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Standard Operating Procedure (Science)

Foreword: Job SOP should not be a considered a checklist of conditions to fire someone over, and should not be rigidly followed to the letter in detriment of circumstances and context. As always, SOP can be malleable if the situation so requires, and the decision to punish a crewmember for breaching it ultimately falls onto the relevant Head of Staff, for Department Members, or Captain, for the Head of Staff.

This is the page for Standard Operating Procedure for Science.

For a list of regular SOP, or for other departments, see the main page for Standard Operating Procedure.

Research Director

Code Green

1. The Research Director must make sure Research is being done. Research must be completed by the end of the shift, assuming Science is provided the materials for it by Supply;

2. The Research Director is permitted to carry a telescopic baton and a flash;

3. The Research Director is not permitted to bring harmful chemicals outside of Science;

4. The Research Director is permitted to carry their Reactive Teleport Armour on their person. However, it is highly recommended they keep it inactive unless necessary, for personal safety;

5. The Research Director is not permitted to authorize the construction of AI Units without the Captain’s approval. An exception is made if the ship was not provided with an AI Unit, or a previous AI Unit had to be destroyed.

6. The Research Director must keep the Communications Decryption Key on their person at all times, or at least somewhere safe and out of reach;

7. The Research Director is permitted to add beneficial scripts to Telecommunications;

8. The Research Director is permitted to change the AI Unit’s lawset, provided they receive general approval from the Captain and another Head of Staff. If there are no other Heads of Staff available, Captain approval will suffice. The Research Director must order the AI to state their new laws immediately after uploading them;

9. The Research Director must work with Robotics to make sure all Cyborgs remain slaved to the station’s AI Unit, except in such a situation where the AI Unit has been subverted or is malfunctioning.

10. The Research Director must ensure the proper containment of all hostile Xenobiology lifeforms.

11. The Research Director may be held accountable for any nanites that are released for public use.

12. The Research Director should not place any department restricted equipment in a place with public access.

Code Blue

1. All Guidelines carry over from Code Green.

Code Red

1. Guidelines 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 carry over from Code Green;

2. In addition to the a telescopic baton and flash, the Research Director is permitted to carry a single weapon created in the Protolathe, provided they receive authorization from the Head of Security. Exception is made during extreme emergencies, such as Nuclear Operatives or Blob Organisms.

3. The Research Director is permitted to bring harmful chemicals outside of Science for delivery to security personnel, so long as either the Head of Security or Captain authorises it. Said chemicals must be for security-oriented purposes (thermite, controlled explosives, crowd control, biohazard containment, etc.).

4. The Research Director is permitted to bring harmful chemicals outside of Science for delivery to the Ordnance Technician or military personnel, so long as either the Executive Officer or Captain authorises it. Said chemicals must be for military-oriented purposes and must be ready to use unless delivered to the Ordnance Technician.


Code Green

1. The Roboticist is not permitted to construct Combat Mechs without express permission from the Captain and/or Head of Security. This refers to the Durand, Gygax and Phazon. If permitted, the Mechs is to be delivered to the Armory for storage. The Research Director is placed under the same restrictions;

2. The Roboticist is freely permitted to construct Utility Mechs, along with any assorted Utility Equipment. This refers to Ripleys (to be handed to Mining or Cargo), Firefighting Ripleys (to be handed to Atmospherics) and the Odysseus Medical Mech (to be handed to Medical). The HONK Mech is not to be constructed without full approval by the Research Director and Captain;

3. The Roboticist is freely permitted to construct Cyborgs and all assorted equipment;

4. The Roboticist is not permitted to transfer personnel MMIs into Cyborgs without express written consent from the person in question. The consent form should be kept safe;

5. The Roboticist is not permitted to construct AI Units without express consent from the Captain;

6. The Roboticist must place a Tracking Beacon on all constructed Mechs;

7. The Roboticist must work together with the Research Director to make sure all Cyborgs remain slaved to the station’s AI Unit, except in such a situation where the AI Unit has been subverted or is malfunctioning;

8. The Roboticist must DNA-Lock all parked Mechs prior to delivery. DNA-Lock must be removed when the Mech is delivered to its final destination.

Code Blue

1. Guidelines 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 carry over from Code Green;

2. The Roboticist is permitted to construct Combat Mechs without prior consent, but must deliver them to the Armory for storage. Failure to comply will result in the Combat Mech being destroyed. Exception is made for extreme emergencies, such as a Blob Organism or Nuclear Operatives, where the Roboticist may pilot the Mech themselves. However, even in these circumstances, the Mech must be delivered to the Armory after the emergency is over. The Research Director is placed under the same restrictions.

