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Upgrading Objects

Many objects can be upgraded for better performance by installing better parts or building them from better materials!

Upgrading the station

NT has granted your colleagues a station that has plenty of room for improvement. Plenty of machines around the station can be upgraded to improve efficiency, and you're encouraged to let your coworkers feel what an efficient science really means: Better work conditions. Use the RPED.png Rapid Part Exchanger device, produced by the Protolathe to rapidly replace obsolete parts with newer parts; or deconstruct and reconstruct the machine from the getgo. Use the Guide to Advanced Construction to check what parts each machine contains, to know what stock parts to replace. The RPED is also able to scan the stock parts present in the machine. Below is the list of currently upgradeable machines:

Biogenerator. Upgrades improve recycling and lowers costs. Borg Charger. Upgrades speed charging and enables repairs. Will also repair IPCs and users of full body prosthetics. Protolathe. Upgrades cut production costs; up to half. Circuit Imprinter. Upgrades cut productions costs; up to half. Autolathe. Upgrades lower material loss in production, down to 0%. Destructive Analyzer. Upgrades increase minimum reliability that can be analyzed. Cloning Pod. Upgrades increase clone health; with the highest level removing the need for cryo. PACMANS. Upgrades decrease heat emitted and power produced per sheet. Gas heater/coolers. Upgrades increase efficiency and cooling range.

games/sc13/objects/upgrading.txt · Last modified: 2020/02/24 16:06 by

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