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In the wake of the Salazar Assassination, the Church of the Traveler has lost its charismatic ruler and leader and has fallen into disrepair. The battle lines of the Empire have collapsed, and many regions have fallen into anarchy or territory wars. The age of monotheism is over, and the worship of many major and minor gods has returned to the land. Welcome to Arcydea.

Arcydea is a world-spanning game with sandbox elements and a clock loosely based on real time for day-to-day downtime and planning, with context-sensitive timespan for adventures (lesser adventures and sidequests are those that take less than a day in real time, at least for the current segment; greater adventures are intended to take multiple days of character and real time over multiple sessions.)

Arcydea is under active redevelopment to modernize existing remnants of prior systems of DnD, which may include spells and abilities featured in prior or alternate game systems that are not part of RAW DnD 5e. Arcydea has a number of house rules that are meant to better fit the flavor of Arcydean gaming and adventuring, including modifications to downtime, multi-classing, epic-tier leveling, additional skills and abilities, technological expansions, and more.

The point of entry to Arcydea is a traveling inn known as the Black Rose Inn (in part because it is a property of the Black Rose Interdimensional Circle of Knighthood), which can be visited from a variety of major cities within Arcydea, due to technically existing in an interdimensional pocket through which people can enter or leave by way of a magical door that takes them back to where they came from, or a technologically enhanced mirror portal network that takes them to and from many other dimensions and destinations; most newcomers to the realm are assumed to have come through said portal the first time while lost, trying to escape, getting tossed through dimensions, or otherwise just arriving by luck (or misfortune), but narratively can return to their home dimension via the portal if desired (unless the player desires they not be able to!)

As the main DM for Arcydea (me, wizardofaus, or Aus if you prefer a proper name) has a game that encompasses a large number of countries and territories, I am considering opening up sections of the gameworld for people to run their own West Marches-style adventures in, especially in territories that are generally known but not spelled out in graphic detail and that are not expected to affect the campaign world overall. If there is interest, I'll refine this idea further. Please note that while we do accept characters arriving from existing West Marches campaigns on server or elsewhere (with conversions as needed to fit the starting character guidelines), it is highly unlikely those characters will be allowed to return with all of their Arcydean gear and new talents intact. (In short, Arcydean DnD 5e has major divergences from RAW or even RAI in some cases, and most DMs will not be amused if your character has brought Arcydean technology, spells, abilities or other homebrew back with them.)

With that out of the way, here's our main menu:


(Group 1) 1st Level Group

  • Giovanni, played by Robut
    • Downtime: 50 days - Constitution Training with Judah
  • Judah, played by Laura
    • Downtime: 70 days - Intelligence Training with Sophie
  • Neri, played by Nathan
    • Downtime: 20 days - Technology
  • Rhysa, played by Den
    • Downtime: 50 days - Constitution with Rhysa
  • Sophie, played by Janie
    • Downtime: 70 days - Dexterity Training with Neri
  • Val, played by Vanblade
    • Downtime: 70 days - Strength Training with Judah
  • Tal, played by DCat
    • Downtime: 20 days - ??? Training with ???
  • Chloe, Chloe, played by Crit Cat
    • Downtime: 20 days - ??? Training with ???
  • Feravel, Feravel, played by Shi
    • Downtime: 20 days - Fighter Initiate Training with Judah

(Group 2) 6th Level Group

(Group 3) 10th Level Group

(Group 4) 1st Level Group

(Epic Tier)


  • Kitra, played by Aquarius (level 1)
  • Ruxim, played by Aquarius
  • Koari, played by Kess (on hold, level 6)
  • Sheena, played by Jensie (level 10)
  • Satine, played by Den (level 10)
  • Feravel Arkenealylth, played by Feravel (level 1)


Fifth Age

  • ???


  • The Owlery: The Owlery is a small business located within the Black Rose Inn's business wing, owned and operated by the owl-man, Ricky. Other outlets are known to exist.
  • The Black Rose Inn: Conveniently enough, its extensive drinks and foods menu serves as a reliable price guide for inns and stores across Arcydea.
  • Artifacts and Crafts: This popular chain of technological sales outposts has outlet stores in most major cities and quite a few towns, providing technology even in otherwise non-technological areas. Its home office is in Malone, Delgado.
  • Lost and Foundry: This peculiarly named weapon manufacturer has its home office in Malone, Delgado, but has sales outlets in various large cities throughout Arcydea.
  • Kaven Travel: This travel agency provides transport throughout most regions of Arcydea, as well as a number of travel guides that have become highly popular due to their reliability and frequency of updates, as well as the availability of print copies for those who can't afford their subscription services.
  • Nexus City Specials: This outlet store has locations throughout Nexus City and in occasional places elsewhere, but doesn't have quite the coverage that the Owlery does. What it does have is solid portal connections and plenty of chutzpah, as well as generally modern or schizo-tech items for the discerning visitor.

