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Short for Personal Data Assistant, PDAs are usually useful to their owners. They have a variety of functions, such as note keeping and messaging, as well as job-specific functions like controlling Beepsky and analyzing fingerprints or blood stains, sending deliveries, scanning for disease or components, checking how much power are in the APCs around the station, and causing chaos.

The PDAs message function relies on the RD's ship message server. If it is powerless or broken, then no one will be able to send messages to each other. The message server logs your dirty little messages so don't expect to be able to get away with using them to rally a rebellion if the Network Technicians are on the ball.

ID Sync

You can insert your ID into your PDA, then click the “Update PDA Info” button to update your PDA with your current job and sync that PDA to you.

PDA Cases

If you want to change the look of your PDA, you will have to go to the Head of Personnel. He has a special PDA Painter that allows him to change the case of your PDA.

Default Features

Eject Cartridge: Located above the 'Features' section of the interface, removes the current cartridge. This is required to install a different cartridge.

Load Cartridge: Loads a cartridge's programs using its onboard RAM.

Remove Module: Remove a module from your PDA to make room for other hardware. By default, most PDAs have one module hardpoint (for the flashlight), while those conducting analyses typically have two (the second being used for the analysis tool in question.)

Connect Module: Connect a module to one of the PDA hardpoints.

Notekeeper: Allows you to make text notes and save them. On an unlocked Syndicate PDA, this will instead bring up a list of available items to purchase.

Transfer Notes: Using your PDA on a piece of paper will scan its contents and write it in your notekeeper app.

Messenger: Scan for other PDAs and send them text messages, set custom ringtones, or look at your past messages. If your PDA is in your belt, pocket, or lapel, you can see what incoming messages are in the chat window and directly reply without having to pull out the PDA. By default the PDA is set to Messaging On; turning it Off will not allow you to send or receive texts but will also prevent you from being the victim of a Detomatix missile.

Alarm Clock: Set a time for a personal alarm to trigger.

Crew Manifest: View the list of crew members, organized by rank.

Atmospheric Scan: Use this to display the status of your environmental air conditions, works much like an analyzer. Available even for PDAs without the Analyzer module.

Flashlight: This low powered flashlight can be used to successfully navigate through areas without lighting. Doesn't work if the flashlight is removed, obviously.

Current Events: Provides flavor text on what's going on over the rest of the local galaxy.

News: For when you're too lazy to fetch the latest news from the newscaster.

FM Radio: Tune in to various stations, from the ship's own broadcaster to secret channels. Requires encryption keys to get access to staff channels, but is useful when your headset isn't working.

BookReader: Allows you to read digital books available from the library or elsewhere. Certain jobs have certain books pre-installed.

File Browser: Browse files in the PDAs internal drive or on the inserted cartridge. Job specific programs are loaded on the cartridge. Programs can also be deleted or moved about as memory permits.

Crisis Alert: Allows you to send an emergency call along with your current position to all medical, engineering or security PDAs.

Supply Request: Order supplies on the go. Don't expect QMs to actually deliver them if there isn't a cargo pad, belt hell dock or MULE beacon nearby (unless Cargo and the Teleporter staff are really on the ball).

Robustris: A program in the internal drive of all PDAs. A game coded while under the influence of space drugs. If you manage to beat it all the secrets of 2D SpaceMan game will be revealed.

Space GPS: Shows you your own coordinates like a more limited version of the full featured Space GPS device.

Bluespace Paperwork Printer: Allows the user to print out a forms like a job change form.

Assistant Pager: Allows any non-assistant role to page assistants.

Job Change Certificate: Allows the user to print out a job change form.


Flashlight: Most PDAs come with one by default.

Extended Flashlight: A much brighter flashlight, at the cost of using battery more quickly.

Battery Backup: A hardened battery that extends battery life.

Analyzer Suite: Use this to conduct analyses when supplied with the proper cartridge.

Remote Tools: Control some machines without cutting/pulsing their wires.

There's an App for That

Weather Monitoring: Gives you updated information on solar flares and other 'space weather' incidents five minutes before they occur.

Balance Check: Freely available from ATMs, connects to the Accounts Database on ship to check the balance history of the ID's card. Can also print money like a portable ATM, but only ten bills before needing to reload it with paper.

Ringer: Connect it to the frequency of a desk bell to be notified anytime someone presses it.

PDA Flashlight Enhancer: Makes flashlight slightly brighter (works better with upgraded flashlight).

Spam Filter: Blocks spam messages from reaching you via messenger. Enjoy the silence.

Holo-Map 2.0: Gives you a map of the station (like the stationary ones you see on the walls) with the added benefit of a regularly updated 'You are here' marker.

Cartridge Features

These are programs hosted on the cartridges found in most people's PDAs. Replacement PDA cartridges (as well as the special PDA painter) can be found in the Head of Personnel's office.

Power Monitor: Shows same info as the Power Monitoring Computer, but only locally (if a section of the power grid is cut off, it'll only show the section you're closest to).

