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Locations of Note: Silverquill Campus

Silverquill is the College of Eloquence, and its mages—stylish, intimidating, and driven—are masters of the magic of words. They create spells from spoken-word battle poetry or magical manifestations of the written word, scribing patterns of runic ink in the air. These mages make for natural leaders, fiercely competitive, with a piercing wit and a never-second-place attitude. The College of Communications and School of Creative and Performing Arts both have many of their classes here.

The Silverquill campus is located due north of the central campus and looks much like an extension of it. Silverquill is the most urban of the five colleges, with a campus that features buildings of stately elegance.

Grandloft Hall

The main Silverquill building is Grandloft Hall, a vast space with shafts of light streaking in from the enchanted windowpanes far above. Grandloft teems with balconies, loges, booths, daises, and other spaces where orators can perform their craft. Inklings, the college's mascots, flit around the high ceiling, and enchanted spotlights automatically focus on any mage who uses powerful magic.

The Rose Stage

The Rose Stage is a rotating circular platform on the Silverquill campus. It has a backdrop of roses made of magical ink (tributes left by spectators of past performances), which creates excellent acoustics. Mage-students meet at the Rose Stage to practice performances, spar, or engage in honor duels. Faculty members often observe performances at the Rose Stage, coaching the students in their magical and rhetorical displays.

The Dramarium

The Dramarium is a facility where Silverquill students train in fitness, dance, martial arts, and other acts of physical performance. Students can avail themselves of the preparation space called the Gray Room (actually a chain of rooms), which has hair and makeup salons, voice rehearsal booths, mirrored rehearsal spaces, and spa facilities. The back of the Dramarium has a special sensory deprivation chamber for mage-students who want complete silence in which to meditate.

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