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Access: Depends in your choice of spells Difficulty: Medium to Very Hard Supervisors: Space Wizard Federation You have no god but yourself Duties: Magic the place up. Guides: No external guides. Wizards are unique individuals who have access to powers that defy scientific principles. Most are part of the Space Wizard Federation, who have their own interests in NovusCorp's resources. Broadly speaking, one can assume that any wizard you meet suffers from at least some form of autism, in one way or the other.

Sadly, you are not able to play as a non-antagonist wizard as wizards are their own gamemode and all wizards are considered to be hostile, and valid to kill by the crew. Being a wizard can be both the easiest and hardest task possible in the game depending in your choice of spells and number of players in the round, so be sure to read this wiki page!

Contents 1 Civil War 2 You Are the Wizard, the Wizard Is You 3 Spells and other Magickes 4 Artifacts 5 Potions 6 Apprentices 6.1 Destruction 6.2 Bluespace Manipulation 6.3 Robeless 6.4 Clown Magic 6.5 Muscle Magic 6.6 Technology 7 Interesting builds 7.1 Balanced 7.2 Offensive 7.3 Stealth 7.4 Mastermind 7.5 Chronomancer 7.6 Cheesy Asshole 7.7 Fire 7.8 Mob Breeder 7.9 Punch Wizard 7.10 Punch Wizard 7.11 Annoying Bastard 7.12 Necromancy 7.13 Harmwiz 7.14 HONK 7.15 Random 8 Strengths and weaknesses 8.1 Being stunned or downed 8.2 Falling asleep 8.3 Syringe Guns 8.4 Suicide Bombers 8.5 Lasers 8.6 Shotguns 9 Enemies 9.1 Captain 9.2 AI 9.3 Security 9.4 Science 9.5 Cargo 9.6 Medical Staff 10 Ragin' Mages 11 Wizard tips, trivia and miscellaneous stuff 12 Supplementary Video Theme music

Civil War

You may be warned that the Wizard Federation is in Civil War when you spawn. If this is the case you will be assigned to either the Wizardly Peoples' Front (WPF) or the Peoples' Front for Wizards (PFW). You must not fight in the Wizard Den. In addition to your regular objectives, you will receive a faction objective to destroy enemy wizards. Just remember this simple rule:

If you can see a wizard hat icon floating above someone, he is on your side. If not, it is an enemy.

You Are the Wizard, the Wizard Is You You have been chosen by the Space Wizard Federation to infiltrate the station to complete one of several possible objectives.

If you are a wizard at the beginning of a shift and there is no Civil War, you have the privilege of casting Summon Guns/Swords/Magic if you so choose. No other wizard can use these options from the spell book (they won't even be listed).

The wizard's goals are usually to steal something or assassinate someone on the station and escape on the shuttle, or stay alive until the end. Wizards start in the wizards den, an unique location in the game which can't be accessed by anyone. Teleport to the station by using the Teleport spell or the scroll of teleportation, which has 4 uses. Each map has a slightly different Wizard Den, most are just a quiet place to prepare yourself, though.

Spell Book: It allows you to purchase new spells and artifacts, or upgrade ones you already know. The spellbook has 100 spell points, which is usually enough to get 5 spells or artifacts (or more with a bundle). Anyone who picks up an unused spell book can potentially become a dangerous wizard, so buy all the spells before teleporting to the station. You cannot refund spells after leaving the Den, so leave it behind to save bag space.

Scroll of Teleportation: If the wizard didn't get the Teleport spell, it will use one of these scrolls to go to the station and use the 3 remaining uses to escape in case of an emergency. Unlike Teleport however, the wizard doesn't talk when using it. Apprentices have the same item but with only one use, which will usually be to teleport to the station from the den.

Wizard Garb: Wizards require a full set of wizard clothing to use their robed spells, which are named and explained later. Those are the wizard's hat, the wizard's robe and sandals. If you are missing one of these, you can't cast any robed spells. Your wizard robe has all around decent protection stats [30 melee, 20 bullet/bio/energy/laser/bio]. You might choose to hide your wizard robes in your backpack and teleport to the station wearing some other outfit from the den and disguise yourself on station if you wish to start out stealthy, but be careful with this strategy if you do not know robeless spells. Robes allow you to store staves and scrolls of teleportation in the suit storage slot.

Broom: You can find these in the wizard den. It acts like a jetpack for wizards with unlimited fuel, letting you fly over tables and move freely in space (it won't protect you from space like a Gemsuit). It needs to be wielded to get this bonus, though, which means you can't cast most spells while using it.

Spells and other Magickes These spells require the Wizard's clothes.

Spell Name Cooldown Cost Description

Magic Missile - FORTI GY AMA 15 This spell spawns several little magical orbs that will stun basically anyone but the wizard on touch, it even stuns cyborgs so no one is safe! However it can only be used when a target is nearby, for every target the spell will spawn one projectile. They also track their targets so not getting hit is way harder.

The projectiles can't go through walls, windows or doors and if a target is across one of these it will wait outside. Keep in mind that these projectiles disappear after a short time if they don't stun anyone.

It's usually best used at short-mid range, as the projectiles are rather slow. It's more effective when someone is charging at you (why would they even do that?) or escaping in a hallway so the projectile will hit your target when he's about to open the airlock!

Butt-Bot's Revenge - ARSE NATH 50 The successor to the now-removed Disintegrate, this spell literally blows the ass off whichever unlucky victim is hit by it. While it sounds ridiculous, it can still crit in 2 hits and the massive blood loss caused by having one's butt removed is enough to dispatch someone in a particularly humiliating manner. As an added bonus, it also stuns and weakens the victim more effectively than Magic Missile. The high cooldown makes it better when fighting against single targets, just use Magic Missile or Time Stop and then Butt-Bot's Revenge. Not to mention it's perfect for close combat too, and if you can't use Magic Missile don't worry! Whenever you use the spell and no one can be targeted, your points won't be wasted so you can click it until your target dies.

