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Design Philosophy

One might note that I've made a significant departure from Space Station 13 - overbuilt, elaborate setups that don't just fall apart if something goes wrong. Essentially, my overarching plan is to make reasonably realistic facsimiles of how a corporation that isn't dangerously corrupt might handle the task of building a ship, or a station, or a colony, or a prison. Proper supplies and safety systems for departments, such that a clumsy adversary familiar with antagonist roles in other servers would experience a sharp learning curve.

RCon System

The RCon system allows an authorized user to access and operate any properly configured and connected machine on the network. While it does not allow two people to use the same terminal, a Head of Staff can remotely force someone else's employee ID badge out of the machine so that they can utilize it, unless the person using the terminal is also a Head of Staff or Command; someone using the Root Access Disk, or the AI, can force out any user.

Power Management System

The Power Management System allows RCon to access all networked APCs, PSUs, SMESes, Capacitance Banks, Substations, and reactors in order to control how power is made and distributed throughout the network. Engineering Access is required, and this allows remote manipulation of most power systems on the ship or station. There are some things you cannot do remotely, of course, like install new fuel tanks to replace depleted ones, but you can at least find out how much power the Singularity Engine (for example) is generating and make determinations based on this. (For example, if power generation for the Singularity is unusually low, it's probably wise to pay a visit and see if the radiation collector tanks need refilling or whether something else is wrong. If power is needed to the shields and FTL drive, it's wise to set the Substations along the Power Distribution Grid to draw power to the deck the shields and FTL drive are located. And so on.

Air Alarm Systems

Configured air alarms allow remote configuration - handy when modifying the controls of a burn chamber or work chamber's venting.

Research Systems

Remote-controlled servers can copy research data onto disks remotely, synch research, or assign research points. Remote-controlled research tools can be controlled without having to be in the same room, which increases safety.

Weapon Systems

Remote-controlled weapon systems can be operated remotely; AI-controlled weapons can also be remotely controlled in this manner.

Telecomm Systems

RCon is typically disabled on telecomm systems, forcing anyone who wants to mess with the radio to be there in person, but a lazy sysadmin may enable it if they choose.

Hydroponics Systems

While most of hydroponics is hands-on only, if you enable RCon on a tray by giving it a tag, you can monitor the state of the plant in it from a distance.

Useful Tips

This article contains massive spoilers. If you do not wish to have your game experience spoiled, do not scroll down!

