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Party Loot

Treasure not yet shared amongst the PCs that is in 'party loot', along with notes on approximate expected value (which may not be accurate; different customers may offer different prices!) and who's carrying it if it's relevant (someone has to carry those twenty shortswords somehow, after all.)

Party Loot is divided as follows; 5% goes into the Scholarship Fund, then the remaining balance is divided seven ways (one seventh into the BoA account, one seventh into each party member's accounts. Money left over after division rolls into the BoA account.)


The Protectors (as well as Karlos and Daniel) are paid up. “Totsky takes out her phone. “On behalf of the Academy of Magic, your academic tuition is now guaranteed for as long as you choose to remain students of the Academy, and you all receive a commendation on your academic report that exempts you from November and December's evaluations. Of course, you may still take exams for fun.” She smirks.”


  • Bank of Alshira account: $3,686 Shirans


  • None!

Magical Items

  • 10 matched silver and black opal bracelets worth 200 gp enchanted with Deathwatch
    • You can sense the condition of other wearers of the bracelet, including whether they are dead, undead, or alive. If the creatures are alive, you know each creature’s condition, including whether they are uninjured (maximum current hit points), injured (fewer than maximum current hit points), approaching death (1 hit point), or dying. This spell sees through magic such as feign death or illusions intended to hide the living or the dead.
  • Ring of fire resistance
  • Ring of warmth
  • Everburning candle
  • Sphere of Light (10')
  • Lantern of revealing
  • Periapt of proof against poison
  • Pen of Mapping: Casts unseen cartographer using available paper.
  • Slaver's Pick: Can open the locks on special slave collars and manacles (standard lockpick roll instead of disadvantage).
  • Wand of opening (10 charges)
  • Wooden case with power word pain amulet 1/day
  • Ioun stone of awareness
  • Bracelet of earth magic (giant's earring): Grants immunity to being petrified, can cast stone shape as an action (limited to 13 uses in total.)
  • +1 Olman flint dagger
  • Mirror of the Past (Olman): The holder of this platinum hand mirror can learn something about the history of a specific object or creature by taking an action to gaze into the mirror and think of the target. Instead of the holder's reflection, the mirror presents scenes from the target's past. Information conveyed is accurate, but random and cryptic, and presented in no particular order. Once it is activated, the mirror gives its information for one minute or less, then returns to normal. It can't be used again until the next dawn.
  • Magebane Manacles: These allow you to contain a magic-user without significantly incapacitating them, disabling magic use by the wearer. They come with a magical key that allows you to unlock the manacles.


  • Repair Fluid x5
  • Potion of Healing x13
  • Detect Magic Smelling Salts x2
  • Restorative Ointment x2
  • Potion of Heroism x1
  • Potion of Water Breathing x2
  • Potion of Stone to Flesh x1
  • Potion of Superior Healing x3
  • Potion of Speed x1
  • Potion of Heroism x1
  • Potion of Invisibility x1
  • Oil of Etherealness x1
  • Potion of water walking x1
  • Potion of longevity x1
  • Potions of fire resistance x5
  • Philter of love x1


  • Clerical scroll of atonement
  • Clerical Scroll (resurrection, wind walk, cure wounds, mass cure wounds, purify food and drink, and bone blight)
  • Wizard scroll of darkness, pass without trace, irksome preserves, invisibility
  • Wizard scroll of conjure ammunition
  • Wizard scroll of arcane cartographer x2