Feint 30 This spell gives you a sword that lets you teleport behind people by clicking on them (albeit with a very obvious sound) and hit them with it for 40 brute damage, making it better than eswords.

Fist - I C'AST FI'ST 5 This spell punches up to three beings in view, can be upgraded to target more and increase power. Note that anything that modifies punches such as brass knuckles will also add to the effect, so seek these out!

Punch - ROKETTOPANCHI 30 This spell empowers your next close-and-personal unarmed attack to launch the enemy with such great force that they cause a small explosion where they land. The ensuing explosion won't harm you directly, but the after-effects might. Works against mechas.

Flesh to Stone - STAUN EI 60 If you are adjacent to your target and cast this spell, you will turn it into a stone statue and they won't be able to do anything at all. This is a fate is worse than death, since it can't be treated at all and if it gets enough damage it will break into remains! That's it, just remains. Not even the brain will be salvageable, like in Disintegrate. And all gear will be lost forever too. The statue can't be moved, so you can't move into that tile and can be useful to block paths. The spell does wear off after a while, so you might want to destroy it before that happens.

Grease 30 This spawns the same effect as a cleaner grenade, slipping all people in a radius. Has a spell congruency with fire-based spells. Great for being extremely annoying, ideally paired with the broom.

Pass the pumpkin 60 This spawns a pumpkin in the chosen target's hand, and they must hand it to someone else within 60 seconds or it eats their head! Cannot be dropped, must be passed to others. Great distraction.

Doppelganger 30 This spell summons a construct with your appearance, similar to a decoy balloon.

Summon Pitbulls - GR'T W'TH K'DS 30 Spawns pitbulls, up to 60 at a time. Usually die fast to lasers, but good in crowds against unarmored targets. Keep out of reach of toddlers.

Ring of Fire- E ROHA 30 Creates a ring of fire with a radius of 3 turfs around your current location. The ring lasts for 10 seconds and burns everybody caught in it, dealing damage and setting them on fire. While the spell is active, you are granted complete immunity to fire and burns. Upgrading the spell makes the ring move together with you, turning it from a mostly defensive spell into an offensive one. The ring follows you even when you're using Ethereal Jaunt.

Lightning- ZAP MUTHA'FUCKA 20 Initially casting this spell will prepare it for use; by then clicking a target, you will fire a blast of electricity at them for a more precise application of ranged damage than Fireball. Upgrading the spell's power will upgrade the lightning bolt into chain lightning that jumps to an additional target after hitting its original target; if you're willing to spend 4 spell points to fully upgrade it, it can electrocute 5 people at once!

Note that when the spell is readied, your hands will glow a bright blue and a voiced line will be played that anyone nearby will be able to hear. More importantly, Ablative Armor can and will reflect the lightning bolt back at you, so look carefully at who you're trying to zap.

Pain Mirror- KON TEAH STOV 90 Casting this spell places a charm on you that lasts for 5 seconds. Whenever you receive any damage, the charm will redirect it to all visible mobs around you, leaving you unharmed. If the damage is greater than 50, the charm will deal 50 damage instead.

Most damage types can be reflected, including brain damage and clone damage. Negative damage (healing) isn't reflected.

Casting this spell will play a church bell sound, and you will be surrounded by a purple aura for its duration. Reflecting large amounts of damage creates a visual effect emanating from you to your victims.

Mutate - BIRUZ BENNAR 40 This spell temporarily turns you into a Hulk whenever you want, with all the benefits it gives: Stun and slip immunity, breaking walls, better unarmed attack and breaking out of handcuffs in 5 seconds. Not only that, but it also gives you laser eyes which let you fire lasers at anything as long as you are using Harm intent with an empty hand.

The lasers do the same damage as the ordinary ones from laser and energy guns and they can and will kill people fast, but do keep in mind that you will become hungry if you use this. If you are TOO hungry, you won't be able to use lasers at all.

Also if you use it right, you can treat Mutate as an all-access card if you are willing to smash a lot of walls. Essentially, this can make Knock obsolete. And that's already a pretty good spell…

Ethereal Jaunt 60 After casting this spell the wizard dissolves into thin air, becoming invisible to both eye and thermal sensors, as well as being able to pass through any obstacle. This spell lasts for almost 10 seconds, so try to calculate it right. It's unique in that it can't be used properly when downed. Additionally, you can't jaunt onto turfs that have been doused in holy water.

Summon Snacks - OR'DR U'P 30 Summons up a snack and beverage in your target's hands, causing them to drop whatever they're holding at the time. Snacks cannot be dropped and must be eaten, making everyone slow and fat, arguably one of the most frustrating spells against the crew.

Magical wardrobe 300 Summons a magical wardrobe that allows you to teleport inside it. Comes stocked with clothing linked to its durability. Good for getaways if left in maintenance.

Forge Arcane Golem - ARCANUM VIRIUM CONGREGABO 20 Summons a fragile golem that follows you around. The golem knows all spells that you know (except for Mind Swap and this spell), and will cast them simultaneously with you - possibly at the same target. More information can be found on the spell's wiki page: Forge Arcane Golem

Disable Technology - NEC CANTIO 40 The wizard's EMP spell, which means that energy weapons will always lose all of their charge, turrets will always be disabled and the same with security cameras, some doors might be opened and/or shocked, computers might break, cyborgs will not be able to move temporarily and many more. Pretty useful, as you could just teleport in the AI upload, use this spell and upload any law you want! You can manipulate Telecomms too by teleporting into the control room and using the spell, the range is decent enough to disable it. Keep in mind that the damage to the turrets and Telecomms is permanent.

Makes it extremely easy to fight cyborgs and security.

Time Stop- OMNIA RUINAM/ZA WARUDO 90 A powerful spell that stops time in a circular area of effect centered on you. Anyone other than yourself that is within the area of effect is immobilized and helpless as if they were asleep until it wears off. Perfect for both hasty escapes and for robusting with impunity. Upgrading the spell's power increases the radius of the time-stop effect, and makes the effect last longer as well.