Medical Records: Allows you to view the crew's medical records, if they have been set up.

Medical Scanner: Turns your PDA into a weak health analyzer.

Security Records: Allows you to view the crew's security records, if they have been set up.

Security Bot Access: Allows you to remotely control Beepsky.

Supply Records: Allows you to view the supply records from the cargo bay.

Set Status Display: Allows you to modify the station-wide monitors with a variety of messages. Same functionality as the communications console.

Custodial Locator: Mop, Mop Bucket and Cleanbots finder and status.

Reagent Scanner: Scans things for liquids and residues, then displays said liquids and residues.

Halogen Counter: Allows you to scan for radiation.

Gas Scanner: Allows you to scan gas-containers (Such as canisters) and display the contained gas's temperature, pressure, and composition.

Signaler System: Allows you to send radio signals, works much like a Remote Signaling Device.

Bot Access (Engineering): Interface for locating and summoning the Floorbots.

Drone Phone: Ping drones that tag your location with alert levels of low, medium, high, or critical.

Ore Silo Logs: Access the ore silo logs.

Bot Access (Full): Interface for locating and summoning all bots.

Newscaster Access: Read and post to any newsfeed.

Drone Blacklist: Allow or deny drones from using some blacklisted machines.

Bot Access (Supply): Interface for locating and summoning the MULEbots.

Messenger»Send Virus (HONK Virus): Sends a virus to a PDA that will cause the holder to hear honking at random intervals. Also does other things? Who knows! HONK!

Sad Trombone: Plays a sad trombone sound, perfect for when pranks go wrong.

Honk Synthetizer: Someone stole your bike horn? You still can HONK with your PDA.

Bot Access (Medical): Interface for locating and summoning the Medibots.

Set Stqatus Display: Set a custom text, shuttle ETA timer or other icons to the Status Displays shown all over the station.

Bot Access (Security): Interface for locating and summoning the security bots.

Bot Access (Service & Supply): Interface for locating and summoning the MULEbots and the Cleanbots.

Messager » Send Virus (Silence Virus): Can send 5 viruses to others' PDAs on the message system, presumably making it silent.

Emoji Guidebook: Gives a list of emojis for use exclusively with the mime's PDA.

Bot Access (Science): Interface for locating and summoning all non-security bots.

Default Cartridges

PDA Installed Cartridge Features Books
Assistant None None On the Job Training: Assistants
Atmospheric Technician BreatheDeep Cartridge Gas Scanner On the Job Training: AtmosTechs
Bartender None None On the Job Training: Bartender, 1001 Drinks and How to Make Them
Botanist None None On the Job Training: Botanist, Growing Plants for Profit, Raising Bees for a Buzz
Captain Value-PAK Cartridge Set Status Display, Power Monitor, Medical Records, Medical Scanner, Security Records, Reagent Scanner, Halogen Counter, Gas Scanner On the Job Training: Captain, NovusCorp Expeditionary Law
Chaplain None None On the Job Training: Chaplain
Chef None None On the Job Training: Chef, 1001 Gourmet Recipes for Beginners
Cargo Technician and Quartermaster Space Parts & Space Vendors Cartridge Supply Records, Delivery Bot Control
Chemist ChemWhiz Cartridge Reagent Scanner
Chief Engineer Power-On DELUXE Cartridge Power Monitor, Halogen Counter, Gas Scanner
Chief Medical Officer Med-U DELUXE Cartridge Set Status Display, Medical Records, Medical Scanner
Detective D.E.T.E.C.T. Cartridge Medical Records, Medical Scanner, Security Records
Engineer Power-ON Cartridge Power Monitor, Halogen Counter
Geneticist Med-U Cartridge Medical Records, Medical Scanner
Head of Personnel HumanResources9001 Cartridge Set Status Display, Security Records, Supply Records, Delivery Bot Control, Custodial Locator
Head of Security R.O.B.U.S.T. DELUXE Cartridge Set Status Display, Security Records, Security Bot Access
Janitor CustodiPRO Cartridge Custodial Locator
Internal Affairs P.R.O.V.E. Cartridge Security Records
Librarian None None
Medical Doctor Med-U Cartridge Medical Records, Medical Scanner
Miner None None

Set Status Display Signaler System Gas Scanner

Roboticistpda.png Roboticist None

Sciencepda.png Scientist Signal Ace 2 Cartridge Signaler System Reagent Scanner Gas Scanner

Securitypda.png Security R.O.B.U.S.T. Cartridge Security Records Security Bot Access

Wardenpda.png Warden R.O.B.U.S.T. Cartridge Security Records Security Bot Access

Other Cartridges

Hostiles F.R.A.M.E. PDA Cartridge A PDA cartridge which allows you to upload a virus onto a PDA with its messenger on. The virus will create an uplink and force it open, while you will receive the code for it. You can charge the F.R.A.M.E cartridge with raw telecrystals to give the virus uplink telecrystals. If the PDA targeted already has an uplink, it will not change their lock code.
Hostiles Detomatix PDA Cartridge Uses Messenger vulnerability to remotely detonate other people's PDAs in a kind of weak explosion. Explosion is weak but will hurt if they are wearing PDA.
Mercenary Toggle Door Opens the Mercenary shuttle blast doors.
Signal Cartridge Signaler System: Allows you to send radio signals, works much like a Remote Signaling Device.