  • Warm Donk pockets will heal you if freshly cooked in the microwave, as microwaving one adds Tricordrazine.
  • You can remotely feed someone by shooting food from a pneumatic cannon.
  • You can use a coin (with harm intent) to make it work like a screwdriver.
  • You can disable many objects like flashes by putting a long hand labeler message on them while on harm intent. This includes many types of glasses.
  • You can hide things in between couch cushions and in potted plants (or search them for objects with an open hand).
  • If a Singularity eats an Antimatter Engine container or Fuel Tank it will explode, destroying the singularity (Only if the canister actually gets eaten; if it explodes beforehand, the singularity feeds on the explosion and grows).
  • Xenoarchaeology large artifacts are easier to find on smaller dig-sites.
  • You can read the telecomms password on the RD's table as an AI without camera upgrades by repeatedly trying to read the paper to get a new set of garbled output. The paper says “The new message monitor key is 'somekey3”, so look for a pattern of three asterisks followed by two asterisks followed by the password and piece it together little by little in Notepad.
  • A choco-coin from a Getmore Chocolate Corp vending machine (Or cooked by the chef, must be cooked. The candy machine choco coins don't work.) can be used as an actual coin.
  • A plastic bag can be used as a tool-belt.
  • You can abuse a Cyborg or a MoMMI as an all access door opener by pushing them against an airlock.
  • If you throw a stun-baton/stun-prod there's a 50% chance of stunning your opponent.
  • You can inject plasma inside battery cells and light tubes/bulbs to make them explode when they get in contact with electricity. The explosion size is directly related to the cell's maximum charge. A stun-prod/baton will blow up when you stun someone if it has a rigged cell in it, it can also blow up if you throw it at someone while in stun mode on contact; again note that this is a 50% hit/miss.
  • You can use an emagged light replacer to swap normal lights with plasma contaminated lights.
  • You can attach a cable to a coin and try to trick vending machines.
  • Polytrinic acid smoke pretty much instakills anything it touches.
  • Once unsecured, instead of breaking or pulling you can just alt-click the windows to rotate them out of your way.
  • Scientists have some of the best access in the game, the Research Director even more so. Roboticists also have access to the Tech Storage room by engineering which will have some Insulated Gloves.
  • Yellow toolboxes have a small chance to carry Insulated gloves.
  • Tool closets also have a small chance to carry Insulated gloves.
  • If you have a friend you can have them table you to cross over tables.
  • Glitched and can't stand up despite being fully healed? Punch yourself.
  • Unsure if a door is either emagged or hacked? Unscrew the door and use a crowbar on it, if you can pry out the electronics the door was emagged.
  • If you want to destroy an electrified grille without insulated gloves you can hit it with a glass shard.
  • If you put an armed mousetrap in a backpack the next person to open the backpack will trigger the mousetrap.
  • You can safely research wires using remote signalers, it is possible to throw items at the door/vend you are hacking to find out if you pulsed the shock wire.
  • You can touch “hot” things to reagent containers (i.e. beakers) to heat the chemicals inside them. The absolute best item is laser scalpels which have laser level heating capabilities for only metal, glass, and basic research from science. Useful for xenoarch and medical chemistry.
  • Switch-tool (Medical and Swiss Army) modules can be removed with a screwdriver and placed back (Either manually or by clicking on the module with the switch-tool itself, which will pick up all valid modules on the tile).
  • Placing a scanning module on a reinforced table turns it into a surgery table, even when not weakened. Use this to drag yourself on and crawl to the other side of locked doors or other non-wall blocked areas.
  • Using an Advanced Lazarus Injector in a skinned Goliath makes him completely non-aggressive to you while also restoring its protective plates. Buy many injectors and skin the same Goliath repeatedly until your hardsuit is at max protection.
  • If you're dragging someone who's down, you can alt+click a shocked door and click repeatedly on the floor, the downed person touches the shocked door constantly and can get husked.
  • The emergency oxygen tank is a great tool to break windows if no other tool is available, be mindful of electrified grilles, however.
  • Kicking a glass shard towards a window is far quicker than any other way of breaking a window. Always carry a glass shard if you plan to continuously break into places.
  • Welding with Mesons is almost guaranteed blindness if you're not wearing an active (helmet) engineering/atmospherics/mining hardsuit or have a welding helmet active as well, disable the mesons before welding (You will still get the eye damage from welding without protection, but won't go insta-blind).
  • Phazon sheets can be ground to make Phazon Salt, which randomizes all of your stats, from health to speed to pressure resistance/weakness to required breathing gas to special powers. About 1 in 20 doses is a dud, but the next dose tends to be more aggressive in the changes after a dud. It is very toxic in more than 1u doses. Be careful when consuming Phazon Salt. You can easily get some fucky change that makes you need to breathe plasma but still get poisoned by it or something like it.
  • The OOC button “Fix NanoUI” will remove most UI problems you have.
  • You can kick the Destructive Analyzer to make it activate instantly, bypassing the console.