Nonmagical Items

  • LARG Currency: 24 gold, 7 silver. LARG currency is not real, but can be used to buy things at the LARG store between adventures.
  • Adventure Seal 1
  • Adventure Seal 2
  • Magazine Pouch with two vial slots
  • Motherwrench, 2
  • 3 silver
  • 6 copper
  • Old Belfordian royal advisor's seal (belonging to Malone the Nuitar)
  • Carpenter's tools
  • Moss/fungi harvesting kits, 4 (advantage on Nature checks to collect ingredients)
  • Prankster's journal (handwriting evidence?)
  • Sekolahian worshipping statue
  • Gold flask (holds 4 potion doses)
  • 24 lengths of rope
  • 200 nails
  • 50 hooks and buckles
  • Orcish boot dagger
  • Spellbook (The spellbook contains the following spells: magic missile, unseen servant, invisibility, enhance ability, suggestion, haste, dimension door, polymorph.)
  • Hammer and chisel in pouch
  • Papers detailing the slave route
  • Ivory handled thieves tools (200gp)
  • Black chainmail
  • Black bastard sword
  • Greatbow (bow with Dire modifier, req Str 18)
  • Bottle of wine (cheap)
  • Black plate mail
  • Electrum bracers (560 gp)
  • Charla's House of Healing - Express Card
  • Eight uncut sapphires (base 250 gp)
  • One uncut ruby (500 gp)
  • 10 bags of Hollow Caltrops: Any creature that enters the area must succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw or stop moving and take 1d4 piercing damage. Until the creature regains at least 1 hit point, its walking speed is reduced by 10 feet and it loses 1 hit point whenever it moves. A creature moving through the area at half speed doesn't need to make the saving throw.
  • One gallon of Kobold Poison: Applying the poison takes an action. A creature hit by the poisoned weapon or ammunition must make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or take 2d4 poison damage. In addition, if they fail by more than five, they catch the disease Filth Fever. (A raging fever sweeps through the creature's body. The creature has disadvantage on Strength checks, Strength saving throws, and attack rolls that use Strength. This lasts one week if not cured by other means.)
  • 120 flasks of fine oil in six Avylyssan urns (Olman)
  • Silver coffer (15 lb, 150 gp value) (Olman)
  • Copper figure (5 lb, 50 gp value) with odd beads (Olman; resembles drone!)
  • Scroll case with map (Olman)
  • A brooch of bronze and green quartz in the shape of a lizard (25 gp) (Olman)
  • A silver and beryl-emerald ring on a finger (50 gp) (Olman)
  • A silvery dagger in a left boot (10 gp) (Olman)
  • Polished quartz sphere (45 gp) (Olman)
  • 20 couatl feathers (distributed among party)


  • None


  • None

Hunting and Harvesting


  • 320 iron ingots (1 gp)
  • 140 steel ingots (2 gp)
  • 90 mithril ingots (30 gp)
  • 101 adamantine ingots (50 gp)
  • 2 aluminum ingots
  • 531 steel scraps (1 sp)
  • 1293 aluminum scraps (1 sp)
  • 31 silver scraps
  • 16 gold scraps


  • 18 common poisonous reagent (15 gp)
  • 13 common reactive reagent (15 gp)
  • 16 common curative reagent (15 gp)
  • 4 uncommon poisonous reagents (40 gp)
  • 2 uncommon reactive reagent (40 gp)
  • 2 uncommon curative reagent (40 gp)
  • 3 rare poisonous reagent (200 gp) (medusa venom)


  • 5 common primal essences (45 gp)
  • 4 common arcane essences (45 gp)
  • 5 common divine essences (45 gp)
  • 3 uncommon primal essences (150 gp)

Hides and Fabric

  • 3 medium carapaces (4 gp)
  • 12 hides (1 gp)
  • 1 cloaker hide (125 gp)


  • 4 m. esoteric parts (100 gp)
  • 57 m. fancy parts (10 gp)
  • 70 m. parts (1 gp)
  • 11 t. parts
  • 5 t. fancy parts
  • 23 wiring
  • 5 short hafts
  • 2 long hafts
  • 2 power crystals, S
  • 1 power crystal, M
  • 52 capacitance gel


  • 6 fresh ingredients


  • 6 quality branches (2 gp)
  • 120 firewood (1 cp)
  • 28 units of lumber (1 gp)


  • 30 units of stone (1 gp)

Property: Blueford Grotto

Valuables and Decoratives

  • Compass Rose rug (25 gp)
  • Ivory ship's wheel (200 gp)
  • Mermaid silverware (200 gp complete set)
  • Nautical china set (100 gp complete set)
  • Silver coffer (100 gp)
  • Silver coffer (100 gp)
  • Silver platter (50 gp)
  • Ivory-handled knife (100 gp)
  • Roc statue (100 gp)
  • Stuffed bear (?)
  • 1500 lb of food crates (50 lb per crate)
  • Garrison supplies: straps, rivets, nails, bolts of cheap cloth, iron rations, etc. (250 gp worth)
  • Carved ivory statuettes of Arc, Shydi, Gareth, Alshira, and Khiala (250 gp each)

