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Objects and Machines

Various objects usable within the game world. Most items are classified as Objects by the game; they have a tilesize that controls how much visible space they take up, as well as an object size that controls where you can stow them and whether they can fit into a container of some sort. Multi-tile objects usually cannot fit into a personal storage space.

Types of Object

  • Clothing and Internals: Things you wear, from jumpsuits to backpacks to exciting undergarments.
  • General Items: Normal items often found in the crew's possession that don't fit a more specific category.
  • PDAs: Personal digital assistants let you communicate with your fellow crewmembers and perform some of your daily duties.
  • Phones: The modern smartphone, updated for the 25th century.
  • Disks, Cards, and Cartridges: Memory storage devices used to store electronic data, access information, run programs, etc, as well as programs commonly found on them.
  • Medical Items: Items used in the practice of modern medicine.
  • Janitorial Items: Items used in the practice of modern sanitation.
  • Atmospherics Items: Items used when trying to keep the station breathable.
  • Engineering Items: Items used when trying to keep the ship functional.
  • Research Items: Items used for research purposes.
  • Security Items: Items used when trying to keep the peace.
  • Weapons: Weapons, typically for security or military usage.
  • Makeshift Weapons: Makeshift weapons, not recommended for common use but better than nothing if the place has gone mad.
  • Attachments: Components that upgrade weapons or other items.
  • Military Items: Nonweapon items designed for military usage. May temporarily contain weapon data.
  • Mining Items: Items used when digging up asteroids.
  • Food and Drink Items: Food and the items used to make it.
  • Toys and Games: Items that exist just for the fun of it.
  • Computers: Large computers.
  • Machines: Large machines that aren't defined elsewhere.
  • Furniture: Furniture for sitting on, setting things on, holding things, or just tying the room together.
  • Storage Items: Storage for all of your items.
  • Vending Machines: Machines that vend items to those with money.
  • High Risk Items: These special items are almost as forbidden as contraband, in that very few people should be carting them around for no good reason, and hostile organizations often desire them for one reason or another.
  • Contraband Items: The really fun items the Man doesn't want you to have.
  • Supply Crates: Things you can acquire using a QM Ordering Console or by communicating with Traders.
  • Vehicles: Various vehicles you can drive.
  • Fabricators, Manufacturers, and Lathes: Machines that make things.
  • Implants: Implantable technologies.
  • Cybernetics: When you want to improve on what the vat gave you with cold steel.
  • Bio-Upgrades: When you want an all natural appearance, but the basics aren't enough.
  • Syndicate Items: What the bad guys use. Or the good guys, when they figure out how.
  • Botany Items: What separates the Botanist from random gardeners.


  • Internals Chips: The internal computer chips within objects that allow you to gain more information about various things.
  • Mechanical Components: Machine components that attach to machines to augment and control their capabilities.

Making, Modifying, Destroying

Object Classifications

Base Name: What this item is named on a cursory examination. For example, an energy dagger disguised as a pen would have the Short Name of 'Pen'.

Known Name: What this item is named when you already are familiar with the technology (or when it is patently obvious).

Base Description: The description of the item on a cursory examination.

Known Description: The description of the item when you already know what it is or have done something specific to discover such; for example, an energy dagger is activated and thus you see its normal description.

Size: Objects are rated by the following size chart:

  • Tiny. You can fit a large number of tiny objects in backpacks, boxes, or your pockets.
  • Small. You can fit a limited number of small objects in backpacks, boxes, or your pockets. Some tools and equipment are small in size.
  • Normal. You can fit normal objects in a backpack, but not in a box or your pockets. Most weapons or large tools are normal in size.
  • Large. This object is large enough that it has to be carried in the hands - it won't fit in a backpack or anywhere else. Heavy weaponry and machinery tends to be large, as does unactivated exosuits or space suits.
  • Massive. This object takes up as much space as an average creature, and more than some. While it can be pushed or pulled about, it cannot be carried or stowed away in one's pockets under any circumstances. Lockers, crates, and computer consoles tend to be massive.
  • Very Massive. This object takes up multiple tiles of space, and can be pushed or pulled only with extreme difficulty, if at all. A fightercraft is a good example of a multitile object that can be pulled (by a tug dedicated for the purpose).

Tilesize: How many tiles the object obstructs. Most objects are 0x0; they do not obstruct tiles. Computer consoles and other machinery tends to be 1×1; it obstructs the tile it is sitting on. Large machines may obstruct larger areas.

Common Access: Who is supposed to have common access to this item. As a general rule, contraband items are illegal to everyone without a proper permit, and most heavy weaponry is illegal outside of military operations. Syndicate items are generally considered off-limits to anyone but military personnel as well, though of course Syndicates also have 'common access' to Syndicate tech.

Allegiance: Possession of this item tends to mark you as belonging to this group - engineers tend to have meson scanners, terrorist operatives tend to have hullcutters…

Cell Size: The size of power cell it takes, if applicable.

Power Use: How much power it uses per hour.

Effects: The good stuff - what it does, or how it's used.

Upgrades: How you can upgrade it to do more stuff.

Hacks: How you can modify it to do more stuff.

Short Name Long Name Known Name Short Desc Long Desc Known Desc Size Tilesize Common Access Allegiance Cell Size Power Use Effects Upgrades Hacks
Paper Paper

games/sc13/objects.txt · Last modified: 2023/05/07 02:54 by wizardofaus_doku

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