PDA Jobs Installed Cartridge Features Normalpda.gif Assistant None

Atmospda.png Atmospheric Technician BreatheDeep Cartridge Gas Scanner: Allows you to smack your PDA into gas-containers (Such as canisters) and display the contained gas's temperature, pressure, and composition.

Bartenderpda.png Bartender None

Hydroponicspda.png Botanist None

Captainpda.png Captain Value-PAK Cartridge Crew Manifest: Access the Crew Manifest. Set Status Display: Set a custom text, shuttle ETA timer or other icons to the Status Displays shown all over the station. Power Monitor: Shows same info as the Power Monitoring Computer. (but only locally?) Medical Records: Access the Medical Records. Medical Scanner: Turns your PDA into a health analyzer. Security Records: Access the Security Records. Reagent Scanner: Scans things for liquids and residues, then displays said liquids and residues. Halogen Counter: Measure how much someone has been exposed to radiation. Gas Scanner: Allows you to smack your PDA into gas-containers (such as canisters) and display the contained gas's temperature, pressure, and composition.

Chaplainpda.png Chaplain None

Clownpda.png Clown Honkworks 5.0

Medicpda.png Chef None

Quterpda.png Cargo Technician and Quartermaster Space Parts & Space Vendors Cartridge Supply Records: Access the Supply Records. Delivery Bot Control: Allows you to remotely control your MULEbots.

Chemistpda.png Chemist ChemWhiz Cartridge Reagent Scanner: Scans things for liquids and residues, then displays said liquids and residues.

Chiefengineerpda.png Chief Engineer Power-On DELUXE Cartridge Crew Manifest: Access the Crew Manifest. Power Monitor: Shows same info as the Power Monitoring Computer. (but only locally?) Halogen Counter: Measure how much someone has been exposed to radiation. Gas Scanner: Allows you to smack your PDA into gas-containers (Such as canisters) and display the contained gas's temperature, pressure, and composition.

Chiefmedicalpda.png Chief Medical Officer Med-U DELUXE Cartridge Crew Manifest: Access the Crew Manifest. Set Status Display: Set a custom text, shuttle ETA timer or other icons to the Status Displays shown all over the station. Medical Records: Access the Medical Records. Medical Scanner: Turns your PDA into a health analyzer.

Detectivepda.png Detective D.E.T.E.C.T. Cartridge Crew Manifest: Access the Crew Manifest. Medical Records: Access the Medical Records. Medical Scanner: Turns your PDA into a health analyzer. Security Records: Access the Security Records.

Engineerpda.png Engineer Power-ON Cartridge Power Monitor: Shows same info as the Power Monitoring Computer. (but only locally?) Halogen Counter: Measure how much someone has been exposed to radiation.

Geneticistpda.png Geneticist Med-U Cartridge Medical Records: Access the Medical Records. Medical Scanner: Turns your PDA into a health analyzer.

Hoppda.png Head of Personnel HumanResources9001 Cartridge Crew Manifest: Access the Crew Manifest. Set Status Display: Set a custom text, shuttle ETA timer or other icons to the Status Displays shown all over the station. Security Records: Access the Security Records. Supply Records: Access the Supply Records. Delivery Bot Control: Allows you to remotely control your MULEbots. Custodial Locator: Mop, Janitorial Cart and Cleanbots finder and status.

Hospda.png Head of Security R.O.B.U.S.T. DELUXE Cartridge Crew Manifest: Access the Crew Manifest. Set Status Display: Set a custom text, shuttle ETA timer or other icons to the Status Displays shown all over the station. Security Records: Access the Security Records. Security Bot Access: you can remotely control Beepsky.

Janitorpda.png Janitor CustodiPRO Cartridge Custodial Locator: Mop, Janitorial Cart and Cleanbots finder and status.

Lawyerpda.png Lawyer P.R.O.V.E. Cartridge Security Records: Access the Security Records.

Librarianpda.png Curator None

Medicalpda.png Medical Doctor Med-U Cartridge Medical Records: Access the Medical Records. Medical Scanner: Turns your PDA into a health analyzer.

Mimepda.png Mime Gestur-O 1000 Cartridge Messager » Send Virus (Silence Virus): Can send 5 viruses to others' PDAs on the message system, presumably making it silent.