Teleport - SCYAR NILA 60 Teleports the wizard to any location in the zlevel 1, which would be the main station. That's right, you can use the teleporter to fuck off to the asteroid and then use this spell to return to the station whenever you want! The scroll of teleportation does the exact same thing, but it only has 4 uses and you are required to hold it in your hand so you can't use it when downed.

No clothes n/a It's simple enough, having this spell will let you cast any robed spells without having your robes equipped. Perfect for stealth.

Card Trick - IS [chosen card] YOUR CARD? 10 You choose a card after targeting. The victim gets its inventory full of that card, including bags and pockets.

There are many other spells that do not require wizard robes. These spells are weaker, but are nothing to laugh at.

Spell Name Cooldown Cost Description Blind - STI KALY 30 A medium range spell that blinds a single individual. Blindless acquired from this spell can be treated easily in surgery.

Fire Breath 10 This allows you to spew a plume of fire, similar to a flamethrower projectile.

Fireball - ONI SOMA 10 This spell summons a destructive fireball. It explodes on contact with a single target, blinding and deafening the individual, and anyone around him. As it is explosive, it will damage your station as well. This spell causes massive brute and burn damage, often breaking bones. One Fireball should be enough to send your target into crit, and another will kill them for good. You can even gib them if you fire at them enough times.

But it can be dangerous for you too! If you stay in front of or one tile away from a wall/your target and use this spell you will be affected and sent into crit instantly, so try to keep your distance, 2 tiles should be enough. The range of this spell is 2×3, so it's a decent AoE spell! It has infinite range too.

Upgrading spell power makes the spell targetable, shooting a fireball wherever you click.


Projectile Pastry 10 This spell throws a pie at a selected location, and can be upgraded to target more people with more pies.

Disorient - DII ODA BAJI 30 This is a medium distance spell that makes your target stutter and not being able to move normally, like if they were drunk. Can be treated with Ethylredoxrazine.

Dimensional Push - P'SH IT RE'L GUD 30 This spell takes a selected nearby item, and pushes it somewhere else. Can be especially fun if used on cryo pods, cloning pods, the supermatter shards, singularity containment fields, gas miners, AI upload doors, people and a LOT of other items. This however does not make items leave the station or go very far, so at best is only temporary.

Shoe Snatching Charm- H'NK 15 Removes the shoes off someone's feet and warps them straight into your hand. Very little practical use for it, but it's good for a laugh or for annoying the crew.

Upgrading spell power increases utility of the spell, making it summon 4 glass shards around targets who aren't wearing shoes. As stepping on broken glass without shoes stuns you and deals damage, this effectively traps the target in place until they move the shards away (or decide to endure the pain and step on the shards).

Clown Curse - L' C'MMEDIA E F'NITA 30 This spell curses a person adjacent to you with an unremoveable clown costume, whilst also making them clumsy. Honk Honk.

French Curse - F'CK Y'U D'NY 30 This spell curses a person adjacent to you with an unremoveable mime costume which also mutes them and prevents them from being able to speak.

Curse of the Horseman - KNA FTAGHU 15 Another medium distance spell that disintegrates your target's mask and gives it an unremoveable horse mask that makes the target not being able to speak intelligible phrases!

The horse mask doesn't work for internals, but it can be removed by splashing the victim's face with sulphuric acid.

Pacify 45 Creates an energy around people that makes them unable to fight, similar to chill wax or pillowbugs. Can affect you for a short period of time too. Good for stopping any attempts to robust you.

Forcewall - TARCOL MINTI ZHERI 10 This spell creates an unbreakable wall that lasts for 30 seconds. Like with Smoke, you can have multiple forcewalls at the same time due to short cooldown of the spell.

Become Snakes 30 This spell spawns a mass of snakes at your location, and turns you into one of them to hide amongst them. Good to hide for a while, or block off an area and force people to attack the snakes. An additional spell lets you change back to your original form.

Blink 2 A lesser form of teleportation. The wizard has no ability to control it but you won't get far away with this. You might end up in the same room when using this or get stuck in a window or wall, maybe you will end up in a different room.

Good for when your spells need time to be recharged since this spell can be spammed to eternity because of it's 2 second cooldown, if you are patient you could try to get into other nearby rooms too, instead of using Knock/Ethereal Jaunt/Teleport.

You can treat this as an infinite get out of jail card since it will let you escape whenever you are attacked or stunned, so abuse the hell out of this.

Smoke 12 Spawns a cloud of choking smoke at your location, like a smoke grenade. Each smoke cloud lasts for aproximately 25 seconds, so you can use it multiple times to have multiple clouds at the same time.

Heal Other 30 This heals basic wounds in another target, can be upgraded for more healing. Since you are almost always an antagonist and generally harm the crew, this is generally only beneficial to use on apprentices or the like.

Mind Transfer - GIN'YU CAPAN 60 It swaps the minds of the wizard and victim, and is usually used if the wizard is being beaten in a physical battle. Basically, both the wizard and the target go to sleep for a while and when they wake up, the victim controls the wizard's body and the wizard controls the target's body. However you have a chance to lose spells when swapping minds, so it's a very risky spell. And since being asleep is one of the major wizard weaknesses, you could get robusted to death while the mind swapping takes place!

Also, if you didn't take the robeless spell you will only be able to cast spells that don't require the robes, since your target will have the robes. Finally, for reasons nobody can explain the spell can be nullified entirely if the intended target is wearing a tinfoil hat.

Bound Object 10 This grants you two spells, one to bind an object to your current location and move it with you and one to release it. A LOT of things can be bound, including singularities, which gib you once binding ends, or supermatter shards which ash people as you bump into them. (but watch out for radiation effects!) Well worth experimenting with.

Street Alchemy 25 Takes all reagants out of a target and puts them into a consumable elixir. Can be used to remove healing chemicals from those around you, but this use is much rarer than on apprentices or allies, where removing chloral from their system might just save them from being made valid.

