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Home Base - Nightcastle

The home base of operations is a small civilized area outside of space and time known as Nightcastle. This place has a number of smaller local businesses that essentially provide supplies to the discerning adventurer, from weapons and armor to clothing and accessories. The one most relevant to adventurers is the Black Rose Inn.

Currently some of the details need to be adjusted to fit the design document, but we are gradually working things into place. Consider this a design document rather than a 'the way things are' document, for now.

The Training Field

A place where you can practice your skills on target dummies and ironworks, without risking losing your loot if defeated. Right now you challenge a master in order to level up, but eventually you will instead study with masters in order to switch classes and learn new skills.

The Dungeon

This multi-level dungeon is based on the original Forest code of the LoRD/LoGD/LoGL games, and will eventually let you descend to the level you wish to fight in, and more eventually will have an actual map to explore so that you can work your way to the bottom of the dungeon. It is also eventually going to become the first test of the map system; an underground maze with bosses at each level, down to the 15th, where you meet the (entity that replaces the Green Dragon/Leupak; gotta give the training Dungeon an appropriate boss monster.)

The Castle

This is the Castle, where Knights of the Black Rose can visit and discuss matters of interdimensional concern. It will be detailed later as the game continues to evolve.

  • Exterior Walls
  • Castle Gates
  • Main Hall
  • West Wing
  • East Wing
  • Dungeon
  • Portal

The Smithy

As you might expect, the Smithy manufactures metallic armor, weapons, and equipment. They also provide some repair services. Most of the crafts made here are somewhat basic, but if you can bring in good materials, they may pay you for them or even make special equipment for you from them.

The Tailor

Maker of all things woven, stitched, and tanned, the tailor is responsible for clothing, shoes, and even the basics of leather armor. She isn't much of an enchanter, but her prices are very reasonable, so it pays to get equipped.

The Bank of Alshira

The Bank of Alshira will take all of the currency you have from a particular world and convert it into the local tender, Shirans. Shirans are an electrum alloy that is magically depleted and conjureproofed to prevent counterfeiting, and are universally usable in any store with an ATTN card reader. In addition to changing other currencies to Shirans, they can also take Shirans into deposit in their bank accounts, and even offer safety deposit boxes for you to store things… handy, should you expect to meet an unpleasant demise and need to recover your things at some point.

The General Store

This small store sells all sorts of knick-knacks, odds and ends, and also buys your odds and ends at a pittance. (In truth, they basically list ten random items other people have sold to them, have a random chance of 'losing' an item every day, and the selection changes from day to day unless someone else buys them first.) They also tend to charge about 120% of 'fair price'.

The Dormitory

A place where the poor and disenfranchised end up when they can't pay for their rooms, or when all the rooms are inevitably taken. The Dormitory is a less safe place, because unscrupulous people might try to steal things from you while you are sleeping, or even try to attack you!

The Hospital

This is where people who are injured in Nightcastle, or are brought back to Nightcastle after meeting an unfortunate end, are brought to recover. It takes some time for a defeated but not dead character to be returned to full health, which means you may simply have to play a different character to get your fix while you wait. Those who are killed outright end up in Alshira instead…

The Market

Players can set up their own stores to sell the fruits of their adventuring for whatever price they see fit, and can even have people building things for them, etc.

The Dungeon of the Day

Every day, a randomly chosen dungeon created by one of the Nightcastle inhabitants is opened to the public. Guests pay an admission fee, search for treasure, fight monsters, and eventually triumph – or perish. At the end of the day, the lucky dungeon builder receives a report on their dungeon's results, including any repairs that need to be made or earnings from their dungeon.

In addition, people who have a Dungeon can open it to the public and allow people to enter free of charge to test their mettle and their courage.

Dungeon Mastery and You

Each Dungeon consists of rooms, which are separated by walls, doorways, and doors. Dungeons may have one or more floors, with the deepest dungeon floor typically being the most difficult. Building your own Dungeon is a Shiran sink at first, though with savvy creation, you can make a dungeon that will keep people coming back for more. People visit Dungeons in order to practice their skills – thus, venturing into a Dungeon is a good way to build experience. In return, people may pay to enter a Dungeon, and may inadvertently leave things behind should they … be of insufficient strength to surmount its challenges.


Generators are the most important aspect of a Dungeon, as they allow you to make renewable monsters easily. Who needs the pain and frustration of summoning a demon army every week when your handy dandy Monster Generators can do the hard work for you? However, there are a few caveats, of course.