Minerpda.png Miner None Reasearchdirectorpda.png Research Director Signal Ace DELUXE Cartridge Crew Manifest: Access the Crew Manifest. Set Status Display: Set a custom text, shuttle ETA timer or other icons to the Status Displays shown all over the station. Signaler System: Allows you to send radio signals, works much like a Remote Signaling Device. Reagent Scanner: Scans things for liquids and residues, then displays said liquids and residues. Gas Scanner: Allows you to smack your PDA into gas-containers (Such as canisters) and display the contained gas's temperature, pressure, and composition.

Roboticistpda.png Roboticist None

Sciencepda.png Scientist Signal Ace 2 Cartridge Signaler System: Allows you to send radio signals, works much like a Remote Signaling Device. Reagent Scanner: Scans things for liquids and residues, then displays said liquids and residues. Gas Scanner: Allows you to smack your PDA into gas-containers (Such as canisters) and display the contained gas's temperature, pressure, and composition.

Securitypda.png Security R.O.B.U.S.T. Cartridge Security Records: Access the Security Records. Security Bot Access: You can summon Officer Beepsky to you.

Virologistpda.png Virologist Med-U Cartridge Medical Records: Access the Medical Records. Medical Scanner: Turns your PDA into a health analyzer.

Wardenpda.png Warden R.O.B.U.S.T. Cartridge Security Records: Access the Security Records. Security Bot Access: You can remotely control Beepsky.

Other non-Default Cartridges

Detomatix cartridgeDetomatix cartridge Messager » Detonate: Attempt to remotely detonate other people's PDAs in a kind of weak explosion.

Remote Door: Opens/Closes the blast doors on the syndicate shuttle.

Generic Signaler cartridgeGeneric Signaler cartridge Signaler System: Allows you to send radio signals, works much like a Remote Signaling Device.

F.R.A.M.E. PDA CartridgeF.R.A.M.E. cartridge Messager » Send Virus: Unlocks the victims PDA into a fake Syndicate Uplink with 0 telecrystals. Can be charged with raw telecrystals to send them alongside the virus.

PDA All crewmembers begin with a PDA, loaded with special tools and programs depending on what your starting assignment is. PDAs can be bought from CartyParty vending machines. Certain jobs may find their PDA more useful than others. Traitors generally acquire their gear with their PDA.

After an ID card has been inserted, PDAs can be worn in the ID slot to free up Inventory space.

Contents 1 Basic Functions 2 PDA Scanners 3 PDA Modules 4 Cartridges 4.1 Starting Cartridges and programs 4.2 AlertMaster Cartridge* 4.3 Detomatix Cartridge 4.4 SounDreams Pro Cartridge 4.5 Network Diagnostics Cart* 4.6 Ringtone Cartridges* 5 Filehosting

Basic Functions

Notekeeper: Allows you to make text notes and save them. On an unlocked Syndicate PDA, this will instead bring up a list of available items to purchase. Messenger: Scan for other PDAs and send them text messages, set custom ringtones, or look at your past messages. If your PDA is in your belt, pocket, or lapel, you can see what incoming messages are in the chat window and directly reply without having to pull out the PDA. By default the PDA is set to Messaging On; turning it Off will not allow you to send or receive texts but will also prevent you from being the victim of a Detomatix missile.

File Browser: Browse files in the PDAs internal drive or on the inserted cartridge. Job specific programs are loaded on the cartridge. Programs can also be deleted or moved about as memory permits.

Atmospheric Analyzer: Shows the composition of gas in the area around you.

Flashlight: Activates the PDA's module, typically a flashlight.

Crisis Alert: Allows you to send an emergency call along with your current position to all medical, engineering or security PDAs.

Supply Request: Order supplies on the go. Don't expect QMs to actually deliver them if there isn't a cargo pad, belt hell dock or MULE beacon nearby.

Robustris: A program in the internal drive of all PDAs. A game coded while under the influence of space drugs. If you manage to beat it all the secrets of 2D SpaceMan game will be revealed.

Space GPS: Shows you your own coordinates like a more limited version of the full featured Space GPS device.

PDA Scanners

Most PDAs have special scanners which allow them to act as a certain scanner you would normally use.

The PDA of a Cyborg, Captain, HoS, RD, MD, Detective, Medical Doctor, Roboticist, Geneticist, or Engineer can be used as a Health Analyzer. The PDA of a Cyborg, RD, MD, Security Officer, Detective, Medical Doctor, Roboticist, Botanist, Geneticist, or Scientist can be used as a Reagent Analyzer, showing the composition of gases in a container or chemicals in a container/person. The PDA of a Captain, HoS, HoP, CE, Security Officer, or Detective can be used as a Forensic Scanner. A Botanist's PDA can be used as a Plant Analyzer. Some PDAs are capable of switching between different types of scanners. Selecting the appropriate file from the cartridge will change the scanner.

PDA Modules PDAs have modules which can be changed by using a screwdriver and a crowbar on it. Most PDAs start with a flashlight module.

Mechanics start with a special T-Ray Scanner module in place of a flash-light module in their PDAs.

High-power flashlight modules that provide much brighter light can be purchased from CartyParty vending machines. Golden ticket machines also offer unique modules that illuminate a larger area than high-power modules, with same intensity, and change color every time you activate it .