Summon Robes Self-explanatory- it summons a new set of wizard robes for you to use if you somehow end up stripped but not outright killed or incapacitated. A situational but possibly useful alternative to Robeless.

Upgrading spell power causes the spell to summon the gem encrusted hardsuit, in addition to an oxygen tank and an internals mask.

Chariot - NO F'AT C'HX n/a This spell spawns a Firebird in which the wizard can ride. Requires the keys to be held in a hand slot at all times. Firebird Trans AM is capable of flying through space (with a space suit), accelerating rapidly, and take covering fire from security items. Will explode if critically damaged.

Also remember that you can only spawn one Firebird with the spell, as it doesn't recharge. You can, however, buy more Chariot spells for more Firebirds. One Chariot spell = One Firebird.

If you hit a weldertank with the Firebird the tank instantly explodes.


Knock - AULIE OXIN FIERA 10 It instantly opens any doors within range, no matter what type. Yes, any doors. Normal airlocks, blast doors, firelocks, windoors, even these annoying cycling doors in Telecomms, Virology, Xenobiology and others!

This opens bolted doors too, and when they close on their own the door will be unbolted. This acts like an all-access ID card, or even better. Pretty flexible to use due to it's short 10 second cooldown.

Break Lightbulbs 15 This spell breaks all lightbulbs within 7 tiles of you. Generally not as good as some other spells but is cheap, and may allow you to hide in the best of situations.

Curse of the Hangman - VI'RO RO'UGE 50 A spell that removes a random, consistent set of letters from everyone nearby's afflicted sentences. Can only be removed by others guessing the letters correctly nearby, but 3 mistakes in a row will reset it to a new state. The “healing” progress resets whenever the victim speaks.

These spells are not available to purchase, but if you are lucky you can find them in Spellbook Bundles. The christmas themed spells are normally purchaseable only during christmas, they're only found on the bundles the rest of the year.

Spell Name Cooldown Requires Robe Description Polymorph - P'Y W'NT A CRAC'K'R! 60 No This is a ranged spell that turns the victim into a parrot for approximately 2 minutes. Whilst in parrot form the victim the victim is invincible but they cannot interact with objects or use items. They are still able to move around and talk however. This basically makes the victim entirely useless for the duration of the parrot effect.

Summon Spares - W'ZZ GO' T'E S'RE! 15 No Summons five all-access spare IDs near your feet. Useful for getting through doors and annoying the hell out of security. Now you can give full access to everyone!

Baleful Mutation - MAHNSTUR MACH 60 Yes When cast on an adjacent target, this spell transforms the victim into a hideous monster, swapping their limbs and body parts at random with those belonging to other species.

Disintegrate - EI NATH 60 Yes Gibs your victim. Requires you to be standing next to them.

The Elf Curse - MAK'N T'YS! 30 No Turns its victim into an Elf for Santa's sweatshop workshop.

Curse of the Reindeer - KN'A RUD'LPH, XMAS 'BTHNK! 15 No Disintegrates your target's mask and gives them an unremoveable reindeer mask that makes them speak like a horse.

Wrap Gift - W'APPIN' PR'SN'TS! 30 Yes Turns a single person into an inert wrapping paper statue for a long period of time.

Conjure Snowmobile - SL'IGH B'LLS RIN'! N/A Yes Time to Sleigh some No-gooders. Summons a santa-themed firebird.


Artifacts are powerful items imbued with eldritch magics. Summoning one will count towards your maximum number of spells. It is recommended that only experienced wizards attempt to wield such artefacts.

These are not spells but tools that can be used by anyone. Extremely dangerous to a wizard should one of you pick it up. Also remember that all staffs have limited uses, but will recharge automatically over time.

Veil Render: Will cause a tear into the fabric of reality itself and summon the dark god Nar-Sie as a simple pawn. Consider yourself fortunate it can only be used once. This item is not available in typical Wizard rounds.

The distantly related Veal Render will instead open a portal to a dimension of infinite cows, which will emerge and…well, stand around and moo.

Staff of Change: Allows the wizard to randomly change anyone and anything into an alien (any type except facehugger and queen), cyborg, diona, skellington, lizardman, catbeast, slime, monkey or human. Hilarity ensues as the crew tries to make themselves human again (or lynches the unfortunates that become catbeasts) and the new brood of xenomorphs acts as one more thorn in the station's side. Using it will allow you to select what the target will be transformed into with the next shot.

Staff of Polymorph: Can be toggled between Minor and Major modes. On minor mode, anyone shot with it will turn into a harmless simple animal (cat, cockroach, parrot, pillow bug, lizard, mouse or corgi) for 10-20 seconds. On major mode, anyone shot with it will turn into a dangerous mob (Space carp, all types of giant spider sans queen, all kinds of bear including spare bear, all kinds of frogs, asteroid mobs and mutated cockroaches) for 16-32 seconds. Shooting the staff at yourself will transform you into a Pollywog, a writhing mass of alchemical potential that will randomly turn into random mobs (anything except boss mobs and turbogunk shit) and remain transformed for 30-60 seconds. Unlike the spell of poly-morph, players are still vulnerable to damage and may die if injured. Dying as a pollywag will release a small 2,4 EMP.

Legend says of a corrupted Staff of Polymorph that can turn people into unsettling monsters permanently (creatures, cult mannequins or supermatter monsters) and make them feral.

Staff of Swapping: Firing this staff at someone will swap the location of the target and the firer. Dual wielding allows the swap projectile to pass over items such as windows, grilles and structures.

Mental focus: An staff that shoots deadly, brute damage causing energy orbs. It will shove the target until it hits something, and usually causes bleeding. It has two modes, normal which only targets a single person and AoE which is the same thing, but with an AoE effect.

Mastercrafted Armor Set: Spawns a gem-encrusted hardsuit, a gem-encrusted hardsuit helmet, purple gloves (that don't do anything) and sandals. The two hardsuit parts work exactly like the wizard robes and hat. It does not come with magboots or a mask.