  • You can make some emergency splints with wire, 2 rods and some newspaper from a newscaster.
  • Unscrewing an active but non triggered grenade makes it detonate instantly.
  • You can remove some toxins from a dead body by using a miner wormhole jaunter, since traveling through one of those makes you vomit.
  • If you combine the XRay mutation with Mesons the resulting eyesight is perfect, no darkness nor blocked line of sight.
  • You can safely refill a Welder directly from a Welding Fuel tank if the welder is turned off.
  • You can get an unlimited supply of Uzerkoekjes (Food with Iron) and Choco-Coins if you donate blood to a Blood Donation bot (Dr. Acula) only to remove the bloodbag and transfuse it back, use enough bloodbags in IVs to continue indefinitely.
  • Emitters and Energy guns can break open lockers and crates, though it will take a while for the Emitter and one full charge or more for the gun.
  • Feeding the Supermatter to a Singularity will instantly raise it to stage 4 if it wasn't at it already. Feeding it Supermatter while already at stage 4 will raise it further, even beyond that if it was already at stage 5 and you fed it a crystal.
  • Clown masks work as breathing masks. Scavenge your nearest clown corpse in the event of an emergency.
  • The Librarian's personal office has a list of all comm frequencies.
  • You can bind the singularity with the bound object spell, but this will gib you as soon as you do it. This can be avoided by using it with ethereal jaunt on the same tick, although gibbing may kick in when jaunt ends and the singulo is still bounded.
  • The easiest way to get good plant stats is to splice chanterelle spore development onto grass, then use robust harvest on the grass and take its development, metabolism and phytochemistry.
  • Hivecores are essentially an admin rejuvenation item, eating them also immediately flushes chemicals out of your body such as chloral. Note that if you were cloned, this causes you to become a retarded cripple as if freshly cloned once again.
  • You can reach the cargo centcomm level if you get on the shuttle the same tick you send it to leave, either through teamwork or placing the console near the shuttle. DOING THIS IS GROUNDS FOR ADMIN FUCKERY SUCH AS LIMB REMOVAL, BE WARNED.
  • Machines with Bluespace Matter Bins link up with every other machine's resource storage, if those machines also have Bluespace Matter Bins installed. No more bending the knee to science/cargo for materials! (If material is placed in one machine, it can only be removed from that machine and it won't appear on any other machine. An empty autolathe with Bluespace Matter Bins has an empty local resource storage, but shares the Bluespace storage).
  • You can Ctrl+Click microwaves and blenders to activate them without needing to go into a menu.
  • Bedsheets, belts, gauze/band-aids, ties, tape, and even pasta can be used as makeshift cuffs if you use it on someone with the “grab” intent on. This essentially means that everyone starts the shift with a pair of cuffs in their survival box. Additionally, cuffing with bedsheets makes the same noise as grabbing something out of your bag, so you can “stealth cuff” unaware people.
  • Kicking while under effects of gyro tea turns the attack into a roundhouse kick, adding 0-4 bonus damage.
  • Alt+Clicking the floor tile will show you all items placed on said tile.
  • You can coordinate assembly outputs without using a frame by using a signaler/signaler assemblies with different signals. Send the original signal, it activates the first target assembly and the signaler/signaler, which in turn activates the second assembly. You can use this to make sure one output comes before the other.
  • If you link a hand teleporter to a specific beacon, you can carry it and drop it whenever to have a quick return to a specific area.
  • Portals and Wormholes connect atmospherics between rooms so you can easily refill a spaced room/space a room using portals.
  • Items, machinery and consoles sent through portals stack on each other until moved, this includes Supermatter.
  • Small Singularities can move through wormholes if they touch the wormhole dead center within the tick they approached it.
  • Universal Recorders automatically translate all speech to a globally understandable language.
  • You can place machinery in the tiles under the windows on the Trader Shuttle (Or any Shuttle, for that matter) to install machinery on the shuttle, from an Autolathe to a Chem Dispenser to the TraderVend. Alternatively, you can build then remove a wall, which will reveal a normal tile in which machinery can be installed.
  • Injecting Creatine on Lamarr (RD's Office) turns it into a bioweapon with stingers and bayonets. It can't be dropped once picked up though.
  • Using *dab kills you and destroys all limbs.
  • Using the Suicide command while holding a Bag of Holding in the active hand kills you and destroys all your items, leaving only the bag, its contents and your ID/PDA.
  • You can link commands to certain keys or key combinations using the Macros menu on BYOND.
  • A strong piercing sound notifies you whenever you destroy a large artifact. Make sure to report this to your nearest xenoarch.
  • A grenade without beakers is a fake grenade and a great way to learn grenade assembly/scare whomever is chasing you.
  • All grenade assemblies need to be activated before detonation except the signaler/igniter grenade, which triggers the moment the signal is sent.
  • Unscrewing (not removing) the glass from a console prevents it from suffering the effects of an EMP.