Cartridges An asterisk (*) indicates that the cartridge is available for purchase from CartyParty vending machines. Some of them are only available if you hack the vendor.

Starting Cartridges and programs Cartridge Starts with Ticket Master Supply records Security records Medical records Forensic scan Health scan Reagent scan Securitron access Signalix 5 Other programs AI Internal PDA Cart AI Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Manifest, AtmosAlerter, Port-a-Brig Remote, Port-a-Sci Remote, Port-a-Nanomed Remote, P-Medbay Remote, MULE Bot Control, Ping Tool, Packet Sniffer, Packet Sender, Power Checker 0.14, SpaceWire Filesharing Cyborg Internal PDA Cart Cyborg Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Manifest, AtmosAlerter, MULE Bot Control, Ping Tool, Packet Sniffer, Packet Sender, Power Checker 0.14, SpaceWire Filesharing Value-PAK Cart Captain Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Manifest, Station Namer, SpaceWire Filesharing R.O.B.U.S.T.E.R. Head of Security Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Manifest, Port-a-Brig Remote, SpaceWire Filesharing Easy-Record DELUXE* Head of Personnel, Chief Engineer Yes Yes Yes Yes Manifest, Power Checker 0.14, SpaceWire Filesharing SciMaster Cart Research Director Yes Yes Yes Manifest, Port-a-Sci Remote, SpaceWire Filesharing Med-Master Medical Director Yes Yes Yes Manifest, Port-a-Nanomed Remote, P-Medbay Remote, SpaceWire Filesharing R.O.B.U.S.T.* Security Officer Yes Yes Yes Yes Port-a-Brig Remote Forensic Analysis Cart Detective Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Packet Sniffer Med-U Cart* Medical Doctor, Roboticist Yes Yes Yes Port-a-NanoMed Remote, P-Medbay Remote Deoxyribonucleic Amigo Cart* Geneticist Yes Yes Yes Signal ACE 2* Scientist Yes Yes Engine-buddy Atmospherics Cart* Engineer Yes Yes AtmosAlerter, Power Checker 0.14 Space Parts & Space Vendors Cart* Quartermaster Yes MULE Bot Control, SpaceWire Filesharing Analysis Made Easy Cart* Mechanic Device Analyser, Ping Tool, Packet Sniffer, Packet Sender Farmer Melons Scancart v2* Botanist Yes Plant Scan, Botanist's Handbook CustodiPRO Cart* Janitor Mop Locator, Arcade 250 Honkworks 5.0* Clown Arcade 250, Honk Synthesizer, PDA Clowncentials

AlertMaster Cartridge* Available in Tech Storage. Allows user to see atmospheric alerts.

Detomatix Cartridge Available to traitors. Contains BOMB and MISSILE program with instructional readme file.

SounDreams Pro Cartridge Available to traitors. Contains KABLAMMO, SPACEBATTLE, and Modern Commando ringtones, guaranteed to put the crew on edge, or ignore audible evildoing.

Network Diagnostics Cart* Available from Tech Storage and spare PDA boxes. Used for PDA and signal hacking.

Ping Tool: Lets you find the ID of devices on a certain frequency, within a certain range. The default frequency is 114.9, which is helpfully the same frequency PDAs operate on. Packet Sniffer: Lets you intercept any packets within range on a certain frequency. You can message someone to make them reply to you and then inspect the packet. Packet Sender: Lets you construct and send packets to various devices. Use the information gleaned from the sniffer to construct these. See: Packets for more about signal hacking.

Ringtone Cartridges* Generally available in CartyParty vending machines. Used to change the sound PDAs make when they receive a message.

Cartridge Contains Location Notes Thinktronic Sound System Backup cartridge* Two-Beep Cartyparty Celestial Soultones ringtone cartridge* Introspection, Perspection, Inspection, Spectrum, Spectral, Refraction, Reboundance, Reflection, Relaxation, Stance Cartyparty Jangle Spacechimes ringtone cartridge* Spacechimes, Shy Spacechimes, Perky Spacechimes, Sedate Spacechimes, Focused Spacechimes Cartyparty Blipous Family Heirloom Spaceblips cartridge* BEEP 2: The Fourth, Moonlit Peahen, Plinkoe's Journey, Fweeuweeu Cartyparty SounDreams Pro cartridge KABLAMMO, Modern Commando, SPACEBATTLE Official Authorized Resellers Only available to professional audiovisual technicians and dirty pirates. PDA Clowncentials* Nooty's Tooter, Buzzo's Bleater, Hobo's Harp Cartyparty and “Professional” “entertainers”. WOLF PACK ULTIMATE PRO ringtone cartridge WOLF PACK, dog pack Private collections One of a kind! So they say… Leaptronics Learning System cartridge Norman Number's Counting Safari Parts unknown For ages 4-6. Filehosting If you have a copy of SpaceWire installed on your PDA, you can set it to send files to anyone who sends your PDA a specific message.