Since it's a hardsuit, it will slow you down a bit. Stats are melee 40, bullet 20, laser 20, energy 20, bomb 35, bio, 100, rad 50.

Soul Stone Bundle: A belt filled with 6 soul stone shards that can can be used to trap and enslave the spirits of your victims! Just use it on any dead or crit person and if it hasn't ghosted yet you will capture it! The Artificer spell has a cooldown of 60 seconds, and then when using the full soul stone shard on the shell you will be able to create a construct.

Staff of Animation: Allows the wizard to animate any random object that can be moved around and give it the temperament of a ferocious, man-eating monstrosity. Quite hilarious to see flocks of paper swarm a Botanist and strip them of flesh, or see grilles attack people. Incidentally, this just so happens to work on the statues you can turn people into using Flesh to Stone- make use of that as you will.

The animations won't attack you, but they will attack other wizards.

Staff of Necromancy: This staff causes anything living fired at to become a corpse loyal to you upon dying. When these corpses attack others, this effect is transposed onto them too, creating your very own zombie apocalypse on the station. Cannot be used on silicons. Mundane zombies that get zapped with the staff will join your faction. Zombies can evolve into stronger decaying forms after consuming/dying enough. Can zombify meat slabs.

Contract of Apprenticeship: Summons an apprentice wizard. See section below.

Spellbook Bundle: Spawns a hat containing seven random spells, for the cost of at least four. Can even contain rare and powerful spells such as the now-removed disintegrate! Aside from this, it's also good for wizards that generally cannot decide on a spell to use, similar to the random item feature on a traitor uplink.

Potion Bundle: Contains a random bundle of potion spells, for indecisive wizards.

Lesser Potion Bundle: Same as above, but only 12 potions instead of 40.

Predicted Potion Bundle: Contains a non-random list of 40 potions.

Lesser Predicted Potion Bundle: Same as above, but only 10.

Scrying Orb: Buying this will give you x-ray sight and you can use the item in your hand to ghost while still alive whenever you want. Obviously, your body will be catatonic when you ghost with this but you can check for your targets while ghosted, eavesdrop on deadchat, and keep the newly acquired knowledge for yourself. You can re-enter your body whenever you want, too, assuming it's still alive. Perfect for checking if certain high-risk items are still on the station, or to track any people like your target. Remember that you can ghost in the wizards den and spy on the station before teleporting to it. Note that you cannot use the scrying orb to see cyborg laws by examining them while ghosted, it simply will not display them.

Cloak of Cloaking: A cloak that, when worn, turns the wearer invisible. Cannot be used while running, will cause wearer to trip on it. Really, really powerful for sneaking up on people and using otherwise cumbersome nearby target spells like Buttbot's Revenge or Flesh to Stone.

Summon Guns: This spell summons a random weapon at everyone's feet (including a few weapons that don't spawn normally) and turns a few of them into traitors with no telecrystals and a “Stay alive until the end” objective.

This may either cause station infighting, or direct a mob of incredibly well armed people towards you, so be cautious of using it. It's best to use it only when you know there will be trigger-happy people willing to turn on another when they have the opportunity to do so.

Summon Magic: As above, but gives everyone 5 or so random spells and an additional “Absorb” spell that lets others take spells from dead or unconscious bodies. Guaranteed to gunk the station much faster.

Summon Swords: This spell is summon guns but with swordsunique and activates upon purchase. It summons a random edged weapon and set of knight armor at everyone's feet and turns a few of them into “crusaders” who want to take back the station and a “Stay alive until the end” objective. The range of what you can get in their spell can vary a lot so you could get an energy sword or a glass shard.

This will has a similar effect and outcome as summon guns but with melee based combat. This doesn't stop people from using guns so you still need to watch out for ranged weapons.

Summon Artifacts: This costs twice as much as other summoning spells and spawns various wizard artifacts at people's feet, again, these can be used on you, and some are MUCH worse than just being fired at with a gun, so exercise caution.

Summon Potions: This summons a potion bag at people's feet with random potions in it. Generally the least harmful of the summon spells.

Bundle of Glow Orbs: Contains a bunch of floating glowing orbs that light up the dark and are sensitive to electricity.

Crystal Butterfly Knife: Similar to the traitor's butterfly knife, this also summons a viscerator but with the added advantage of not attacking its summoner.

Phylactery: A stone that can revive you from death if your body is not husked or debrained. Requires making an incision in your hand, holding the item and using it in-hand. Generally not advised to be used if the crew finds your corpse and is in the process of gibbing, delimbing, borging or spacing it. Getting more charges for extra revivals requires soul sacrifices and leaving the Z-level the phylactery is stored on will instantly ash you.

Tone setter - Darkness: Immediately blows all the lights in a station once activated. Is generally almost always a dead giveaway that a wizard is about to arrive, but can be valuable for hiding out in the open of the station if used right.

Prestidigitation Bundle: Gives you a bunch of spells for general utility. None of these are as powerful as regularly purchased spells.

Boots of Blinding Speed: These boots, when worn, allow the wearer to go twice as fast when moving but become blind for the entire duration of this.

Potions: Potions are items which can be used once to produce some magical effect. Sometimes they have different effects depending on whether they are consumed or thrown at something. Remember that you can get potion bags from the Magi-Vends in the Wizard's Den to carry all of your potions! The bag can also be equipped on your head for a disguise or on your belt for quick access.