  • You can dilute most single effect chemicals (Plant-b-Gone, Insecticide, Lube, Sodium Polyacrilate, etc) and keep their effect. The maximum dilution is 2u of chemical and 23u of diluter, meaning that a 100u beaker would have 8u chem and 92u of diluter (water works fine). For spray bottles, dilute 20u of the chemical with 230u of water. Each 5u spray uses 0.4u. Keep in mind that sprays now target individual limbs.
  • You can tile a 27×27 area with foam using a Chem Grenade with Large Bluespace Beakers. 100 Foaming agent and 100 Polytrinic acid on one side, 300 Aluminum on the other. Can work as a makeshift space platform or to patch large holes caused by subversive activities.
  • The best ammo for Railguns is Mythril coins, followed by Diamond coins. Phazon coins are random, possibly being the strongest ammo, the weakest or anything in between.
  • Any area marked as maintenance (as an expansion of an existing maintenance tunnel) using the station blueprints is protected against radiation.
  • Any machine placed in an location marked as part of another area will consume power from the marked area's APC even if the two areas are physically disconnected. For example, you can use the blueprints to mark a tile in space as part of RnD, which will make any machine on that tile consume power from RnD, even if the tile is otherwise isolated.
  • Normal guns explode on clown hands. PDA-Slip your nearest seccie and shoot their gun until it explodes.
  • You can use the clown crayon on energy guns, glocks or shotguns to paint them.
  • A condiment bottle can dispense on 1u sizes like a dropper without having to do the whole dropper thing.
  • If you dare, you can mine large chunks of the roid using supermatter delaminations. Remember to unscrew the screen of the shuttle console and the ore processors (or replace the glass with plasmaglass) to avoid EMP damage.
  • You can bind the Supermatter as a wizard. When pulled, it will appear directly under you without ashing.
  • Bees collect honey faster the stronger the plants they feed on are.
  • Cold Firemix (One part Plasma, two parts Oxygen) can be way more dangerous than hot plasma/firemix since the pipes can move more before choking.
  • Closed botany trays can connect to a pipe network using connectors.
  • Grass tiles can be dug using a spade to get sand which can be used to make sandstone. You sometimes get carrots, beets and potatoes from this as well.
  • Codewise, Frost Oil Ice and Directed Cooler Ice are the same, so you can cool water with the directed cooler and electrolyze it for free Frost Oil.
  • Activating a Xenoarcheology Suspension Field Generator set to carbon will weaken organics in front of it. If set to silicon, it will weaken silicons (duh) instead.
  • Novaflower Heat damage is directly correlated to it's potency, meaning that if you somehow get it to a negative value, you effectively have a cooling novaflower.
  • If a clonepod gets EMP'd mid cloning, the cloning fails and the clone gets turned into paste.
  • Voice activated assemblies (Syndie voice grenade implants, handmade voice grenades, etc) don't need the actual codeword to be perfectly said to trigger. A stuttering deathgasp saying the codeword works just as well as a clearly said codeword.
  • You can Ctrl+Click a grinder mid processing and remove the beaker before the machine completes the grinding cycle. All the materials are instantly ground the moment the machine starts.
  • You can get infinite glass from recycling ChemMaster bottles.
  • You can fake your death by saying *deathgasp, an extremely robust technique that might save your life if you get attacked. You might want to make a macro to both rest and deathgasp simultaneously. However, using the *deathgasp emote while at critical health will make you die on the spot.
  • You can throw your ID at airlocks to open them. If you are brain damaged, you can also put the ID in your hand and click on the door from a diagonal, either way will avoid headbanging the door.
  • You can wrench open fire extinguishers which allows you to dump their contents on the floor.
  • Dipping cigarettes in welding fuel creates a tiny, harmless explosion when they're lit. Cigarettes dipped in plasma are a little more dangerous…
  • If there is no power you can keep your department's APC powered by removing the power cell and charging it with a hand crank.
  • You can remove limbs and heads with any sharp item such as wirecutters or glass shards if you try hard enough.
  • Get yourself a Swiss Army Knife if you're a botanist (or in general, they're pretty useful). It has a Hatchet, the fork works as a mini hoe and the wirecutters work as plant clippers. You effectively reduce 3 tools to one with it, not including the other tools it has.
  • Gravy works as Antitoxin on Vox.
  • Need to clone someone but the cloner is all out of biomass? You can conveniently get up to three pieces of meat from butchering a corpse, which gives you enough biomass for a single clone.
  • Coffee is more robust than you think. It counteracts most sedatives such as Chloral Hydrate, stopping them from knocking you out. Coffee also heats up your body, preventing hypothermia.
  • You can dual wield small firearms by “combining” in your hands, allowing you to fire them both at the same time.
  • You can handcuff yourself to another person by clicking and dragging their sprite onto yours while holding handcuffs. You can also handcuff two people together by dragging their sprites onto each other.
  • You can use a circular saw, esword or plasma cutter to shorten the barrel of a double-barreled shotgun or mosin nagant. Just make sure to empty them before trying this.
  • Spray bottles can be very robust if filled with the right chemicals. Filling them with water allows you to wet up to three tiles, making anyone running over them slip. Space Lube is basically water on steroids, making people slip even if they walk slowly and stunning them for a very long time. Filling spray bottles with Polytrinic Acid allows you to quickly melt any item you spray it on. Stunning someone and spraying them with a bunch of polyacid will also kill them rather quickly. Spraying people with Chloral Hydrate will knock them out. Experiment and see what happens. Keep in mind sprays now target individual limbs.
