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Items and Equipment

  • Currently the only equippables are Weapon and Armor. I want to improve on this in a way that feels natural. Basically, I could either do individual slots - one for a shirt, one for an undershirt, one for a jacket or overshirt, one for a jumpsuit or suit of armor, say - or I could do it a bit more organically where instead of slots, there's just an array of things the person is currently wearing.
  • Why so specific? Well, one of the original functions that was part of the Green Leupak code was coverage; basically, instead of defense being a single number that increased cumulatively with all of the bonuses provided from all of the pieces of armor one was wearing, defense varied. You could be struck on an arm, for example; if you wear a breastplate, your torso is well armored but your arms are not!

In the case of slots:

  • Suit: A slot for jumpsuits, platemail and the like. Covers most areas of the body except the face.
  • Helmet: Covers your head, but not your face.
  • Helm: Covers your head and your face.
  • Piercings: These don't really cover much, but are available for a variety of locations. Aside from accentuating the wearer, they could carry enchantments.
  • Rings: Another jewelry item that you can wear more than one of, if inclined. Covers the fingers.
  • Tattoos: Another way to distinguish your character's description, could carry enchantments.
  • Choker/Necklace/Amulet/Gorget: Covers the neck and/or maybe a small amount of the torso. Pretty, often enchanted.
  • Vest/Corset: Covers torso.
  • Jacket: Covers torso and arms.
  • Shields: Used in hand.
  • Weapons: Used in hand/hands.
  • Pants: Worn on legs.
  • Shoes/Boots: Worn on feet.
  • Skirts: Partly covers legs.
  • Shorts: Partly covers legs.
  • Cloaks: Worn on back.
  • Hat: Covers head.
  • Mask: Covers face.
  • Costume: Covers body.
  • Gloves/Gauntlets: Covers hands.
  • Underwear: Covers naughty bits.
  • Glasses/Goggles: Covers eyes.
  • Anything else?

In combat, your Defense is a number based on the Defense of your skin/body, plus the defense of anything that covers the targeted area. Targets are usually random, but occasionally a monster has a special attack that goes for the eyes, for example.

Shields and Cloaks provide Defense, as well as the ability to Block (based on Shield skill) or Entangle (based on Cloak skill).

Other item notes:

Backpack: Stores items. Better or more enchanted backpacks store more items for you.

Belt: Carries quick use items. Non-Heavy weapons can be attached to a belt so you can switch to them in combat.

Canteen: Stores water. PC drinks automatically when thirsty. Enchanted or larger canteens hold more.

Potion Flask: Enchant for higher capacity, holds healing potion that can be sipped to increase active HP. Don't get temp HP too far past max HP.

Light: Light source, and if it's currently active.

Phone: Lets you send messages, talk in digital chat rooms, and play special phone games.

Bank of Alshira: Converts currencies into Shirans that are usable on your ATTN card.

ATTN Card: Levels up as you reach higher max deposits, allowing you to take up larger loans and get better interest rates.

Coin Pouch: Holds your coins. May require enchantment to hold more coins once you start collecting a lot of coins. Various coin types (platinum, gold, silver, copper, other…?)

Item Stats:

  • Attribute Array: This stores the important info about the item, including what bonuses it provides when equipped if equippable, or what it does when used if an item.
  • Weight: How much it weighs, important for determining if you can carry it.
  • Value: How much you can buy it for if sold in a store. PC stores may be highly variable in pricing.
  • Weapon Attributes generally include Attack modifier, Bulk modifier (how awkward it is to carry/use), Skilll used, and Durability base.
  • Armor Attributes generally include Defense modifier, Coverage factor (a ring is unlikely to protect your hands unless you're lucky, as is a chainmail bikini), Bulk modifier, Heat modifier (how much this warms you to wear; relevant when temperatures are used), Waterproof modifier (how much this protects against rain/snow/etc), and Durability base.
  • Either may have additional attributes - Atk+, Def+, Spd+, Charm+ are examples of effects that might be attached, as are persistent effects like Regeneration, absorptions, immunities, resistances, vulnerabilities, etc to certain damage types.

Special Items

Rescue Band: A piece of equipment that can be upgraded with various features, but its primary feature is that if you are knocked out (but not instantly annihilated), you are returned to the Nightcastle Hospital, and don't lose any of your gear; however, you do lose one gem and 10% of your on-hand cash. Without this option, you may lose some or all of your equipped gear, especially if annihilated; lost loot falls where you fall.


  • Onboard Computer: Takes computer chip programs.
  • AI Assistant: Provides immediate information without requiring you to run the programs yourself.
  • Inventory Management: Allows you to store items and sort through them more easily.
  • Remote Chat: Lets you communicate to those within the area, leave messages warning about particular threats such as Persistent Monsters, etc.
lotbr/items.txt · Last modified: 2019/10/02 20:01 by wizardofaus_doku

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