Transport (TUT): Specializes in large transport vehicles and shipping containers; its flagship, the TransU, is in frequent use as a LEO (low-earth-orbit) cargo hauler.

Ultor Industrial (ULT): Makes a bit of everything. Has a Bounty division, for example.

Veloss Ballistics Ltd (VBL): Guns, ammunition, and weapon accessories.

Vitalife (VIT): Biotech company that produces lab-grown food products and performs cosmetic biosculpting operations through its NewU subsidiary in Eio.

Voltrek Survival Ltd (VSL): Expensive (but effective) hunting and survivalist supplies.

Valexville Values and Violence (VVV): Weapons, armor, and clothing.

Willowind (WIL): Clothing manufacturers (low-end), based in Nexus.

Wensel Quality Manufactory (WQM): Low quality and knock-off electronics, weapons, power supplies, etc.

Windfeather World Exports (WWE): Exports products around the world, based in Nexus.

Xeolith Control Systems (XCS): Advanced software and vehicle control systems.

Zanon's Magical Emporium (ZME): Various magical items with unusual qualities.

Zolgan Pharmaceutical Initiatives (ZPI): Pharmaceuticals company, specializing in pain management.

rpg/arcydea/brands.txt · Last modified: 2024/01/02 18:43 by wizardofaus_doku

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