Potion Name Price Description Potion of healing 20 Fully heals user and cures all ailments. Potion of transformation 15 Transmogrifies the user into one of a handful of powerful mobs for five minutes. The user cannot manually transform back during this time. Draught of toad 15 Makes the user immune to toxins. Potion of mana 10 Resets cooldowns on all spells. Potion of major invisibility 10 Makes the user and all the user's belongings invisible for one minute. Potion of stone skin 10 The user takes 25% brute and burn damage for one minute. Potion of major speed 10 Increases the user's speed to 2x for one minute. Phial of exanimis 10 Causes the user to become a zombie 30 seconds after death. Causes all dead mobs in view to become zombies if thrown. Potion of truesight 10 Grants the user X-ray vision for five minutes. Potion of major strength 5 Grants the user hulk strength for three minutes. Potion of minor speed 5 Increases user's speed to 1.25x for five minutes. Potion of unpredictability 4 Grants the user a random potion effect. Bottled sword 2 Creates a sword when thrown. Consumption is not advisable. Potion of deception 2 Looks like a potion of healing, but deals 30 damage when consumed. Potion of levitation 2 Causes the user to levitate for ten minutes. Bottled fireball 2 Explodes when thrown. Consumption is not advisable. Potion of minor invisibility 2 Makes the user invisible for five minutes. Potion of light 1 Causes the user to give off light for five minutes. Will flash everyone in view if thrown. Potion of fullness 1 Causes the user to become well-fed. Potion of reduced visibility 1 Makes the user slightly transparent for ten minutes. Potion of minor paralysis 1 Paralyzes the user for six seconds. Potion of minor strength 1 Grants the user hulk strength for ten seconds. Potion of trueglimpse 1 Grants the user x-ray vision for ten seconds. Potion of transposition 1 Causes the user to teleport to the bottle's location when it breaks, or if it breaks on a mob, swaps the user's position with the mob's. Consumption is not advisable. Apprentices They are acquired with a wizard item but they are so awesome they deserve their own section.

Any wizard can buy contracts of apprenticeship at the cost of one spellbook point each. It works by selecting any ghosts in the round that have the wizard role activated, then they spawn in the same tile you are with wizard robes and a scroll of teleportation that only has one use.

You can choose one of six specializations for apprentices when you use the scroll.

Destruction Magic missile and Fireball.

Bluespace Manipulation Ethereal Jaunt and Teleport.

Robeless Robeless and Mind Swap.

Clown Magic Clown Curse and Shoe Snatch.

Muscle Magic Mutate and Blind.

Technology Lightning and Disable Tech.

Apprentices will have as their objective to protect you, the wizard. They will succeed if you are alive when the round ends.

Interesting builds A list of builds for wizards out of ideas. Most of these are fairly obvious.

Balanced Magic Missile Teleport Butt-Bot's Revenge/Lightning Blink/Ethereal Jaunt Knock Easy and efficient build, recommended for players who are new to playing wizard. This build offers acceptable offensive capabilities and several ways to escape if you somehow fuck up.

Offensive Magic Missile or Lightning Bolt Mutate Blink (optional) Disable Technology or Time Stop Scrying Orb A build for more murder-happy wizards, this choice of spells will let you kill basically anyone you want if you are good and know what you are doing.

As a crewmember, whenever you see a wizard with this build or a similar one you just know that you can't defeat him unless you use desperate measures.

Stealth No Robes Blink Magic Missile Butt-Bot's Revenge OR Mutate Give yourself a normal, non-wizard name and go out there with no robes. Be subtle about killing people, change clothes and identities when needed. Butt-Bot's Revenge is for surprise killings that can put your victim into crit without putting yourself at too much risk, Mutate is for when you need to smash your way into something secure and is just at good at killing things. Both are highly useful for you.

You are likely to blend in the crew with this, and it's possible that the HoP or Captain will believe that you actually lost your PDA and ID if you show up at the HoP office to get a “job change”. Unless they are smart enough to realize that your name isn't on the crew manifest, of course.

Also remember that people will shoot an hostile wizard on sight, however valid salading is less likely if you don't have any robes on.

Mastermind Scrying Orb Some amount of scrolls of apprenticeship Another of these efficient gimmick builds. Buy a scrying orb and summon an apprentice, give him orders like telling him to attack everyone or go non-lethal, tell him to steal certain high-risk item or kill anyone (which might be your objectives), and tell him to go to hide in a certain area after he's finished so you can meet him later.

Then ghost and follow him, although you can't communicate with him he will know that you are seeing him all the time. If he dies then just send another apprentice to the station and give him another set of objectives and orders.

You may order the apprentice to purchase a specific spell from your spellbook, definitely an amusing way to get some of that sweet greentext.

Alternatively, spawn all your apprentices at once, order them to go wild on a specific area then send them all simultaneously. The compounded chaos will be hilarious.

Chronomancer Time Stop (upgrade optional) Lightning (upgrade optional) Flesh to Stone or Butt-Bot's Revenge Knock or Ethereal Jaunt Teleport or Blink The crux of this build is Time Stop and its many possible applications. As a result, there's a fair amount of customization you can do with this build and still make it work. For example, you could use it to compensate for the short range of Flesh to Stone or Butt-Bot's Revenge by casting Time Stop first, or pop a Jaunt after stopping time to hinder your foes' ability to find you after you escape. Your imagination is the only real limit to what you can do with it.

Cheesy Asshole Cloak of Cloaking Butt-bot's Revenge Feint/Mutate Soulstone Belt This is like the stealth build, except it will make deadchat even more furious. First, teleport to an abandoned yet easily reachable hall like Arrivals Shuttle hallway. Don the cloak and walk around the station (avoiding beepsky and t-rays) until you find someone alone. When you find a victim uncloak, ass blast them and beat them into crit with mutate or your feint sword, and then soul stone them before cloaking again. Their soul is now trapped in a stone, tell it to shut up, then stick it in your backpack. Rinse and repeat until you have filled all your soul stones. Collect PDAS/IDs so you can hide in maint in a pinch. When you filled your initial batch, go somewhere remote, (bomb range is perfect) and build a few artificers. Command them to make soulstones and shells. Take the soulstones and continue your sneaky rampage. If any of your soulstones ghost or are uncooperative AHELP THEIR ASSES because that is against the rules. When you get found out, or are bored of being sneaky, go to your lair and fill all the shells with your soulstone army. Then lead them on an assault of medbay. CAUTION: This tactic is super robust, but will make people hate you. Use at your own risk.