From the program's manual:

To host a file through this program:

1. Open the SpaceWire Semi-Automated Fileserver. 2. Scroll down and click Host a File. 3. Click on the file you want to host. Make sure you are licensed to distribute this file! 4. Enter a File Index String Hash (FISH). While it can be anything, try to keep it short, unique, and memorable! 5. Instruct others to send a message to this device containing only this FISH. Anything else will not work!

To host a file through SpaceWire's SpaceMessenger Groupchat integration:

1. Open the PDA's File Browser. 2. Copy the file you want to host. 3. Back out of the File browser and open SpaceMessenger. 4. Open Groups and find the mailgroup you want to notify about your file 5. Click Send File. You will be prompted to enter a FISH, as well as a message to be inlcuded. 6. SpaceWire will send a message to everyone in this group with your message, the FISH, and instructions on how to use it.

PDA Jump to navigationJump to search Pda.png

The P-Tech Vendor found in Cargo

A PDA is a pocket computer with various features that range from identifying yourself on the crew manifest to communicating with other crew members. All crewmembers begin with a PDA, loaded with special tools and programs depending on what your starting assignment is. PDAs can be bought from the PTech vending machine. Certain jobs may find their PDA more useful than others. Traitors can even acquire their gear with their PDA.

placing your Id card.png ID in your PDA and clicking the “Update PDA Info” button will update your PDA with your current job and sync that PDA to you. If you want to change the look of your PDA, you will have to go to the Head of Personnel.

Basic Functions Feature Function Notekeeper Pen.png Allows you to make text notes and save them. Messenger Paper.png Scan for other PDAs and send them text messages, set custom ringtones, or look at your past messages. If your PDA is in your belt or pocket, you can see what incoming messages are in the chat window and directly reply without having to pull out the PDA. By default the PDA is set to Messaging On; turning it Off will not allow others to send you texts but will also prevent you from being the victim of a Detomatrix missile. Traitors can input codes into the ringtone to access their uplink. Cartridges PDA's uses don't stop at their features. Crew members can extent the usage of PDAs by inserting various cartridges. Each of these cartridges serve a specific purpose and tend to actually be very helpful. Most crew members will start with a cartridge already in their PDA based on what role they have. Most cartridges can be acquired at the P-Tech vendor in Cargo

Cartridge Function Space Parts & Space Vendors SSSVCartridge.png Equipped in the QM and Cargo Technician's PDAs. Has supply records and MULEbot control. Generic Signaler Pda cartrige.png Found in the Vendomat or PTech. Has a signaler system. Signal Ace Cartridge SignalAceCartridge.png Equipped in a Scientist's PDA. Has a reagent scanner, Gas scanner and signaler system. Honkworks 5.0 Honkworks50Cartridge.png Equipped in the Clown's PDA. Has a virus sender to make anyones PDA honk on any action. Can be vended from a hacked PTech. Gestur-O 1000 GesturO1000Cartridge.png Equipped in the Mime's PDA. Has a virus sender to mute anyones PDA. Can be vended from a hacked PTech. P.R.O.V.E Cartridge ROBUSTCartridge.png Equipped in the IAA's PDA. Has security records. CustodiPRO CustodiPROCartridge.png Equipped in the Janitor's PDA. Tracks custodial equipment. D.E.T.E.C.T ROBUSTCartridge.png Equipped in the Detective's PDA. Has medical records, Security records and a med scanner. R.O.B.U.S.T ROBUSTCartridge.png Equipped in a Sec Officer's PDA. Has security records and security bot control. ChemWhiz ChemWhizCartridge.png Equipped in a Chemist's PDA. Has a reagent scanner. Med-U MedUCartridge.png Equipped in a Medical Doctor's PDA. Has medical records and a med scanner. BreatheDeep BreathDeepCartridge.png Equipped in an Atmos Tech's PDA. Has a gas scanner. Power-ON Poweron.png Equipped in a Engineer's PDA. Has a power monitor and a halogen counter. Upgraded Cartridges Power-ON DELUXE PowerOnDeluxeCartridge.png Equipped in the CE's PDA. Has a power monitor, Gas scanner, Halogen counter and status display controller. Med-U DELUXE MedUDeluxeCartridge.png Equipped in the CMO's PDA. Has medical records, Reagent scanner, Med scanner and status display controller. Signal Ace DELUXE SignalAceDeluxeCartridge.png Equipped in the RD's PDA. Has a reagent scanner, Gas scanner status display controller and signaler system. Value-PAK ValuePAKCartridge.png Equipped in the Captain's PDA. Has everything except a signaler system. R.O.B.U.S.T DELUXE ROBUSTDeluxeCartridge.png Equipped in the HoS's PDA. Has security records, Security bot control and status display controller. HumanResources9001 HumanResources9001Cartridge.png Equipped in the HoP's PDA. Has supply records, MULEbot control, Custodial locator and status display controller. Easy-Record DELUXE HumanResources9001Cartridge.png Equipped in the NT Rep's PDA. Has security records and status display controller. Syndicate Cartridges F.R.A.M.E Pda cartrige.png A PDA cartridge which allows you to upload a virus onto a PDA with it's messenger on. The virus will create an uplink and force it open, while you will receive the code for it. You can charge the F.R.A.M.E cartridge with raw telecrystals to give the virus uplink telecrystals. If the PDA targeted already has an uplink, it will not change their lock code. Detomax Pda cartrige.png A cartridge for your PDA. When inserted, it will allow you to use the detonate function in the messenger program to attempt to remotely detonate other people's PDAs in a moderately lethal explosion.