Manor and Environs

  • Grotto Manor: This house has three master alchemy labs (+2 to all alchemy checks, can run multiple alchemy projects) and a good Arcana library (+2 to Arcana checks if 10 minutes of time is spent in researching).
    • Alchemical Laboratory, Fancy x3
    • Bedrooms, Basic x8
    • Bedrooms, Fancy x6
    • Barracks x1
      • Magic Toilet x1
    • Bath, Basic x1
      • Magic Bathtub x1
      • Magic Toilet x1
    • Common Area, Basic x4
    • Common Area, Fancy x2
    • Courtyard, Basic x1
    • Dining Hall, Basic x1
    • Kitchen, Basic x1
      • Magic Icebox x1
    • Library, Fancy x1
    • Servants Quarters x1
    • Storage, Basic x4
    • Study/Office x2
    • Value: 69100 gold coins / -$69.10 per week in taxes and maintenance

Exterior Buildings

  • Outer Wall
    • An outer wall for a complex, which can be defended more effectively. 10' high, 6' thick. 400' long (100' square).
  • Training Area, Combat: This open area allows guards and soldiers to train in the art of war. It has a rack of wooden weapons and padded armor, archery targets, and practice dummies.
  • Outbuilding 1
    • Smithy, Fancy: Provides full use of smith's tools for any project, with +2 to skill.
      • Cannons: Mold completed, current project.
    • Tinker Workshop, Basic: Provides full use of tinker's tools for any project.
    • Gunsmith Workshop, Basic: Provides full use of gunsmithing tools for any project.
  • Outbuilding 2
    • Barracks x 6: Houses sixty guards.
      • This open room contains up to ten simple wooden beds with straw mattresses. A small footlocker sits at the end of each bed for personal belongings. This component includes a privy, though it need not be attached or adjacent to the barracks itself. A barracks can hold ten people (usually guards or soldiers). If you need a greater capacity, you can purchase this component multiple times. (Each of the sample barracks depicted is actually a double-size barracks representing two components.) If you want a higher class of quarters for officers, purchase bedroom components instead.
      • Magic Toilet x6
    • Armory, Basic x 2: Holds equipment for fifty guards.
      • Racks of armor and weapons fill this simple room, which has enough space to hold equipment for 25 soldiers (though the price doesn't include such gear). If you need a greater capacity, you can purchase this component multiple times.
      • Chainmail x 16
      • Chain shirts x 6
      • Goblin leather armor x 7
      • Shields x 1
      • Longswords x 12
      • Scimitars x 4
      • Longbows x 6
      • Spears x 10
      • Handaxes x 4
      • Greataxes x 6
  • Outbuilding 3
    • Greenhouse (Farm Plot, Small)
      • Potted Calendula salutaris [healing flower; generates 1 common curative reagent/day]
  • Outbuilding 4: Otik's House
    • Bedroom Suite, Basic
      • Magic Toilet x1
  • Outbuilding 5: Wereboar House
    • Bedroom Suite, Basic
      • Magic Toilet x1
  • Outbuilding 6: Scrap's Yard [value: 1500 gp, $7.5/week in tax/maint]
    • Shop, Basic
    • Servant's Quarters
    • Workshop, Basic
    • Farm Plot, Small
  • Outbuilding 7: Mitgam's Workshop (+12 Mason/Carpenter) [value: 1000 gp, $5/week in tax/maint]
    • Masonry Workshop, Basic: Full use of masonry tools.
    • Carpentry Workshop, Basic: Full use of carpentry tools.
  • Outbuilding 8: RuCK (Kitana's Workshop) (+10 Tailor) [value: 4000 gp, $20/week in tax/maint]
    • Tailoring Workshop, Fancy: +2 to Tailor checks due to upgraded tools.
    • Enchanting Workshop, Fancy: Full use of enchanting tools, +2 to Enchant checks.
  • Portal System
  • Fountain (with Lothannep the water weird); the middle sculpture will be a beautiful fortune teller looking into a crystal ball that is the cleansing stone. [in progress]
  • Sailboat