Campaign Notes

  • Maps of Arcydea: A repository for maps. Please note that the DM is not a professional cartographer, and that maps may not be discernible from random bits of scribble, or even just text notes, at least at first. Outdated.
  • Pantheon of Arcydea: The various major and minor gods of Arcydea, along with the various powers that be of fact and folklore.
  • Politics of Arcydea: How the war of the 5th Age has changed the scope of the nations.
  • Tales of Arcydea: Stories of the past and present age.
  • Brand Names of Arcydea: Large companies of interest, most of which are active in Nexus or Eio, some of which have broader distribution.
  • Groups of Arcydea. Some of the more well-known groups, guilds, movers and shakers of Arcydea.
    • The Cult of the Traveler. A dark cult dedicated to the moon god Nyx, formerly in control of large portions of the Davalancian continent, forced out of power and into seclusion within the last year through heavy warfare, tactical strikes, assassinations and purges.
    • The Black Rose Interdimensional Circle of Knighthood: Based out of Rosa Noir, this knighthood dedicates itself to stopping malign activity, particularly from the Cult of the Traveler. It has presence on multiple dimensions, but Arcydea is its long-time home.

Concepts and Information

  • ATTN Portal System: The portal system that connects various locations of Arcydea, and how it works for those interested.

OOC Notes, Rules, and Esoterica


Arcydea has a number of features that are … well, different from the proper system of DND 5E. The various weirdnesses as they pertain to game rules are mentioned in some detail here.

  • Downtime: A list of activities to do in downtime and the time they take.
  • Crafting: Crafting rules for everything from making chainmail by hand to alchemical processing plants to ultramodern factories.
  • Classes and Levels: Arcydea has a variant system for levels above 20, etc, which needs some ironing out; also, new or modified classes and archetypes are available here.
  • Technological Scale: The technology in Arcydea has everything from classic Dungeons and Dragons fantasy to handloaded firearms to modern urban warfare to ultra-tech skyscrapers and laser weapons, somewhere on it, often in violent interaction.
    • Limited (-1): Limited tech areas are those where technology is stagnant even by D&D standards; highly technical devices are out of their reach, steel may be supplanted by more readily available materials; and complex armors are unavailable.
    • Standard (+0): Standard tech areas have the range of technology listed in the D&D Player's Handbook. Villages are still likely to have a limited selection, and towns may not have every item all the time, but usually a city will have every standard item needed, somewhere.
    • Frontier (+1): The age of gunpowder begins to creep in, and the cities are flush with new mechanical designs at the beginning of the industrial age. Another way to think of this would be the Age of Sail; cannons begin to replace seige engines and flintlocks, matchlocks, and even wheel-locks are in common usage.
    • Industrial (+2): The Industrial Revolution has hit in full swing, and technology has marched along with it. Self-propelled vehicles, cased ammunition, gas grenades, and flying machines are common, especially in the cities.
    • Modern (+3): Many conveniences in the modern world are also available in Modern regions, although as with everything else, technology may not function on all of the same principles. For example, mana-powered electrical outlets, computers that use manatech circuitry, and tougher materials and thus armors become available.
    • Advanced (+4): Technology is in the near future compared to the modern world. Things like energy beam weapons, AIs, advanced replication factories, and genetic engineering are the norm.
    • Futuristic (+5): Technology is in the far future compared to the modern world.
  • New Skills and Proficiencies: New skill options for characters that can be learned or part of a character background.
  • Arcydean Backgrounds: Backgrounds particular to the Arcydean world.

Older Editions

  • 5th Age Data Repository: For those curious about the previous age of the game, and sections from there that have not been updated to 6th Age.
  • Scraps: Bits of homebrew that aren't really usable at the moment, and have been scrapped until later.
rpg/arcydea.txt · Last modified: 2021/01/07 18:04 by

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