Code Red

1. Guidelines 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 carry over from Code Green;

2. All Guidelines carry over from Code Blue.


Code Green

1. Scientists are not permitted to bring grenades outside of Science;

2. Scientists are not permitted to bring harmful chemicals outside of Science;

3. Scientists are not permitted to bring Toxins bombs outside of Science. Exception is made if the Toxins Bomb is handed to Mining, as it can be useful for mining operations, or to Military (particularly Ordnance Technicians, for building MAC rounds);

4. While not mandatory, it is highly recommended that Scientists give a prior warning before a Toxins test. This must be done via the Common Communication Channel, with at least ten (10) seconds between the warning and detonation;

5. Scientists must, at all times, keep live slimes and Golden Extract-based lifeforms inside Xenobiology pens, except when transporting them to new cells. Peaceful Golden Extract lifeforms may be released with the express permission of the Research Director. In addition, injecting plasma into Golden Extract is strictly forbidden;

6. Scientists are not permitted to construct the Portable Wormhole Generator without express permission from the Research Director. In addition, Scientists are not to hand out Weapon Lockboxes to any non-Security, non-Military, or non-Command personnel without express permission from the Head of Security;

7. Scientists are not permitted to create AI Core Boards without express permission from the Captain and/or Research Director.

Code Blue

1. Guidelines 2, 4, 5, 6, and 7 carry over from Code Green;

2. Scientists are permitted to bring Grenades outside of Science, but only for delivery to the Armory;

3. Scientists are permitted to bring Toxins Bombs outside of Science, but only for delivery to the Armory. In addition, the Mining exception still applies.

Code Red

1. Guidelines 4, 5, 6, and 7 carry over from Code Green;

2. All Guidelines carry over from Code Blue.

Exploration Crew

The Exploration Crew are permitted to carry UNMODIFIED Multi-Purpose Energy Guns, and knives. They are additionally permitted to store breaching charges and detonators on the exploration shuttle.

The Exploration Crew are not permitted to carry and/or use obtained contraband items for purposes other than handing them in to Security.

The Exploration Crew is not to build any non-exploratory equipment on the exploration shuttle. Structural modifications to the shuttle fine.

This means an entire medbay with chemistry should not be constructed.

This also applies for other similar constructions that make reliance on an entire department unnecessary. This is due to internal licensing agreements between NovusCorp subsidiaries.

Security should send a detail to accompany the exploration team on VIP or assassination missions.

The Exploration Crew is expected to pursue their assigned goal, though they should prioritize their own well-being over accomplishing their goals.


Code Green

1. The Geneticist is not permitted to ignore Cloning, and must provide Clean SE Injectors when required, as well as humanized animals if required for Surgery. In addition, the Geneticist must make sure that Cloning is stocked with Biomass;

2. The Geneticist is permitted to test Genetic Powers on themselves. However, they are not to utilize these powers on any crewmembers, nor abuse them to obtain items/personnel outside their access;

3. The Geneticist is permitted to grant Genetic Powers to Command Staff at their discretion, provided prior permission is requested and granted. All staff must be warned of the full effects of the SE Injector. The Geneticist is not, however, obligated to grant powers, unless the Research Director issues a direct order;

4. The Geneticist is not permitted to grant Powers to non-Command Staff without express verbal consent from the Research Director. Both the Chief Medical Officer and the Research Director maintain full authority to forcefully remove these Powers if they are abused;

5. The Geneticist must place all discarded humanized animals in the Morgue. It is recommended that said discarded humanized animals be directed to the Crematorium;

6. The Geneticist is not permitted to provide body doubles, unless the Research Director approves it. In addition, Security is to be notified of all doubles;

7. The Geneticist is not permitted to alter personnel’s UI Status, unless it has been previously tampered with by hostile elements, or permission is given;

8. The Geneticist is not permitted to use sentient humanoids as test subjects unless the sentient humanoid has granted their permission, on paper.

Code Blue

1. All Guidelines carry over from Code Green.

Code Red

1. All Guidelines carry over from Code Green. In regards to Guideline 4, the Geneticist is now permitted to grant Powers to Security personnel, under the same conditions as detailed in Guideline 3.

Exotic Implants

Exotic Implants refer to Xeno Organs, Cybernetic Implants or any such exotic materials.

1. General utility implants (such as Welding Shield, Nutriment or Reviver) are unregulated, and may be handed out freely;

2. X-Ray Vision and Thermal Vision implants may be handed out freely, but may have their implantation vetoed by the Chief Medical Officer and/or Research Director (see below);

3. Medical HUDs must be approved by the Chief Medical Officer before implantation, and Security HUDs require express permission from the Head of Security or Warden;

4. Combat-capable Implants (such as the CNS Rebooter or Anti-Drop) are not be handed out without express permission from the Head of Security;

5. Cybernetic Implantation should be performed in Surgery or any such sterilized environment, to reduce the risk of internal infection. If no Surgeons or Doctors are available, the Roboticist can fill in;

6. The Chief Medical Officer and Research Director have the power to veto any Cybernetic Implantation or Xeno Organ Implantation if they believe it threatens the stability of the station or crew. Only the Captain may override this veto;

7. Xeno Organs may be harvested at will, but may not be implanted without express permission from the Chief Medical Officer. Egg-Laying Organs from Xenomorph Lifeforms are strictly forbidden;

8. Failure to follow these Guidelines makes the offending party liable to having their Exotic Implants forcefully removed.

games/sc13/standard_operating_procedure/science.txt · Last modified: 2022/07/24 15:00 by wizardofaus_doku

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