  • Black Kerr, expert alchemist (+12 to Alchemist's rolls) (25 gp/week)
  • Fyndax, expert alchemist (+12 to Alchemist's rolls) (25 gp/week)
  • Frederick the Butler (+5) (5 gp/week) (chain shirt +2)
  • Janine the Maid (+4) (5 gp/week)
  • Danielle the Chef (+6, expertise in Cook Utensils) (10 gp/week)
  • Veteran warrior (Alexander) equipped with chain shirt, longsword, mace +1, hand crossbow +1 (+1d6 poison) (10 gp/week)
  • Five guards equipped with chain mail and longsword (25 gp/week)
  • Otik the half-orc smith (+9; +1 longsword) (5 gp/week)
  • Otik's two assistants (+4) (10 gp/week)
  • Otik's wife, Lamelle
  • Otik's cats, Rufus and Lamar
  • Cat (Liam)
  • Crow (Olm)
  • Eight orcish guards equipped with chain mail and longsword (leader: Fergus) (40 gp/week)
  • Harvey, half-orc cook (+4) (5 gp/week)
  • Three wereboars (the Tusketeers) with mithril weapons: Fred, Bors, and Viktor (5 gp/week)
  • Atreya the Medusa with longsword and longbow (5 gp/week)
  • Sita the Medusa with longsword and longbow (5 gp/week)
  • Minerka the Goblin (chainmail +2, morningstar +1) (10 gp/week)
  • 15 goblins with chain mail and longswords (75 gp/week)
  • Two bugbears (Norg and Grud) with chain mail and longswords (10 gp/week)
  • 22 hobgoblins with chain mail and longswords (leader: Danoth) (110 gp/week)
  • Total: 380 gp/week / -$760/week

Special Guests

  • Xilonen, the ancient sea anenome (stats as roper, can communicate via telepathy) (lives by the sea cave)
  • Xander (Xipe the Lord of Flayed Skins), oni, currently in human guise (staying in town and studying local society)
  • Tecuziztecatl, telepathic giant slug (Lord of Snails), fond of the sea
  • Kalka-Kylla, giant hermit crab, and his minion, Ohtli the giant crayfish
  • Dasa Zotz, nereid follower of Zotzilaha, and Chac, trained giant lightning eel

Manor Trophies:

  • Baron Kepmak's Trident (50 gp, symbol of authority over sahaugin)
  • Blademaster Makaht's Wavecutter Blade (longsword, 2d8 damage slashing underwater)
  • Toothsome Staff (quarterstaff, 2d8 piercing damage underwater)
  • Executioner's Hood
  • Eyeless Helmet
  • Gubiyet's Staff

Alchemical Recipes

  • Repair Fluid (DC 12; 2 hours; Sparse; 5 gp ingredients)
  • Vial of Miasma (DC 12; 4 hours; Sparse; 5 gp ingredients)
  • Potion of Healing (DC 13; 4 hours; Sparse; 25 gp ingredients)
  • Philter of Love (DC 13; 4 hours; Sparse; 45 gp ingredients)
  • Detect Magic Smelling Salts (DC 13; 4 hours; Constant; 10 gp ingredients)
  • Elixir of Health (DC 15; 8 hours; Sparse; 60 gp ingredients)
  • Restorative Ointment (DC 15; 8 hours; Sparse; 60 gp ingredients)
  • Potion of Heroism (DC 15; 8 hours; Sparse; 90 gp ingredients)
  • Potion of Water Breathing (DC 16; 8 hours; Sparse; 90 gp ingredients)
  • Potion of Greater Healing (DC 15; 16 hours; Sparse; 75 gp ingredients)
  • Potion of Stone to Flesh (DC 18; 24 hours; Sparse; 150 gp ingredients)
  • Potion of Superior Healing (DC 18; 24 hours; Sparse; 225 gp ingredients)
  • Potion of Supreme Healing (DC 20; 48 hours; Sparse; 675 gp ingredients)