Fire Grease Any Fire spell (use Fireball for the sparks, the other fire spells are bugged) Ethereal Jaunt or Teleport (Optional) Gem-Encrusted Hardsuit (Optional) A variant of the now defunct depressurizer build. Cast grease to produce a flammable surface then light it on fire with your fire spell of choice. This will quickly heat up the room, causing burn damage to unsuspecting crewmembers and activating firelocks, disrupting the flow across areas. Use the Gem Hardsuit to protect yourself from the heated air or just jaunt/teleport out of the place.

Mob Breeder Staff of Change Any mob spawning spell (Become Snakes, Forge Arcane Golem or Summon Pitbulls) Spawn the mobs then SoC them into a mob of your choice via the staff of change. This probably will end up with half the crew as zombies or xeno food.

Punch Wizard Cloak of Invisibility Fist Teleport/Ethereal Jaunt Scrying Orb (Optional) Once you're stationside, use the cloak to become invisible then remote punch whomever you can see. Keep in mind that they can still find you via right-clicking (Thanks BYOND!) so if they notice your position, teleport or jaunt away. If you have the scrying orb's x-ray, you can punch through walls, so use that as well. Get some mesons from maintenance if you bought the scrying orb for extra gunk.

Punch Wizard Grease or Time Stop Punch Broom (if grease) Teleport/Ethereal Jaunt (Optional) Brass Knuckles (Optional) Hop on ye broom and find a target. Grease the floor or timestop them. Get off the broom, cast Punch then punch 'em. Watch as your victim gets knocked back into a wall and breaks all their bones. Grab the brass knuckles if you can for extra fun.

Annoying Bastard Disorient Blind Ethereal Jaunt Scrying Orb Once you're stationside, find some mesons for perfect xray vision. Then haunt people by jaunting nearby then blinding and disorienting them. Consider upgrading the spells to efficient or upgrading the disorient to strong disorientation.

Necromancy Staff of Necromancy Knock/Jaunt Some Offensive Spell (Optional) Find yourself the nearest humanoid corpse. Usually the morgue will have one or two so get in there with the jaunt/knock. Zap a few corpses then watch as the station falls to a Zombie apocalypse. Ideal for latejoin once there are a few corpses available instead of only one or two. The Staff of Necromancy can also raise meat as “zombies”, so raid that kitchen for the meat or cloning for the synthmeat.

Harmwiz Forge Arcane Golem Pain Mirror Any Offensive Spell (Optional) Make yourself some golems. Once near a crewmember, hit the pain mirror then quickly attack yourself/the golem(s). The damage will get reflected back and forth and instantly kill anyone nearby. Since all types of damage will get reflected, you should try your hand with some unusual damage sources. Perhaps you happen to get braindamaged just as you pain mirror'd, so all the nearby crewmembers become retards. Experiment. CAUTION: This tactic is extremely broken and will make people hate you. You might even get memed on by admins if you try it. Use at your own risk.

HONK Broom Grease French Curse Clown Curse Any other Curse spell (Optional) Jaunt (Optional but recommended) The Coders' favourite. Specially optimized to suck all of the soul out of anyone and leave them featureless. Hop on your broom so you hover above the floor. Grease near your victim, wait for them to slip then Clown Curse and French Curse them. The Clown Curse leaves them unable to use guns while the French Curse leaves them unable to speak. For most intents and purposes your victims are round removed until divine intervention or some really smart thinking by the crew. CAUTION: Kinda boring for the victims, will probably cause the shuttle to be called.

Random No Guns Randomized Spellbox Teleport Only for the robust or easily amused. You have equal chances of getting a monstrous build that can solo the station as of getting a shit barely usable build. Try to survive and make it interesting. God knows you will be hunted down hard if you get the shittier spells.

Strengths and weaknesses Wizards are very different to other antagonists for several reasons that will be explained in this section.

Being stunned or downed When another antagonist gets stunned, usually by security, it's over for them most of the time. However when a wizard gets stunned it usually means nothing! The immense majority of spells can be used when stunned or downed, so whenever someone tases or stuns you by any other means you shouldn't bother much. Just magic missile the shit out of him which will stun him for a bit, then you can either escape or wait until you get up to kill him.

Like I said, stuns are only a minor issue to wizards, if an issue at all. That's why people usually go full lethal against wizards, focusing on damaging you primarly.

Falling asleep Definitely the WORST thing that can happen to you. When you fall asleep by either entering critical state or being slept with N20/Chloral Hydrate/Sleep Toxin you can't cast any spells, and if you don't have any apprentices or constructs to help you it's over for you! It might be a good idea to always have internals ready to use, just in case you spot some validhunter dragging around a N2O canister.

Syringe Guns Getting shot with a Syringe Gun is a possibility too, as the syringes usually have Chloral Hydrate in them but Lexorin and Unstable Mutagen can be used as well, and these WILL kill you.

Chemists, Scientists and the CMO are most commonly seen with this. Remember that Scientists and the RD have access to rapid syringe guns which can hold 4 syringes, so Science should be one of the first departments to raid at roundstart just in case they can't make any of these.

And if it wasn't enough, Disable Technology doesn't work for syringe guns.

Suicide Bombers Probably the most desperate way to deal with a wizard but it works just fine.

Most of the crew know how to make high explosives so be wary of an “unarmed” crew-member rapidly pursuing you.

Lasers The most common way for a wizard to die. Anyone using energy weapons will have it relatively easy to hit you, it's basically spray and pray. It does take a few lasers to kill you, that's why good wizards go to medbay storage and grab all the burn first aid kits. Either take kelotane pills before an imminent fight or whenever you are hit get out of there and treat yourself.

Remember that your wizard robes might protect you from some of the damage that lasers cause, but I'll say this again: DO NOT RELY ON IT.

Shotguns Now that the armory got 3 brand-new shotguns and a crate of lethal shells, Security started to use them to fight wizards! These will hurt you quite a bit but there's less ammo available for them so they can't use the spray and pray strategy. You can get both external and internal bleeding if you get shot by them, and if it's internal bleeding you can just forget about winning that round unless you somehow got an apprentice to perform surgery on you.