  • Plasmamen meat has 5u Plasma. If you desperately need plasma, you can butcher your nearest plasmeme.
  • Potato Batteries are made by using some cable on a potato, its max charge equal to potency*10.
  • You can grind potato batteries to get lithium.
  • You can hold a piece of paper up to a security camera, and it will instantly transmit the information to any active AI. Use this for law 2 orders when your comms are cut off!
  • Fire extinguishers can be filled with any reagent if their nozzle is unwrenched when the safety is off. The results of this may vary, for example, polyacid is most effective when sprayed into a corner (targeting the wall behind) or when moving past a target, immediately sending them into crit or killing them.
  • Soft drinks (Space Cola, Lemon Lime, Dr. Gibb, Spacemountainwind, etc) work as the poor man's Leporazine, nullifying burn damage from being on fire. This is one of the ways a plasmaman can live while suitless.
  • The Supply Shuttle Console can be hacked by disassembling it and using a filled solder on its circuitboard. This disables the access requirements and gives you access to some illegal requests, not all, however.
  • You can go through portals by clicking on them, even if you can't physically enter the tile they're on. This works for ghosts as well.
  • Bikehorns go off if you step on them, this includes rubber ducks, quantum ducks, honk batons and the Syndie horn.
  • You can survive powercell suicides if said cell was both the lowest tier and uncharged. This gives you the suicided flag (and thus O2 damage) until you consume paroxetine.
  • You can speak one final message before dying by using the whisper command. This makes you speak/stutter your last words and die. Best used if you had a station bounced with an active microphone.
  • Placing a dead brain into an MMI revives the brain, allowing for brain transplants or cyborgification. This requires the brain owner to NOT have ghost-role'd.
  • Lizard meat reverts petrification via Acid Spit.
  • Folders and paper trays can be recolored by using crayons on them. Soap turns them grey, and bleach turns them Medbay white.
  • RTGs and PDTGs malfunction if EMP'd/Ion'd. If sufficiently damaged, they will turn into a broken cell that leaks radioactive material and has a 5% chance per tick of exploding with a 1,2,2 explosion. These broken cells can be safely disposed of either via recycling or an Autolathe.
  • Giving someone the abstract “grab” item will make the recipient grab the person on the same stage as you were.
  • Janicart keys placed on tables tell you who was the one that placed them there.
  • Crumbs can be vacuumed with the Wet/Dry vacuum for 1u Nutriment.
  • Heat pipes can be placed on the same layer as an atmospherics device (vents, scrubbers, etc) if wrenched before said device.
  • You can make auto-cleaning upgrades for the aquarium tanks via RnD.
  • You can cuff a briefcase to your hand making it stick to your hand by click-dragging some cuffs from the briefcase to you. This also applies to the syndie SMG briefcase. People with briefcases cuffed can't be handcuffed.
  • You can peep through holes in walls, such as those caused by penetrating bullets or railgun shots. You can also create a peephole with a surgical drill. Peepholes can be sealed by soldering the hole shut.
  • You can store rice balls inside donut boxes. Make your anime localization team proud.
  • The Strange Coffee Machine (SCP-294) available to ERT can make paper cups if no reagent is requested. Requesting a mob name will syphon some blood and reagents from that mob.
  • Rounds will automatically end if 15 minutes have passed with no-one alive stationside.
  • Clumsy people make special sounds when performing surgery and can sometimes extract funny items out of the patient.
  • You can High Shovel and High Lance with someone else.
  • “Progress bar” actions, such as uncuffing can be done while moving in space, be it voluntary movement or inertia.
  • Kicking a shuttle computer has a 5% chance to send the shuttle to its destination. Mind your foot damage if you don't have the Research Director's steel-toed shoes.
  • If you need to space someone without magboots and don't want to deal with the ire of the ZAS gods, go to the space-pod dock, put your victim under the outer-most airtight flaps, climb under those flaps, stand up, and yeet the fucker into the cold depths of space.
  • If there are two singularities in the world simultaneously, throw a natural/flawless bluespace crystal for 10%/100% chance to turn them into a wormhole.
  • You can use floor tiles as a simple mob, this includes turning light tiles on/off or phazon teleporting.
  • Rags can be used as ghetto muzzles, causing all oral speech to be muffled but not silenced. This does not affect non-oral languages such as Clatter, Slime or Golem. Any reagents on the rag will be slowly transferred to the muzzled person.
  • Running with any sharp object and slipping has a chance to stab you in the head.
  • Using a material synth on a fabricator will scan all the materials inside.
  • You can survive large explosions by timing your movement to the destructive wave. The larger the explosion the easier it is to dodge.
  • A sharp object such as a screwdriver to the eye can cause quite some damage real quick. It's also a good incentive for people to leave you alone if they want to keep their eyesight.
  • There's a 1 in 1000 chance for the access missing sound effect to be replaced with this. 1 in 10 during April fools.