  • Only one Generator can be present in a Room.
  • Adventurers may damage a Generator and knock it out of commission.
  • When a Dungeon is started, no monsters have yet been generated; they emerge from the Generator at a rate set by the Generator's power, and then follow their instructions.
  • Generators have no other form of defense; they just take damage when they're hit and keep summoning monsters until they're rendered inert.
  • Once a Generator is broken, the Dungeon owner must pay to repair it.

There are good and bad sides to having Minions. On the good side, a Minion is always present in the Dungeon, and you can tell them to stay put and guard an important location – like where you left the key, or the hall leading to the skeleton factory. Hired Minions also gain experience as they fight for you – they're like your own little trained defenders! Unfortunately, paying to heal them is usually more expensive than fixing a Generator.

  • Minions start without equipment, but some Minions may pick up equipment dropped in the dungeon to become stronger!
  • Minions gain experience and may level up if they successfully defeat Heroes.
  • If there is an Infirmary upgrade in the Dungeon, injured Minions will gradually recover on their own without Dungeonmaster assistance.
  • Certain minions can accomplish other tasks; an Enchanter minion can repair Generators and other magical devices, while a Repairman can repair traps and other mechanisms.
  • Unlike Generators, any number of Minions can occupy a room. Want to build an army? The only thing stopping you is your bank account!
  • You have to pay to hire a Minion, and you have to keep paying to keep him. If you stop paying your Minions, eventually they will get fed up and leave and take all that gear and experience with them!

Traps allow you to bring some spice to the lives of heroes – typically, you can leave traps on the Floor, Ceiling, Walls, or Doors of a room. A hero can disarm these traps, if they're smart… or can blunder into them, if they're not. Just be advised that your Minions and Monsters are not immune to these traps, so if they're stupid they may walk right into them! (Smarter ones will know where the traps are and will avoid them.)


In order to keep heroes coming back for more, you need to leave loot lying around your dungeon – not enough so that they can easily rush in, grab the good stuff and run back out, mind you, but enough to make them keep going. The Dungeon Master's Collective Association (DMCA) will provide an advisory of what type of dangers are to be found in a given dungeon, so people will know if you're a skinflint or a Monty Haul provider. Fortunately, while you can personally stock each chest and bookshelf yourself, you can also dump items you don't want into a holding box and let a Distributor minion handle the boring business of resource redistribution…

You are limited to one Lootspace per room; Lootspaces hold loot based on size (so you can't stockpile a single wooden shelf with five hundred bottles of spiced rum, no matter what kind of party you intend on throwing.)

Black Rose Inn

The Black Rose Inn serves a number of basic purposes. For one, it's a place to save your game and your progress in safety - nothing will harm you in a Black Rose Inn room. For two, you can eat and drink in comfort and affordability, keeping your adventurer full and happy and ready to save the worlds. But most important, it has the Mirror.

The Mirror

The Mirror is a fairly simple interface - it has a keypad interface, which allows you to step through and transport from your current location to other connected Mirrors if you know the right passcode. The passcodes available change occasionally, and a list of public passcodes are listed beside the Mirror. If you're lucky, other Mirrors you find or emerge from might have similar public lists; otherwise, you'll have to guess and hope for the best. Passcodes may deliver you to wildly different places within a World, especially if you discover private passcodes, so keep your eyes out…

Worlds and Instances

The savvy interdimensional traveler may note that not every passcode leads to the same place, even if it looks like it. That's because while the Mirrors connect to many different worlds, they also may connect to different instances of the same world. These instances are effectively variants of the same world - the people and places within may look the same, but things from the monsters you encounter to what's on sale at the stores will not, and there is always a chance that an instance will cease to exist at any given time. Instances that cease to exist will deposit characters still in them back into the Black Rose Inn, but it's worth noting before you get too invested in buying up local real estate or the like.

Available Worlds

Each area where people can play, explore, fight, and make progress as adventurers is known as a World. Each World has its own struggles to overcome and its own evils to face. Each World also has an End Condition – a state in which, for good or for evil, the World's instance will end. Bringing a Good End to a World will affect future instances of a World in a positive way, while bringing a Bad End to a World will affect future instances negatively.

Special Worlds

Some worlds are special - they don't have an end condition, and don't have Instances. This means that changes made there are persistent. Other worlds are unique to the character playing - essentially, a single-person instance, such as the Bloodrose Tutorial World that sends you on a quest to fight your way through Bloodrose and defeat the Grand Master of the Traveler's Reach in an ultimate battle.

lotbr/rosanegra.txt · Last modified: 2019/10/02 19:49 by wizardofaus_doku

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