PDA Jump to navigationJump to search All crewmembers begin with a PDA, loaded with special tools and programs depending on what your starting assignment is. PDAs can be bought from CartyParty vending machines. Certain jobs may find their PDA more useful than others. Traitors generally acquire their gear with their PDA. Also contains a writing utensil based on your assignment.

After an ID card has been inserted, PDAs can be worn in the ID slot to free up Inventory space.

Contents 1 Basic Functions 2 PDA Scanners 3 PDA Modules 4 Cartridges 4.1 Starting Cartridges and programs 4.2 AlertMaster Cartridge* 4.3 Detomatix Cartridge 4.4 SounDreams Pro Cartridge 4.5 Network Diagnostics Cart* 4.6 Ringtone Cartridges* 5 Filehosting Basic Functions Notekeeper: Allows you to make text notes and save them. On an unlocked Syndicate PDA, this will instead bring up a list of available items to purchase. Messenger: Scan for other PDAs and send them text messages, set custom ringtones, or look at your past messages. If your PDA is in your belt, pocket, or lapel, you can see what incoming messages are in the chat window and directly reply without having to pull out the PDA. By default the PDA is set to Messaging On; turning it Off will not allow you to send or receive texts but will also prevent you from being the victim of a Detomatix missile. File Browser: Browse files in the PDAs internal drive or on the inserted cartridge. Job specific programs are loaded on the cartridge. Programs can also be deleted or moved about as memory permits. Atmospheric Analyzer: Shows the composition of gas in the area around you. Flashlight: Activates the PDA's module, typically a flashlight. Crisis Alert: Allows you to send an emergency call along with your current position to all medical, engineering, security, or janitorial PDAs. Supply Request: Order supplies on the go. Don't expect QMs to actually deliver them if there isn't a cargo pad, belt hell dock or MULE beacon nearby. Robustris: A program in the internal drive of all PDAs. A game coded while under the influence of space drugs. If you manage to beat it all the secrets of 2D SpaceMan game will be revealed. Space GPS: Shows you your own coordinates like a more limited version of the full featured Space GPS device. PDA Scanners Most PDAs have special scanners which allow them to act as a certain scanner you would normally use.

The PDA of a Cyborg, Captain, HoS, RD, MD, Detective, Medical Doctor, Roboticist, Geneticist, or Engineer can be used as a Health Analyzer. The PDA of a Cyborg, RD, MD, Security Officer, Detective, Medical Doctor, Roboticist, Botanist, Geneticist, or Scientist can be used as a Reagent Analyzer, showing the composition of gases in a container or chemicals in a container/person. The PDA of a Captain, HoS, HoP, CE, Security Officer, or Detective can be used as a Forensic Scanner. A Botanist's PDA can be used as a Plant Analyzer. Some PDAs are capable of switching between different types of scanners. Selecting the appropriate file from the cartridge will change the scanner.

PDA Modules PDAs have modules which can be changed by using a screwdriver and a crowbar on it. Most PDAs start with a flashlight module.

Mechanics start with a special T-Ray Scanner module in place of a flash-light module in their PDAs.

High-power flashlight modules that provide much brighter light can be purchased from CartyParty vending machines. Golden ticket machines also offer unique modules that illuminate a larger area than high-power modules, with same intensity, and change color every time you activate it .

Cartridges An asterisk (*) indicates that the cartridge is available for purchase from CartyParty vending machines. Some of them are only available if you hack the vendor.