Worst thing is that disable technology doesn't work for these.

Cargo can order combat shotguns too but it's seen less likely since they need cooperation from Security and Command to open them.

Like with lasers, the wizard robes will protect you from some damage, but they aren't foolproof.

Enemies Thankfully the majority of crewmembers are mostly harmless to you, but let's analyze the few genuine threats you have.

Captain Without doubt the most dangerous individual on the station. He starts with a laser gun that deals 40 burn damage with each shot and is mostly immune to Disable Technology, since it recharges over time. A good Captain won't hesitate to push Code Red and/or subvert the AI to label you as non-human, in an attempt to eliminate you.

If you have a Grand Theft objective, you are very likely to fight the Captain sooner or later. But apart from his laser gun he's mostly easy to fight, unless you encounter him in his own Office, where he can use the tables as a cover.

You are definitely lucky if the round doesn't start with a Captain, as it means free high-risk items including the spare ID if you teleport into the Captain's Office early on.

Trust me, you don't want to fight a station who's at Code Red with a few combat cyborgs that are programmed to kill you. So man up and kill him before he can act. Don't give that fucker time.

AI Even if Asimov, the AI is still dangerous and is usually the first individual that spots you. It's extremely likely that the AI will shock doors when subverted, and it's likely that it will have it's eyes on you all the time and share information about you with the rest of the crew.

However, depending on the spells you took you have several risky means to deal with it.

If you took Disintegrate, you can enter the AI Chamber and use the spell on the AI core, killing the AI instantly. If you took Disable Technology, you can subvert the AI to help you/make it kill itself along with it's cyborgs. Just enter the AI Upload and use the spell to disable the turrets, then the AI is pretty much at your mercy. There is a chance of the AI upload console being destroyed though, it's usually the glass that breaks but it's easy to fix. If you took Mutate, just smash the living shit out of the reinforced walls that protect the AI chamber, and as turrets won't affect you unless they are set on will be able to whatever you want now. Preferably card it. If you took Knock, you can ignore any bolted/shocked doors. Security Except for the HoS, they are quite harmless at roundstart but they get more dangerous over time, but it depends on your spells too. Basically, stop them from using lethal weaponry against you. Here's how.

If you took Knock, try teleporting into Warden (which is the Armory) and hope you make it into the secure area, where the weapons are. Then use the spell and every windoor will be opened, time to loot everything! If you ended up in the exterior area then don't worry much. Just Knock again, hope that no one noticed you and do the same thing as before once the spell recharges. Now Security lost all of their starting lethal weaponry! If you took Disable Technology, use it whenever you see Security Staff, or even better, use it whenever you see someone who might have energy weapons. Science Fuck them. You should feel paranoid about these fuckers ALL THE TIME, even if you are trying to be mostly non-lethal or “friendly”. They can make syringe guns and bombs, just hope that they are not validhunters.

Like the Captain, kill them fast. Don't teleport instantly into Science at roundstart and reveal yourself by attempting to kill them though, do other more important stuff first and then go for it.

Cargo They can become quite obnoxious. If they team up with Security and Command to open weapon crates and distribute them to the crew then you are fucked UNLESS you took Disable Technology. If you took that spell, then just murder these validhunters as usual.

Cargo Bay is a PERFECT, big area for making constructs. Claim this for you and not only they won't get any additional shipments, you will be able to order anything for yourself! Just make sure you get a decent ID, of course.

Medical Staff Mostly harmless, but they start with a syringe gun that can put you to sleep if you get shot at with a sedative. They can also revert your damage done to the station by healing and cloning your victims. Here's when lasering your victims until they are husked becomes useful. Not only it's fast but it makes bringing them back to the round much harder, if not impossible.

Visit Medbay often to kill the mostly harmless crew that will be in there and to prevent medical staff from treating patients, or just do like Cargo Bay: claim this area for you!

Ragin' Mages A gamemode exclusive original to /vg/station. Normal wizard rounds will only have one wizard in them, but in ragin' mages there are multiple wizards! Only one is at roundstart, though. And the original wizard can't know if the roundtype is ragin' mages or just wizard.

So how are new wizards created? As long as you are a ghost with the wizard role enabled you can become one.

No you fucking chucklefuck, don't go around killing or attacking other wizards while still in the wizards den for their spellbook or gear. The wizards den is a safe zone for wizards, once you leave it you are free to kill any other wizards. I wouldn't recommend doing that though, in fact, I would recommend you to cooperate with them. Unless another wizard is your target. Yes, wizards can be your target during ragin' mages.

Wizard tips, trivia and miscellaneous stuff Always get Magic Missile whenever possible. It allows for easy kills and escaping, due to it tracking it's target automatically. Magic Missile will target most things, even cyborgs and your apprentices. Slimes aren't targeted by Magic Missile. Magic Missile can only be used when a target is nearby. If you somehow make it to another zlevel, Teleport can be used to return to the station instantly. The scroll of teleportation functions the same as the Teleport spell, but with only 4 uses. You can't return to the Wizard's Den, so be sure to take everything from there before teleporting into the station! You can use Brooms from the theatre vending machine to fly around! Click the broom in your hand to mount it. The broom will allow you to zoom around and fly over tables. They can also be found in the Wizard's Den. Wizards keep their human disabilities and the appropriate equipment to treat it. Make sure you don't drop your inhaler or prescription glasses in the heat of battle. It's usually a good idea to raid the Medbay Storage Room first thing to stock up on med-kits. Normal med-kits contain bandages which stop bleeding. Burn kits contain Kelotane pills which heal burn damage that you may receive form laser shots. Toxin kits contain Dylovene pills which heal toxin damage but also counteract most sedatives such as Chloral Hydrate, preventing them from knocking you out if taken in time. If you can't get your hands on Dylovene, you can also use coffee to counteract Chloral Hydrate. If you abuse a spell to much, it'll probably get nerfed by some salty guy who got killed.

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