Trade Routes

  • Gellen of Blueford Grotto (Redford): Buys sugar at 2 gp / lb, sells fish at 1 sp / lb, sells salted fish at 8 gp / barrel, buys La Vida Soda at 5 sp/can
  • Thomas of Vargas (Belford): Sells La Vida Soda at 1 sp/can
  • Amir of Hamonhatep (Bek'lar): Buys rare jewels
  • Mr. Ferlance of Vampire's Crossing (Grenadine): Buys magic weapons
  • Signora Alli McPherson of Nightcastle (Rosa Noir): Buys magic items
  • Vargas (Belford): Buys weapons and armor at 75% cost
  • Windfeather World Exports (Nexus): Sells anything at 85% cost, occasional special offerings

Side Hustles

Oliver's Treasure Diving

  • Business Value: 1000 gp
  • Costs 10 gold per day, pays 50% of whatever is found. Pays out once/week (Saturday).
    • Elkyn armed with +1 sharkskin leather and +2 knife
    • Crew of four sea elf divers

Ru's Former Enterprises

  • Ru's Artifice:
    • Piwi, Steel Defender: Int 10; Drone Hatch
    • Adamantine: +7 to DC
    • Mithril: +5 to DC
    • Masterwork: +6 to DC
    • Upgrade Piwi's armor: 40 of 100 ingots; 24 of 60 hours, 12 of 30 checks, DC 17+7 for full adamantine (increase AC, HP, no crits)
    • Tuskateer Armor: 30 ingots, 1 armor padding, 5 boar hides; 56 hours, 28 checks, DC 17+
    • Tuskateer Tower Shield: Mithril
    • Tuskateer Pike: Mithril
    • Tuskateer Greataxe: Mithril
    • Tuskateer Greatsword: Mithril
    • Repeating Shot: 1 weapon, 1 piece of ammunition made of gold, 2 uncommon arcane essence, 1 scroll of conjure ammunition; 16 hours, DC 17. 160 gold apiece for supplies.
    • Build prototype cannon for Gellen's defense corps: 40 hours of work for molding (complete), 8 hours of work per cannon to cast (DC 15)
    • Make the Tuskateers Armor during the day working 12 hour days if not busy with adventure second priority
    • Make a masterwork adamantine 50 cal sniper rifle w/ suppressor will dub Eraser third priority (6 ingots, 6 parts, 5 fancy parts; 24 hours, 12 checks, DC 17+7+6 = 30)
    • Make a masterwork adamantine Phantom fourth priority (3 ingots, 4 parts, 2 fancy parts; 16 hours, 8 checks, DC 16+7+6 = 29)
    • Replace Piwi's armor with adamantine perhaps get an AC boost but no crits for sure. fifth priority
    • she will also ask about the stuff to enchant a coat/cloak of protection

Sahaugin Schooling

  • 52 sahaugin hatchlings attending school
  • Scrap's two are named Reena and Theo after the deities and have Gorgets of Air Breathing to help them breathe out of water, as well as standard pistols with which they are training. They are roughly ten years old in maturity, and about four feet tall.
  • for racial information.

Vio's Developments in Leafhollow

  • Vio: 0 gp banked.
    • Target Dummies x 4: 20 gp
    • House of Healing: 250 gp
    • Heating for the Winter: 300 gp for one week continuous heat for 3 people (fire logs and hearth stones)
    • Food for the Winter: 0 gp for rations
    • Firewood Gathered: 0 pieces
    • Refugees Housed: 13
    • Improved Walls: 100 of 500 gp
    • Proper Armory instead of Shed: 500 gp
    • Proper Barracks: 100 of 800 gp
    • Library: 500 gp

Protector Scholarship

  • $2,965 banked. $1,000 per student per semester. 5% of income dedicated to scholarships.
    • Ash from Highport - paid for semester
    • Kibbo from Kellen - paid for semester
    • Kimi from Falcon's Hollow - paid for semester
    • Jeva from Falcon's Hollow - paid for semester
    • Wendel from Leafhollow - paid for semester