Guide to Base Building

This is a basic guide to tips and tricks of building a FOB during combat operations. This could mean the difference between Fort Knox that can last against a xeno attack for hours and a couch fort that crumbles at first contact.

1. There is a gap in the wall.

Having even one weakness in a defense is asking for it to be exploited by the xenomorphs. Make sure to seal up all the weak points like vent exits, windows, and always make sure to raise the plasteel barricade back up if you are not using it (More about plasteel in defense section)

2. The barricade lines up with the walls.

This is bad because it means that xenomorphs are able to hit the barricade from behind a cover. Leave a 1 space between wall and barricade so they are unable to hit the barricade without having to expose themselves to open fire.

3. Plasteel barricades are not lined up.

If the plasteel barricades are not lined up, it will cause congestion. This is terrible if the marine has to make hasty retreat from an offensive, and they are unable to retreat to the Alamo quickly. Plasteel barricades should be lined up to remove as much space between each barricades.

A better way to have set this up would have been this. Insert Image here Static Defense We can't always stay at the base to defend it, and sometimes we lack the manpower to defend all of the FOB. This is where static defenses come into play. Marines have access to many static defenses.

Barbed Wires Razorsharp Obstacles Automated Turrets Heavy Smartguns Explosive Devices Anything that can be used to deter hostile offensive is great for this role.

Barbed wire is the most common type of static defenses. It is cheap to make, only costing 2 metal per wire, and can be transformed into razor wires, which is great for keeping your main walls alive. It deters xenos as it damages them when they attack the wire, and it also increases health of the barricade it is applied to.

Razorsharp obstacles supplement barricades.

Automated turret is next. They are versatile, powerful, and very effective at keeping small skirmishes at bay. They are mostly used to make up for the lack of manpower at the FOB. They are much harder to acquire than barbed wires, but they make up for the fact that they are ranged and can effectively replace marines in times of need.

Heavy Smartguns are force multiplier for marines. A single marine on a mounted gun effectively becomes an automated turret, as the mounted guns have high DPS and large amount of ammo ready to fire. Because it is a smartgun, it has IFF, meaning that marines do not have to worry about friendly fire from the mounted gun (though humans without a marine ID will get hit). It is fantastic for pinning down a chokepoint.