Starting Cartridges and programs Cartridge Starts with Ticket Master Supply records Security records Medical records Forensic scan Health scan Reagent scan Securitron access Signalix 5 Other programs AI Internal PDA Cart AI Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Manifest, AtmosAlerter, Port-a-Brig Remote, Port-a-Sci Remote, Port-a-Nanomed Remote, P-Medbay Remote, MULE Bot Control, Ping Tool, Packet Sniffer, Packet Sender, Power Checker 0.14, SpaceWire Filesharing Cyborg Internal PDA Cart Cyborg Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Manifest, AtmosAlerter, MULE Bot Control, Ping Tool, Packet Sniffer, Packet Sender, Power Checker 0.14, SpaceWire Filesharing Value-PAK Cart Captain Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Manifest, Station Namer, SpaceWire Filesharing, Status Display R.O.B.U.S.T.E.R. Head of Security, NTSO Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Manifest, Port-a-Brig Remote, SpaceWire Filesharing, Status Display Easy-Record DELUXE* Head of Personnel, Chief Engineer Yes Yes Yes Yes Manifest, Power Checker 0.14, SpaceWire Filesharing, Status Display SciMaster Cart Research Director Yes Yes Yes Manifest, Port-a-Sci Remote, SpaceWire Filesharing, Status Display Med-Master Medical Director Yes Yes Yes Manifest, Port-a-Nanomed Remote, P-Medbay Remote, SpaceWire Filesharing, Status Display R.O.B.U.S.T.* Security Officer Yes Yes Yes Port-a-Brig Remote Forensic Analysis Cart Detective Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Packet Sniffer Med-U Cart* Medical Doctor, Roboticist Yes Yes Yes Port-a-NanoMed Remote, P-Medbay Remote Deoxyribonucleic Amigo Cart* Geneticist Yes Yes Yes Signal ACE 2* Scientist Yes Yes Engine-buddy Atmospherics Cart* Engineer Yes Yes AtmosAlerter, Power Checker 0.14 Space Parts & Space Vendors Cart* Quartermaster Yes MULE Bot Control, SpaceWire Filesharing Analysis Made Easy Cart* Mechanic Device Analyser, Ping Tool, Packet Sniffer, Packet Sender Farmer Melons Scancart v2* Botanist Yes Plant Scan, Botanist's Handbook CustodiPRO Cart* Janitor Mop Locator, Arcade 250 Honkworks 5.0* Clown Arcade 250, Honk Synthesizer, PDA Clowncentials

AlertMaster Cartridge* Available in Tech Storage. Allows user to see atmospheric alerts.

Detomatix Cartridge Available to traitors. Contains BOMB and MISSILE program with instructional readme file.

SounDreams Pro Cartridge Available to traitors. Contains KABLAMMO, SPACEBATTLE, and Modern Commando ringtones, guaranteed to put the crew on edge, or ignore audible evildoing.

Network Diagnostics Cart* Available from Tech Storage and spare PDA boxes. Used for PDA and signal hacking.

Ping Tool: Lets you find the ID of devices on a certain frequency, within a certain range. The default frequency is 114.9, which is helpfully the same frequency PDAs operate on. Packet Sniffer: Lets you intercept any packets within range on a certain frequency. You can message someone to make them reply to you and then inspect the packet. Packet Sender: Lets you construct and send packets to various devices. Use the information gleaned from the sniffer to construct these. See: Packets for more about signal hacking.

Ringtone Cartridges* Generally available in CartyParty vending machines. Used to change the sound PDAs make when they receive a message.

Cartridge Contains Location Notes Thinktronic Sound System Backup cartridge* Two-Beep Cartyparty Celestial Soultones ringtone cartridge* Introspection, Perspection, Inspection, Spectrum, Spectral, Refraction, Reboundance, Reflection, Relaxation, Stance Cartyparty Jangle Spacechimes ringtone cartridge* Spacechimes, Shy Spacechimes, Perky Spacechimes, Sedate Spacechimes, Focused Spacechimes Cartyparty Blipous Family Heirloom Spaceblips cartridge* BEEP 2: The Fourth, Moonlit Peahen, Plinkoe's Journey, Fweeuweeu Cartyparty SounDreams Pro cartridge KABLAMMO, Modern Commando, SPACEBATTLE Official Authorized Resellers Only available to professional audiovisual technicians and dirty pirates. PDA Clowncentials* Nooty's Tooter, Buzzo's Bleater, Hobo's Harp Cartyparty and “Professional” “entertainers”. WOLF PACK ULTIMATE PRO ringtone cartridge WOLF PACK, dog pack Private collections One of a kind! So they say… Leaptronics Learning System cartridge Norman Number's Counting Safari Parts unknown For ages 4-6. Filehosting If you have a copy of SpaceWire installed on your PDA, you can set it to send files to anyone who sends your PDA a specific message.

From the program's manual:

To host a file through this program:

1. Open the SpaceWire Semi-Automated Fileserver. 2. Scroll down and click Host a File. 3. Click on the file you want to host. Make sure you are licensed to distribute this file! 4. Enter a File Index String Hash (FISH). While it can be anything, try to keep it short, unique, and memorable! 5. Instruct others to send a message to this device containing only this FISH. Anything else will not work!

To host a file through SpaceWire's SpaceMessenger Groupchat integration:

1. Open the PDA's File Browser. 2. Copy the file you want to host. 3. Back out of the File browser and open SpaceMessenger. 4. Open Groups and find the mailgroup you want to notify about your file 5. Click Send File. You will be prompted to enter a FISH, as well as a message to be inlcuded. 6. SpaceWire will send a message to everyone in this group with your message, the FISH, and instructions on how to use it.

games/sc13/objects/pdas.txt · Last modified: 2023/05/04 16:03 by wizardofaus_doku

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