Kitana's Tailorings

  • Ru, Connor, and Kitana
  • Bank of Alshira: $1,675
  • Shared three ways between business (40%) and each partner (30%)
  • 76 bolts of coddlesilk (25 gp) in inventory.
  • Advertising: $100 per week (+10 on d100 roll)
  • 130 x 25 = 3250 gp per noble garb
  • 50 x 25 = 1250 gp per armor coat
  • 2 bolts per noble garb or coat
  • 1 coat ready
  • Next major project:
    • “I need a stealth suit made of this fabric with additional protective magics, pockets of storage that don't reveal their contents on a search, gloves of thievery, shoes that will grant silent step and trackless gait so nobody can hear them coming or see them leaving, and a hood that allows them to disguise themselves. You see, I want to make a gift to an already legendary rogue to take their talents to the next level.” – Gellen
      • 100 adamantine ingots (5000 gp value) deposited as a down payment

Scrap's Yard

  • 3 goblins recovering outside metal (+4) + Daron Witherspoon (+7)
  • 2 goblins sorting the yard (+4)
  • 2 goblins working the shop (+4) + Joyce Chambers (+6)
  • Leon Lancaster (+12) (6th level artificer)
    • Must have material knowledge
    • Must be fluent in customer service
  • Security: Sgt. Roger Malone (+10; 6th level fighter; impressive gun collection including S&W Mark 22 Model 0 Hush Puppy)
  • Access to a basic soulphone, with useful apps (1 for store, 1 for recovery team)
  • La Vida soda sold in enchanted ice chest
  • Advertised on the Nexus as “Fairly priced metal recycling and upcycling at Scrap's Yard in Blueford Grotto!”
    • Advertising budget: $50 per week
  • Perks: Meals are paid for, as well as a single flagon of ale after work hours. Rooms are paid for if reclaimers cannot make it back to the grotto before the end of shift. Healthcare paid for.
  • As a requirement for in house employees, updates are a must: mid shift, and end of day, and reclaimers must stay in contact with updates throughout the day.
  • Bank: $4007
  • Orders:
    • None!
  • Smithing:
    • M. Parts ⇐ 5 metal scraps | 4 hours | 2 checks | DC 5 | value 2 gp
    • M. Fancy Parts ⇐ 1 ingot | 4 hours | 2 checks | DC 12 | value 10 gp
    • Ingot ⇐ 20 metal scraps | 2 hours | 1 check | DC 5 | value 2 gp
    • Pistol ⇐ 3 ingots, 4 parts, 2 fancy parts | 16 hours | 8 checks | DC 16 | value 250 gp
    • Rifle ⇐ 6 ingots, 4 parts, 2 fancy parts | 16 hours | 8 checks | DC 17 | value 400 gp
    • Pistol ⇐ chamber, receiver, barrel, grip, magazine, sights | 2 hours | 1 check | DC 12 | value 250 gp
    • Rifle ⇐ chamber, receiver, barrel, grip, magazine, stock, sights | 4 hours | 2 checks | DC 13 | value 400 gp

Sheila's Requests

  • 4 goblins working on gathering by the shore (+4)
  • 4 goblins working on gathering in the forest (+4)

Friends and Family

  • Ash Ketzam (2nd lvl Rogue/Monk): Studded leather +1 (protection from normal missiles), masterwork silver dagger, longsword, basic phone
  • Kibbo of Kellen (2nd level Fighter/Sorcerer): Chain mail, scimitar, amulet focus, basic phone
  • Kimi from Falcon's Hollow (2nd level Ranger/Rogue): Chain mail, longsword, basic phone, Gearbox
  • Jeva from Falcon's Hollow (2nd level Rogue/Druid): Leather armor, shortsword, basic phone
  • Wendel from Leafhollow (2nd level Fighter/Sorcerer): Chain mail, longsword, basic phone

Downtime and Self-Improvement

  • Alora: Strength
  • Vio: Dexterity
  • Judah: Water Vehicle Piloting
rpg/academy_of_magic/party_loot.txt · Last modified: 2024/09/09 21:03 by wizardofaus_doku

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