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5th Age Data Repository

A land caught in a timeloop, where the gods attempt to save the world before the creators can start over.

  • Nexus City Specials: Assorted notes on Nexus City, including examples of technology.
  • Unfamiliar Technology: The DnD 5th edition rules on figuring out unfamiliar technology.
  • Zanon's Mystical Emporium: Assorted magical items commonly available in Arcydea, including costs, failure chances and other quirks and caveats.
  • Pills and Potions: Magical, pharmaceutical, and alchemical consumables and their effects.
  • All Natural Ingredients: Items used in various alchemical and pharmaceutical products and where to scavenge them in the wild.
  • Modern Armor: Modern and futuristic body armor that provides DR or other benefits along with AC bonuses.
  • Aim for the Weak Spot: Notes on rules for bypassing resistances/immunities/DR/etc.

Locations in Play

  • Kingdom of Bloodrose: Towns and cities formerly of Grenadine, Tarnica, and Rosa Noir that are now part of the Kingdom of Bloodrose as opposed to destroyed outright.
  • The Traveler's Reach: The various towns, cities, and capitals encompassing The Reach, including the former countries of Avel'Nikash, Davalance, and Miloch, and some Backwaters.
  • Fair Market Value: A guide for exchanging various currencies, costs of living, etc.

Territory of Malone

Homebrew Stuff

Unconverted Content

This is various materials originally written up for older variants of Arcydea that has not been properly converted for use in DnD 5e, or DnD 5e homebrew content not adjusted for Arcydea yet.

rpg/arcydea/5thage.txt · Last modified: 2020/04/21 01:42 by wizardofaus_doku

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