And lastly, explosive devices. These are great as the xenomorphs will not be used to dealing with traps, especially claymores. Claymores are extremely powerful, as it can stun a xenomorph that gets in front of it, and can even kill it outright if their health is not full. These are perhaps even better at keeping skirmishes at bay, as xenomorph castes with low maximum health can be one shot by it. Do not put claymores near the barricades as xenomorphs will set these off and damage the barricades. Use a multitool to disarm claymores.

Defense Now that the construction of your mighty base is finished, it is time to work on actually defending the damn thing.

Obstacles Barricades except sandbags can be repaired with torch, and far more damaged cades can only be fixed with additional material on other hand

Barricade Upgrades

Metal Barricade + barbed wire = wired barricade, xenos are damaged each time they melee attack the barricade

Metal Barricade + metal allows barricade upgrades at cost of 2 additional metal (cades will take approx 50% more damage before destroyed)

Ballistic armor

Resistance against bullets +

Caustic armor

Resistance against xeno gases, spit and acid

Concussive armor

Resistance against any melee attack, including crusher charge

Plasteel + barbed wire = wired plasteel barricade

PB can be connected, use crowbar to connect 2 adjacent plasteel barricade

Sandbags can be filled with sands from dirt, using entrenching tool on it

5 sandbag = 1 sandbag barricade = one use of entrenching tool

sandbags also can be wired too

to fix sandbag, you need only more sandbags

Sandbags are quickly placed, and under situation of boiler bombing, is a great sealant to protect actual walls.

Razor wire

There ways to deploy razors, which are - razorwire grenade(3×3 round shape), razorwire canister(approx. 5×5 round shape) or construct it (barbed wire + metal rod)

Razors are similar to barbed wire, but it can be connected to powergrid and deal electrical shock whoever attack or charge on it when cables are connected underneath. Barbed wires are not capable of this

However, xenos with spaying acid ability can easily remove razors.

Weapons and Turrets Turrets can be obtained from the TerraGov Tech Engineer System Vendor and requisitions.

TGMC TerraGovTech Engineer System Vendor.png

In order to shoot through sentries, the marines must be in aim mode. Sentries can be damaged if someone's bullet path without IFF, or aim mode, hits sentries.

Turrets can not attack enemy standing adjacent, so keep them 2~3 tile away from fortification. Turrets explode upon destruction, damaging similar to antipersonnel mines.

RADIAL mode means that turrets turn when they recognize enemy on different direction they were set up and will turn direction accordingly.

TGMC UA-571-C sentry gun.png UA-571-C sentry gun

A deployable, semi-automated turret with AI targeting capabilities. Armed with a M30 autocannon and a 500-round drum magazine. It is the most expensive sentry, costing 100 points. Its burst shot goes up to 6 shot and can be repaired by using a blowtorch. Use wrench to move it or anchor it down. Use screwdriver to rotate it. 4 Burst is ideal for accuracy, as 5 or 6 burst will sometimes miss.

TGMC UA-580 point defense sentry.png UA-580 point defense sentry

A deployable, automated turret with AI targeting capabilities. This is a lightweight portable model meant for rapid deployment and point defense. Armed with an light, high velocity machine gun and a 500-round drum magazine. It costs 40 points from requisitions, burst up to 5 and easier to set up. Can be fixed by using a blowtorch. Use wrench to move it or anchor it down. Use screwdriver to rotate it.

TGMC TL 102 Heavy Smartgun.png TL 102 Heavy Machine Gun

A deployed and mounted heavy smartgun, ready to rock. While it is capable of taking the same rounds as the smartmachinegun, it fires specialized tungsten rounds for increased armor penetration. It's basically a stationary smartgun, with an added scope ability that permit you to see 3 tiles ahead, 300 ammuniton, and superior damage. Ammo can be ordered from req for 10 points each.

Armored Floodlight (a.k.a combat flood )

note = Do not open crates containing floodlights until it reaches destination, cause it crate cannot be closed again requires power, when set, brights a large area.

games/sc13/miscellaneous.txt · Last modified: 2023/03/12 17:04 by wizardofaus_doku

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